Additional Text on Global Warming - 4/20/08 
>>From: Donna Bowers Rice (Gold Medal Class of '63)

To everyone who thinks global warming means only hotter temps:
you need the read Al Gore's book, EARTH IN THE BALANCE. Global
warming means many abnormal weather patterns, some sustained and
others freakish in nature. Hope that helps people understand
more. We have had our share of very cold spring weather and a
long winter here in St. Louis. We, like you, are really ready
for the warmth of Spring and hope we don't go immediately to our
long, hot summers. I keep tabs on Western Washington weather, 
as I call my Mom daily and it seems that this year it has been
mainly cold and/or rainy. We wish you sunshine and flowers
(especially for the Mt. Vernon Tulip Festival).

-Donna Bowers Rice (Gold Medal Class of '63)