Click THE SANDBOX number to go to that issue. Use your browser's back button to return here. THE SANDBOX Archive ~ 1999 (part 1 of 2) JAN, 1999 ~ #19, #20, #21, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27 FEB, 1999 ~ #28, #29, #30, #31, #32 ******************************************** ******************************************** THERE'LL BE SOME CHANGES IN THE WEATHER AND SOME CHANGES IN YOU. THIS COULD BE THE START OF SOMETHING NEW! WELCOME TO 1999 AND ISSUE #19 OF THE SANDBOX! January 1, 1999 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arthur Roberts (??), Ray Wells, (54), Tony Sharpe (63), cami Riddell (85), Jim Doyle (49), Barb Barron (50), Robert McCullough (65), Vince Bartram (62) Norma Loescher (53) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To share your Ideas, Your Opinions, Your Inspirations, And Your Retorts with other Richland Bombers Around The World: ReplyTo: SEND US YOUR PREDICTIONS FOR 1999! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Regarding the (non binding) poll indicating whether you favor a constitutional amendment to require the castration of future United States Presidents prior to taking the Oath of Office: The survey results at the moment are running at just about a 70% approval rating in favor of future Presidents retaining their virility. (Quite similar to the current approval rating of the President's performance now.) Is this synchronicity, or what? No further reports are planned regarding this survey unless significant changes occur in current trends. The margin for error in this survey is calculated at plus or minus 99%. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arthur Roberts,, writes: I predict the following headline will appear in 1999: HILLARY PUSHES CLINTON INTO OCEAN NEAR HILTON HEAD. On the following day, Clinton will call a press conference and proclaim: "SHE WAS TRYING TO SAVE ME FROM A SWARM OF KILLER BEES." 75% Of the country will believe him. -Arthur Roberts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: Snappy Answers to Stupid Democrat Sound-Bytes From: (Ray Wells) (54) Are you tired of the lame answers offered by your favorite Republican when Democrats make impassioned pleas for Bill Clinton's right to harass women and break laws? Here is a handy guide of snappy answers to use when the Democrats bring up those twisted sound bytes that are supposed to persuade us to let Bill Clinton off the hook. (1) This is just about a president having a private affair. This is about the right of a president to molest innocent American women, attack her with taxpayer-paid attorneys if she dares to complain, and lie under oath when she finally gets her day in court. Those are the rights Democrats are fighting for. (2) This is just about sex. Rape is just about sex, robbery is just about money, murder is just a misunderstanding. (3) Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski testified that they didn't have sex and nobody told her to lie. So, if they both lie, that makes it the truth? (4) According to his personal definition of sex, he doesn't think he lied. So therefore, he didn't lie. You mean a criminal now has the right to re-define his crime? What a novel legal concept! "I didn't steal the money, I borrowed it. I didn't rape her, I borrowed her. I didn't kill him, your honor, his head hit my baseball bat." (5) He may have committed perjury, but he shouldn't be impeached. Tell me, what crime can a president commit? (6) Does this rise to the level of impeachment? Gee, let's see, perjury, obstruction of justice, witness tampering, abuse of power. Impeachment? This rises to the level of jail. (7) The economy is doing great. So, the better the economy, the more crimes he can commit? If we get 5% growth, do we allow a president to knock off a liquor store? (8) We need his leadership. It's impossible to lead the country when you can't follow the laws of the land. (9) A panel of historians say he should stay in office. A panel of liberal historians from liberal colleges who love liberal presidents. (10) Distinguished professors say he shouldn't be impeached. The only thing distinguishable about them is their blind love of the Democratic party...and Karl Marx. (11) We should forgive Clinton... I can forgive the bus driver who goes over the cliff with a busload of kids. But I'll take away his license. (12) This will put the country through hell. When a president breaks the law, the country goes through hell. (13) This will damage the nation. Oh, so just let the president keep breaking the law. That's better? (14) The Republicans caused this. Bill Clinton caused this. (15) Republicans are just being partisan. Democrats are defending a law-breaking president from their own party. Who is being partisan? (16) This is part of a Great Right-Wing Conspiracy. The Republicans couldn't organize a barbecue. (17) The Rodino hearings were fair. Rodino was canned because he was blatantly partisan. Fortunately, the 1970's Republicans were willing to punish a law-breaking president from their own party. The 1990's Democrats are defending a law-breaking president from their own party. (18) Hillary has shown what a strong woman she is. If Hillary were a strong woman, she'd have left him. She is a horrible role model for young women. (19) Other nations are laughing at us. Other nations don't take baths. Other nations let their leaders rape women. Other nations kill citizens who dissent. Other nations suck. America is the greatest nation on earth because we all obey the same laws. (20) The polls show most of the nation wants him to stay in office. The polls didn't support the civil rights laws, either. Should we revoke them? (21) Last election, the people spoke and told us they don't want impeachment. Bill Clinton wasn't running in the last election. And if anyone paid attention, there was a 13% swing of women voting towards Republicans. (22) Republicans shouldn't impeach while our troops are in harms way. Bow Wow Wow. (23) Instead of impeachment, we should censure. Censure? For Bill Clinton, that's a checkered flag! Censuring a president isn't even in the Constitution. But since when does a Democrat read the Constitution? (24) Maybe something a little tougher than censure... A little tougher than censure? OK. We'll make him stand in the corner during recess. That's tougher than censure. (25) A president shouldn't be above the law, but he shouldn't be below the law. OK. Then give him the same punishment all Americans get when they commit perjury, sixteen months in jail. (26) 40 million dollars and all we have is this? If Clinton told the truth, this investigation would have cost a couple hundred bucks and box of pizza. Besides, that 40 million dollars also got 16 indictments and 5 convictions for Whitewater. (27) He's sorry. He's sorry he got caught. (28) He apologized. He hasn't admitted his crime. (29) He is a popularly elected president. So was Nixon. There are your snappy answers to stupid liberal soundbytes. Use them well. Use them often. But above all, use them. --Ray Wells ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: Reason and Logic vs Emotion From: (Tony Sharpe) To: Ron Richards ('63) and Marc Franco ('66) Nice comments Ron, I just wanted to know that you were reading these wonderful editorials. I like it when my team is up 2-0. Guess that makes me a Republican, not quite the same son of a Hanford Construction, blue collar, Democrat family of the 1960's. Of course the Democratic Party of today sadly bears no resemblance to what the party stood for then. Marc, please excuse me for implying that you were a "closet Demo" since you seemed to be defending Mr. Clinton by pointing the finger at other Republicans. I guess what I fail to understand is what Ollie North, Fawn Hall and Iran-Contra have to do with the Impeachment of Wm Clinton for lying under oath and obstruction of justice. Did I misunderstand your independent analysis of the facts regarding our President's misconduct, and after looking at those facts with reason and logic, you agree that he should have been impeached? With regard to whether a Republican President would have resigned under similar circumstances, the record is clear. Richard Nixon resigned just before the articles of impeachment were voted by a Democrat majority on the Judiciary Committee, and at the urging of many of his fellow Republicans. If Republicans were hypocrites, Bob Livingston would still be speaker of the house I suppose. If I were a Democrat, I wouldn't be proud to have Larry Flint as the poster boy of my party offering a MIL to anyone who could dig up dirt on any Republican Congressman. Maybe Steve Forbes, a magazine publisher and Republican, should offer 2 MIL to see how many more Ted Kennedys there are on the Demo side of the aisle. By the way, there is absolutely no evidence that Ronald Reagan was "guilty" in the Iran-Contra affair. Oliver North was hailed as a hero because he refused to allow the Democrats who were driving the inquiry to implicate the President in that affair and thus smear his presidency. Marc, I sincerely hope you are an Independent who votes for both Democrats and Republicans in equal numbers, since neither party truly represents your ideals and you find "equal' fault with both sides. My problem is that, on balance, there is no one in the Democratic party that reflects my Ideals for our Republic, and therefore I call myself a Republican Tony Sharpe ('63) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: Different Views OK. - Demeaning Not. From: Cami Riddell Addkisson (85) I have been reading many of the opinions here on the President. I would like to tell Mike Cook that I completely agree with what he said. I think about all the money and time that has been spent on this and then I think about the homeless children and those at Christmas dinner who had nothing to eat..... To John Northover I would like to say that I have written to my Senator and Congress Representative. By the way John, I have a Master's degree and do happen to read quite a lot thank you. You are welcome to your opinions, but please do not demean others who happen to have a different view than you. Is this the type of example you were talking about setting for our children and grandchildren? Cami ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: Some people may be turned off... From: Jim Doyle (49) and Barb Barron Doyle (50) Mail: Some people may be turned off by the political discussions. I wonder how many of them are in the 70% Clinton approval group. I'd like to see you take that poll. We keep up on everything going on. We read all the East Coast newspapers and magazines on the net. Those that are canceling The Sandbox because of the "boring" political discussions probably fall within the 70% national poll of Clinton supporters. I find these polls questionable. New York City and Los Angeles doesn't represent the nation and I'm convinced these are the only places polled. --Jim & Barb Doyle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Robert McCullough (65) Mail To: Subject: Business of the Nation A lurker here coming out into the open.. Have enjoyed reading the thoughts and opinions on here. Now I have got something to say. There has been talk about putting this Clinton thing behind us and moving on to the business of the nation.. Ummmmm..... I was under the opinion that following the constitution was the business of the nation. If I am not mistaken, the business of impeachment is a part of the constitution. Thus, beings the full House has passed two Articles of Impeachment on to the Senate, it is the business of the Country being taken care of. I am of the feeling that what is taking place is very important business (of our Country). This is what is known as checks and balances of our three parts of government. This is the system that was wisely set up by the framers of the constitution. It is in the constitution to keep all branches of the government in check. What foresight the had when writing this. The other thought I keep having running threw my mind is why would a person that claims that he did not do something wrong that is impeachable ask for a censure? Why would he have all his people out asking for a censure? Wouldn't you think that if you knew you were right and that you felt that there was not enough votes to convict you by the jury (Senate) that you would demand that the trial take place. Seems a little weird to me that if one felt innocent that you would ask for some sort lesser punishment if you could not be convicted. Well there are my rambling thoughts. Rob McCullough ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: What Is Being Missed? From: "Vince Bartram"> To those that wonder what they are missing. How about objective evidence (sometimes known as the facts)? --Vince Bartram 62 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subject: Susan McDougal From: Norma Boswell (53) Reply to: Regarding #9 on Ray Well's list against President Clinton: I watched Susan McDougal as she was interviewed by Geraldo Rivera a few days ago after she was released from prison. Her attitude toward Ken Starr was hostile, but for President Clinton she declared steadfast loyalty and support. That lady looks like she fears NO ONE! If I understood her correctly, she said she was offered everything short of a trip to Hawaii to testify against President Clinton. When she refused, she was given solitary confinement in a 5 x 7 jail cell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: Makes Monica Look Like Small Potatoes Date: 12/30/98 5:06:17 PM PST From: (Ray Wells) To: FYI, from Ray Wells (54) In an Article written by Will Lester © Copyright 1998 The Associated Press Wednesday, December 30, 1998; 2:08 p.m. EST House Says China Deal Harmed U.S To quote the article in part: WASHINGTON (AP) -- United States technology deals with China, including some with military significance, harmed national security, a House committee concluded unanimously today. "These transfers are not limited to missile satellite technology, but cover militarily significant technology," said Rep. Christopher Cox, chairman of a special House committee investigating military and commercial deals with China." [Note: Because this is a copyrighted article we will not be able to quote the entire article here, but the article did go on to reveal that this committee's investigation was conducted in a bipartisan manner to find whether national security was compromised, and whether decisions to transfer technology were influenced by campaign contributions. Further, this copyrighted Associate Press Article stated that the congressional committee is making 38 recommendations for legislation and executive action to remedy a situation that it found has hurt national security. It is planned that more details and unclassified portions of the report should be made public as soon as possible.] [The article discusses the concerns of many that valuable military technology allegedly flowed to China as part of commercial satellite deals in which U.S.- built communications satellites were put into orbit on low-cost Chinese rockets.] All quotes and references are from article referred to: © Copyright 1998 The Associated Press ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's it for this issue of THE SANDBOX, folks. Share your opinions, Your Feelings, Your Ideas and News About YOU with all of us! Please include your class year in all contributions. Thanks! -19- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX Issue #20 ~ January 3 1999 If We Aren't Talkin' About What YOU Wanna Talk About Who Are YOU Gonna Blame? IF YOUR POINT OF VIEW IS NOT DISPLAYED Who Are YOU Going To Fault? T H I S IS Y O U R F O R U M Y O U R O P P O R T U N I T Y T O S P E A K O U T ! ABOUT THE THINGS THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU Everything Said Here (Or Not Said) Depends On YOU So WHO Is Holding YOU Back? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TODAY'S CONTRIBUTORS: Paula Beardsley (62), Patty de la Bretonne (65), Ron Richards (63), Steve Carson (58), Patty Stordahl (72), Marc Franco (66), Mike Franco (70), Willard Ule (73). Express and Share YOUR Ideas, YOUR Opinions, YOUR Inspirations, YOUR Adventures, YOUR Retorts with other Richland Bombers All Around The World! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WE STILL WANT YOUR PREDICTIONS FOR 1999! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: (Mike Franco) (70) To: Subject: Discussions With Bombers More Meaningful? Happy New Year and thanks for this forum....I do seem to have some of the same debates here as elsewhere but it seems more meaningful to be discussing with fellow BOMBERS than the less significant populous (tongue in cheek) !!!!!! --Mike Franco (70) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: BECAUSE HE IS THE PRESIDENT? From: Paula Beardsley Glenn (62) Reply To: Re: President Clinton: If I swore an oath not to lie in my testimony before any legally seated jury in the United States and then proceeded to do just that and was convicted of perjury, there is no question in my mind what would happen to me. Why is citizen William Jefferson Clinton any better than I? Because he is the President- I DON'T THINK SO. --Paula Beardsley Glenn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: (Patty Stordahl) (72) To: Subject: WE WERE A GREAT COUNTRY ONCE Regarding the comments of Tony Sharpe, Today's democrats do not resemble the 60s demos.>> Hello- Where is your memory? Kennedy's were all womanizers, murderer's & charming. Lied under all circumstances, Mafia tied, pig headed ego maniacs who had daddy's boot legged illegal $$ to get fat & sassy off of. When little AK back woods man had feds crash his still. Kennedy's ran openly rampant making $$ by the millions. Charming Clinton - Kennedy, NO difference. All members of good old boy political club demo or rep are all the same. Small potatoes who first enter office may really want to change things. But if the game is not played they are not re elected. Don't kid your self Electoral votes are bogus. The American poll is for appearance only & for anyone to stand for our politicians is anti-American. Legislation, House or Senate. All are overspenders at our expense & the only way to really get what we want is for all to stop paying taxes I mean, ALL for only 1 year. We may just then get their attention. I am pro America but want the government as it is set up now to be disbanded. Start over. Pick up the 10 commandments &try to live by those laws. Any one who thinks that we are still the greatest is living in a dream world. Our country is a joke to the rest of the world. Our tax payer $$ are wasted on everything from sex with interns to over-priced screw drivers. Our country lost its integrity when men & women forgot God. God is still the same, we as a country are not. I wish all over 50 white men would be kicked out of office. Place women & minorities in power & let them have a go for a while. The Good Old Boys Over 50 Club has really run our once great nation into the mud. Let fresh blood try for a while. I for one am tired of all the BS that people are saying. No excuses right or wrong. America, don't vote for any existing candidate & watch them win any way. Rep or Demo the days are gone of America's greatness. Somewhere the little guys who support their phat A _ _'_. need to rise up & not support the gov as it exists today. United we stand Divided we fall. We are a country totally torn from within. We, my friends, are going to fall & it will be great. We have done it to ourselves. No country is going to bomb us. We the people will destroy ourselves. Read Daniel chapter 2 verses 31 - 45. Pay close attention to verses 40-45. This is America. From Nostradamous predictions to Daniel's dream interpretations to the book of Revelation, even the words of Lenin & Marx. The Eagle will destroy herself from within. Infiltrate the schools get away from prayer & morality & intermingle the races & it will fall. I am not a racist. I believe now that meant there are so many nationalities represented in our country. English, German, Norwegian, Russian, Icelandic, African, Hispanic, Ethiopian, British, Asian ... that there is no real integral pride of where are we from as a unit. This has nothing to do with inter racial marriages. Every one has their own holidays every religion is divided. We are a country with clay & quicksand for a foundation. Someday whether we as a nation or state or individual believe it or not, something big is going to happen & we will fall hard. I believe that we need to either stand as one voice or fall as many. Impeaching Clinton would be standing as one voice. Censorship would be compromise Forgiveness would be fatal. Yes, it is my soapbox day. I love my country & I love what we used to stand for but as of this date I despise what our government has come to be. Prayer, rosary, chants, what ever it takes can't we all agree there is only One God. Call on him/her to purge our land & trust again in God, as we individually picture God, to open our leaders eyes & slow the ticking hands of time & destruction of our once great country? --Patty Stordahl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: (Steve Carson( (58) To: For: Ray Wells Ray Wells, Thanks for the relief. Great list and I'm sure we will need more as this moves forward. We should get some comments from the first OJ Jury, they had the same mentality as the democrat party and it's lock step partisan members. --Steve Carson (58) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: (Steve Carson) (58) To: Subject: $40 MILLION HERE, $4O MILLION THERE For Cami Addkisson: If we are going to look at the money we spend on (all of) the Special Prosecutors (which is where the $40 Million numbers come from) we should also look at the $40 Million Clinton spent on his China Trip. If you think Clinton cares about hungry children, beyond using them for personal advantage politically, you have one more think coming. The man is a disgrace to his party his office and to his marriage. Hillary is a terrible example to family values. --Steve Carson (58) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: To: Subject: HI, ROB! Hey, Rob McCollough(sp) sorry. Hi! Good to see you're still around. Still remember those good old strange old Jr. Hi days. --Patty de la Bretonne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: (Ron Richards) (63) To: Subject: WHO ARE THEY? For: Tony Sharpe Yes, Tony, I'm still reading your wonderful editorials. However, you didn't name the two Republicans who are on the scoreboard. If you had named the two Republicans, I'm not sure you would think your side is winning. There is also a question of who is losing (in addition to the side that you think is winning). That might be the bigger issue. --Ron Richards P.S. I must admit that I am spending less and less time reading Ray Wells' editorials. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: "Marc Franco"> (66) To:> Subject: RE:Reason and Logic For: Tony Thanks for your reply, Tony. You did seem to misunderstand in your earlier letter that you thought that I was defending Clinton. I was not defending Clinton at all, and I am still not. I don't see how anybody can. I was simply replying to an earlier letter from a writer who said that a Republican president would have resigned by this time. I brought in the Iran-Contra Affair and also Watergate as examples of cases where Republican presidents did NOT resign. Nixon finally did, obviously, but only under extreme duress. These cases, however, have absolutely nothing to do with Clinton, Monica, or anything else. It was purely a response on my part to show that Republican presidents do not resign any faster than Clinton has. (This issue, incidentally, has since been cleared up satisfactorily, and I am not trying to reopen it.) I have NEVER claimed or thought that the one justified the other, or had anything to do with it in any way. Concerning "the record is clear" that Republicans helped to push Nixon out- well, no, they really didn't until the very end. Though it was always clear that there was a very real problem there, and many Republicans were genuinely horrified, there was still a strong central core of Republicans that held out in defense of Nixon until the very end- until the "smoking gun" was found- then ALL the support for Nixon evaporated. Wiggins of California comes to mind- there was also some abrasive guy from New Jersey, whose name I have forgotten, and there were several others. Fully half of the Republicans on the Judiciary committee were still defending Nixon until the smoking gun was found- and this was in Watergate where by any measure there was scads more evidence (the tapes are the obvious starting point) and crimes than are present here with Clinton. Clinton committed perjury- his obstruction of justice does not begin to compare with Nixon using the IRS, FBI, and other agencies to go after his personal enemies. Please understand this time, Tony- I am simply NOT defending Clinton. I am not comparing Iran-Contra or Watergate to Clinton. I used those examples only to indicate that Republican presidents don't resign gracefully either. The record is not as clear as you seem to indicate that Republicans showed bipartisanship to oust Nixon- because they really did not until they had to- some did, of course- but not a majority. In honesty, Tony- I really can't believe that you really believe that Democrats are "proud" to have Larry Flint as a "poster boy" as you put it. That sounds a little hysterical to me, if you really believe that. Are you proud of ALL Republicans? How about David Duke of Louisiana- the KKK and neo-Nazi boy, who has been repudiated thoroughly by the Republican party in Louisiana, but still runs as a Republican, anyhow. Are you proud of him, just because he's Republican? Actually, I am sure you are not proud of him. The point is, both parties have skeletons, both parties have strengths and weaknesses, and that's why I vote independent. I certainly have no quarrel with you or anybody else who wants to vote straight ticket. But please do not make statements like the one you made, that Democrats might be proud to have Larry Flint. Finally, you said that Oliver North was hailed as a hero because he refused to allow the Democrats to smear Reagan's presidency. Tony, you proved the point that I was trying to make in my earlier letter. First off, if Reagan had really done nothing wrong, then obviously his presidency wouldn't have been smeared and there would have been nothing to worry about. That Democrats were snapping at his heels- well, that's what opposition parties are for. Both sides do that, and you know that perfectly well. However, what you said very clearly is that North was considered a hero because he protected Reagan. But he lied in so doing- that part is pretty well proven and accepted. The point that I had made in my earlier letter is that Republicans are being hypocrites because they seemed to consider lying under oath to be a crime only if they did not agree with the reason for the lying. You basically confirmed my statement. For me- who cares why he lied- a lie is a lie. As far as whether I vote for both parties in equal numbers- I have no idea. I never really cared to keep track. All I can say is that I vote for both parties. Hope this cleared up some misunderstandings. --Marc (Not Mike) Franco (66) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: (Mike Franco) (70) To: Subject: TRASHY BEHAVIOR NOT EXCLUSIVE TO ONE POLITICAL PARTY Happy New Year all....and I will preface my note with a few FACTS: 1) I am MIKE (not Marc) Franco 2) I vote mostly but not ALL Democratic...which makes me a flaming liberal, a moderate Dem or a mushy middler depending on who YOU are and how you like to compartmentalize millions of us citizens. I continue to be absolutely amazed that so many of us think all this trashy behavior in Washington DC can be neatly defined as typical Dem or Republican activity. Do you REALLY feel one "party" is moral while the other is not? Is it possible that those that called Anita Hill a liar and an opportunist now call Clinton a harasser? Is it possible that we ALL feel Clinton is splitting hairs with legal wordsmithing in claiming guiltlessness while some of us claim ..."Ollie North was never 'charged' with perjury before Congress?" Can someone in power today leading the charge against Clinton dispel his own affairs as "youthful indiscretion?" Can one of the leaders of the "moral revolution," (JC Watts) just wave off the fact that he, (like most of the NBA), fathered a child out of wedlock? I personally feel that the procedure needs to play itself out, and it will. If the votes are there Clinton is gone. Fine with me, I really couldn't care less. But don't ask me to make a choice between following Clinton and following many of the current Republican leadership. I don't HAVE to respect any of them, I don't have to consider ANY of these donkeys as role models or "moral leaders".....and for the most part I don't. And listen everyone....get over the approval ratings.....the fact is most Americans approve of the current condition of the country in terms of crime, economy and national security...period. I don't think ANYONE approves of Clinton's behavior. I don't, and I am one of those Democratic Liberal bogeymen some of you fear so much !!!! Oh...on the poll regarding should all presidents be castrated prior to taking office: my vote is that we NOT castrate female presidents. (You GUYS really think these things out well !) HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL --Mike (Not Marc) Franco (70) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: (Willard Ule M.D.) (73) To: Subject: IN THE FUTURE I SEE: In the future I see our Nation healing from the Social Retardation that We seem to be suffering over the Clinton matter. I also see the Day that we force the issue of Welfare Reform and the Homeless will be Employed. I also see the day that Handicapped will not have to fight for equal access, and the Handicapped will be equal to all People. I also see the day that Prisons will be come responsible and make where they punish to the point where People will not want to return. Then I realize that my dream is really my hope for the Future. May 99 be the year our World begins to change. May GOD'S Speed keep you and bless You and may his love forever shine upon You. MayYou all have a happy 1999. WILLARD ULE M.D. (73) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's it for this issue of The Sandbox, folks. Share your opinions, Your Feelings, Your Ideas and News About YOU with all of us! Please include your class year in all contributions. Thanks! -20- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX Issue #21 ~ January 6, 1999 HISTORICAL MARKERS: 106th CONGRESS CONVENED 1/6/99 CLINTON TRIAL STARTS TODAY - 1/7/99 "'Tis one thing to be tempted, Escalus, Another thing to fall. I not deny, The jury, passing on the prisoner's life, May in the sworn twelve have a thief or two Guiltier than him they try." --MEASURE FOR MEASURE / Shakespeare ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Express and Share YOUR Ideas, YOUR Opinions, YOUR Inspirations, YOUR Adventures, YOUR Retorts with other Richland Bombers All Around The World! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WE STILL WANT TO YOUR PREDICTIONS FOR 1999! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's guests: Gene Trosper (84), Patty Stordahl (72), Tony Sharpe (63), Steve Carson (58), William Porter (68, Dick Epler (52), John Northover (59), Ray Wells (54), Kathy Hills (67), Mack Brand (64) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Gene Trosper (84) Mail To: To: Subject: FIRST SANDBOX RECEIVED / Various stuff I just received my first copy of the SANDBOX and I want to give kudos to those who organize and distribute it. I have two e-lists I operate myself and I can testify it does take a little effort to pull everything together. I have already noticed some strong opinions regarding our nation and the state of the presidency. What a leap from the strong opinions expressed in RHS that concerned such things as math tests, proms, teachers and what to wear for school! I am personally torn on the Clinton issue. On one hand, I do not appreciate the invasion of privacy that has been ongoing in this matter, (bedroom matters shouldn't be meant for public consumption), but I also believe he should be taken out of office....not for his affair, but for his constant violation of the Constitution. It saddens me our elected representatives cannot see the big picture and only focus upon the sordid filth that attracts television ratings, increases their poll numbers and sells headlines. Perhaps if Americans became a bit more selective and rid themselves of the Jerry Springer mentality, politicians and the news media would drop this tabloidism we have come to expect. I haven't given up on America yet...I still hold some hope that we can turn this mess around. But the only way we can do so (in my opinion) is to: 1. Get our personal lives in order first. 2. Resist the urge to pry into other people's business if what they are doing isn't hurting anyone else. 3. Quit trying to politicize everything under the sun. We need to de-politicize and get local. 4. Teach our kids (and ourselves) the meaning of self-responsibility. 5. Teach our kids (and ourselves) to respect the property of others. 6. Quit looking for freebies in life and realize the best things are those which are earned. 7. Realize it's okay to be different and NOT have to be one of the crowd. It's tough to live by these 7 rules...I struggle sometimes myself. When I was growing up, the things my parents tried to instill didn't always register, but then, most kids can be like that. The examples were laid before me as a child, but I didn't LEARN them until I made mistakes.. trial and error. People want it easy (it sure beats the 10 hour shifts I work 6 days a week!) and that's why this nation has became the way it has, (at least, I am convinced of it). Oh well, I have begun to ramble on...but perhaps this will fuel some thought. Just don't get me involved in a political discussion though! : ) Take care, everyone. -Gene Trosper (84) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: To: Subj: WHAT ABOUT MARKETS & ECONOMY IN 1999? Great reading but I am interested to know what people think regarding the stock markets & predictions for 1999 in the economy. We all know Clinton will play it out to the end. We will all have to write our congressmen & promise NO Votes for any one who allows him to stay. Get on with what is important for 1999. Hey What do you guys think of Marc McGuire? He was winning votes for the best American in 1998. Great guy. -Patty Stordahl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: (Patty Stordahl) (72) To: Subj: TEA PARTY ANYONE? For: Steve Carson. I couldn't have said it better myself. Short and to the point. I would like to here your points of view on other issues. Clinton has won. I am sick of what taxes are being spent but, to Hell with the hungry, homeless, and deprived in our countries. UP with the flag and bury our heads in the sand. Why can't our leaders listen to U.S. the people if we have so much CLOUT??? We don't have any power without making a powerful statement as a unified nation. TEA PARTY ANY ONE??? -Patty Stordahl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Tony Sharpe (63) Mail To: Subject: Who Are Dem Republicans? To: Ron Richards: Were the 2 Republicans that you mentioned were "on the board," Eppler and Wells, or were you referring to Gingrich and Livingston? I know that the business of our nation is possibly the looser at this point, but I also believe that our constitution is very important, and that no man is above the law, not even and most especially, the chief law enforcement officer of this land. To: Mark (66) and Mike (70) Franco, I presume you are brothers, and both are children of the good Doctor? Didn't you live in the Richland Village for a time in the late 50's on McMurray St. If so, there was a time when I mowed your lawn, and doing the back yard was the "pits" because of all the toys I had to move to get the job done. If I am correct, do your folks still live in Richland? Tony Sharpe (63) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Steve Carson (58) Mail To: For Patty Stordahl Your contribution in today's' SANDBOX sounds like a description of the human condition. As screwed up as it gets our system of government is still the best in the world. Unlike other systems of government, we have the chance to correct our politicians every two years and the chance for a real clean sweep will come in November of 2000. As Americans we have much to be proud of. We need to educate and energize the younger generations who's money our politicians are spending. Have faith and work like Hell to influence your representatives. Steve Carson (58) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: William L Porter E-mail: To: Subject: Evidence and License Tony Sharpe wrote: "By the way, there is absolutely no evidence that Ronald Reagan was "guilty" in the Iran-Contra affair." You should also be aware that Clinton is not a perjurer, only an alleged perjurer. The license you take to call Clinton a perjurer is the same license others take to call Reagan guilty in the Iran-Contra Affair. William L. Porter "The right to suffer is one of the joys of a free economy" -Howard Pyle, aide to Pres. Eisenhower ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Richard Epler (52) ( Subj: IMAGE AND SUBSTANCE For the Francos -- Marc (66) & Mike (70) --- I don’t know if Marc and Mike are brothers or cousins, but they both write with a great deal of sincerity and I often find myself agreeing with them – until they introduce the personal aspects of the men they use to illustrate their points (Clinton, Nixon, Reagan, and North). Where we might agree on many things, our respective liberal/conservative viewpoints, so embodied by Clinton, etc., seems to demand a response based more on personalities than substance. The Franco’s seem to consider themselves moderates with a liberal bent, which means they don’t have to be concerned with the ideology of either party. While they may deplore bad behavior, (lying and such). They see little difference in the behavior of the members of either party. Nevertheless, they feel compelled to support the policies of the Democratic Party, which they feel are more compassionate than those of the Republican Party. I can’t really disagree with these sentiments as far as they go. The problems begin, however, when we bring personalities like Clinton and Nixon into the picture. This leads to arguments no one can win, since in each case, compassionate liberals are thinking image while unfeeling conservatives are thinking substance. Liberals defend image, while conservatives defend substance. Alternately, liberals attack policy, while conservatives attack character. As “cool hand Luke said: “what we have here is a failure to communicate.” On a fundamental level, most prominent Republicans DO have strong character, but often have image problems (but not always -- Reagan and North made for good PR). In contrast, most prominent Democrats have good image, but often have poor character (but not always -- Jimmy Carter’s character was OK). When Republicans identify the Democratic Party with Larry Flint, they’re associating Flint’s character with that of Clinton, both with respect to a penchant for weird sex and with their common interest in destroying the Republican Party. Clinton’s official defenders don’t dispute the association. Instead, core demos, like Carville, Dershowitz, Baldwin, and Jesse Jackson develop emotional themes to attack the Republican Party (“they’re gonna kill your babies”). We might call this demagogy without substance, but the sad fact is – in TV land – it’s quite effective. By the way, NO prominent Republicans are identified with Louisiana’s David Duke. Of course, politics in the South are a little different and party affiliations are not the same as in the rest of the country. In the deep South, there are many more Democrats than Republicans who identify with Duke’s policies. I’m afraid the old-time politics of George C. Wallace (prominent Alabama Democrat) still resonate with many Southerners. While I understand Marc’s assertion that Republicans are no more likely to resign than Democrats, I stand by my original statement that ***given the same circumstances as Clinton*** prominent Republicans must resign (like Livingston). The American people wouldn't' allow an immoral Republican to use the Clinton defense. However, when policy is the issue, Marc is right, no Republican would resign. Not Reagan and certainly not a Marine like Oliver North. A couple of other things. First, there IS a difference both in the nature of lies and in the manner of lying. Marc is right when he says Oliver North lied to congress, but he is wrong when he says there is no difference between North’s lie and Clinton’s lie. Much later, after North was given immunity, he admitted lying to a congress that was embroiled in a policy dispute with Reagan. North says he lied to protect the lives of field operatives, who would likely have been killed had the details of the operation been revealed. That’s a lot different from Clinton lying to protect his personal image. (No one believes Clinton lied to protect his marriage to Hillary, do they?). And when North lied, he didn’t embellish it; he tended to use simple yes or no answers. None of Clinton’s aggressive, wag-your-finger, type of lying. That story, incidentally, has Hollywood producer, Harry Thompson, coaching Bill on how to “sell the lie” in hopes of discouraging further inquiry … can anyone disagree that this type of lying is a blatant attempt to obstruct justice? Whereas North’s lie was to protect American lives! Second, although John Kennedy and Bill Clinton have similar sexual appetites, I suspect John would have had the good grace to resign if outed. As I recall, John was not overly enamored with himself to the exclusion of the Nation’s interests. Understand, the world was very different when John governed and he had every right to expect the press would respect his privacy and so the risks he took seemed acceptable. Bill, on the other hand, knew well the lesson of Gary Hart and still decided to chance what he knew to be an unacceptable risk. Most agree, that was incredibly stupid. Clinton jeopardized not only his Presidency but also his Party – all for a few moments of sexual gratification (no personal feelings for the lady(s)). Clinton may yet get away with it but only at great cost to the Nation … not just now but far into the future. Who cannot sympathize with the Democrats assertion that the cost of bringing justice to the Clinton affair is obscene – all because the man has no character or judgment. The Franco’s main argument seems to be that there’s no difference between the two political parties. They argue that both promote lying, the obstruction of justice, and the abuse of power. The Franco’s have a point. Surely, there’s never been a politician who couldn’t be accused of such things, some fairly, some not. Further, Marc has it half right when he asserts “… Republicans are being hypocrites because they seemed to consider lying under oath to be a crime only if they did not agree with the reason for the lying.“ Yet, I would argue that there IS a difference in the two parties and it is precisely that difference that resolves the apparent hypocrisy. While core Republicans believe all perjury, abuse of power, etc., are crimes, the circumstances and manner of the crime is nevertheless important. Committing a crime to protect your personal image is worse than that committed to protect lives. One is impeachable; the other is not. Core Democrats, on the other hand, are primarily concerned about public policy, and so use similar logic to argue that Clinton’s crimes are not impeachable because his policy is more correct than that of the Republicans (who are gonna kill your babies)! This is an important difference. When Marc implies it is the job of both parties to attack each other, he’s right, but only to the extent it’s done within the framework of the Constitution. Policy differences must be settled at the ballot box. The Democrats attempt to reprogram the electorate to fit the characteristics of their President is irresponsible. The Democratic Party today has a serious problem. While no responsible Democrat wants such a reckless man to continue in the most powerful office on earth, at the same time, they can’t afford the prospect of the Republicans gaining enough power to screw up their voting base. What if the Republicans got enough power to implement policies that would eliminate the welfare class? Policies where parents and children could decide on schools that teach in terms of a child’s individual strengths? Where all people, young and old, could take responsibility for their own health and retirement? In such a world, character and policy substance would matter more than image … and the Hollywood inspired Democratic Party would be at a disadvantage … but hopefully only temporarily. Most of our political discussions in the SANDBOX have focused on image and personalities to the exclusion of character and policy. By now, it should be obvious these kinds of arguments can’t be won. If I have the time, my next contribution to the SANDBOX will attempt to change that by providing a different framework for addressing several political issues, such as Education, Social Security, Medical Care, Welfare, and the Military. Of course, they’ll all be highly controversial (;-). Thought for the day: Be careful what you reward, because you’re sure to get more of it. -Dick Epler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: John Northover (59) E-mail: To: Subj: WHAT IS DA MEANING OF DEMEANING? IN response to: Cami Riddell Addkisson (85) First: I simply stated a fact. MOST PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY ARE IGNORANT!!!! That is the result of not reading. Not reading causes cultural illiteracy. It does not matter whether you have a degree in cell-see-ous or faren-height ... ignorance knows nothing. That is not demeaning ... it is a very sad fact. AS a result of that, most of the people in this country do not understand or can not understand the harm this country will suffer if Clinton is allowed to continue in office. Second: I did not say any thing about having any kind of degree being related to ignorance. So, do not try to wrap you self in a 'masters degree.' That particular piece of paper will only get you through a better employment door ... just try and take it to some coffee shop and see how many cups of coffee you can get. I would be willing to bet that you know people that have degrees in something or another and you have wondered ... 'How did they ever .... ???' And since you have wondered, I would be willing to bet another fiver, that there are people out there wondering how a person named 'Cami' could ever get a masters degree...which both you and I know is stoo-pid. Getting a degree, intelligence and ignorance are separated by a very thin line and in many cases blend quite naturally. Third: All those people I speak of are pointing their fingers at themselves, saying "NOT ME, I ARE INFOMATED!!" ... and one of them might be ME! ... oooOOOOHHH No, Mister BILL the fly is calling!!!! Fourth: I am not quite sure how I 'demeaned' anyone. You can only demean someone that has standing, rank, position that is above some low point. Those individuals that I spoke of are at the lowest point and cannot be demeaned. Demeaning someone means, degrading them, demoting them, to debase someone, to deprive of standing or rank or position. I did not do that. They have done that to themselves. Fifth: A difference in 'view' has never been a concern for me. As long as that 'view' is based upon learned fact. In fact, when the facts bear out a differing position I am as wishi-washa as any one and will change views in the blink of an eye. However, with my bi-focal viewing frames I can be very bi-perperlexious. Fifth: Some of my very best friends are ignorant ... and yes, I can be arrogant, which is only a few mis-typed letters away from ignorant ... and that may well be where the twain met. Sixth: If 'Ignorance is bliss' ... let me be b-lighted!! Seventh: Ignorant people do not recognize themselves!!! Yours in perpetual confusion, -John Northover ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Ray Wells (54) Subj: RESPONSE TO A REQUEST FOR OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE & A SUSAN MACDOUGAL NOTE For Vince Bartram's request for objective (factual) evidence: Not even leading democrats are denying that Clinton lied to the Grand Jury (Perjury), nor are they denying that Clinton tried to conceal evidence (Obstruction Of Justice). In this country, people are in jail for having done this for the same reasons as the president. Where in the Constitution does it say the President Of The United States is above the law -- and if there is something wrong with the law, shouldn't the law be changed, and all those jailed people be pardoned, along with the president? For Norma Boswell's assessment of Susan MacDougal's interview: If Susan has no damaging truth to withhold, then why did she refuse to testify -- what could her personal consequences possibly be? Ergo, if it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck. Or maybe she just wanted to enjoy the experience of being in jail --Ray Wells ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF YOU CAN'T SAY SOMETHING NICE.... Kathy Hills Krafft (67) Reply To: From:> To: Subject: Take me OFF the list! Take me off the "Sandbox" list. It's full of Hillary Clinton-haters, (insecure "old" white guys afraid of intelligent women), who need to "get a life." Don't want to waste my e-mail space with such useless paranoid #?!#! Thanks for nothing. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Subj: BS From: (Mack Brand) (64) Just a comment on all the hot air being passed through the self-righteous conservative sphincters on this forum: pretty revealing, eh? Now, take me off the list, please. I had enough of this kind of petty BS growing up there; sure don't need it smelling up my In Box. Sincerely, Mack Brand ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TABLE TOPICS: ON THE TABLE AWAITING YOUR COMMENTS: 1. Should we "disembargo" Cuba? 2. Does The Executive Order process give to much "legistlative" power to the president? 3. Should professional football reinstate Instant Replay? LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TOMORROW THE TRIAL OF A CENTURY BEGINS: "We must not make a scarecrow of the law, Setting it up to fear the birds of prey, And let it keep one shape, till custom make it Their perch and not their terror." --MEASURE FOR MEASURE \ Shakespeare ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's it for this issue of The Sandbox, folks. My personal thanks to everyone who has contributed to this issue of THE SANDBOX. And a word of advice to all our readers: "If we aren't talkin' about what YOU wanna talk about, WHO are YOU going to blame?" See ya next time! --Al Parker Sandbox Coordinator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -21- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX Issue #22 ~ January 10, 1999 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He gave man speech, and speech created thought, Which is the measure of the universe. >From "TO BE" -Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792-1822 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Express and Share YOUR Thoughts, YOUR Opinions, YOUR Measures of the Universe with other Richland Bombers All Around The World! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GIVE US YOUR PREDICTIONS FOR 1999! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bombers Sharing Thoughts and Opinions and Measuring the Universe Today: Barbara Chandler (59), David McAdie (79), Sherry Nugent Dupuy (62), William L Porter (68), John Allen, (66), Bob Rector (62), Mark Woodward (81), Tony_Tellier (57), Steve Carson (58), Dick Epler (58) Ray Wells (54), Bob Mattson (64), Becky Tonning Downey (73), Norma Loescher Boswell (53) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Barbara Chandler (59) ( To: Subj: Your Opinons - That's The Key! To Al Parker, thank you for promoting and giving your input to the Sandbox. I for one, am enjoying the insightful, heartfelt/gutfelt comments from those who take the time to express their opinions--THEIR OPINIONS. This is key folks. Your Measure for Measure quotes are soooooo thought-provoking, especially the last in the 1/6/99 SB...........won't quote it, but will give my interpretation. "If we let the law be whittled away, lessened in any way, we are diminished, our way of life, our very existence will be no more." Thank you again, Al, and all of you who routinely take that precious time to inform, sway, piss-off and, in general, get all of us thinking. Bless you fellow Bombers. The most thought-provoking new year to all. --Barbara ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Norma Loescher Boswell (53) To: Subject: Re: THE SANDBOX Issue#21 1/6/99 Your Shakespeare quote prefacing the BOX is exquisitely appropriate! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: David McAdie (79) To: Subject: A LITTLE SCARE FOR YA :) All this talk of Mr. Clinton and his shenanigans has prodded me into responding. Three words should scare the hell out of all of us --- President Al Gore!!!! I am actually more disturbed by his "suspiciously" silent wife Tipper. You realize that if Clinton is removed from office (either voluntarily or otherwise) before about Jan 20th, or so, he could only serve one additional term, but if it is after that date, he could finish Slick-Willie's term and serve 2 of his own!! Partisanship aside, if Bill Clinton was more of a man, he would have - with much humility - truthfully acknowledged his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, begged for forgiveness, and gone about business as President and taken his beatings as they came. Instead, he has continued his lying ways, ("I did not inhale" started it all), in defiance and in the face of all of us. He does not deserve to be called "President" and I have carefully not used it in reference to him. Has anyone noticed his nose has become redder these days - like Boris Yeltsin ?!?!?!?!? The bottle will kill ya - if the cigars don't :) Best wishes for 1999 to you all! Dave McAdie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Sherry Nugent Dupuy (62) Write to: Subject: Re- TEA PARTY Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 11:24:40 EST For Patty Stordahl- You write: "...To Hell with the hungry, homeless, & deprived in our countries..." [Referring to perceived attitude of government subsidizing other countries before caring for our own homeless and deprived.] And what about to Hell with the average Joe who follows the rules and pays the taxes that the fat cats in DC play with? Never mind the $40 mil spent on THE investigation....if Clinton had just had the testicles to come clean a year ago..may have been only $30 mil (g). His recent China trip costing millions to take along his entourage just gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling I could spit. YES to the TEA PARTY!!! One lump or two?? Sherry Dupuy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: William L Porter (68) Mail To: To: Subject: A FEW COMMENTS ON EVERYTHING In this digest format it is hard for me to try to respond to each thought presented. Has anyone considered a message board attached to the Bomber site? Probably not economically feasable. Anyway, I enjoy reading the varying opinions. The only posts that concern me are the one's from people who want off because the Sandbox is left or right leaning. Maybe concern is too strong a word. Do what you want, but to leave because one viewpoint seems to dominate, means the viewpoint you don't like will dominate more. If people leave because they just dont care about the topics is a more legitimate excuse. I think its important to try to understand other viewpoints. In Northern Ireland, people would probably use the excuse to leave this board because there are too many Catholics or Protestants. In the 50's the excuse would be too many Communists. ...I'll refrain from any other analogies. I still dont buy that Clinton's actions or the 'Republican' impeachment is doing harm to our nation. This is still an ongoing experiment in democracy. If we look at our lives, our family's, our neighbor's, or our community's, I dont see any catastrophic changes happening. And at the conclusion of this Federal government 'event', I still dont forsee any major changes. The question to me is, with the division of opinion that abounds, how many people, who find this an emotionally charged issue, will be able to accept the result of this 'democratic process' if it doesnt turn out the way they think it should? In the end it will be our own bitterness and feelings about lack of 'justice' served that will bring harm and breed diviseness far into the future. What we have here is a discussion that will have very little affect on the process in Washington D.C., as that process has little affect on our day to day lives, unless we let it. When each of us thinks how this will affect our children, think first how the children observe your behavior, for that is the most profound example, not the behaviour of a politician clear across the country. Will you be providing children an example of uncompromising bitterness long after the event has ended? I was reacquaintted the other day with the Chinese symbol of the word 'crisis', which is made up of the symbols of 'danger' and 'opportunity'. We have an opportunity to be an example of how people of diverse points of view can work through issues at hand and become better people and a stronger democracy. William L. Porter "The right to suffer is one of the joys of a free economy" -Howard Pyle, aide to Pres. Eisenhower ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: John M. ALLEN (66) Subject: TRULY Intelligent Women I have been eagerly awaiting the next knee-jerk, bleeding-heart, emotion-blinded, feminist to complain about "Insecure, Old White Guys" who are "afraid of intelligent women" and Kathy Hills Krafft (67) just couldn't help walking right through that door in issue #21 of the SANDBOX. Arizona is very probably the second most conservative state in the Union, (Utah being #1), and on Monday of this week, REPUBLICAN (read that "Conservative") women were sworn in to FOUR of the five highest offices in that state's government (specifically Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, and Superintendent of Public Education). These Republican women won while garnering between 58.2% and 97.5% of the vote, depending on the individual race. The lone Democrat woman who won the Attorney General's race, won with a 2.9% margin of victory. Of course, I suppose that if you're a conservative woman, you don't really count as a woman, or at least not as an INTELLIGENT woman. By the way, approximately 1/3 of Arizona's legislators are also women. That is the highest in the nation. So much for your insupportable, Democrat Party regurgitation about insecure, old white guys. And if Elizabeth Dole happens to get the Republican nomination for president in the year 2000, don't count on any fall-off in male conservative voters. I'm not predicting Dole in 2000, but I'll have no problem whatever voting for her if she gets the nod. You women's libbers better start figuring out how to explain that phenomenon if it happens to be the Republican Party which becomes the first in history to nominate a woman for the top job. It could easily happen and would be a striking example of what the Dems need more of (substance over style) instead of what they have in too great abundance (style over substance). As for Hillary's intelligence, if you actually bother to read the history of the Clinton's investment in White Water, there is absolutely nothing intelligent about how Hillary handled that mess. (I recommend Blood Sport, written by a Pulitzer Prize winning LIBERAL, James Stewart, to educate yourself on the intricacies of White Water.) She made money on the cattle futures because she WASN'T handling the guts of that investment. Finally, if you know her history in general, you also know that she has accomplished next to nothing except on the coattails of her husband. Let her run for something on her own hook and we'll see how far she gets with her condescending, "first grade teacher" oratory. Go back to your drawing board, Kathy, and see if you can come up with a few of your own arguments instead of the swill you hear airheads like Barbara Boxer and Patty Murray saying on TV. John Allen ('66) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Mark Woodward (81) TO: Subj: Y2K WILL RENDER FERBIES SPEECHLESS [Mark sends us a copy of this correspondence, ostensibly written by a Hasbro Employee.] QUOTE: "From: Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 1999 3:50 PM To: My Friends Reflector Subject: Ferbie and Y2K!! "Just because I work for Hasbro doesn't mean I made this up. This has been the laugh of the plant since we found out about it earlier today." "Lo and behold, of all the hype surrounding the Y2K problem -- the threat of downed banks, electric service, emergency government services, etc. -- the one thing that has been 100% confirmed to not work come 1/1/2000 is last Christmas' toy craze - the Ferbie! This is not a joke!" "The Ferbie contains a voice chip manufactured by an Asian company (a vendor of Tiger's - Tiger manufactures the Ferbie) that apparently was less concerned with the Y2K problem than with a quick fix for their economic woes. A former Consumer Reports Engineer/Tester discovered the problem. "lesser" (aka "cheap") chips were utilized, and because of a small component of the voice chip associated with the Ferbie's "Happy Birthday" routine, the little fur balls won't work come 2000. I guess Greed breeds Greed as this year's holiday hit only has a shelf life of 1 year! Despite my objectivity, please pass this along to your friends." UNQUOTE -sent by Mark Woodward ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Bob Rector (62) To: Subject: I stand with Vince Bartram '62 For Vince: Howdy Vince! I remember how much fun you and Jerry Liddell made our govt. class. I should have paid closer attentiion....and read a whole lot more. Anyway, now that we are adults, the truth can be "evaluated, argued, accepted, rejected, etc." Along with "Facts, AKA objective evidence" there are two very important qualifiers that everyone adds to the mix. **Remember, we are all adults here: *Number One: "Folks are individually convinced that they do act "rationally," but in truth, we All act on emotion." *Number Two: "People Believe, (especially in religion) what they Want to believe." Vince, I remember how Jerry Liddell could rattle off all of Elizabeth Taylor's last names. I have lots of other fond memories in my "dept. of useless knowledge." --Take Care. Bob Rector, '62 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: (57) To:> Subj: DISEMBARGO CUBA, AND YOU WILL SAY: "I FEEEEEEL GOOOOD!" >1. Should we "disembargo" Cuba? Absolutely: We will convert them with capitalism and cash. Not to mention car collectors flocking to the Commie-ridden island to gobble up those 50s and 60s Chevies! The Domino Theory will work: look at the Eastern Bloc ... East Germany. Bohemia, etc. Havana goes back to the mob. Open a chain of Kentucky Fried Chicken shops. Ain't life sweet. I feel better now. I feel better than James Brown. How do you feel? Tony T, Yumaville, AZ USA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Steve Carson (58) ( To: Subj: "GET LOCAL" For Gene Tosper: Well spoken. I particularly agree with your "Get Local" statement. Education and Welfare are two issues that should be driven to the lowest Levels of government. There is no reasonable role for the Federal Government in education. My Brother-in-law just retired as Supt. of Schools for a large district in Michigan. The Federal Regulations were so onerous that they always took the course of least resistance. For example they just gave everyone free school breakfast and lunches since that was easier than setting up to qualify and administer the program. Steve Carson (58) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Richard Epler (52) ( To: Subject: NEW SUBJECTS I think our SANDBOX moderator, Al Parker, may trying to encourage us to expand our subject matter a bit. In this spirit, I offer the following opinions: 1. Should we "disembargo" Cuba? Yes. Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see where it's in anyone's National interests to continue the embargo of Cuba. Communism is no longer a big threat. Russia is no longer able to support Cuba. The Cuban people are suffering big time. Castro seems amenable to closer ties with the US, and it's really in our best interests to do what we can to help all who are as close to our shores as Cuba. Interestingly enough, it seems it's mainly the "Cuban Americans" who want the embargo to continue. 2. Does The Executive Order process give too much "legislative" power to the president? No. The EO process as it was initially conceived is necessary. On the other hand, Clinton's unconstitutional use of the EO process is bad for the nation and needs to be challenged by the appropriate branch of Congress or the Judicial branch. We shouldn't get rid of a good law because an unprincipled President chooses to corrupt it. To do that implies we should get rid of the Constitution itself. Here's something I find most people don't know or understand very well. None of our laws are validated until litigated ... and then the law is only validated in a very limited context. This is not to say you or I should ignore a law we believe (or know) is unconstitutional ... it means only, that if we disagree, the proper recourse is to litigate. On the other hand, we might simply take our chances and ignore the law in the hopes no one will press the point, which is what Clinton and many others do. Clinton knows that his use of EOs is often unconstitutional. In a remarkable moment of candor, Clinton essentially stated that he considers the law, including the Constitution and his Oath of Office optional, when he acknowledged that his permanent appointment of Bill Lann Lee without Senate confirmation in December 1997 was "... not entirely constitutional." Unfortunately, that tactic wouldn't work for you or I. Here's another fine point: You generally can't challenge a law unless you have "standing." In the matter of EOs, only Congress or the Judicial Branch has standing and can challenge Clinton's use of EOs. Clinton knows this. He also knows that it is highly unlikely that the AG (Reno), or anyone in Congress, is going to challenge his use of EOs. To play the game, you gotta know the rules! But that's the "lawyer mentality" of core democrats that I contend is so harmful to our Nation. This lawyer mentality is, at its core, a sophisticated use of the old dictum "The End Justifies the Means." *sigh> A dictum embraced by revolutionaries and terrorists throughout the world as justification for their unlawful acts. It seems a complacent Congress won't protect us against a corrupt Executive branch ... unless, as John Northover would say, we elect NOT to be ignorant any more. 3. Should professional football reinstate Instant Replay? Probably, but not in its previous form. I'm sure the officials are no better or worse than they've ever been. It's just that the technology used by the TV replay crews is so much quicker and better. Nevertheless, the officials must have the last say. This is not yet like the Roman Games where a popular "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" vote is requested. Ideally, the officials get to view questionable plays before the fans do, then make their decision and move on as quickly as possible. No one liked the delays incurred by the previous system. Dick Epler (52) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: (Ray Wells) (Class of '54) Since you asked, Al, 1. Should we "disembargo" Cuba? Only when they are ready to convert to a democracy -- this probably means not until Fidel Castro is dead. 2. Does The Executive Order process give to much "legislative" power to the president? Yes, the Executive Order process needs some limitations attached to how it can be used. 3. Should professional football reinstate Instant Replay? This is the easiest one to answer. Absolutely, yes! However, the number of instant replay requests should be limited to each team, like timeouts, and the plays to be reviewed should be linked to a first down or touchdown or significant penalty. By the way, I'd like to see the Y2K bug and Weather/Earth Changing events discussed in the Sandbox. -Ray Wells ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Bob Mattson (64) Subj: What, Oh, Ha! Fans, Players, Cigars, Executive Zipper Has Not Escaped Hilary's Grasp. NBA Pay Per Dribble Plan Proposed, HMO's too high. Gosh gang, I've been pointed out in a crowd of two. A Hillary hater? What, oh ha! Get a few drinks in her then watch out huh? Hey Kathy 67, I'm on your side. Those other knuckle draggers are the ones to watch out for. They have been very bad, and should be spanked for thinking Mrs. Bill is a poor excuse of womanhood in the 90's. What fun, but she isn't even reading this so... #1. [Regarding NBA going back to work.} Being a shop steward for the teamsters for 15 years I know that the players folded like a six bounce inbound pass, they bailed, and, they are back. #2. [Should Cuba be Disembargoed?] Of course, embrace Cuba. I have to go through hoops just to get a few cigars [a very subtle suicide] not to mention all those wonderful images of fruit hats and rum on a sunset beach. #3. [Executive Order- Too Much Power?] Excuse me, but that's why they call it the Executive Order, better that than a great swell of excitement and then an agreement, who listens to the fans anyway huh? #4. [Should Instant Replay Be Reinstated?] Only if they can rewind to the phony touchdown that put the Seahawks out of the playoff's. Is Hillary really happy anyway? Has she been putting up with this zipper indulgence for a while? >From what I gather, she's not so dense that it has escaped her grasp over the years. I'll play an NBA basketball game for oh, a $100.00, no, $600.00 a dribble, OK, how about $1500.00 and a piece of the concessions. Yes, That's it, $15.00 beers and $22.75 burgers. Does the public really care? Well, What's the offer? Let them fall where they may, bomber Tuna, 64. Lets start up on HMO's, 7% increase this year alone. OK? -Bob Mattson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: Y2K Glitch From: John M. Allen (66) Reply to: FLASH ANNOUNCEMENT! Microsoft announced today that there will be an unexpected delay in the release of the newest version of their popular browser software. Due to a slight glitch, the "Windows 2000" program will be delayed until the first quarter of 1901. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Becky Downey (73) ( To: (Gary B.) Subj: THANKS, BUT SICK OF THE CLINTON THING [From a Bomber Web Site Guest Book] Hi Gary and Maren, I want to thank you again for all your effort and work on this wonderful site!! I'm really enjoying all the readings from past and present alumni!! I know the Clinton thing is big right now, but is anybody else besides me getting a little tired of this whole thing??? It's 1999. Can we find something brighter and more positive to start talking about?? I'm sorry if I offend anyone, I'm just sick of hearing about it all the time and then reading it here too. It has been interesting, though, to read all the different opinions..! Take care and thanks again! -Becky Tonning Downey (73) [Believe us, We feel your pain, Becky, but comments about the "Clinton thing" are likely to continue as long as Clinton does. As one news commentator always used to say, "And That's The Way It Is." But believe this please: We certainly welcome also, the bright, the positive, the beautiful and whatever else you wish to talk about. If anything you have to say is worth saying anywhere, it's well worth saying here. WE ARE LISTENING TO YOU! Remember this also: Wherever you are in the world, right now, you are also here. And regardless of how heated some of the exchanges may seem at times, YOU ARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS! What could be more POSITIVE than that? -Al Parker, YOUR SANDBOX coordinator.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MORE TABLE TOPICS UP FOR GRABS: (Pick one (or more), if you like, and tell us what you think. 1. Any ideas on how to preserve SOCIAL SECURITY? 2. IS THE WORLD GETTING TOO HOT? OUR FAULT, OR NOT? 3. HAVE YOU NOTICED ANY Y2K EFFECTS YET? Some think effects are begining to appear well ahead of 12:01 AM, January 1, 2000. How about your bank accounts, your computer, your VCR, your source of power, your water supply, your Ferbie doll? How will the sewers be functioning? What about computer controlled medical equipment. What about inaccesable imbedded chips in systems that are not Y2K compliant? Are nearby nuclear reactors secure? Will there be automatic shutdowns or meltdowns when the year "00" is interpreted to mean 1900, not 2000? What about our military, what about sattelites, what about global positioning abilites, communications, radio, TV? What about your car? Will you be able to buy groceries and gasoline? Will your employment collapse? Does it concern you at all that Pacific Power is trying to sell itself off shore to an Irish company? Would it be prudent to make a few preparations, just in case? What steps would be reasonable to take for the safety, health, comfort and security of yourself and your family? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's it for this issue of The Sandbox, folks. My personal thanks to everyone who has contributed to this issue of THE SANDBOX. --Al Parker (53) -- Sandbox Coordinator -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -22- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #23 ~ January 16, 1999 "I do not mind lying but I hate inaccuracy." ---Samuel Butler 1835-1902 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HISTORICAL MARKER: CLINTON IMPEACHMENT TRIAL CONTINUES. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RHS/ColHi ALUMNI SHARING OPINIONS AND MEASURING THE UNIVERSE WITH YOU TODAY: Mike Franco (70), Kathy Rathvon (63), Ray Wells (54), Ken Heminger (56), Peggy Hartnett (72), Steve Carson (58), Alan Porter (67), Shannon Lamarche (82), Jerry Lewis (73), Patty Stordahl (72), Norma Loescher Boswell (53). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exchange Your Opinions, Your Ideas, and Your Responses with Richland Alumni All Around The World! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STILL TAKING YOUR PREDICTIONS FOR 1999! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Mike Franco (70) ( To: Subject: QUESTIONS AND ISSUES ADDRESSED Hi everyone...I want to address some questions and issues raised concerning some of my comments of the recent past: Tony Sharpe....Marc and I are brothers (although neither of us admitted it until a few years ago)...and yes, we DID live in the Richland Village, on MacMurray.. was back in the late 50's...Marc would know the years. Dick spent a lot of words and thought explaining to a lot of fellow Bombers what I, my brother and Democrats in general think and feel. I, for one am flattered! I found your words interesting and revealing as you point out many things about my thoughts and feelings that never knew before. I have always envied those of you who can be so comfortable in the absolute rightness of one political party and the absolute wrongness of another. It must make one's entire outlook so easy and simple. Once that is totally and blindly acceptable, life can be as simple as labeling and bucketing all ideas, world events and (especially) people into one category or another then attack the label as all good or bad, black or white, up or down...... An example is your statement that I feel Democrats are... " more compassionate than Republicans...." I never used the word COMPASSIONATE and it is a word I would NEVER use to describe ANY large group of people, let alone an entire political party! Dick, some of your statements are absolutely fascinating..."Most prominent Republicans have strong character...most prominent Democrats have good image but often have poor character... "WOW!!! Is that a serious statement? You just did that bucketing thing. I am truly encouraged that there are 25 million people identified with good character out there (and people worry about finding good baby sitters !!!) and that they conveniently all reside in the same political party. If we ever have a Republican National Convention in Seattle we can all leave our cars unlocked! (Sorry Dick.... I AM struggling with this, help me out.) Also you wrote the words..."Hollywood inspired Democratic Party... "I fly a lot on business so I do see a lot of movies on airplanes, but some of them have guys like Charleton Heston in they count? To close...I DO have relatively (all this is relative, everyone) libleral political philosophies. However, I have given myself permission to feel ANY way I want on any issue I want. I admit that my political positions are much stronger concerning ISSUES (positions) than PEOPLE (politicians). I reserve the right to decide who I attach myself to and refuse to allow others to do it for me. One attribute that appears common to both vocal liberals and vocal conservatives....they both seem to be absolute experts on EACH OTHER....what the other guy thinks, wants, believes...... And finally, to all of us...don't drop out of The Sandbox (as some recently have).....For any of us to cease exposing ourselves to opposing views truely would be a tragedy.....keep it coming, we ALL need this!!! --Mike Franco ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Kathy Rathvon To: Subject: DEM REPUBS To Jerry Trosper: It's not the American public that is caught up in the Jerry Springer mentality, It's the repubs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Patty Stordahl (72) To: REGARDING DICK EPLER'S CONTRIBUTION: For what it is worth & in my opinion- Incredibly well thought out & written. Powerful in it's ability to cause a reasonable brain to think. Very inspiring. Are you a politician? LOL I will be looking for more from you. REGARDING KATHY HILLS KRAFT: Thank you for sharing your space with someone else. Good bye have a great life. I am not paranoid just level headed & think rationally & logically. Hillary is spineless & needy & thrives on marital abuse & infidelity. OR Hillary really wants to train Chelsea that she deserves a lying scum for a father to her potential children & husband. OR Hillary just doesn't give a damn about any one but Hillary & her Insatiable climb for power. I for one don't believe men are paranoid over an insecure, overachiever nor [do I] think she is smart. Power hungry, starved for public recognition maybe, but "Hillary & smart" are like "oil & water." Degrees & colleges don't produce smarts in my neck of the woods. Common sense & decency prevail. Hey Dick want to go have coffee? On me. -Patty Stordahl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: Old White Guys From: (Ray Wells) (54) For John Allen. Thanks for your comments about Kathy's comment about "Old White Guys." On first glance I thought Kathy was taking about Dick Epler and myself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Ken Heminger (56) To: Subject: MY 2 CENTS WORTH First let me say up front that I'm not glib and do not have the gift of expressing myself as some I have seen, but I have some thoughts that I would like to share. I have become a C-SPAN junky and I must admit I have had to buy me a sponge rubber brick so I can throw it at the TV when I listen to the liberal distortions of truth. I'm sure most will understand what I'm talking about so I'll not get into that. I have heard many say that we should not pry into Clinton's sex life. And that what happens in his bedroom we should not be concerned with. I totally agree. What happens in his bedroom is his business. But.... ! What happens in the White house, be it in the Oval Office or a hall way is my business. The thing that gets me is Clinton had heads of state waiting in the garden while he and Monica were doing their thing. Had these heads of state knew what was going on they could have walked out and we would have an international incident on our hands. Private affair? I don't think so! Then there was the time hewas talking to a senator on the phone (while getting serviced) about sending troops to Bosnia. I can see the possibilities here also. "Mr. President should we send more troops into harms way?" Clinton replies "Yes YES!, Ohh God, Yeeess" Far fetched? yes, but with this guy who knows. All in all it shows total disrespect for the job and his office. It gives me great cause to wonder why more attention was not given to these facts. The way the liberals defend Clinton with the "All the allegations against him have not been proven" just shows that what is obvious to a conservative is gray water to a liberal. The following story demonstrates a possible liberal conclusion to an obvious situation. A guy had suspicions that his wife was cheating on him while he was out of town on business. He hired a private detective to watch her while he was gone on one of his weekend business trips. When he returned he contacted the Private detective and asked what he had found out. "Well," the detective said, "about an hour after you left a guy came to your house and your wife let him in. I went to a window where I could see inside and I could see them sitting on the couch talking. Then the guy gets up brings out some wine, while she puts a record on and they begin to drink and dance. After about an hour of this the guy picks up your wife and carries her into the bedroom. I ran to the bedroom window where I could watch some more." The husband asks "What are they doing now?" The detective says, "They are standing in front of the bed and slowly removing each others cloths, after which they promptly jumped into bed. The husband asks again what did they do next. The detective replies "I don't know, your wife reached up and turned out the light and I couldn't see any more." The husband says, "Damn there's always that element of doubt." ---Ken Heminger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >From Peggy Hartnett ('72) Subject: Re: THE SANDBOX Issue#21 1/6/99 Dear Al, Happy New Year, I was wondering if your hard drive has melted from the heat. A few quick notes: "No" to the Instant Replay. Please let humans make the few calls that are left to us and as far as I am concerned, don't let the networks show us. It just causes unnecessary angst---like there isn't enough. -Peggy To John Northover-surrogate big brother--did you have to hold your breath to get that all out in one fell swoop? Wow, and will you be on our spelling bee team? Seriously, I agree with you about the deplorable state of American intelligence. Everyone should spend a little time in the service industry, any doubts or warm-fuzzies one might harbor disappear pretty quickly, per example, what is the proper response to someone standing in the lobby of your business, bellowing "We come to eat." Come to think of it, I'm not sure there is a proper response to some of these situations. Here at home in AZ our Congressman Jim Kolbe was outed a while back by a gay paper, I think The New York Native. Jim had a woman companion who accompanied him on his campaigning for many of his elections, never said she was his wife, never said he preferred the company of men either. So the other day he is quoted vis a vis Clinton, "He lied." All I can say is "hum." I remember Sister Margaret Joan drilling us on sins of omission vs commission--they're equally bad as I recall. Granted most of us aren't violating the constitution of the US, just a more basic standard- ethical behavior. Anyone want to hold themselves to that standard all the time? Before we go down the well-trodden road again-I know we are talking politics and given that it is being played out in the Constitutionally mandated fashion, let's let it be for a while and deal with the fact that it won't make a damn bit of difference what you or I think, it is not up to us. The other thing that is not up to us is how to spend our tax dollars. I have always wanted the IRS to include a blank pie chart with our returns and let us fill it in as to how we would like to have the taxes divided, they could even offer categories. I realize this would be another exercise in futility, but I would love to see the difference or similarity between what our choices would be and how they actually get spent. I don't think you need to be a rocket scientist-or a nuclear engineer, as it were, to question the government's willingness to trust us to make those decisions. Best wishes for 1999 to us all, remember: cash in small bills and water. Maybe all those fallout shelters weren't such a bad idea! --Peggy Hartnett ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Steve Carson (58) To: Subject: TABLE TOPICS Cuba: Yes we should lift the embargo and establish a positive diplomatic relationship. We need another cruise ship destination to relieve the congestion. Instant Replay: Yes it should be reinstated with the charging of a time out to a coach asking for a review. Executive Orders: The Congress can reverse. Sunshine on his (Clinton's) actions is the best protection. Global warming: I find it interesting how there can be expert scientific testimony on both sides with no consensus. It's six below in Chicago with 26" of snow on the ground. --Steve Carson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Alan Porter (67) To: Subject: Corporate Welfare I'd like to thank all the people who have been sooo kind to help me out with my identity problem. It seems that all this discussion about liberals/conservatives, democrats/republicans has pretty well defined who I really am. FYI I am a democrat who typically votes democrat and I am actually able to sleep quite well at night. I would like to correct some misinformation: John Allen wrote "If the Dems lose this impeachment and removal battle, they will have lost the last of the three institutions they controlled when Clinton took office" I agree that they have lost the house and the senate but if Clinton is removed it still leaves a democrat as president. I'm also somewhat confused by David McAdie's comments, "Three words should scare the hell out of all of us --- President Al Gore!!!!" "I am actually more disturbed by his 'suspiciously' silent wife Tipper." [Sure--]--bet old tipper is up to some type of dirty tricks and would be pretty awful as 1st lady. Maybe Ken Starr should look into what she's been doing - you never can tell about those Demos. Personally I'd prefer to have Al Gore as president. I do believe that Clinton lied and the appropriate response would be to indict him on perjury and send it to trial. This trial would take place after he finished his presidency. But if we must go through the trial and the republicans help more demos get elected - you won't get any complaints from me. I would encourage everyone to pull out their Time magazine from Nov 9 to Nov 30 1998. Time reporters did an 18 month investigation of Corporate Welfare. The following quotes are taken from over those issues. "A TIME investigation uncovers how hundreds of companies get on the dole--and why it costs every working American the equivalent of two weeks' pay every year." "How would you like to pay only a quarter of the real estate taxes you owe on your home? And buy everything for the next 10 years without spending a single penny in sales tax? Keep a chunk of your paycheck free of income taxes? Have the city in which you live lend you money at rates cheaper than any bank charges? Then have the same city install free water and sewer lines to your house, offer you a perpetual discount on utility bills--and top it all off by landscaping your front yard at no charge?" "The Federal Government alone shells out $125 billion a year in corporate welfare, this in the midst of one of the more robust economic periods in the nation's history." and finally "The justification for much of this welfare is that the U.S. government is creating jobs ... Bechtel, Boeing, General Electric and McDonnell Douglas (now a part of Boeing)--tell another story. At these companies, which have accounted for about 40% of all loans, grants and long-term guarantees in this decade, overall employment has fallen 38%, as more than a third of a million jobs have disappeared." Congress decided two years ago to cut welfare to individuals because it didn't work and only kept people dependent on the government. It seems to me if all you Republicans were truly interested in smaller government you would encourage your congressman to stop giving billions of dollars to corporations and we might even be able to get a tax cut. --Alan Porter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Shannon Lamarche (82) To: Subject: Y2K Glitch We would all have more time to talk about things other than the Y2K problem if the whole world would switch to Macintosh! Apple solved this problem 15 years ago. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Jerry Lewis (73) To: Subject: FURBIES & ETC. Regarding the post about "ferbies(sic) and Y2K": Whenever a post says "this is not a joke" or some variation ("this is not a chain letter, this is for real," etc.) you can almost discount it out of hand as being a hoax. Furthermore, you might expect an employee of the company that produces them to spell it right (Furby). And how likely is it that the chip in a Furby knows what time it is to begin with, let alone cares when the Y2K happens. It's possible, but unlikely. And even if it's true, how many Furbys out today are still going to be functional or of interest in a year? Ha, it is a joke! We're back at the beginning of my argument. I was going to contribute to the Clinton exchange, but don't have time now. Maybe later. Jerry Lewis (73) * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: WHO SAID SR. DRIVERS AREN'T SAFE? From: (Norma Loescher Boswell) (53) [Just when you might have thought you'd heard the last of our discussions on the subject of Senior Drivers, I couldn't resist passing along this "Report >From The Field" that someone sent to Norma. -ap] As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his car phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, "Herman, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on I-82. Please be careful!" "Hell," said Herman, "It's not just one car. It's hundreds of them!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TABLE TOPICS UP FOR GRABS: (Pick one (or more if you like), and tell us what you think. Or ask for information on any subject about which you would like to be better informed. Chances are good there are fellow alumni out there who will have the info you need on just about anything. 1. HOW ABOUT "THEM" HMO'S? Too expenseive? Too limited? Too intrusive? Too selective? No complaints at all? Good or bad experiences? 2. YOU HAVE JUST WON FIRST PRIZE IN A VERY UNIQUE CONTEST: YOU GET TO TAKE 20 OF YOUR FAVORITE BOMBERS ON A MONTH LONG ALL EXPENSE PAID VACATION ANYWHERE. (Total Limit $1 million dollars.) Where will you go. What will you do? 3. Here's a Question some of you might enjoy answering: WHEN DOES THE NEW MILENIUM ACTUALLY BEGIN? (There MAY be more than two opinions on that.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's it for this issue of The Sandbox, folks. My personal thanks to everyone who has contributed to this issue of THE SANDBOX. "If WE aren't talkin' about what YOU wanna talk about, WHO are YOU going to blame?" LEARN FROM YOUR FELLOW BOMBERS. LET THEM LEARN FROM YOU! See ya next time! --Al Parker (53) -- Sandbox Coordinator -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -23- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #24 ~ January 17, 1999 "Ah! don't say that you agree with me. When people agree with me I always feel that I must be wrong." --Oscar Wilde 1854-1900 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RHS/ColHi Alumni Sharing Thoughts and Measuring The Universe With You Today: Flossie McCoy Hatfield (GED), Robert Shipp (64), Marv Carstens ('61), Tony Tellier (57), John M. Allen (66), Steve Carson (58), Ron Richards ('63), Carol (Wiley) Wooley (63) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exchange Your Opinions, Your Ideas, and Your Responses with Richland Alumni All Around The World! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let Us Know What's Eating You! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Flossie McCoy Hatfield (GED) Subj: Why The Cost of Postage Went UP Dear friends and Bomber Family, It's time I got in touch with you all to let you know what's been happening. So I thought I'd better get this letter out right after the postage went up, hoping it would get better service than under the old postage rates. You see, when Hector, our local mail dude, dropped all the outgoing mail down into the town outhouse hole it kind of raised a stink hereabouts. I guess the reason the rate's went up is cause they had to pay big money to get Clyde Herkel to go down and get all them postcards and letters and things out of the hole and clean them up a bit before putting them back into the delivery system with all that postage way past due. We got a new mail person now, since the visiting Postmaster Inspector General, (PIG), used the town privy, during the use of which, associated with what he was doing in the privy, caused one of the talking Christmas cards down below to start singing Christmas Carols. Of course the Postmaster Inspector General, (PIG), jumped up quick and ran out of there like the Devil was chasing him, thinking the outdoor biffy was haunted. Further investigation by the PIG revealed the cause of the haunting. So that's why Hector Hoople, our beloved mail dude for so many years, is no longer shucking out the mail hereabouts no more. And that is why also it costs a penny more to mail this here letter to you than it would have, had I done it a couple of weeks ago. I hope you all are doing well. Please write me when you get work. The well is working fine and the wood is piled high and we've got plenty of candles on hand. We got a couple of elk on the rack right now and are salting them down real good. There is plenty of kerosene for our lamps, no plumbing to worry about, and boy, do we feel sorry for all them suckers out there with their outdoor biffys on the inside, (How fowl can you get?), and needing electric power lines to keep things going around their place. I know not what course those poor souls may take, but as for me and my darling hubby, Chubb, we are ready already for Y2K. We don't worry about no global warming, neither, so long as we got each other to hold on to. Now, as soon as we can raise the money to buy another one of them high-priced postage stamps, I will write again and tell them lying hummers in Washington how to run the government. I hope you all get this letter OK. Please let me know if you don't. Chubb says "howdy" and Hector Hoople, Pasco Hi (67), is lookin' for a job if ya know of any. Love to ya all! -Flossie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Robert Shipp (64) To: Subject: Slick Willie & Premature Evacuation I have to agree with David McAdie's(79) observation that the worst consequence of Bill Clinton leaving office prematurely (voluntarily or otherwise) would be the head start it would give to Al "Treehugger" Gore on the 2000 election (talk about your Y2K horrors!). I personally believe Clinton's actions meet the constitutional requirements for removal, but I really hope he isn't. If the Republicans were truly acting in a partisan fashion, they would do everything in their power to avoid that situation. Regardless of your political slant, you have to admit that Mr. Clinton is probably the most brilliant politician in this century. Consider what he has accomplished: He managed to win the most powerful office in the world, even though the overwhelming majority of the electorate believed the allegations about his womanizing, draft dodging, pot smoking, and participation in anti-American demonstrations overseas. After vetoing several budgets passed by Congress, when the Republicans refused to go along with his "play by my rules or I'll take my ball and go home" attitude and continue to spend unbudgeted money, he was able to put the blame on them for shutting down the government. After months and years of stonewalling, lying and stalling, he convinced the public to be angry with Ken Starr for dragging out the investigation. After admitting to lying under oath, lying to his family, and lying to the American people, he still has a large majority of the public believing he is doing a good job. I am firmly convinced that Slick Willie could be caught on video tape cavorting naked with a half dozen schoolgirls on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, and still find a way to convince the general public that the Republicans are to blame. --Robert Shipp (64) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Marv Carstens (61) To: Subject: Clinton, et. al. Let's examine (in a bi-partisan display of fairness, PLEASE) some of the recent B.S. that has emanated from Washington, D.C.: 1. The violent crime rate is the lowest that it has been in 30 years, thanks to Clinton's Anti-Crime bill of 1994. (I don't know about the city you live in, but here in the Pacific-Northwest, according to local police department statistics, the violent crime rate is up by anywhere from 8-21% in large population areas, and more than that in many medium and smaller centers. Maybe it's a situation peculiar to our part of the U.S. ... anyone else, from anywhere else, give me some info from their region?) 2. Employment is up, to near record numbers, thanks to the Democratic party's aggressive actions on behalf of the nation's workforce. (How much of that is full-time, with benefits such as medical insurance, retirement, share options, etc., which was THE definition of 'full-time employment' from post-Korea through the mid 90-s? How many people are working two, three or more jobs to keep their heads afloat and provide for their families? How are YOU doing?) 3. The economy is moving along at terrific rates, and the nation is in a new era of prosperity [paraphrased from several news sources over the past few months]. (The bankruptcy rate is higher than in any other time in our nation's history, personal debt is staggering, the stock market is exhibiting knee-jerk reactions to crises around the world, the nation is playing a losing cat-and-mouse game with Saddam Hussein, costing millions of dollars daily.) 4. In the infinite wisdom of the 'collective' mindset, the new head football coach of the U of W is to be paid $1M+/year for the next several years while the top professors in academia get about $50,000 yearly. People ... what are we being 'fed' by the news media? Does anyone else notice a disturbing similarity to German 'news releases' from the early-to-mid 30's to those of today, right here in the U.S.? Do we, as a country dedicated to equality, individual freedom and rights of the common man, have our priorities in order? Where are we going? Marv Carstens ('61) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Tony Tellier (57) ( To:> For: Peggy Hartnett Ref: Jim Kolbe Peggy said" Here at home in AZ our Congressman Jim Kolbe was outed a while back by a gay paper, I think The New York Native. Jim had a woman companion who accompanied him on his campaigning for many of his elections, never said she was his wife, never said he preferred the company of men either.>>> How interesting! I am/was an AZ resident and "know" of Kolbe ... as a political name. Did this "outing" get any Phx paper press at all? If "No," why not? If so, what was the reaction ... or better yet, so what? Tony Yuma ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: John M. Allen (66) To: Subject: Conversing with Alan Porter (67) Alan, you were absolutely, 100% on target with your correction of my statement in Issue #17 of the SANDBOX - seriously! I'm just disappointed that it took this long for some Democrat (I won't call you a "lib" because you sound more intelligent than that) to fall into my little trap. The point was to get a Clinton apologist, liberal, or just plain Democrat to jump on that bait and thereby admit that impeachment and conviction of Bubba would NOT, in fact, be the "coup d'état," the "overturning of two elections," or the "right wing putsch" that so many Clinton defenders have been whining about for weeks. It would simply be the cleaning up of a badly soiled office and replacement with an adequate temp from the same political party who would hopefully set a less offensive example for the nation to follow. As for der Schlickmeister, I'm sorry for any pain you are experiencing while watching your ox being gored, but Bubba deserves everything he is currently getting. Unfortunately, it looks as though he won't get everything he deserves. That IS the unspoken prayer of all politicians; not to be the recipient of what they truly deserve. You know, of course, that with the demographics in the jurisdiction where Bubba would be indicted and tried after leaving office, he stands less chance than Marion Barry of ever being convicted of a crime. So much for justice in America. Don't fall off your chair, but I agree completely with the elimination of Corporate Welfare. Corporations NEVER pay taxes anyway. They just collect them. ---John Allen (66) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Steve Carson (58) To: Mike Franco: Well said, issues must be the focus and the constant heated hyperbole must be screened out. I consider myself a conservative and though I tend to vote Republican hesitate to wear that label. Rather than assuming I know what others think, I just can't understand how issues which appear to be black and white, can be so effectively spun. -Steve Carson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Ron Richards ('63) To: Subject: THINGS ARE WARMING UP For: Ken Heminger: You might be short changing yourself with your two cents worth. Your private detective story might have been worth twice that much to some people. It might have even sent shivers up the spines of Henry Hyde, Robert Barr, and John Livingston, and joy to the heart of Larry Flynt. To Steve Carson: There is a consensus among scientists that global warming resulting from human impacts is very probably occurring. Those who want you to blindly ignore that probability are those who also want you to think that there is no concessus on the issue. There is also a reason why there is expert scientific opinion on both sides of the issue. The coal industry has deep pockets. Just as the Bonneville Power Administration can hire "experts" to testify that dam reservoirs help salmon by making it easier for the salmon to swim upstream (imagine how those millions of salmon that used to spawn in the Columbia River must have so miserably struggled to swim upstream far beyond where Grand Coulee Dam now is for those thousands of years before man built the dams), the coal industry can hire "experts" who attempt to challenge the overwhelming scientific evidence supporting the consensus. A minus six temperature in Chicago with twenty-six inches of snow on the ground should not give you too much confidence that global warming is not occurring. First, as the consensus so frequently points out, temperatures over one year, let alone one day, mean very little on this issue. It is the trend that matters, considered in the light of what the earth's temperature would have been with naturally occurring cycles. The bottom line is that the earth's temperatures are warming at an unprecedented rate during a period where a cooling trend should naturally be occurring. Second, if you think this winter has been cold, check out energy prices and gas storage inventories. It's really no secret that this winter has been unusually warm. Third, twenty-six inches of snow on the ground should not give you too much confidence that global warming is not occurring. High relative humidities, with resultant high rates of precipitation, are an effect of global warming. Finally, if you're still here and if you are genuinely interested in global warming, I suggest that you read some of the speeches of John Browne, the CEO of BP Amoco. Although Mr. Browne operates in an industry where you risk all influence by suggesting even the most remote connection between energy consumption and global warming, Mr. Browne has very responsibly taken the position that now is the time for precautionary action because the evidence supporting global warming is mounting. He also recognizes an opportunity for profit resulting from precautionary actions due to increased efficiencies and better public relations. See / world issues / climate change/ speeches. Have a warm and pleasant day. --Ron Richards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Widely reported in the news: 1998, (worldwide aggregate), was the hottest year on record. -ed.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Carol (Wiley) Wooley (63) Subj: Let's Talk About Something Else. The Presidential bashing is getting SOOOOOO boring! He screwed up, (which of course none of us has ever done), he has been found out by the world, his life and I believe, marriage is pretty screwed up. Can we please get out of Bill's life and go on with ours??!!! Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, but could we possibly have opinions on something else? Is it just possible that there are some other serious issues that could be of interest? Suggestions: the Veteran's Administration, medical costs in our country, AIDS Research, Censorship, Parental Rights regarding minors in Washington State. Be brave fellow alumni, don't just go along with the crowd....discuss something the news media doesn't want to talk about! P.S. The donkey was in the stable when Christ was born, where was the elephant?? Carol (Wiley) Wooley ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What would you like to talk about or hear discussed? What do you think about playing baseball with Cuba? Seen any movies worth seeing? Read any books worth reading? Visited any Web Sites worth visiting? What do you think the ever-nearer Y2K is going to bring? Is Global Warming just a cycular thing? How about some of the topics suggested by Carol (Wiley) Wooley, such as the the Veteran's Administration, medical costs in our country, AIDS Research, Censorship, or Parental Rights regarding minors in Washington State? Tell us how you feel about things that are important to you, exciting, or just plain fun to talk about. We are listening! Thanks, everyone, for your participation, both as readers and writers in Your Sandbox forum! See you again, soon! --Al Parker - Sandbox Coordinator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -24- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #25 ~ January 22, 1999 "To be or not to be. That IS the question." --- William Shakespeare "Well, that depends on what IS is." --- William Clinton ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Historical Marker: Clinton Impeachment Trial Continues. The written Questions are what IS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RHS/ColHi Alumni Sharing Thoughts and Measuring The Universe With You Today: Mike Franco (70), Ray Wells (54), Don Ehinger (54), Gene Trosper (84), William L. Porter (68), Dick Wight (52), Dick Epler (52), Dustin Rector (88), John Northover (59) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exchange Your Opinions, Your Ideas, and Your Responses with Richland Alumni All Around The World! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let Us Know What YOU are thinking, what you are feeling, what YOU are doing, and if you should so choose, what YOU are eating today! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Mike Franco (70) To: Subject: The Town Square Hello everyone...a few responses to past issues of this town square of ours...(Richland never really had a "working" town square, did it ?)... 1) To all: When one wants to do character damage to another, labeling him a "pot smoker" and /or "draft dodger" merely lumps that individual in with millions of others demographically. I do not support either activity.. but reality is that during certain periods millions did.... and those that are comfortable with reality know it, those that hide from reality become senators and congressman and even presidents! 2) To Marv a relatively liberal person (me), your statements are really interesting....UW football coach grossly overpaid when "top profs are only making $ profs make more than that but your point implies that SOMEONE (the government ???) needs to fix our priorities???.......The economy is growing, doing great, with very low unemployment BUT how many of these jobs have full benefits, etc.......great point....but this sounds like typical bleeding heart liberal pabulum to me (I learned some of that from John Allen during Husky football games !).....Violent crime rates are NOT really down but are up in the Pacific Northwest 8-21%...the numbers I see shows much of the most violent crime (murder, rape) IS down, but is your point that all the right wing conservatives our there who are claiming that "Three-Strikes- Yer-Out" legislation has driven crime rates down are just smoking something (oops, sorry) ??? The wonder of most real issues is that once we label each other, then politicize the issue we really do start sounding like each other!!! My god, that could lead to solutions..... And to my pal John...are you still "setting traps" out there? -Mike Franco ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: Moving Beyond Clinton From: (Ray Wells) (54) I'll try to put a bottom line to this impeachment thing so we can move on: 1. It's not about sex 2. it's not about removing Clinton from office 3. It's not about partisanship It's about having one set of laws for the rulers and another set of laws for the ruled. It's about sentencing 116 Americans to prison for lying under oath (many of these lies were about sex) and exempting William Jefferson Clinton. We used to see an American Indian standing on a cliff with a tear dripping down his face, as he observed how we have polluted the land, the rivers, and the air. I now envision Thomas Jefferson, with a tear dripping down his face as he sees how we have polluted the Constitution of the United States, because he was well aware that having one set of laws for the rulers and another set of laws for the ruled, amounts to a dictatorship, and once we have this, all those Americans who gave their lives fighting for freedom, from the revolutionary war forward, have died in vain. --Ray Wells ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Don Ehinger (54) To: Subject: Said Well To Mike Franco (70) Well Said! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Gene Trosper (84) To: Subject: Bi-Partisanship Follies Just finished reading another issue of the [Sandbox.] Great reading always! Marv Carstens employed the much-repeated phrase "bi-partisan" in a missive regarding the "B.S. emanating from Washington." While I pretty much agree that most, (actually, everything!), of what emanates from the beltway is B.S., I'd have to make an exception with the usage of "bi-partisanship." I submit partisanship is not only a good thing, but something to actively employ philosophically and politically. Partisanship is essentially what separates political idealism (i.e., Republicans from Democrats). How are we to honestly assess what any given politician or political party professes or hold as ideals, if partisanship is wiped away? You cannot. Bi-partisanship consists of melding, not separating. It may sound cynical to say this, but in essence, we already have a bi-partisan political machine in place. Both parties are essentially the same in political idealism, which is: CENTRISM, politics of pragmatism and poll numbers. Philosophically, I am an individualist, politically, I am Libertarian. This allows me a chance to view the political goings-on from a unique vantage point. I agree with the old assessment that "there ain't a dime's worth of difference" between political parties. Both operate on a collectivist bent. The only means of discerning between the two parties are through the "radical left" and the "radical right" fringes of the two majors. The radicals tend to more honestly reflect what their respective philosophies are supposed to be. Bi-partisanship only blurs the distinctions until a homogenous philosophy is created. Secondly, I argue that bi-partisanship is primarily used as a "let's be fair" political tactic by the minority political organization, in this case, the Democrats. Partisanship may not seem "fair," but to keep politics on the level and philosophically honest, (we don't want sheep in wolves' clothing, do we?), we must demand clear partisan differences. The real fairness that emerges will be the fairness for citizens, who will not be fooled by false philosophy by our representatives. Enough for now. --Gene Trosper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: William L. Porter (68) To: Subject: Social Security Means Testing I am interested in peoples' thoughts of implementing means testing for social security. Do you think you should be denied S.S. benefits because you thought ahead to your retirement and have a 'healthy' income from your investments and retirement funds? If you were 'secure' in your finances, would you decide to not collect S.S. benefits just to help it stay solvent? Or would you take anything the government would give you, whether you needed it or not? William L. Porter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Dick Wight (52) Subj: Salmon Be Dammed? RE Ron Richard's comments in issue #24. Gee, Ron ... it's at least twice you've got on the "dam" issue about salmon. As a kid (before your time) I chased spawning chinook or coho salmon (too young & inexperienced to know which) up and down Crow Creek in the eastern Cascades. I still see a few Chinook up in the American River, over 300 freshwater miles from the Pacific. As an adult, I spent a number of years chasing errant commercial/professional fishermen of several nationalities...Russians, Japanese, Koreans, Canadians...Americans included, American Indians included...illegally fishing the hell out of the species wherever they could find them, including a 100-mile line of gill nets strung along the 180th in the Bering Sea, helpless to do anything but keep them west of the line. I also helped capture some Japanese gillnetters hauling 'em in by the thousands, in violation of international treaty, in the Gulf of Alaska. They abandoned their float nets, miles of them, and ran. We caught them, then eventually recovered their nets full of dead salmon. I've tried to carefully pick my ship's way through U.S. and Canadian gillnetters lining the inside waterways from Puget Sound up to Dixon Entrance, and on two occasions "snared" a gill netter whose nets crossed the navigable channel without lights, both at night... one U.S., one Canadian. I towed one of boats backwards for perhaps a half mile before we got stopped! I've seen U.S. and Canadian trollers so thick you could walk on them out on Switsure Bank, and hauled in (as in arrested) a Canadian not only in our waters, but with undersized fish under both U.S. and Canadian law. Didn't you used to fish commercial in Alaska? I've seen rabid individual "sportsmen" catching salmon in fresh water streams of Alaska, Canada, Washington and Oregon by the dozens, throwing back carcasses of the smaller or most "wasted" ones. Last week I watched tribal members (I think) catching steelhead right at the mouth of the Elwha. I've seen networks of gillnets stretched across the Quinalt at Tahola that made me to wonder how ANY got by. Ad nauseam. There aren't any (or at least many) native trout in our streams any more, or darned few, and no planted fish any more. Dams didn't get many of THEM. Dams are far from the only problem. Part, for sure...but overfishing the species contributes, as does destruction of spawning habitat by timbering near rivers, bridge and road building, dikes, etc., etc., etc. I gave up salmon sport fishing in '80, a favorite saltwater fishing "sport" for me. I LOVED eating fresh-caught salmon. But I never have fished or caught one in fresh water. Never would have. No one else should be allowed to either. Period. If we did nothing else other than ban fishing for salmon in the North Pacific, Bering Sea and the streams that feed them for 6-8 years, we'd be up to our asses in salmon. I've seen them spawn actively in streams in which they couldn't go "inland" more than 1/2 mile. There are LOTS of problems salmon (and other species) face in surviving a relationship with homo sapiens. Dams are one of them. P.S. I hope they nail Clinton. He smells like dead salmon. Dick Wight '52 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: John Northover (59) To: Response to Ms. Carol (Wiley) Wooley (64): (re comments in Sandbox #24 of 1/17/99 The question of the century?? "P.S. The donkey was in the stable when Christ was born, where was the elephant??" Possible answer: Was she in stable yard unpacking her trunk??? The bigger question is: What was the donkey doing when Christ was born? Was she, [can there be she-donkeys??] a practicing nurse-maid, a famous sino-cologist, a lady-in-waiting or just a friend of the family? ON Opinions ... as my wife says 'Opinions are like a.. holes, we all have them.' The issues you raise are valid. We should get out of the moral dwarf's sex life. We should get out of his personal life. However, it is no longer a matter of sex and personal ... it has become a constitutional issue ... which must be resolved before we can do anything about any of the valid issues you raise .... just be patient. All things in their own good time. We Americans have the best we can offer. We have exactly the government we want. We have the people we want in office to look after us the way we want. We have the system in place we want. AND the bigger benefit is that when enough of us want to change things ... we do change. We want and we have. When we no longer want; we discard and we then want some other thing and we have as our hearts desire. And the cycle rotates. Our government has served us exactly as it should. We want our government to provide jobs, safety and wealth ... We are the top of the hill ... Perhaps you should offer your opinions on those issues you hold so dear to your soul. We then can compare what we are thinking and then we can read, get huffy and know toss that old written rubber brick back!!! Response to Ms. Peggy Hartnett (72): re THE SANDBOX #23 ~ 1/16/99: Thank you for you kind comments ... I work very hard at my mis-spellings and my fel-swooping. As far as a spelling bee ... Well, the last time I was in the running for correct alphabetical sequencing was ... so long ago that I forget what I was spelling. Perhaps a response for those that come into your hostel .. and shout 'We are here to eat!!!" You could say: "McDonalds is just down the street ... ", or "I am sorry, do you have reservations? If so, perhaps you should leave now," or "Room service???...Please dial 911," or "We do not serve the socially challenged!!!...HHhrrruumph!" ... exit stage left. Thanks, John The civil savant ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Dustin Rector (88) To: Subject: Y2K vs. MacIntosh or: Or: An *OS By Any Other Name... Mac's aren't any smarter about Y2K than any other OS. Most OSes have been Y2K compliant for over a decade. The problem is the software from 1975 that's never been updated. The problem is that little clock in your coffeemaker from 1985. The little electronic chip in your '88 Toyota. The railroad switch that controls where the coal train goes when the track branches. Your PC is a minor bump compared to the mainframe computers that track your bank accounts, FICA tax, Medicare, and power distribution grid. The only thing switching to a Mac does is help Steve Job's ego. Bill Gates doesn't care -- Microsoft does great business selling office software for Macs too. BTW, what web browser are you using on that Mac? Dustin Rector (88) [*OS = Operating System (I think) - ap] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: The following submission was written and sent to The Sandbox shortly before President Clinton gave his State of The Nation Speech. From: Dick Epler (52) To:> Subject: The Nature of Political Issues Clinton’s upcoming State of the Union message should provide a welcome respite from his impeachment proceedings, while providing an opportunity to refocus on the “The Issues.” Contrary to Impeachment stuff, which makes us all a little uncomfortable. Most of us love issues, and with good reason. Today, what we’ve come to think of as “issues,” are those things offered by politicians in the Form of Federal aid to redress some imbalance, or unfairness, in the cornucopia of entitlements due its citizens by the richest nation in the world. We talk a lot about fairness these days, but again, there are different definitions. Where I might equate fairness with “a consistency in the use of Rules, logic and ethics” to getting something done, I think many define fairness more in the context of their favorite political issue, as in “no one should be getting more “aid” than I, considering my more deserving condition or situation.” I understand that Clinton’s State of the Union message tonight will deal mostly with issues. Sam Donaldson, of ABC, informs us that Clinton will propose something for everyone. Tomorrow, the news analysts will tell us who the big winners are, and who was shortchanged. Those who got less will immediately lobby for parity, and the whole process will ratchet the bar, for Federal giveaways, a little higher. But that’s the American way, and most really can’t think of any other way to play the game. The media will, no doubt, address these issues in the context defined by Clinton (big government), and that would be a mistake. Of course, it wasn’t always this way. In the beginning (pre-America), the first governments consisted simply of local merchants and citizens who got together to establish various rules for conducting business, and to establish an armed force for protection from outsiders. A local tax structure was established to fund this activity. States, whose boundaries were generally established on the basis of defendable geographical features (rivers, etc.) was an attempt to serve a common economic and defense interest, and were organized in a similar manner. Except that the state’s “army” (which today we would call the National Guard), was simply a reorganization of existing community armies for a specific purpose. In those days, issues were always local, which was both highly cost effective and results oriented. Of course, the “issues” of the day were somewhat limited, as most citizens were either slaves (surfs) or soldiers. At the time of the American Revolution, most of the Colony's inhabitants knew well the dangers of authoritarian governments, and sought to form a different kind of government based primarily on ensuring personal freedom, to pursue life liberty and, happiness on an individual basis. This meant minimizing the possibility of a highly centralized oppressive government. Thus, in the beginning of the American experiment, the Federal Government was required to do only what the states could not do for themselves. Initially this consisted of a relatively weak national army, a central monetary system for stable commerce, a judicial system to resolve disputes between the states, and, of course, another taxing authority. This concept, where the Constitution is viewed a compact between the states, assigns only a few, very specific, powers to the national government. Everything else belonged to the states. This is known as the 'states rights' view of the Constitution. As time went on in the new United States, however, events required a more nationalistic view, whereby the Constitution is seen as a compact, not between the states, but between ALL the people so that the states (few people) are subordinate to the Federal Government (all people). At the time, this was a necessary interpretation, required to finance both the western expansion, and especially the two world wars, but it was not without cost. The resulting highly centralized government led to a situation where citizens began to look primarily to Washington D.C. for solutions to ALL their problems, and thus politicians were able to use tax dollars, and “acquired” income to buy votes according to the “issues” they sponsored. Issues have now divided the nation: Oldsters favor Social Security and Medicare. The young favor welfare and education (the two just seem to go together). Women favor childcare and abortions (which don’t seem to go together). Blacks favor affirmative action and Eubonics. Homosexuals favor marriage benefits and lots of AIDS money. Urban centers favor lower crime, marijuana and euthanasia. And all these many factions can be made “active” at election time by irresponsible politicians for the purpose of generating votes. But note that the one “issue” missing is national defense, which is one of the few legitimate functions of the Federal Government, but one that receives the least attention in times of peace. Today, we have the interesting situation where the original impetus for expanding the powers of the Federal government (expansion and major wars) no longer exist, while at the same time, our resulting inability to acquire new resources requires citizens alone to pay (no more acquired income) for both government’s largess (issues) and inefficiencies (administration) with the surety that the disparity between costs and benefits will increase every year. All government entitlements, so far as I can tell, are based on a sort of pyramid scheme, where the initial beneficiaries win the most at the expense of those who follow. Pyramid schemes tend to push the costs associated with the program as far into the future as possible with the assumption that those who follow will adequately spread the costs. Because of this, government-type pyramid schemes are heavily dependent on population growth for continued viability. Without an ever-increasing populace, the costs for any government program tends to increase far beyond the benefits offered. This is the fundamental problem with Social Security and Medicare today. With a decreasing population rate of growth, and without the prospect of acquiring (stealing) cheap resources from other nations, these problems can’t be fixed within the framework of the Federal Government. Of course pyramid schemes are illegal for everyone except the government. Without government to force mandatory participation, pyramid schemes always fail in a relatively short time frame. With forced participation, it takes a little longer but they WILL fail. There are a number of self-supporting solutions to the Social Security and Medicare problems that don’t depend on the continued influx of new members. I’ll save that discussion for another time, but I’ll give you a hint: To make it work, we’ll need an honest accounting system for the federal government, where the costs for highly visible programs can’t be migrated to less visible accounts. And of course, such an accounting program MUST be based on accrual, rather than cost, accounting principles. With an honest accounting system, it would be obvious that we DON’T have a balanced budget, and that there is NO surplus. We continue to spend more money than we collect. With every minute of every day, our national debt continues to increase. And Clinton continues to lie. - Dick Epler (52) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: The State of The Union Speech From: (Ray Wells) (54) Clinton appeared as his usual charismatic charming self and his delivery was excellent, but the content was really scary! What he was promoting was pure socialism. I call it his, "I'll promise you everything under the sun if it will save my ass speech." His privatization of Social Security plan really amounts to direct government investment in the stock market and would allow the government to directly influence the market. Trent Locke, leader of the senate was quoted as saying it was the worst speech he had ever heard. I taped the speech, and if there are enough interested, I would like to cover (and encourage the rest of you to cover), each item in the Sandbox. - Ray ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's it for this issue of the Sandbox, folks. Please remember... Your Ideas and Opinions Are Always Welcome Here! By the way, what do you think about the following? 1. America and Cuba playing baseball? 2. How to discourage telemarketers? 3. Mariners Hopes? Seahawks Dreams? 4. If you could design a very unique and special Computer Program... What would you like it to do? 5. Will Hilary Clinton make a great U.S. Senator? Talk to us about these topics, or whatever else you might find moving to the forefront of your brain today. See you next time with comments from Bronyn Bennett Mosman (71), Eva (Clark) Perry (49), and others. Maybe even you! See you next time! --Al Parker - Sandbox Coordinator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -25- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #26 ~ January 24, 1999 "When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property." President Thomas Jefferson 1743 - 1826 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ History Happening As We Speak: Clinton Impeachment Trial Continues. Indonesian Riots Force Evacuations. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RHS/ColHi Alumni Speakers of The Day: Bronyn Bennett (71), Eva Clark (49), William Porter (68), Lloyd Swain (66), Mari Eckert (65), Marc Franco (66), Debbie Nelson (77), Bob Rector (62) Mary Lou Watkins (63) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Share Your Opinions, Your Ideas, and Your Responses with Richland Alumni All Around The World! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Will You Soon Be Paying L.D. Charges For Using The Internet? From: Bronyn Bennett Mosman (71) To:> Subject: I Hope It's Not True! I just received this message from a retired friend, and it has me concerned. It will affect all of us! There seems to be another of those "quiet bills" that go through Congress and comes back to bite us later. You may wish to reply to this now or pay higher phone bills in the future. Congress will be voting on this bill in less than two weeks. CNN stated that the Government would, in two weeks time, decide to allow or not allow a Charge to your phone bill equal to a Long Distance call EACH time you access the Internet. The address is If you choose, visit the address above and fill out the necessary form! If EACH one of us, forwards this message on to others in a hurry, we may be able to prevent this injustice from happening! Please Pass This ON! Bronyn Bennett Mosman (71) [Note: If you want to write to your Representative in the U.S. House for any reason the above official government website will identify your rep. and put you in touch. -ap] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Eva (Clark) Perry "49" To: Subject: To Go or To Stay? I found this article in a paper that I was reading. It left me with, [the question,] do I really, truly, know what I would do.!!!! SIFTING OUT THE FAINT OF HEART One Sunday morning during service, a 2,000 member congregation was surprised to see two men enter, both covered from head to toe in black and carrying submachine guns. One of the men proclaimed, "Anyone willing to take a bullet for Christ remain where you are." Immediately, the choir fled, the deacons fled, and most of the congregation fled. Out of the 2,000 there only remained around 20 people. The man who had spoken took off his hood, looked at the preacher and said, "Okay Pastor, I got rid of all the hypocrites. Now you may begin your service. Have a nice day!" And the two men turned and walked out........ --Eva Clark Perry [Are there pastors out there who would denounce the authority of the interlopers to demand such choices of the congregation and command the men with the guns to leave the building on the authority of Jesus Christ? Just wondering... In the meantime, 911 on the cell phone might not be a bad idea. What would you do? -ap] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: (68) To: Subject: Ray Wells' Bottom Line Ray said: "I'll try to put a bottom line to this impeachment thing so we can move on: 1. It's not about sex 2. it's not about removing Clinton from office 3. It's not about partisanship It's about having one set of laws for the rulers and another set of laws for the ruled. It's about sentencing 116 Americans to prison for lying under oath (many of these lies were about sex) and exempting William Jefferson Clinton." >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You almost got to the bottom line. You forgot to mention the number of perjury cases that prosecutors refused to do anything about because it wasn't worth it, or trivial to the case. Over 400 prosecutors have said they wouldn't even bring charges against a 'normal' person for what Clinton did. So, minus the 110, that's 290 more prosecutors than convicts that think the case should be dropped. So much for statistics. William L. Porter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Anthony Tellier (57) To:> Quoting from earlier Sandbox: > To all: When one wants to do character damage to another, labeling him a "pot smoker" and /or "draft dodger" [it] merely lumps that individual in with millions of others demographically. No s**t ... the "and" fits me to a "T" (for Tony Tellier)! So THAT argument holds zippo H2O for me .. Now Clinton being such a bonehead DOES!!!! I don't want my President to be nicer than me ("Nice guys finish last") ... but I want him (or her) to be at least as smart and hopefully smarter and wiser and cleverer than me. Tony Tellier ('57) Boeing 717 Flight Test Center Yuma, AZ USA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Lloyd Swain (66) To: Subj: Baseball with Cuba- Si'. Telemarketers- No! Should America and Cuba play baseball?..... Absolutely.... also.. I would love to smoke a Cohiba or Romeo and Julieta without paying an arm and a leg.. :-) How to discourage Telemarketers.... Pretend you don't speak English.. ( that's why I always answer anonymous caller id's with an accent... hehe) -- Lloyd Swain ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [O.K. Let's visualize the following scenario--- Householder: "Lo sciento, no puedo hablar Ingles!" Telemarketer: "No problemo. Aqui' nosotros hablamos todas de las linguas del mundo!" Translation--- Householder: "I'm sorry. I can't speak English. Telemarketer: "No problem. Here, we speak all the languages of the world!" Your idea still seems to have merit, though, Lloyd. Does anybody else have some ideas on how to handle unwanted telemarketers? -ap ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Mari Eckert Leahy (65) To: Subj: Like a Soap Opera Promised myself I wouldn't write anything on the subject of Clinton but find I need to say a little. Re Ray Wells.......moving beyond Clinton......I can just as easily picture Thomas Jefferson with tears running down his face, but for a different reason. I see it due to the many Americans that have accepted all the accusations made against the President of this United States without any basis in fact. Oh, there has been much said that is said to be factual, but I have yet to see or hear of these so called "facts." I, myself, am to the point of having tears run down my face because so many intelligent? Analytical? Common sense? type of folks have jumped on these "facts" with no regard to there validity. Anyone with even a slightly open mind that has bothered to listen to the defense side of this situation, cannot help but have very real doubts about the validity of ANY of the accusations! What ever became of the concept of innocent until PROVEN guilty? Whatever became of fairness and listening to BOTH sides before blaming or accusing? Whatever became of good sportsmanship? know.......if your candidate loses, you shake the winners' hand and support him and help him and accept the fact that the majority was more comfortable with this candidate than the one you were for and you continue to back this winner until the next election and try again to get a candidate that YOU want, to be elected instead. This president has withstood five years of intense scrutiny by his harshest opposition, and all they could come up with was a sordid affair with a woman of legal age that was totally consensual. If Clinton was guilty of even one or two of the crimes that so many are laying at his feet......well, use your brains folks, if that was the case, we might actually have a legitimate reason to try and kick him from office!!!!! There isn't any FAIRNESS in the process Clinton and his family is being made to endure. It is nothing more than POLITICS at it's worst, and we as a nation are letting them degrade, and humiliate our wonderful country. If other countries think less of us, it is only because we deserve it for letting these pompous, hypocrites air all this madness for the world to enjoy like a soap opera. -- Mari Eckert Leahyme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Marc Franco (66) To: Subject: A proposal As one of many people who are not consumed with hatred, bitterness, and venom, but yet who are still dismayed at the sight of our President lying under oath- albeit lying about something that actually is not even a crime (amazing thought, isn't it?), how about this for an idea? I continue to think that what Clinton did- lying under oath - does not deserve impeachment, but yet should be punished. How about putting him in jail AFTER he leaves office? Then he really would be like any of the rest of us, caught lying under oath and punished for it, and yet would spare the country what it is undergoing right now. -- Marc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Debbie Nelson Burnet (77) Subject: Re: Ray Wells '54 - "Moving Beyond Clinton" Well said. What I have believed all along and even more. If Clinton was an honorable man he would have resigned from office long ago. But we all have realized that he is not an honorable man. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Mary Lou (Watkins) Rhebeck (63) E-mail: To: Subject: Re: Prayer for our Country Something has really been bothering me during these last few years with Clinton as our elected leader. I couldn't believe that voters believed him. Granted, he is an excellent speaker and full of charisma; but there is something in the man's demeanor and eye's that have always set me on edge.... Liken it to a child lying to my face hoping I will think she is so darling I will believe her. But Clinton is capable of much damage, and I love my country too much to support him. But truly, the problem is not Clinton. It is the lack of outrage and the apathy from so many of Americans that point to a bigger problem, one that could spell the downfall of what our country was based on and what keeps us great. The morality today is mudsliding downward. We accept terrible acts and terrible beliefs because we are "informed" now. I haven't been sure how to word this "thing" that has been bothering me until I recently ran across the following. It is "A Prayer For Our Leaders" given by Pastor Joe Wright, when he opened the new session of the Kansas Senate on January 23, 1996. Please stay with is important. It reads: "Heavenly Father, we come before You today to ask Your forgiveness and seek Your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil 'good'; but that's exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and inverted our values. We confess that: We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it pluralism; We have worshipped other gods and called it multi-culturism; We have endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle; We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery; We have neglected the needy and called it self-preservation; We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare; We have killed our unborn and called it choice; We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable; We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem; We have abused power and called it political savvy; We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition; We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression; We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. "Search us, O God, and know our hearts today; try us and see if there be some wicked way in us; cleanse us from every sin and set us free' " I will end the prayer here,,,, There is a bit more directed at the people of Kansas. I have given myself a goal to pray this every day for our country and I hope others will join me. Thank you for the opportunity to share with those of you who were raised as I was. I don't expect total agreement (heh-heh-heh), however I feel we do need to figure out what is wrong and do what we can to correct and heal our country. Mary Lou (Watkins) Rhebeck (63) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Bob Rector (62) To:, Subj : Y2K: How We Got to This Date Anyway. Or: Remind Doomsdayers that we do not know what year it is. Or: Will God Read the Polls Before Deciding When To "Pull The Plug?" Or: Do You Have The Correct Time? My Time Magazine, (Jan 18, 1999) page 64 has a poll. It claims that 9% of the population believe the world as we know it will end on Jan. 1, 2000! Wow, that's just crazy! Wrapping up Y2K computer problems together with the Apocalypse is simply bizarre. Just for fun, I've edited through the chapter on "The Birth of Jesus" in Charles Guignebert's Book on the subject of Jesus. (Guignebert was professor of History of Christianity at the Sorbonne) Here's the confused facts. We have little idea when Jesus was born. Bear with me, and you decide When Was Jesus Born? "The Gospels afford only a few vague indications, which are either contradictory or obviously erroneous. Matthew 2:1 places the Nativity 'In the Days of King Herod.' It is not questioned that they are talking about Herod the Great, who's successor in Judea was Aarchelaus. But we know that Herod died in the year 750 of the Roman Calendar, early in the spring, either in March or April, of the fourth year before the Birth of Christ, which constitutes a serious difficulty to begin with." (I'll repeat, Herod died 4 B.C.....humm) The Gospel of Mark is totally silent on the subject, further reason for misgiving. Luke is more explicit: 'Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist became pregnant 'in the time of Herod, King of Judea,' and Mary conceived six months after her cousin (Luke 1:26,36&42). At the time of the latter's delivery, an imperial edict for a census made it necessary for her to go to Bethlehem, at which time, Quirinius is stated to have been Governor of further mention being made of Herod. Continuing in the good book, it says, "John the Baptist began his preaching in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was Governor of Judea, Herod Antipas Tetrarch of Galilee, and Annas and Caiaphas were high priests. It was shortly after this that Jesus came to be baptised by John and then began his ministry. He was then, "about 30 years old." (Luke 3:21,28) Finally, John 8:56-57, makes Jesus say, in the course of a dispute with the Jews: "Your Father Abraham rejoiced to see my day, he saw it and was glad, to which his opponents replied: Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?" Could it be that Jesus was almost 50 years old? Important note: John presents a different number than Matthew and Luke, but scholars agree that because Mat,MK,&Lk. have similar stuff (are synoptic, or synonymous), then what we have is simply two traditions. One tradition has Jesus, "about 30 years old" and the other at perhaps 50 at the crucifixion. Tradition and history in the synoptics have Jesus' ministry at three years. However, the probability is that it lasted hardly more than one year....i.e. if we date Jesus from John the Baptist, we would have even more difficulty in a guess on the date of crucifixion. Several of the foregoing are contradictory. So where to start? Guignebert, begins with the two undisputed fixed points: Pontius Pilate was Procurator of Judea from A.D. 26 to A.D. 36. Additionally, the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar...made Emperor on the tenth of August in the year 14, falls between the nineteenth of August, year 28, and the Eighteenth of August, year 29. Therefore, if Jesus was thirty years old between the years 28 and 29, he could not be near 50, a year or two later. (have you got all that?) He could barely, but possibly have been born under Herod the Great, which would make him at least 33, and born no later than 4 B.C. But, if the census of Quirinius, is the same as the one spoken of by the Historian Josephus, it took place in A.D. 6 to 7....which excludes the possibility of the birth of Jesus under Herod, and brings him to the age of only 22 or 23 by the year A.D. 28-29. Furthermore, Annas and Caiaphas were not high priests at the same time: Annas was governor of the Temple, from A.D. 6 to 15....Caiaphas from 18 to 36. Got it....grave difficulties in reconciling Biblical information on the date of Jesus' birth. Some other Bible scientists have accepted the "Star of the Magi" (i.e. the year of Nativity) as the passing of Haley's comet in A.D. 12. The chronology of Luke is very confused anyway & most scholars agree that Luke simply used the census to get Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem. Luke refers to "the census" therefore, not really caring or knowing the date...only the tradition. *The edit itself is counted not in the city of your birth, but the city of the birth of your ancestor! (which ancestors, etc?) It would have been nuts, and a logistical nightmare for a census to have been done this way. This means that scholars dismiss Luke's census account for the birth of Jesus, and revert to other accounts...pointing to the reign of Herod the Great. Date of the Death of Jesus. Taking John 8:57 to be accurate, some claim that Jesus was crucified during the time of Claudius (A.D. 41-45). Many of these accept the date of birth at year 9. Others place the crucifixion at A.D. 21, forgetting that Pilate had not received his appointment until 26, and the opponents forgetting that he lost it in 36. So, How Did We Get to the Date We Have? It the 6th century. A Roman monk named Dionysius the Less, having no more information than ourselves...calculated like this: "If John the Baptist began his preaching in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius, and if we allow an interval of about a year between the start of John the Baptist's ministry and that of Jesus...then Jesus would have been 30 years old in the sixteenth year of Tiberius (year 784 in the Roman Calendar). Deducting thirty years, we reach the 754th year. The date of Nativity is set at Dec.25th (celebration of the solar god Mithra) in the Roman year of 754 and this becomes year one of the new era. Why? Because Dionysius was not hindered by what we have discussed. He did not admit that the gospels could be contradictory. He had no way to fix the exact dates of the death of Herod or of the census. He did not know that those dates were subsequent to 754. It is wisest to conclude, says Guignebert, that we do not know, within about fifteen years or more, the time when Jesus came into the world. Is this fun or what? Don't panic on Dec. 31, 1999. Sorry for all the verbiage. Semper Bomberus, Bob Rector ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's all for today's Sandbox, folks. Say what you are itching to say today and send it right away to: Not sure what you want to talk about? Well, then, here are some ideas for you: 1. How about Dan Quayle for President? 2. What's the best way to cook okra? 3. Have you finished your Thanksgiving leftovers yet? 4. Other ideas suggested in previous issues. See you next time! -Al Parker, Your Sandbox savant, Learning from you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -26- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #27 ~ January 29, 1999 "A wise Tory and a wise Whig, I believe, will agree. Their principles are the same, though their modes of thinking are different." --- Samuel Johnson 1709 - 1784 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Top News: Wash D.C. -- Clinton Impeachment Trial Enters Deposition Phase. Richland -- Ten year study involving 3,400 people has found no link between "Cold War-era radiation releases from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the rate of thyroid disease among people living downwind. (Associated Press Release.) See Tri-City Herald and Yakima Herald- Republic 1/29/99 for more info. LONDON (Jan. 29) - The United States took one step deeper into the quagmire of the Balkans this week when it put NATO's military might behind a drive for a quick political settlement in the Serbian province of Kosovo. --Reuters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RHS/ColHi Alumni Speakers of The Day: Peggy Roesch (71), Richard Henderson (62), Jerry Lewis (73), Sandi Cherrington (66), Peggy Lewis Johnson '62, Peggy Hartnett (72), Elizabeth McAllister McCardle (78), Nancy Fellman Lysher (62), John Wingfield (66) Peggy Lewis Johnson (62), Ray Wells (54) Dick Epler (52), Kathy Rathvon (63) Patty de la Bretonne ( 65), Rob Teats (70), Jim Fowler (72) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Share Your Opinions, Your Ideas, and Your Responses with Richland Alumni All Around The World! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Peggy Roesch (71) To: Subj: Y2K and Dan Quayle, Two Seemingly Unrelated Topics Or: Y2Quale: Start Hoarding Potatoes? Ohmigod. Dan Quayle. Now I WILL pray that the world ends at the stroke of midnight December 31, 1999 ... or 2000 ... or whenever the gosh darn new millenium is supposed to start ... Maybe I should hoard money and water and food ... including the everlovin' potatoe. -- Peggy Roesch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: Progressive Government From: Richard Henderson (62) Mail: The recent State-of-the-Union speech was an example of why the liberal/socialist holds fast to the belief that "progressive government" knows what is increasingly best for you and wants to take care of you. This speech, (wish list), was riddled with paybacks, perks, power and pork that truly validates such mindset... Offered is a poem, styled after the 91st Psalm, that reflects the opinion of many about the increasing intrusion of "progressive government" into our lives. PSALM OF PROGRESSIVE GOVERNMENT Government is my shepherd, therefore, I shall toil no more; entitling me to collect benefits off those that labor. My individuality and initiative matter the least; politicians insuring that my dependency shall not cease. An economic utopia is promised for me; confiscating future earnings, of others, as far as the eye can see. Yea, though I walk through the valley of dependency, and fear no loss; government goodies shall remain my boss. Surely, in my old age, they will care for me evermore; I shall dwell in a fantasy of bliss until they pull my life support. This is the creed and motto they hold fast to; progressive government - giving and requiring more from you. -- Rich Henderson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Dick Epler (52) To: Subject: Y2K Computer Compatibility [Personal and Network Sharing Computers] Regarding Y2K compliance for IBM and Apple PCs, I might weigh in with just a few comments. First, there IS an Official Y2K Specification that any general purpose computer must meet to be called Y2K compliant. Right now, some machines are close, but very few are fully compliant. Second, there are five areas of computer operation that need checking: The Hardware (BIOS for PCs) level, the OS (Operating System) level, the Application Software (e.g., Quicken), any critical Data Bases with embedded dates, and lastly, the sharing of Data Files between different computers. The latter two areas, legacy data bases, and inter-computer data sharing, is the most difficult and time consuming to verify and is where most systems continue to fail at this time Having said that, however, not even Win98 out of the box is Y2K compliant. You can get closer by downloading 6Mbytes of files from, but you still won't be fully compliant. As another example, a class action suit was filed against Intuit for marketing NEW versions of Quicken and Quickbooks that weren't anywhere close to being compliant ... thereby requiring another upgrade in the near future (which the plaintiffs wanted for free). Third, the reason that data sharing compatibility may take quite some time is that programmers have used different techniques to implement quick Y2K fixes (which are incompatible with each other). For example, consider the "Windowing" technique, which is fairly popular. This is where a window consisting of the years between 00 and 49 are assigned 20, whereas the years between 50 and 99 are assigned 19. However, if a different programmer chooses a breakpoint of 60 rather than 50, data sharing will fail. Many IT (Information Technology) managers in small business' are under the false impression they've addressed their Y2K problem and don't need to test. WRONG! Fourth, date rollover from 12/31/1999 to 1/1/2000 is only part of the problem and is far from a comprehensive test. The other part of the problem is the calendar algorithms used to compute dates throughout the year 2000 and beyond. These are often flawed (different rules are required than pre-2000). Lastly, Apple computers ARE much more Y2K compatible on all levels than are WinTel computers as I believe all dates are expanded to four digits. However, I don't know if their calendar algorithm is fully compliant with the Y2K specification. If Darwin Perkins is still reading the SANDBOX, he might be able to offer some other observations, especially with respect to LMSI compliance. And there may be other computer experts out there who could contribute. -- Dick Epler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Kathy Rathvon (63) To: Subject: Apathy Are Americans apathetic? I don't think so. I think they just want our congressmen and women and Senators to get on with the business of running our country. -- Kathy Rathvon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: To:> Subj: Urban Legends Jerry Lewis (73) wrote: I must step in to quash yet another Internet urban legend. In fact, I highly recommend checking out any dire warning before posting it to a) your entire address book, b) all mailing lists that you belong to c) the world, or d) anyone else. (References for this legend follow my diatribe) Some questions to ask about any such post are: - where did the poster (or you) get the message ('a retired friend'). If there is not a specific source or it is not a credible source for that particular warning, start questioning the veracity (no offense meant to the 'retired friend'). - are there any credible references in the post, such as links to articles at or Do they work and do they describe the problem with references to credible sources. If quotes are included for print pubs. without reference to day/pg, etc., consider that they are fabricated. (Even if there were day/pg, I would be suspicious). - is there no specific dates (or bill numbers) in a post like this that would give a reference. A message that refers to something happening in two weeks could circulate for a long time. Hoaxes don't have dates in them because they diminish the viability of the hoax. - anything that has lots of exclamation points in the heading or has been forwarded to a half dozen other e-mail lists (usually still included), is totally suspect. - anything that says it's not a) hoax, b) urban legend, c) chain letter, etc., probably is. (Hmmm, can this be generalized to the Clinton discussion: "1. It's not about sex, 2. It's not about removing Clinton from office, 3. It's not about partisanship." I don't think I'll go there). A little bit of critical thinking can go a long way towards avoiding the panic, waste of time and effort that these messages can engender. You can find out about this particular legend by going to and clicking on "Currently Circulating", or you can go directly to the page if you don't like frames: faxlore/congress.htm Just call me "Mr. Throw Cold Water on It." Jerry Lewis * Some Web Pages: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Elizabeth (McAllister) McCardle (78) MailTo: Subject: About Prayer [Referred to by Mary Lou (63) In Sandbox #26] About that prayer-- AMEN! [Referring Sandbox #26 -- "A Prayer For Our Leaders" given by Pastor Joe Wright, when he opened the new session of the Kansas Senate on 1/23/96] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Nancy Fellman Lysher (62) To: Subject: What To Say To A Telemarketer "I'm really busy right now. How about you give me your home phone number and I'll call when I've got time? No, you can't do that? Well, you are calling me on my home phone. I could call you back at say 3 a.m. your time. Or....I tell them I have a policy not to do business with anyone who does telemarketing. I have a private home phone for my convenience, not theirs. Any questions? - Nancy Fellman Lysher 62 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To: From: Sandi Cherrington (66) MailTo: Subj: Mandatory Support of Designated Drivers There is a new petition added to the "E-The People" site! Go to the E-The People site at: Click on: "Mandatory Support of Desiginated Drivers" You will then be able to read what this petition proposes and add your name if you wish. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Peggy Lewis Johnson (62) To: THE_SANDBOX> Subject: Capitalism Peggy Johnson wrote: O.K. Gee whiz I guess I better jump in the skillet with the rest of you. First of all, what really can you all expect when this capitalistic country defines success as it does? To argue from a democratic or republican point of view is a bit passe at this point when these opinions are driven not from the ideals which originated them but from the power and wealth behind them. Is it possible that it is neither the democratic nor the republican "camp" that is driving this massive, on-going move to remove Clinton from office? Of course Senators and Congressmen represent certain areas geographically but much more influential are the financial interests behind them - and I certainly don't mean little financial interests. In this global economy that we, from the class of '62 could only think of as a science fiction novel, there is a greed for power unknown to the masses - yes like you and I. This global struggle to dominate is powered by money from both legitimate, as well as illegitimate commerce. I'm as concerned as most hard-working Americans about ethics, honesty, truth and being represented appropriately by elected officials but it would be foolhardy to think in a second that we are dealing with politics as usual when this global economy has an agenda we could barely fathom. Resources, corporate take-overs, the politics and ethics of the Internet, the environment, and education and work opportunity for the masses, viruses (both technological and biological), resistance to antibiotics, not to mention man's obsession with violence and war. all weigh heavier on my mind and in my heart than this president's weakness for a "non-sex" sex act and an unfulfilled "Elvis Presley-like" drive to be something, achieve something, for something or someone that it doesn't seem he really has the answers to - like who would want that job, anyway? So, he lied - and I think in the real world he should take the fall - but folks, his world ain't the real world. If it was, idealism would reign and he would resign with a humble apology to the country and we would know "he did the right - honorable thing" But, once again, we are forced to look at the way, and the reason we make judgment calls, moment to moment in this country, based on perception of evidence, and often, how it is fed to us so we can see it as it is intended we see it, based "what the cost is to us" as individuals in money, face, survival, rightness about who we are, prejudice, race, ethnicity. One truth is that we are individuals as long as we choose to be individual. I'm happy that my children are fine, my days are worth looking forward to, that I have a history, that I have friends, that I live in a wonderful community and I can make a difference here and a contribution. I question the luck of being gifted with being born into this relatively safe life when so many in this country live in poverty and there is such incredible brutality waged against men, women, children here and especially in war-torn countries. The furor about Clinton has a "thorn-like" aggravation about it that we should not take lightly - but it's a human - condition, survival of ethics issue with some mass of wealth and greed, too big for us to imagine, driving it on. Nice chattin' with 'ya Peggy Lewis Johnson '62 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: A modern hotel in a timeless town Mail: To: Subject: Telemarketer Stoppers Also: Likes Mayan Calendar better than Julian Peggy Hartnett (72) writes: I let them prattle on a little while, then very quietly I say, "excuse me, (pause), what are you wearing?" They hang up. Quick, simple and I hope slightly unnerving to them. Calendars & the Millenium: I personally prefer the Mayan calendar, no heads of state or religious figures vying for special status and it makes a lovely decorating accessory. -- Peggy Hartnett ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Patty de la Bretonne ( 65) To: Subj: Table Topics: How to Cook Okra Okra is best lightly breaded and quickly deep fried. I like the taste, but in soups and such, the texture of okra is, well, slimy. Patty de la Bretonne PS. Mari Eckert, thanks for writing in. I am in agreement with much you say. I am not watching any of the "trial" on tv. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Rob Teats (70) To: Subject: Re: The Year 2000 Date For Bob Rector (62) Thank you for your detailed view on the date of Jesus' birth. Very enlightening. You mentioned the calculations made by Dionysius the Less, (could be translated as, Denny the Dwarf), that created the dating of our current calendar. Marcus Borg, professor of Religion and Culture at Oregon State, suggests that Dionysius' calculations were incorrect because of a mathematical mistake. The result is that, even if his assumption of Jesus' birth were correct, the date he calculated was mathematically off by four years. Correcting Dionysius' calculations places Jesus' birth at 4 B.C. This would mean that the 2nd millenium of Jesus' birth has already happened in 1997. Those who think the world will end 2000 years after Jesus' birth are wrong! Rob Teats (70) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Jim Fowler (72) To: Subject: Internet Charges The rumor about the Government taxing Internet access is an Urban Legend. It's been around for a while. weekly/aa012099.htm Jim Fowler 1972 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: John Wingfield (66) Mail: (Unity of Beaverton) To: Regarding Lloyd Swain's great idea about reply to tele-dinner-interuping-marketeers. I like your suggestion, but my Spanish would not convoke anyone. However, last year my older son was studying in Poland and when you call a home in Poland they always answer with "Hello." And then with that familiar greeting I would always start speaking English only to get a full onslaught of Polish in reply. So Lloyd's suggestion fits right into that. Perhaps a mixture of German, Polish and Japanese after the caller's opening line: "Ah, ser gut, haben zie einer mushi mushi, so des nei, dochira no ho, vershten zei?" Any gibberish would improve on every other reply I've come up with to date. Peace, -- John Wingfield (66) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: None so blind as they who will not see From: (Ray Wells) (54) These national news web sites have enough on Clinton to destroy him. When this kind of stuff (and more) is available to anyone who takes the time to surf the net, why, in God's name, is Ken Starr, The House, and the Senate fooling around with small stuff like Monica? Please check it out today as the stories will probably change by tomorrow on these websites. P.S. - I found out why the Chinagate thing is not being pursued. According to Ken Hamblin, too many Republicans also had a hand in Chinagate. God, what a den of thieves we have in our government. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Howie Mandel's TV Show as aired 1/28/99 Subj: Evolution Howie's son: Dad, if man descended from apes, why are there still apes? Howie: Because the ones that are still apes are the slow learners. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's all for today's Sandbox, folks. Say what you are craving to say today and send it right away to: Not sure what you want to talk about? Well, then, here are some ideas for you: What do you think about: 1a. In the military: Would you recommend that women be assigned to combat roles side by side with males? A U.S. senator, no longer in office, stated that she believes the separation of sexes in the armed forces has outlived its usefulness. Know who she is? (Someone else recently suggested that it might be better to have all-female units assigned to combat rather than mixing the sexes together in front line combat situations.) 1a. Should men and women in the military train and live in barracks together, in order to enhance team cohesiveness and esprit de corps? 2. Should your government hire a company such as Monsanto to create a designer fungus with the express purpose of killing hemp plants worldwide? 3. What will you be doing (or what did you do), while your spouse is (or was) watching the Super Bowl Game? 4. After the game: Which commercial, (costing $1,600,000 for a 30 second spot) did you find to be the most effective or most memorable or most entertaining or the biggest waste of over one and one half million dollars? 5. Did you team win? Did you bet the farm on the losing team? See you next time! -- Al Parker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -27- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #28 ~ February 6, 1999 "I never resist temptation, because I have found that things that are bad for me do not tempt me." George Bernard Shaw 1856-1950 --The Apple Cart -- act II ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ News of Interest This Week: Middle East: King Hussein On Life Support. Hanford East: High Winds Blow Irradiated Tumble Weeds Through 200 East area. Hanford workers warned, "don't touch." Officials are not overly concerned, however. According to lead contractor Fluor Daniel Hanford, Inc., "A person would have to ingest several contaminated tumbleweeds to be subject to harm." In any case, this news does inspire a great idea for a movie with Meg Ryan, Mel Gibson and a cast of thousands of Richland Bombers, entitled: "Please Don't Eat The Tumbleweeds." The musical background will be supplied by the digitally perfected Sons of The Pioneers. "See them tumbling along, Deep in my heart is their song, Although their rads are not strong, I'm told to eat them is wrong... And deep in my heart I do know Though deep in the night I do glow I'll just keep rolling along... With the tumbling, tumbling tumble weeds! The plot will be sort of a combination of "Please Don't Eat the Daisies" and "Volcano" with Richland and the Hanford Reservation as the locale. Will Mel Gibson be able to save Meg Ryan from her fast track fixation for a fast flux finish? That is the question! Want to hear some of the background music for this great movie in which you could play a role? Go to: and click on: tumblewe.mid -ap ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your RHS/ColHi Alumni Speakers of The Day are: Ray Wells (54), Vince Bartram (62), Tony Tellier (57) Lee Johnson (54), Arthur Roberts (48), Darwin Perkins (69), Jenny (Smart) Page (87), Annette Pierce (62), John M. Allen (66) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Share Your Opinions, Your Ideas, and Your Responses with Richland Alumni All Around The World! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: (Ray Wells) (54) To: Subj: Answering questions, allegations and comments from: Mari Eckert Leahyme (65) Debbie Nelson Burnet (77) 1. Concerning William Porter's comment about 400 prosecutors who have said they wouldn't even bring charges against a 'normal' person for what Clinton did: Since you did not say 'allegedly did' I have to assume that you believe Clinton did it, but since you didn't specifically mention what 'it' referred to, I am unable to access the full import of your statement. This is the first time I have heard this '400 prosecutors' statistic, and I would appreciate your sharing the source with the Sandbox, including the circumstances and questions involved, since this appears to be a survey a.k.a. a poll. Speaking of polls, I heard an example on the radio on how polls are conducted: 20 people were asked if they knew who Mike Tyson was. All 20 answered yes. Then they were asked if they knew that Mike Tyson bit off a chunk of an opponent's ear. 18 said yes, and 2 said no. Then they were asked if they knew that Mike Tyson served time in prison for assaulting his girlfriend. 19 said yes, 1 said no. Then they were asked if they respected Mike Tyson as a person. All 20 said no. Lastly they were asked if they believed Mike Tyson was a good boxer. 16 (80%) said yes, 2 said no, and 2 had no opinion. Announced results of the poll: Tyson has an 80% approval rating. 2. Concerning Mari Eckert Leahyme's 'Like a Soap Opera' comments. I doubt that Thomas Jefferson would have shed any tears for President Bill Clinton. Jefferson, who was the actual author of the U.S. Constitution, was well known for his mistrust of government, and elected officials in general, and that is why we find impeachment covered in the Constitution. It would be interesting to hear from someone who can quote comments from scholars who are authorities on Thomas Jefferson, who have expressed what they think Thomas Jefferson would have said about this Clinton mess. There is a world of information on the Internet about Thomas Jefferson, and if anyone has the time to research it, and share it with the rest of us, I'm sure it would make worthwhile reading. Mari said, "What ever became of the concept of innocent until PROVEN guilty? Whatever became of fairness and listening to both sides before blaming or accusing?" Blaming and accusing are rights that are guaranteed under the first amendment (it's called freedom of speech, and it only exists in a democracy). Trials are conducted to prove innocence or guilt. You can't get any more fair than that. Bill Clinton is being tried according to his Constitutional right. The Republicans want a trial. It is the Democrats and liberals who are against the trial and against hearing witnesses. Witnesses, by the way, can also be used to testify on behalf of the president (unless of course, these kinds of witnesses don't exist). 3. Concerning Debbie Nelson Burnet's 'Well said' comment. It's nice to hear that at least one other person agrees with me. Like you, I also think if Clinton were an honorable man he would have resigned from office a long time ago. Any decent husband and father would have resigned rather than subjecting his wife and daughter to such humiliation, and he would have resigned rather than polarize his country from the spin-off of his immorality. Ray Wells (54) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Vince Bartram (62) To: Subject: Questions re Y2K (Thanks to Bob Rector) So Bob, Help me out here. Should I party like it's 1985, or party like it's 2015? Or how about we all agree to just do 1999 over again? Actually, if I could get my body to agree, I wouldn't mind doing the last 30 years over again. I wonder if I would make some of the same dumb mistakes. Oh well. Thanks for the discussion — Vince Bartram ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: RIS/SW Tony Tellier (57) Mail: To: Subject: Can a Computer Virus Spay Your Dog? Re: "A little bit of critical thinking." [Re virus urban legend virus alerts] ... I never pay any attention to them anyway but your tips might be enlightening for those who shotgun virus warnings. I liked the warning about this virus that will spay your dog, invalidate your Visa card, cause global warming or cooling depending ... Tony Yuma RHS '57 (Fifty-SEVEN! Has it been THAT long?) This is not a chain letter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Lee Johnson (54) To: Subj: Another Big Columbia Flood Coming? Or: Columbia Point Construction At Risk? Or: Time to Widen The Old Horn Rapids Road? Just heard some disturbing news. Apparently the snow pack is growing at an alarming rate and the possibility is there for a major flood on the Columbia and its tributaries. Is there anyone out there who can remember the "GREAT FLOOD OF 48"? I remember GW Way being roped off and only the big Eukes and Turn-a-pulls running wide open up and down the street 24 hours a day. At night, there was a two foot flame coming out of the exhaust pipe. It amazes me there are developers who want to tear down the dike around Richland. And there is a lot of construction down on what they now call Columbia Point. In 1948 that was under 20 feet of water. As I recall the only way out of Richland during that flood was to drive to Benton City using the old Horn Rapids Road. Does anyone else recall that flood? -- Lee Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >From Arthur Roberts (48) Subj: Please Interpret My Dream I would welcome any and all to try to interpret this weird dream I had recently. I was in the kitchen. The refrigerator door was open. My wife's cat, (I am no longer married in real life), jumped into the refrigerator at crisper level, then came flying out of the refrigerator just below freezer level and landed in my arms. My wife kept telling me to keep the cat out of the refrigerator. Her cat kept jumping in near the bottom and popping out near the top. I couldn't catch it or make it stop. I could tell my wife was getting mad at me for letting this continue, but there was nothing I could do to make the cat stop. What do you think this means? — Arthur Roberts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Darwin Perkins (69) To: Subject: Millennium Bug and other Y2K thoughts In response to Dick Epler (52) in the Sandbox #27. Yes, I do still browse these occasionally Dick's synopsis of the intricacies of the Y2K problem was very well done. I won't attempt to improve on it. I'm not involved with Lockheed Martin (LMSI) anymore, so I can't say exactly what they are doing on the Hanford site. But, after spending the better part of the last 5 years working in three separate companies on various aspects of the Y2K problem, it's obvious to me that a problem does exist. However, it's just as obvious that it's not a life-threatening, world ending, kind of problem. So you can class me in the non-Y2K believer group. There are a number of Y2K sites on the Web. If you're interested, just search for the word "Y2K". It can provide you several months of reading material. I've been asked several times to present information on Y2K and its potential impact on life as we know it. Here are some observations: Businesses in the world are in business to survive and to make a profit. They will do as much as necessary to "fix" the Y2K bug and no more. There will be some problems, but, for the most part, life as we know it will continue. Remember, regardless of the rumor mongers, only a small part of your life hinges on a computer doing its job, you'll still get a paycheck the first week in January. There will still be gas at the pumps and they'll still sell coffee and rolls inside. Banks and other financial institutions have already run through Y2K several times AND they will fully back up current information on December 31, this year. For them, the worst case scenario does not involve their computers, but their customers: A run on the bank would devastate the. There is not enough printed money in the country to allow people to pull their savings from the bank over that last week in December. A public panic over not being able to physically hold money is a real concern. In major cities, whenever there is a abnormal occurrence, fire, earthquake, power failure, etc., a sub group of the population makes the best of the situation by rioting and looting. I expect that will happen regardless of the real effect of Y2K. Merely the expectation will be sufficient reason for this group. The potential for power and utility outages does exist. The last time a major power provider tripped off line in the Western Region Grid, some parts of Idaho and Utah were without power for 3 days. Will this happen as a result of Y2K? No one knows. However, this fits in the same class of 'disasters' as a major snow storm. The power people will reset the systems, bypass those that are causing problems and start up the generators again. Travel: I'm planning to go somewhere fun and/or warm for the holidays. Will there be a problem getting back? Probably not, and if there is a delay, it will probably involve the weather, not Y2K. Radios still work, pilots still pilot, there will be gas at the airports, radar still works. Could there be a problem? Sure. Will it stop all flights for the next century? Nope. Food: If you knew that there would be a major winter storm in 3 weeks and that the power and all transportation in and out of your town would be shut down for 3-5 days, what would you do? For Y2K, do the same thing. Summary: There is a problem with computer systems and the year 2000. With a highly technical lifestyle we enjoy, there may be some inconveniences. However, this too will pass. Take what you hear with a grain of salt. Remember, most people who know a bunch about Y2K are making their living by fixing the problem. The worse they make it sound, the more work they have... --Darwin Perkins (69) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Jenny (Smart) Page (87) MailTo: To: Subject: The Nation's Business Is Being Done In response to Kathy Rathvon and how the congress needs to "get on with the business of running our country." Well, Kathy, what they are doing IS the business of running the country. Although what is currently occurring is not an activity that happens with each session, it is a part of the "job description" of being a Representative or Senator. Granted, it's not a fun part of the job, but occasionally it is a necessary part. Let them do this part of their job. And in response to Peggy Roesch, I would gladly take someone who makes a (common) spelling error like Dan Quayle, over someone who is a disgrace to such a dignified office, like William J. Clinton. What is saddest about this whole "affair" with Clinton is that we, the American people, are no longer shocked with each additional "bimbo eruption." My point: A few Weeks back when the Danny Williams-thing occurred; I did not speak to one person (even my Clinton supporter friends) who doubted that it could be true. Everyone just accepted it as "Yep, ol' Billy knocked up some bimbo back in Arkansas." No one said "No Way!! He wouldn't have done that!" (or something along those lines....get my point?). William J. Clinton is an embarrassment to all of America. He is a liar (even his staunchest supporters admit that), and God knows what else. The man should hang his head in shame and leave.... Leave the office he holds....Leave Washington D.C....... Leave America... He's done enough damage already. — Jenny (Smart) Page (87) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Annette Pierce (62) To: Subject: Question: Hi, I am Annette Monson Pierce. (Would be class of 62 but moved to Benton City and graduated in 62 there.) I have a question and would like some feedback from Bombers growing up in Richland during the years of W 42-55. I would like to know if you have noticed an increase in the amount of breast cancer in your area. We don't have much of a history of breast cancer in my family but now the three oldest girls in our family including myself have developed it.. My two younger sisters are on six months rechecks because of suspicious spots and lumps. Marion my older sister said two of her friends also developed breast cancer. All of us developed it before the age of fifty five. I would be interesting in hearing some responses. Thanks. Annette Monson Pierce (62) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: John M. Allen (66) Reply-To: To:> Subject: Speaking for Myself In responding to that which Mike Franco claims he learned from me during Husky Football games, I would like to preface my remarks with the admonition that true communication, and specifically the teaching/learning process, are usually tricky things. For purposes of my remarks here and in the future, I will define true communication as having taken place when one person precisely understands information or ideas in the same manner that the conveyor of the information or ideas WISHES for the other person to understand. This process can be hampered by inadequacies on the part of either the communicator or the "communicatee" or both. It can also be hampered by ambient circumstances (like the roar of a crowd, for instance). Having said that, and having reviewed Issue #24 to be sure MarvCarstens wasn't being misquoted or misinterpreted, I have to say that, in general, it appears Mike Franco was a pretty good student (at least from the standpoint of having UNDERSTOOD certain very basic Conservative principles). While I understand the frustrations of people at the SEEMING value placed upon certain jobs in society, I still believe (about 85% of the time) in the MARKET DYNAMIC of the capitalist system. For instance, I am sure that the UW does not pay its attorneys as little as it does its highest paid professor, and ONLY to the extent that the head football coach does a completely different job than a professor, do I make this comparison with the attorney. One must also consider the relative good done by the athletic program as a whole, and how much the football program contributes not only to that whole program, but to the academic side of University life as well. I doubt that any single fund raising method contributes to the University, anywhere near the amount of raw cash that the football program does. Even in situations where the overall good is far more suspect than college football (specifically professional sports in general, and the NBA in particular) I still believe in the market system. Even if the public wishes to continue demonstrating its overall ignorance by paying outrageous sums to horribly spoiled athletes and team owners so that they may prey upon that same public and its daughters in the pursuit of their own private Sodom and Gomorra, I still maintain it is NOT up to the government to legislate against the public's ignorant behavior. While contrary to popular opinion, we can and DO legislate morality, we cannot AFFORD to legislate against ignorance; at least not in adult society. There is simply FAR too much of it. As for Mr. Carstens' comments about the state of employment in this country, I agree with the point he SEEMED to be making that neither the Democratic Party nor (presumably) the Clinton Administration is responsible for current economic conditions, whatever one perceives those conditions to be. I would say the same about any Administration regardless of party. This stems once again from the basic Conservative belief in capitalism and the market system; specifically, that in general, market dynamics are primarily responsible for the state of any nation's economy. A GOOD administration of government is rather like a good referee in a football game. It applies the rules in as inconspicuous a fashion as possible and does not attempt to make lots of new rules or become the focus of the game. But as for Mr. Carstens apparent complaints about what he perceives to be inadequate benefits, I can only say that no Administration, regardless of political party, should insert itself into this process. A good argument can be made that in many cases, it has been precisely the inappropriate involvement of the government that has screwed things up. One example, without doubt, is the Social Security System and its so-called Trust Fund which DOES NOT EXIST due to the federal government's meddling and lack of self control when it comes to spending. That's what happens when one party is left in control of the House for 40 continuous years. When it comes to business, there are few bodies less qualified to control it effectively than the US Congress, since most of the Congressmen, Congresswomen, and Senators have so abysmally little experience in business. They all have lots of IDEAS but those ideas almost always involve spending your money and mine, all the while thinking it is really theirs. As for my little traps, I have tried only the one so far, but I will not be advertizing any future ones in advance. I had really expected that it would be one of the Francos or maybe Ron Richards who would take the first bite at the bait, and the fact that they didn't, MAY be an indication of how completely libs have come to believe their own swill about this impeachment being equal to an attempted coup d'état. ---John Allen ('66) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Howie Mandel's TV Show as aired 1/28/99 Subj: Evolution Howie's son: Dad, if man descended from apes, why are there still apes? Howie: Because the ones that are still apes are the slow learners. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's all for today's Sandbox, folks. Say what you are itching to say today and send it right away to: Not sure what you want to talk about? Well, then, here are some ideas for you: What do you think about: 1. Will we... Should we... soon be sending U.S. troops to Kosovo to help restore peace there? 2. Is Russia still a threat to the U.S., to world peace? 3. What do you think should really be done with the so-called national budget "surplus?" 4. Why would you like to have yourself cloned? 5. Why would you not like to have yourself cloned? 6. What is your "favorite" pet peeve? See you next time! -- Al Parker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -28- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #29 ~ February 13, 1999 "Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive." -- Sir Walter Scott 1771 - 1832 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ History This Week Sun Feb 7, 1999-- King Hussein Dies. Son Assumes Throne. World Leaders Attend Funeral and Offer Support. Will Middle East "Peace" Hold? Friday, Feb 12, 1999-- The U.S. Senate clears the president of perjury and obstruction of justice charges, making William Jefferson Clinton the second U.S. president to be impeached, but not convicted. Paul Harvey comments: "Senate Completes Cover Up." [to paraphrase] Popular Consensus: "The President engaged in despicable behavior not [sinking] to the level of impeachable offenses." The Country, the President, The Presidency, the Congress and the Constitution appear to have survived the a monumental and tedious ordeal. Only with time will all the ramifications of that ordeal and its outcome be put to the test(s). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RHS/ColHi Alumni Speakers of The Day: Bob Rector (62), Willard Ule (73), Ray Wells (54), Gary Behymer (64), Mike Franco (70), Bob Rector (62), Sandy Carpenter McDermott (61), Kent Sinkey (59), Arthur Roberts (48), Robert Frost (1874-1963) (Bomber Guest) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Feature Today: "Bomber Boomer Baby Trivia" Trivia questions throughout. Can you pass the test? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Share Your Opinions, Your Ideas, and Your Responses with Richland Alumni All Around The World! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Bob Rector (62) ReplyTo: To: Subject: Dream Interpretation for Arthur Roberts (48) "Doctor Bob" subscribes to classic assumption that dreams are metaphors. i.e. the cat coming out of the refrigerator (ice box) is the admonition "Don't let the cat out of the box." The woman complaining that you could not keep the cat in the box, is claiming you have "spilled the beans." Boy are you in trouble! — Bob Rector ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Boomer Baby Trivia #1: 1. Name the Beatles, first and last names. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Willard Ule (73) To: Subj: Black and White and Gray May we forever respect the indulgence of the simple minded. Those whom only see in black and/or white. The only gray they know is the matter which separates their ears. If you lie, then you shall burn!!!!! But how quick do They expect us to forget all of the lies which they told to win the office in which they attempt to serve the People. Even though the majority of the people make their wishes known via- Polls. But they excuse this with comments like, "They don't know what's good for them." This bothers me whenever another adult thinks they know what's best for me, because of their moral convictions. It's like when someone tells you to trust him while he has his hand in your pocket. This whole thing reminds me of my days at Jason Lee. If we didn't get our way we would search out the play ground Teacher who would give us our way. Then came the day that we were forced to realize that some times we were just plain wrong. No matter how many teachers we asked, we were still wrong. I often wish others would learn this lesson. Maybe then we could come to the important vote. THANK YOU MUCHLY LATER, "DOC" WILLARD DOUGLAS ULE M.D. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #2: Finish this line: "Lions, and tigers, and bears ..." (2 words) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Ray Wells (54) Subj: Best Y2K information To: Best Y2K information I have found yet --- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Triva #3: "Hey kids, what time is it?" (4 words) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Gary Behymer (64) Subj: DANCE LIKE NO ONE'S WATCHING We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough, and we'll be more content when they are. After that we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage. We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, are able to go on a nice vacation, when we retire. The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when? Your life will always be filled with challenges, It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway. One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred D. Souza. He said, "For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, and a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life." This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So, treasure every moment that you have. And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time...and remember that time waits for no one.... So stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school, until you lose ten pounds, until you gain ten pounds, until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until you get divorced, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until you get a new car or home, until your car or home is paid off, until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter, until you are off welfare, until the first or fifteenth, until your song comes on, until you've had a drink, until you've sobered up, until you die, until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. . Thought for the day: Work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one's watching. — Gary Behymer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Triva #4. What do M&M's do? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Mike Franco (70) To: Subj: The Good, The Bad, And D.C. Parking Spaces I see my ole buddy John Allen still truly feels that all good is driven by anything/anybody conservative and all bad by anything/anybody liberal. Well since those are totally relative terms, John and any who share those all-left or all-right views....will always be correct. Me, I think most of those guys back there (Wash DC) really do work the same side of the street. When it comes to spending money, the only difference between the right and left is what they spend it on.....national social programs or unwanted C-130's....Well John, I am still more liberal than conservative. I don't think all or hardly ANY conservatives are bad. What I do think IS bad is people who advocate minimal or NO spending......back in those "good old days" we all talk about we called these people "deadbeats". And that is what we have created....a generation of deadbeat taxpayers. Anybody out there care about the $140 - $160 billion a year in income taxes that go UNCOLLECTED ???? If we collected even 20% of that would that give us a little tax relief ? Why does NO conservative OR liberal EVER even mention this???? Not even one ....I really would like to hear everyone's view on this. If I were a conspiracy buff, I would believe there is one at work here.....fill me in. As far as open market belief.....I have always supported ALL open markets, including free trade, elimination of ALL corporate income taxes (the middle class will ALWAYS pay the taxes in our economic structure, live with it) and inheritance taxes. I also believe we ALL should pay our share and tax cheats belong in the slammer at LEAST as much as cheats steal from me and you !! (Just a thought, if ALL the tax cheats and adulterers were run out of Wash DC a lot of parking problems would be solved!!!) Please accept my humble apologies if any of these views do NOT neatly fit with anyone's neat views of us "libs".... I am sure any conflicts can be explained away... Thought for the day....with "the trial" going on, things seem to be going ok out here in reality land. I would like to hear any support out there for declaring a two year recess for both houses of congress....and whenever Clinton leaves office (lots of folks will run out of things to fill their life with when that happens!!!) let's just leave the office vacant...we do it with Judges, corporate officers....Just a thought...take care everyone. Remember: Things are NEVER as bad as they appear. They are either better or worse! — Mike Franco ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Triva #5. What helps build strong bodies 12 ways? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Ray Wells (54) For Arthur Roberts (48) Subj: Please Interpret My Dream Since your dream is fraught with Freudian Symbology, I will answer you off line. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Triva #6. Before he was Mohammed Ali, before he was The Greatest, we knew him as ... (2 words) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: Food For Thought Ray Wells (54) It seems to me that the population our country can be classified in four general groups: 1. Those who are out to get Clinton any way they can. These people believe that Clinton is without redeeming social value. These people are zealous, conservative, right wingers who believe the end justifies the means. 2. Those who are willing to overlook Clinton's misbehavior, no matter how serious because they believe he will guide the country in a direction they agree with. These people are allowing main stream media to do their thinking for them. These people prefer to have the government decide what is best for them. These people are zealous, liberal, left wingers who believe the end justifies the means. 3. Those who want the constitution and rule of law followed irrespective of whether it allows Clinton to remain in office or causes him to be removed from office. These people place a high priority on personal freedom. 4. Those who don't want to be bothered about Clinton one way or the other, i.e., the apathetic. These people are willing to let the future take care of itself. As long as they have access to food & water, booze, clothing, shelter, TV, healthcare and sex, they are happy to let someone else provide direction for their country. Questions: 1. Which group do you belong to? 2. Which group do you believe is best for America? 3. Which group would provide the least resistance to a takeover by a dictatorship? 4. Which group would provide the most resistance to a takeover by a dictatorship? 5. The majority of the world's population lives under a dictatorship. History has shown that a democracy can be taken over by a dictatorship. Could it happen here? If so, why? If not, why not? Ray Wells ('54) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Triva #7. "You'll wonder where the yellow went, ..." (7 words) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Bob Rector (62) To: THE_SANDBOX@HOTMAIL.COM Subject: More lame advice to Vince Bartram ('62) about Y2K. (And when it is, or was, or still may be) OK, so what this all means...that we ain't got no idea what year it is really. (I learned my English at RHS) Guess my advice is to party no matter what. Addenda to earlier diatribe: (1) Yes, there is another day's discussion over probable calendar errors made by Dionysius the Less....along with his poor formula. We are probably already into the second millennium. (2) And yes, there is another day's discussion over possible calendar errors made since the sixth century. Some questions through the Dark Ages, you know, when the sun didn't shine so bright. (little humor there) (3) Remember the Millerites, who waited on the hillside for Christ's return years ago. Today they are Seventh Day Adventists and still waiting. (4) If you happen to be Mormon, better head for Independence Missouri, cause that's where Joseph Smith said Christ would return. (5) Our good friend John Wingfield, (64?) reminds us for our Jewish relatives, it is year 5759, for our Muslim brethren it is 1420, and for our Chinese sisters it's 4697. (6) For Goodness Sake, I just want to know what year it is for "Kennewick Man"? Vince, as for making dumb mistakes, heck, I can still do those! Semper Bomberus, Bob ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Triva #8. Before he was the Skipper's little buddy, Bob Denver was Dobie's best friend, ... (First and last names, and middle initial) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WILL RICHLAND SEE MAJOR FLOODING AGAIN, AS BAD AS IN 1948? In issue #28 of The Sandbox, Lee Johnson pointed to the possibility of major snow packs accumulating in the mountains now, combining with fast-melt run-offs, becoming a real threat to the Richland Area again. He wondered, with such potential developing, why developers were now seeking permits to take out the dykes that were built to hold back the Columbia as a result of the floods of 48. He also asked how many remembered the floods that threatened Richland then. Responses from Ray Wells and Sandy Carpenter McDermott follow below. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Triva #9. "M-I-C...See ya real soon. K-E-Y..." (+5 letters) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Ray Wells (54) ReplyTo: To: Subj: Also Remembers The Floods of 1948 For Lee Johnson (54) Yes I remember the 1948 spring flood. It was proceeded by a very cold (the Yakima River froze over), high snow fall winter. It either disabled or took out the bridges from Richland to Kennewick and West Richland, and it was months before you could drive across the Yakima on a bridge from Richland. As kids, we particularly enjoyed it when the warm weather hit because we were able to swim (actually skinny-dip) in the numerous pools that were left in the land west of Richland. No one told us how polluted they were, and not knowing this, we did not get sick. Like you, I cannot accept the logic behind wanting to remove the dikes. — Ray Wells ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Triva #10. A 'streaker' is someone who might run across campus wearing what? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Sandy Carpenter McDermott (61) ReplyTo: To: Subj: Re: Lee Johnson's comments on the Great Flood of '48 Yes, I remember well the Flood of 48. We had just moved into our new house on Davison Street across from Jefferson Grade School. The yards were not yet landscaped or planted with grass, so the dust blew pretty freely. When they built the dike to keep the flood waters back, they hauled sand bags in large trucks. I remember how noisy it was day and night, because they used our back yard to take the trucks to the dike site, and our front yard for returning trucks. It was just constant traffic, noise and, of course, DUST. Who could forget THAT???? -- Sandy Carpenter McDermott ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Triva #11. "Brylcream: ..." (6 words) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Kent Sinkey (59) MailTo:SINKEYSK@UCMAIL.UC.EDU To: Subject: 40th reunion this year I've enjoyed reading postings in the Sandstorm and Sandbox and bringing back old memories of growing up in Richland. I just wanted to take a minute, in the hopes that I won't get badly flamed, to mention that a friend of mine and I have started a travel agency last year. If anyone would like to use our professional services to attend the 40th reunion we can be reached at: We're available for all business and leisure travel. Thanks, Kent Sinkey (59) [No problem, Kent. Here's wishing you the best success in your travel business. If anyone else would like to plug your own business or service, feel free to tell us about it. If, at the same time, you could share an amusing or interesting experience that has occurred during the course of your business, we would enjoy hearing about that too! -ap] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Triva #12. Bob Dylan advised us never to trust anyone .... (2 words) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To: The Subject: Quiescence. All is quiet and the children are sleeping. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Robert Frost (1874-1963) (A Bomber Guest) To: Subject: Miles To Go Before I Sleep The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. --Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 The often heard phrase--- "You can fool all the poeple some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can not fool all the people all of the time," are words attributed to Lincoln in a speech given at Clinton, Sep 8, 1858, according to Autobiography of A. Lincoln, 1927. (N.W. Stephenson). (Attributed. also to Phineas Barnum.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's all for today's Sandbox, folks. Say what you are longing to say today and send it right away to: Not sure what you want to talk about? Well, then, here are some ideas for you: What do you think about: 1. Kennewick Man? 2. Irradiating food to preserve it? 3. National I.D. cards? 4. National Park Entry Fees? 5. Indian Casino Slot Machines? 6. Online Casinos? 7. A National Sales Tax? See you next time! -- Al Parker -- your Sandbox coordinator Oh, were you looking for the answers to the Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia Quiz? Well, if there were any of those questions you don't know the answer to, perhaps Gary Behymer, who supplied the trivia questions will be kind enough to supply us with theanswers in time for the next issue of The Sandbox! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -29- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #30 ~ February 17 1999 Now that the trial is over, T.S. Eliot (1888 - 1965) Just might have said: "A way of putting it-- not very satisfactory; ... A paraphrastic study... Leaving one still with the intolerable wrestle With words and meanings." ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Traffic Stopper: On Thursday, Feb 18, 1999 A rally to "Save The Dams" Will Be Held On The Cable Bridge Between Kennewick and Pasco between the hours of 5 PM and 7 PM. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ RHS/ColHi Alumni Speakers of The Day: Marc Franco (66), Joe Ford (63), Ray Wells (54), John M. Allen (66), John Northover (59), Dick Epler (52), Willard Ule (73), Gail Cherrington (56), Alan Porter (67), Patty Stordahl (72), Dustin Rector (88), ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Sandbox Is: A SHARING of Your Ideas, Your Opinions, Your Experiences and Your Responses To Richland Alumni All Over The World! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marc Franco (66)> To:> Subject: No witnesses Ray Wells made the comment that it is the Democrats and liberals who are opposed to calling witnesses for the impeachment trial. Unfortunately, he is quite correct. As opposed as I am to this entire waste of taxpayer money, etc., I have been quite irritated about the Democrats stating on the one hand that they do not see the need for calling witnesses, and on the other hand stating that they see nothing new coming in the trial, so why have the trial. Well, if they refuse to call witnesses, then of course there will be nothing new. Marc ('66) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: "Joe Ford" (63) To: CC: "Kathy Rathvon" Subject: Government business Old Richlanders (and some not so old) --- I vote with Kathy Rathvon, the voice of reason and sanity, in regard to the charade underway in DC. Whatever Clinton did or did not do, he has the great majority of our country's support. Anthony Lewis, journalist for the New York Times, has made a cogent argument worth reading. As a librarian, I should be able to give you a better citation, but you might start with The point of his comments are that the Clinton-haters have had him in their sights for years, and have spent millions in pursuing him. What they found at the end of the day that was even remotely actionable was that he was involved with a young woman, and that they could likely make him uncomfortable with that piece of news. Four years, and $50 million, and it came down to hanky-panky. And so, in their pursuit, they've wasted our time, and worse, their time. We pay them to take care of critical business; health care, education, Social Security, foreign affairs and national defense. Instead, they've diminished themselves, the Government, and our trust in them. Clinton, whose political skills I admire, had already diminished himself. End the farce, before it descends into tragedy. Two predictions: The hard right will begin blaming ordinary citizens for their lack of zeal, shortly after Clinton is acquitted. Those of us who have little stomach for kangaroo courts will become responsible for Clinton. The Republican party, which should be angling to attract those of us who have become more cautious in our middle age, will, instead, lurch further to the right seeking to purify itself. Back to business. Best to all. --Joe Ford ('63) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subject: Executive Order From: Ray Wells (54) To: (Richard Epler) Dick, I think you came out in favor of executive orders. After reading this I'd like to know if you would reconsider. Ray --------------------------- >From Rush Limbaugh's Web Site: THIS IS NEW AND....DANGEROUS...... Below is the latest Clinton Executive Order (13107) that will become effective January 10, 1999, UNLESS CONGRESS FORCES HIM TO WITHDRAW IT!!! ( It will place the actions of all government within the United States under the review and veto of the United Nations (See Section 4 (c)(iii). The only way to stop it is by beating the drums. I spoke with Congressman Cox's office 12/23/98. They were not aware of it!!! Help me to get the word out! CLINTON MUST BE FORCED TO WITHDRAW THIS ORDER!!!!!!!!!!! --Ray ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: "John M. ALLEN"> Reply-To: To: Subject: Pay Back, OR Just Too Late?? To all my Democrat "friends" who were SOOOO outraged at the incredibly scurrilous behavior of the Speaker of the House two years ago, how many of you even bothered to notice the complete vindication given him last week by no less than the one and only legitimate agency of the Federal Government charged with investigating his alleged criminal/unethical activities. Oh, the unbiased National TV media covered the story......for about a day and a half; to which they will all proudly point in future as proof of their unbiased coverage of national politics, but this amounts to the page 22 retraction of an initial Front Page Story of accusation in a newspaper. How many days in late 1996 and early '97 was this the lead story on every major network and on the Front Page of major newspapers across the land? And further, WHERE IS THE PIT YORKIE, DAVID BONIOR??? Bonior was the hammer that kept pounding Gingrich and eventually caused him to have to pay a $350,000 "fine" to the House as repayment for costs of the investigation for which he (Bonior) was primarily responsible. Will Bonior now be repaying Gingrich out of his pocket for the money Gingrich was erroneously assessed? Democrats, liberals, and so-called independents who contribute to the SANDBOX, please explain to me why this should NOT happen. Perhaps Mr. Bonior should even be censured for his Left-Wing Extremist, PARTISAN WITCH HUNT that has been completely rejected and refuted by the Internal Revenue Service. It cost an honorable man a good part of his reputation, and no matter how many letters like this one are written in the future, most Americans will remember Gingrich as an unethical criminal who cheated on his taxes. The problem with this and so many other situations in Washington D.C. is that if you're a liberal Democrat, it doesn't really make any difference if what you say is true. It only matters that you say it and that it gets repeated incessantly; the truth be damned. ---John M. Allen ('66) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ FROM: John Northover (59)> To:> Subject: Y2K Hysteria .... ??? Mr. Sandbox... I Am Sending this as a Possible Sandbox Entry. Do Not Know What People Are Doing, in Their Personal Lives, to Get Through the Y2K Thing, but Thought this Would Be Useful Information. I Will Leave it to You, Whether You Feel it Should Be Included. No Problem with Me Either Way. ******************* A Naval Message with Possible ... Good Info ??? I Have Stripped the Headings and All the Secret Stuff, So I Will Not Have to Kill Anyone!!! Sorry about the Capital Letters ... but the Navy Only Operates With Shouting!!! [No problem re the capital letters, John. I enlisted WordPerfect to diminish the shouting a bit by lower- casing all but the first letter of each word. -Al] [Note to Sandbox Subscribers: Because of the length of this comprehensive evaluation of Y2K problems, preparations completed or under way, testing already done and things you can do concerning Y2K, this information "package" will be continued over the course of more than one Sandbox issue, possibly three or more. This is one of the most thorough and "official" evaluations I have seen so far of anticipated Y2K problems, what is being done throughout industry and government and what you, personally, can do to meet the Y2K challenges ahead. - Al P.] Subj/guidance on Year 2000 (Y2K) Related Issues// Rmks/1. It Is Important That We Provide Our Sailors with Sound, Useful Information on the Potential Impact of Y2K on Their Personal and Professional Lives, as Well as the Lives of Their Families. 2. The Year 2000 (Y2K) "Millennium Bug" Is Becoming an Increasingly Popular Subject for the "Talking Heads" of the World as Mass Media Focus On Possible Y2K Disruptions and Extremists Predict Catastrophic Social Breakdown. Additionally, an Increasing Number of Entrepreneurs and "Scam Artists" View Y2K as an Opportunity to Capitalize on Fear and Uncertainty for Personal Profit. 3. This Is the First in a Series of Messages Prepared by the Navy Office of Information (CHINFO) Addressing How Sailors Can Expect Y2K to Affect Various Aspects of Both the Domestic and the Military Infrastructure. Commanding Officers and Officers in Charge Should Ensure Widest Possible Dissemination Of this Information via Plan of the Day (POD), Command Newspaper, Familygram, Site TV, Daily Quarters, Captain's Call and Other Appropriate Venues. 4. The Following Information Is Drawn from a Variety of Private Sector and Official Sources Including Commercial News Media Products. This Information Is Considered to Be Reliable, but Not Necessarily Authoritative, as No One Can Predict Future Events With Complete Certainty. This Particular Message Addresses Only a Few of the Wide Array of Y2K Topics. Future Messages Will Continue to Address Other Areas in More Detail. Together, this Series of Messages Should Provide a Current, Comprehensive Database of Y2K Information. Look for Additional Information about Y2K Related Issues to Be Communicated on a Regular Basis Through Navy Internal Media Such As All Hands Magazine, Navy-marine Corps News, Direct to Sailor and Navy News Service. Y2K Information Is Also Available Through [various] Navy Web Sites: A. Y2K Bug--general/background: Q1. What Is the Year 2000 Challenge and How Did it Happen? A1. The Year 2000 Challenge Potentially Affects Any Digital Computer System, Equipment or Product That Uses Date Information. It Arises from The Nearly Universal Practice in Academia, Government and Business of Using Two Rather Than Four Digits to Designate the Calendar Year (E.g.,Dd/mm/yy). It Also Has Its Roots in the Common Practice of Using Two Digits to Shorthand References To the Year (Just as People Commonly Refer to "The Class of '99'" Instead of The "Class of 1999"). This Common Practice Can Lead to Incorrect Results Whenever Computer Systems, Software or Microchips Perform Arithmetic Operations, Comparisons or Data Field Sorting Involving Years Later than 1999. Non-compliant Systems May Interpret 00 as the Year 1900, 01 as the Year 1901, Etc. TO BE CONTINUED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Dick Epler (52) ReplyTo: (Dick Epler Subj: Lessons of Impeachment To: The SANDBOX I suppose the biggest lesson from the Clinton Impeachment is NOT that "it's over," but rather that it's just the beginning. This trial seems to be paving the way for an entirely new phase of American Politics. Maybe I shouldn't have been surprised, but the Senate trial wasn't so much about Clinton as it was about consolidating party power. The Repubs have some, the Demos want it … all of it, if possible. And the Constitution and associated Oath of Office be damned. After the votes were counted, it was interesting to listen to the justifications offered to dismiss. Though all agree that Clinton is guilty as charged, most of the Democrats assert that the offenses aren't impeachable, while the Republicans contend that the offenses, though impeachable, weren't proven as given by the Senate's trial record. Of course, the Republicans (Lott) were willing accomplices in crippling the trial process (no live witnesses) and in tying the hands of the house managers (no new evidence) so that a proper trial record couldn't be built for the voting process. Neat, eh? Everybody's covered, politically. The end result, however, is clear. We are no longer a "nation of laws." The "great experiment" is dead. In the United States, as in the rest of the World, the "rule of men" dominates the "rule of law." I suppose we've been moving in this direction for a long time now, but the Clinton trial has removed any doubt that remained and for that alone, the trial was important. While I worry that our nation is now more susceptible political corruption, we may yet be able to fix it before another Clinton comes along ... so long as we recognize the problem. But first, we need to clear up one very important point. The "Clinton lesson" has very little to do with his sexual indiscretions. As Ray Wells (54) likes to point out, Clinton has committed (and continues to commit) a good many more serious offenses than his abuse of women. How Starr decided on the Lewinsky strategy has bothered me from the beginning. At the time, I rationalized his choice as being the easiest to prove, which, though true, became irrelevant. In hindsight, many say that Starr is a political neophyte who failed to realize that such charges would be mischaracterized as only "lying about sex," thereby serving as more of a political vindication than as anything serious enough to warrant impeachment. There are other, perhaps more insightful, interpretations. Some foreign correspondents, who, unlike our own press, don't have the problem with access to Washington news sources, make some interesting observations. They point out that Starr is pretty much a product of the system. He has never been an "independent" counsel. Starr is a former chief-of-staff at the Justice Department and his team in Washington is dominated by fellow Justice Department insiders. Moreover, he has relied primarily on the FBI (another Clinton-tainted agency) for most of the investigative work. The point here is NOT that these people are corrupt themselves, but rather that they are most assuredly NOT independent. Anybody that was able to survive Clinton's purge of the Justice Department and the FBI, in 1992, has to know that the key to survival depends on being able to ignore the most serious offenses of the Executive office. That's another thing that has bothered me from the beginning. When Clinton took office in 1992, one of the first things he did was to fire all the senior prosecutors at the Justice Department. Next he did something no other President has ever done. He fired the director of the FBI, a NO-NO, since that office is appointed for 10 years (to ensure political independence). But since the press was silent, I guess we all assumed it was OK. In retrospect, these two acts effectively gave Clinton direct control of most of the Government's investigative machinery and thereby cleared the way for him to ignore any laws he wished, something he continues to do even today. Many point out that this couldn't have happened without the complicity of the press. I hesitate to say that we don't have a "free press" any more, but with the pressures of advertising, political pressure groups, circulation numbers, Nielsen ratings, and the like, I know our press has nowhere close to the integrity it once had. More honest reporting now seems to come from a guy with modem connected to the net (Matt Drudge) and from foreign correspondents than from anything our national media puts out. Consider that in recent days, the Washington Post has been caught feeding media intelligence to the White House counsel's office and that NBC Television is sitting on an interview with an Arkansas woman (Jane Doe #5) who was allegedly raped by Clinton. These are only two instances of a "pressured press." So now let me ask: What do you think YOU could do if you ran an office with a annual budget of $1,770,000,000,000 (1.77 trillion dollars), had no political opposition to speak of, had a spin-control machine that the media loved, which, coincidentally, allowed you to pretty much ignore the Constitution and the law of the land? I suspect there are quite a number of people out there with an answer to this question. At least one investment journal believes that Steven Spielberg is interested. Hmmm … could be. Interesting how American Politics has changed in the last few years. Dick Epler (52) - Mt. Vernon, Oregon ~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: (Willard Ule M.D.) (73) To: Subject: GIVE CREDIT WHEN CREDIT IS DUE. When I wrote last I mentioned the simple minded, well with our help they got something right. "We find William Jefferson Clinton not guilty" even though it took millions of dollars and longer than it takes to bear and deliver a child. we were able to get the right result. The only thing I fear is a repeat performance, God help us if I am right. We may find ourselves in the middle of a war. I feel it would be the marks of all civil war's. It would be the conservatives against the rest of us as we would be forced to protect ourselves against Moral Displacement. this would be when others morals dis-place our basic civil rights. may we remember that it happened before. when we had our last civil war. Let us be of more common sense this time. THANK YOU MUCHLY LATER "DOC" WILLARD DOUGLAS ULE M.D. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Gail Cherrington Hollingsworth (56) Reply-To: To: Subject: Re: Trivia questions Not sure you are asking for us to send you these answers, but just in case you are, here are mine: [Note to readers— since Gail is giving the answers here to triva questions asked in Sandbox #29, You can, just for fun, in the privacy of your own home, ask yourself, or whoever is home with you, what the questions are. (You know, like in Jeopardy.) Or, you can play the same game with Patty Stordahl's set of answers further on. -ap] 1. Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison 2. Have I...... (not sure about that one) 3. It's Howdy Doody time. 4. Melt in your mouth, not in your hand. 5. WonderBread 6. Cassish (sp?) Clay 7. When you brush your teeth with Pepsodent. 8. Maynard J. Krebbs. 9.M-O-U-S-E 10. Nada-nothing 11. A little dab 'll do ya. 12. over 30. Thanks, was fun ... Gail Cherrington Hollingsworth ~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: "Alan Porter" (67)> To: Subject: Food for thought Thanks for the trivial questions I answered all but one. Now I'd like to answer Ray wells 5 questions. I belong to group 3 - those who believe in the rule of law. It is important to note that there can be legitimate difference of opinions on just what the rule of law is in this case. As I have stated previously I do not believe that Clinton should have been impeached because it does not rise to an impeachable offense and I believe that the senate followed the rule of law - thanks to moderate republican senators. Since I find myself in group 3 I also feel that group 3 is the best group. For questions 3 and 4 my best answer is - the strength of this country is the diversity of opinions and actions, all four groups add some strengths and weaknesses. That's the purpose of a democracy is to acknowledge and respect the differences. we need liberals and conservatives and moderates. Even it I do find it hard to understand why a person would want to be a conservative I do believe it is important to have some of them around. I just hope that my vote can keep them from getting everything they wish vote for. So Ray, lets encourage people to disagree and to continue to cast their votes and to express their opinions. Thanks for the questions. Alan Porter (67) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Patty Stordahl (72) ReplyTo: To: Subj: Regarding Trivia [Editor's note: Patty is supplying the answers here. All you have to do is remember the questions. Kind of like jeopardy. But keep on reading. She has more to say!] 1. MaCartny Lennon Star Harison 2. "Oh My!" 3. "It's Howdy Dudey Time!" 4. melts in your mouth, not in your hands! 5. Wonder bread 6. Cassius Clay 7. when you brush your teeth with pepsodent ( I still do) 8. Maynard G. Krebs 9. Mouse 10.birthday suit ( nothing at all ) 11. A little dab will do ya 12. Regarding Bob Dylan, my memory fails me on only two words, to my recollection Bob sang almost exclusively about lack of government or society trust. Please help me on this one. Also to the one who interprets freudian dreams. Contact me. Any one know the where abouts of RHS Mr. Stevens, Mr. Nash or Mr. Vandenberg? What ever became of the Skinners? They had a great club going in High school for the Afro American students to increase visability & awareness. I remember Belinda but was not really close to her. What is she doing now? I would imagine a governmental office or a leader whereever she is. Meryl Husties?? Jessica Allen? Karlyn Jerrish? Randy Woodby? Keith Brown, Bill Church. List goes on & on but these are ones I have not seen or heard of in a long while. Most every one else still is in the loop somewhere out there. Densows drugs just came into conversation with a group of us Friday night.memories of J P Harris's visits to pick up his parents scripts. He couldn't remember the name of the pharmacist back in the 60's any one out there remember? JP only remembered he was the nicest guy. JP says that when his dad passed away, he inherited a really unusual gift. His dad was the town lock smith & kept a spare key to every job he ever did & marked the key with the address & name of each client. The gift was, the huge safe that holds ventrally every original key to government houses in Richland as well as every time the same address had a new lock added & key made he added it to the original key ring. Pretty scarey huh. Great thing that John Paul is very trust worthy. Wonder if Richland has a museum that would be interested it this collection? have a great Valentines day every one. — Patty ~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Dustin Rector (88)> To: Subject: Millennium Bug and other Y2K thoughts Darwin Perkins: For somebody offering no proof about what you're claiming, you're awfully confident. I guess the work you did was pretty minor. Personally, I'm planning for 2 weeks of no power (I figure if not Y2K, one day the Big Quake's gonna hit and then we will REALLY need 2 weeks of food stuffs). At this point, I'm mostly worried about 2 things: Cascade failure. Back in the late 80's a power company had on their books that a customer owed them .001 cents. Rounding off, for several months they sent a bill for $0.00. When they threatened to turn it over to a collection agency, the confused customer wrote a check for $0.00. This crashed the Federal Reserve and sent a hiccup through the nation's banks. The lesson is: 99% of the banks have a good handle on this, I'd guess 99% have probably built in some solid testing software to reject checks dated 1/1/1900, and that sort of thing. But all it takes is one bank to have missed one thing, and it's error could echo through the system. If we have one power company, one traffic signal timer, one airplane, one coal train, one distribution company all choke, the waves could get really rough real fast. My main concern, though, is other countries. Russia has just begun to discover that it has a problem. Their military is already experiencing starvation, missed wages, desertion, and a high rate of suicide. I don't know if we have much to worry, maybe it'll just implode and the soldiers will return home and be producing members of society. The big worry is if security will stay in place around (nuclear/missile) weapons. I've heard that while Russia isn't as dependant upon the PC as we are, almost all are fairly old systems, which means what few systems use the computer almost certainly need work to keep running. Has anyone heard what China's situation is? How about our closer neighbors to the north and south? -Dustin Rector ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KwikNotes: From Gary-: " Dancing Like Nobody's Looking was just forwarded... I did not write it." From Mary to Gary- "Hi Gary. I just read the "Dance..." and loved it...Are you familiar with the Kathy Matter song that uses those lines? If you like Kathy Matter, you'd like the song. Thanks for sharing the message. I think we all need to be reminded of things like that occasionally." Trivia: Did you like the trivia questions? More are planned for next time. If you have some trivia you'd like to send along for future issues, please do so. Table Topics: Not sure what you want to talk about? Well, then, here are some ideas for you: What do you think about the following: 1. A "Save The Dams" rally is planned to be held on the Cable Bridge between Pasco and Kennewick on February 18 between 5 and 7 PM. Are any of you going to go? Please write and tell us your impressions if you do. What do you think? Should we start breaching (tearing down) the dams that provide power, irrigation navigation and recreation on the Snake and other rivers in Washington and Idaho in order to try to save the native salmon runs? There is a very strong effort being mounted by forces in favor of having the dams removed. Is that something you favor, or not? 2. What do you think about the policy of "social" promotion in school? Does it serve the student? Does it serve society? 3.. Should gun makers be sued? 4.. Where do you plan to be as 1999 turns into the year 2000? See you next time! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's all for today's Sandbox, folks. Say what you are longing to say today and send it right away to: -- Al Parker, Gatherer of Your Thoughts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -30- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #31 ~ February 20, 1999 "I have got no further than this: Every man has a right to utter what he thinks truth, and every other man has a right to knock him down for it..." -- Samuel Johnson 1709 - 1784 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Share Your Opinions, Your Ideas, and Your Responses With Fellow Richland Alumni All Over The World! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RHS/ColHi Alumni Speakers of The Day: Andrew Eckert (54), John Allen (66), Alan Porter (67), Patty de la Bretonne (65), James Moran (86), Mike Franco (66), Dick Epler (52), Ron Richards (63) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also Featuring: More Bomber Boomer Baby Trivia! Answer the questions and fill in the missing words! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Andrew Eckert (54) ReplyTo: Subject: Please! think for yourselves! Lets get back to running this country. I certainly do not understand why issue no 30 is a backdated issue dealing with the past. I barely began reading all these ridiculous right wing writings and felt compelled to ask JOHN M. ALLEN (66) to just reread his hate letter and just substitute Bill Clinton for the name Gingrich and you would have the majority of thinking Americans attitudes.....but don't let me stop you right wing hypocrites your doing a wonderful job of destroying the new "hate" republican party. I was a republican for all my voting life and only when this so called religious right took over the party and started giving the marching orders, did I finally come to my senses and finally realize that the very best president in my time has been Bill Clinton. If you people would stop letting Rush do your thinking and try doing some of your own, you might just see that your head is up where the sun don't shine. You're old enough to know better! Do your own thinking, It really does matter what you think and how you vote. At 63 I've learned the right to speak out please forgive me if I offend anyone. Andrew Eckert (54) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #13. "I wonder, wonder, wonder, wonder who ..." (6 words) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Alan Porter (67)> Subject: Y2K vs ( as in the days of Rome) Y-Zero-K This was sent to me and I found it amusing and thought a historical look at Y2K bugs was worth sharing. Just how many of you learned about the Y zero K problem. It seems we missed out on some important history lessons. A BUG IN ROME While browsing through some dust-covered archival material in the recesses of the Roman Section of the British Museum, a researcher recently came across a tattered parchment. After some effort he translated it and found that it was a letter from a man called Plutonius with the title of "magister fastorium," or keeper of the calendar, to one Cassius. It was dated, strangely enough, 1 BC, January 7--or 2000 years ago. (Remember, there was no year zero). The text of the message follows: Dear Cassius, Are you still working on the Y zero K problem? This change from BC to AD is giving us a lot of headaches and we haven't much time left. I don't know how people will cope with working the wrong way around. Having been working happily downwards forever, now we have to start thinking upwards. You would think that someone would have thought of it earlier and not left it to us to sort it all out at this last minute. I spoke to Caesar the other evening. He was livid that Julius hadn't done something about it when he was sorting out the calendar. He said he could see why Brutus turned nasty. We called in the consulting astrologers, but they simply said that continuing downwards using minus BC won't work. As usual, the consultants charged a fortune for doing nothing useful. As for myself, I just can't see the sand in an hourglass flowing upwards. We have heard that there are three wise men in the East who have been working on the problem, but unfortunately they won't arrive until it's all over. Some say the world will cease to exist at the moment of transition. Anyway, we are still continuing to work on this blasted Y zero K problem and I will send you a parchment if anything further develops. Vale, Plutonius Alan Porter (67) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #14. "War, uh-huh, huh, yeah, what is it good for? ..." (2 words) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Ron Richards (63) To Ray Wells: Will your next communication inform us that you are in Group 3? There might be those that think you belong in Group 1, along with all the House Managers. Their claim to have been upholding the constitution is as deceitful as anything Clinton was alleged to have done. Ron Richards '63) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #15. Where have all the flowers gone? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Patty de la Bretonne (65) THANK YOU GARY BEHYMER [In issue #29] for reminding us to live our lives today. It seems as if it takes so much time and experience to finally come to this place.. Very well said, I appreciated it very much. --Patty [Note" Patty also responded to the Bomber Baby Trivia in SB29- Does everyone still remember the questions?: Her answers were]: "and things' or 'and such', Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, John Lennon, I don't think It was Holsum maybe that other more famous bread, Cassius Clay,'when you brush your teeth with pepsodent', MAYNARD G. KREBS!, M_O_U_S_E!, nothing(or your birthday suit), 'a little dable doya',over 30!!!! --THANK YOU." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #16. Superman, disguised as Clark Kent, mild mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a never ending battle for truth, justice, and ..." (3 words) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: "John M. ALLEN"> Reply-To: Subject: For Mike Franco Mikey, I know to a reasonable certainty that you are neither an ignorant nor a stupid person but about a year ago, I offered you two suggestions you would do well to reconsider. The first is to learn to read what is ACTUALLY on the written page rather than what you THINK is on it. You should understand that I am not referring to spread sheets here, which I know you can read very well, but rather the kind of prose that one finds in the NY Times and the SANDBOX, or between the covers of a novel, a history or a biography. I reread my submission to SANDBOX Issue #28 just to be sure, and I found that indeed, my rant was almost entirely economic opinion and, taken as a whole, the least partisan thing I have ever submitted to the SANDBOX. Read it again, Mikey, the way it was written. The second suggestion I made to you is closely related to the first and equally important. Mike, you really should learn to WRITE your native language as well. Here again, I am not referring to spreadsheets. Learn to write in complete sentences (it helps if you're trying to convey complete thoughts) and to use paragraphs to indicate where one idea leaves off and another begins. When it comes to ideas, rather than simply grabbing a handful and throwing them at the page in some scatter gun fashion, give the ideas some meat and try to construct a modicum of logical thought progression so that your readers might arrive along WITH you at whatever conclusions you are leading them to. Finally, NEVER end a sentence with a preposition! I realize that in general, following rules is more of a Conservative than a liberal "thing" but once you have mastered those fundamental rules, perhaps you can learn the proper way to break them. At that point, I'll refer you to the SANDSTORM submissions (however infrequent) of Jim House ('63), so that you might develop a sense of writing STYLE and the ability to turn the occasional, clever phrase. ---John Allen ('66) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #17. Who came from the University of Alabama to become one of the greatest QB's in NFL history and appeared in a TV commercial wearing women's pantyhose? (But do you know his nickname!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: "James Moran" (86) ReplyTo: It is interesting to read people's response / discussion as it relates to "dead beats" who abuse the tax system, or yet skip-out and do not pay their taxes. In fact one person claimed these deadbeats should be placed in the same category as "adulterers". But as I read the many E mails from Bomber alums, I can't help but notice how many are government or Hanford Email extensions. In short, government contractors or subcontracts who are on the job, and using government equipment for personal Email. Is there any difference from this and a tax cheater??? Not much. Only one shafts a hard working tax payer like myself in the end of the money chase instead of the beginning. Also, after living over twenty years in the Tri-Cities, (over fifteen in Richland), I find it very strange to hear how many people complain about "Big Government", in a community which has been living off of the "Big Government" bosom for over 50 years. In fact, what I discovered was many of the people who wanted less government, usually were the best paid in the "area". So as a liberal, I'm all for a smaller government expenditure at Hanford. Jim Moran (86) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #18. "I'm Popeye the sailor man! I'm Popeye the sailor man! I'm strong to the finish ..." (5 words) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: Some taxing questions. From: Mike Franco (66) Just another quick note on taxes and how we all seem to cheat...I just read a fellow Bomber's characterization of Newt as ,,,"an honorable man"... well honorable is another one of those relative terms. But I ask again, why does NO ONE out there care to even comment about the $140-160 BILLION per year in uncollected income it OK to cheat because "we all do it?" Why do neither Dems OR Republicans show any interest ? If you thought everyone on both sides of the aisle in DC were fathering children out of wedlock and having affairs what do you think is the % that cheats on their taxes ????? comments out there ? --Mike ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #19. Who played Peter Pan before all these other imitators? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To: The SANDBOX From: Dick Epler (52) Subj: Instructions for Life I came across the following "Instructions for Life" a while back (author unknown). Every once in a while, I get them out and try to edit them below 25, with little success. I always seem to find other things to add ... like "lessons" in the recent past. Try it. See if you can do it ... INSTRUCTIONS FOR LIFE 1.. Good relationships are achieved when both work to make the good times longer – and the bad times shorter. 2.. Give people more than they expect -- and do it cheerfully! 3.. True happiness is basically three things: someone to love, something to do, and something to look forward to. Two out of three often wins. 4.. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have, or sleep all you want. 5.. When you say, "I love you" - mean it. 6.. Believe in love at first sight. 7.. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. 8.. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt, but it's the only way to live life completely. 9.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name-calling. 10.. Give people more than they expect -- and do it cheerfully. 11.. Don't judge people by their relatives. 12.. Talk slowly but think quickly. 13.. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?" 14.. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk. 15.. Call your mom. 16.. When you lose, don't lose the lesson. 17.. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions. 18.. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship. 19.. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. 20.. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice. 21.. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any others. 22.. Spend some time alone. 23.. Open your arms to change but don't let go of your values. 24.. Don't close your mind until you have something in it. 25.. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. 26.. Read more books and watch less TV. 27.. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll get to enjoy it a second time. 28.. Trust in God but lock your car. 29.. Do all you can to create a tranquil, harmonious home. 30.. In disagreements with loved ones, deal with the current situation. Don't bring up the past. 31.. Read between the lines. 32.. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality. 33.. Be gentle with the Earth. 34.. Pray. There's immeasurable power in it. 35.. Never interrupt when you are being flattered. 36.. Don't trust a man/woman who doesn't close his/her eyes when you kiss. 37.. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before. 38.. If you make a lot of money, put it to use helping others while you are living. That is wealth's greatest satisfaction. 39.. Remember that not getting what you want is often a blessing in disguise. 40.. Learn the rules before you break them. 41.. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it. 42.. Remember that your character is your destiny. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #20. In "The Graduate," Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) was advised about his future and told to consider one thing. What? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Y2K Questions and Answers, Continued: (This continues a series of Y2K info forwarded to us by John Northover, based on U.S. Navy advisories to its personnel early in 1999.) While this info has been researched primarily to benefit Navy personnel in preparation and planning for their personal and family needs, much of what we are excerpting for this and future Sandbox issues relates directly to the civilian population as well. C. Personal Finances: Q3. I Heard Lots of Conflicting Advice on How I Should Handle My Personal Finances in Order to Be Well Prepared for Jan 1, 2000. What Should I Do? A3. The Best Advice Is Don't Do Anything Rash with Your Finances. Most Banks Are in Good Shape, since Things like Loan Calculations and the Like Have Required Year 2000 Compliancy for Years. So Keep Your Money in The Bank and Don't Cash in Your Investments. Beware of the Scam Artists Who Prey on Your Fears. Their Interest Is in Getting Your Money, Not Your Well-being. Many Y2K Sales Pitches Are Designed to Scare You into Doing Something Rash. If an Offer Sounds Too Good to Be True, it Probably Is. As with Any Sound Financial Plan, You Should Have Good Paper Records of Your Accounts and Bank Statements. Having These Statements Allows You to Quickly Resolve Any Administrative Errors That Might Occur at Any Time, Not Just in The Event of A Y2K-caused Administrative Error. If You Have Specific Questions Concerning Your Investments and Accounts, Contact Your Financial Institutions Directly and Ask Them about Their Y2K Compliancy. D. Telephone Systems: Q4. What Will Happen to My Telephone Service? A4. There Are Varying Answers to this Question. According to Ameritech Spokesman Frank Mitchell, "Basically, Nothing Will Change. Your Caller ID And Network Will Work. And We're Currently Updating the 911 Services We Are involved with So There Will Be No Disruptions." Most Y2K Observers Believe That Widespread Disruption of Service Is Extremely Unlikely. Incorrect Billing Is Much More Likely to Occur. Obviously Unforeseen Events, Including Issues Not Related to Possible Y2K Problems (i.e. Ice Storms) May Make it Impossible for the Phone Companies to Maintain All Service. Navy Switches on Bases and Installations Have Been Inspected and Only 21 of 165 Switches Still Require Modifications to Meet Billing and Maintenance Functions Related to Year 2000 Requirements. Work Is Underway to Implement The Required Fixes and All Work Will Be Completed by 30 June 1999. TO BE CONTINUED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #21. In 1962, a dejected politician, having lost a race for governor, announced his retirement and chastised the press saying, "Just think, you don't have ... to kick around any more." (2 words) And he lied! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table Topics: Not sure what you want to talk about? Well, then, here are some ideas, still outstanding, just begging to be discussed. 1. What do you think about the policy of "social" promotion in school? Does it serve the student? Does it serve society? 3.. Should gun makers be sued by states and municipalities because "bad guys" use them to kill people? Or is there more to the story than that? 4.. Where do you plan to be as 1999 turns into the year 2000? 5. Do you want "them" to tear down the dams? 6. Should our troops go to Kosovo? See you next time! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's all for today's Sandbox, folks. Say what you are longing to say today and send it right away to: -- Al Parker ~ Gatherer of Your Thoughts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -31- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #32 ~ February 28, 1999 "A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul." -- George Bernard Shaw 1856-1950 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sharing Your Ideas, Your Opinions, and Your Responses With Richland Alumni Worldwide! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Specials: Ray Wells (54), Joe Ford) (63), Barbara Seslar Brackenbush (60), Jack Grouell (61), Eva Clark (49) Perry, Margaret Hartnett (72) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also Featuring: More Bomber Boomer Baby Trivia and Information You Can Use Regarding 2YK. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Ray Wells (54) Subj: Clinton Haters? To: Joe Ford (63)> In Sandbox 30, you used the inciting words "Clinton Haters," and I wonder if the stereotype image these words connote is really what you are trying to say. First let's cite a current example of hate. I'm referring to the drama that's taking place in Jasper, Texas. Along with 2 other men, John William King has been charged with murdering James Byrd, Jr. (a black man), by using a 24 foot logging chain attached to the rear of a pickup track, and the other end attached to the ankles of James Byrd to drag Byrd along a three mile stretch of road, tearing his body apart and killing him. And yes, James Byrd was conscious when he was dragged down the road. The press has said that John William King is a white supremacist and that he has racial slurs tattooed all over his body. If there are such people as Clinton haters, I would expect that they would have Clinton slurs tattooed on their body and that they would like to drag a conscious Bill Clinton behind a pickup truck. To my mind, we have Clinton sympathizers, and Clinton detractors. I have heard from many Clinton detractors, but I have yet to meet a bonafide Clinton hater. I guess on the other side of this coin you could say that there are Clinton "lovers," but I would limit this description to Hillary and Monica. — Ray Wells ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #22. "Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive. He stood 6'6", weighed 245, kinda broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip and everybody knew you didn't give no lip to ..." (2 words) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: Re: Clinton Haters? Date: 2/19/99 6:02:56 PM PST From: (Joe Ford) (63) To: (Ray Wells), Ray; Thanks for your message and for the thoughtful presentation. I was quoting Anthony Lewis of the NY times, who made the argument I summarized. I'm sorry to say that at least some of the postings I read, including some made to the Sandbox, suggest that there *are* folk out there who hate the President. One of my concerns in reading the Sandbox is the vehemence, the heated rhetoric, and the sweeping generalizations about character (one comment: "if you voted for Clinton, you have no character"). The all-upper case phrases and ad hominem attacks on people who post to the Sandbox are my evidence for heated rhetoric. Thanks --Joe Ford ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #23. Where did Fats Domino find his thrill? (3 words) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Barbara Seslar Brackenbush (60) ReplyTo: Subject: Response to Ray Wells (54) Thank you for asking which group I belong to. There has been a lot of poll-taking lately and none of them has called me. : ) I believe I fit mostly in group 3 but I also consider myself conservative and right wing. I want the constitution and rule of law followed by ALL and I place a high priority on personal freedom. I think it could be frightening to let too much power rest on one person. Barbara Seslar Brackenbush (1960) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #24. "Good night, Mrs. Calabash, ..." (3 words) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: "Joe Ford" (63) Subject: Acquittal; can we get on with life? Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 12:20:07 -0800 Fellow alums and Richlanders; Following the President's acquittal, I'm hoping for toned down rhetoric from our friends who supported removing the President. Senator Lott has reduced his level of anti-Clinton talk, and so has Representative Hyde. We don't have a parliamentary form of government, so replacing the chief executive officer of the government is/was a very serious matter. While about 25% of the population (maybe more) wanted Mr. Clinton gone, the great majority of us (60+%) did not think his behavior warranted the most serious step our constitution contemplates. Most Americans felt that the efforts to impeach the President were based on partisan politics, and the Senate failed to even reach a majority. Representative Hyde had said, early on, that to be successful, impeachment would have to be bi-partisan, and he was correct. The impeachment effort failed. It's time to move on. We have Social Security, education, health care, environmental matters, and other real world concerns facing us, and I for one would like to see civil debates about the choices we have to make. For my part, I'll promise a close reading of reasonable commentary, whatever the source, and no demonizing of people who don't agree with me or my positions or values. It seems reasonable to ask the same from other folks. No name-calling, no ranting, no sweeping generalizations about people (after all, we have a great deal in common). Regards. — Joe Ford ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #25. "Good night, Chet. ..." (3 words) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Jack Grouell (61) Subject: Y2K - NOT! (Short note on Y2K:) In computerese, 1k is 2 to the 10th power or 1024. Therefore: 2k = 2048 BUT: 2048 is NOT the problem. 2000 is the problem 2000 divided by 1024 is 1.953125 Therefore: The correct statement is not we have a Y2K problem but we have a Y1.953125k problem. Please help me correct this glaring error by replacing all references to Y2K with the correct value when ever you encounter it. Thank you for your support. Jack Grouell '61 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #25. "Good night, Chet. ..." (3 words) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Eva Clark Perry (49) Subject: The Government As I continue to read all the thoughts and complaints and solutions given, I never seem to hear anything out who actually controls the whole situation. People seem to fear the Y2K, but not Yah, they seem to give leeway and forgive all the moral sins that we all live with, and excuse them, yet leave them wide open for an example for all the little ones to follow. The taxes of today, are no less or more than putting the straw in the bricks of Egypt. I would much rather take my chances with Yah, than Clinton. Love and Prayers to all of you. Eva ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #27. "When it's least expected, you're elected. You're the star today! Smile, _ _ _ _" (four words.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: A modern hotel in a timeless town-- Margaret Hartnett (72) Write to her at: "My Bit to Conquer That Nasty Y2K bug!" Subject: Oh, all of it... I love this gooey exercise we are engaged in and I thoroughly understand the heating up of emotions, why I get high blood pressure just seeing John Allen's name in the list of contributors but I fear there is a growing tendency toward digging in our heels and dividing the camps pretty narrowly, I don't believe anything is that black & white. My example of that belief is myself. I am at heart a socialist, no, that even begs the issue, so are most of the French, I am at heart a Marxist but I am petit bourgeois in practice as I own a small business which I run with soft glove totalitarianism. I believe some crimes are so horrible and evidence so clear that a trial is a mere formality, one I agree to but I wouldn't feel robbed if , for example: Mr. King in Texas got drug over 3 miles of road [recently]... I believe that the drug crisis in this country is largely the doing of COINTELPRO and that African Americans should have listened to the Panthers, stayed clean and fought back. I believe we should not start from the question of "How can we solve the problems of poverty and health care in this country" but ask "Why the hell do we have problems of poverty and health care in this country?" I believe that if Afghani women formed hit squads and went after everyone in this country who helped establish the Taliban in Kabul, we should be able to understand why. I think Boxers are the supreme expression of canine development and all Akitas and Chows should be shot (since they are cannibals and tried to eat one of my Boxers). I could go on and on and on but the point of this wee personal outing is that I have never, and I do mean never, met a person who is totally consistent. We all have our personal paranoias and chances are there is a person or a group plotting to undermine many of our personal sacred cows. I'd feel a little better if I felt reason had the upper hand most of the time but I think emotion rules and the best I can hope for is to echo the motto of the Southern Poverty Law Center: Teach Tolerance. I think that should do it for now! Peace. — Margaret Hartnett (72) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bomber Baby Boomer Trivia #28. Who put the bop in the bop she-bop she-bop? (Socratic answer required.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subj: John Knows His Trivia From: John M. Allen (66) John M. ALLEN (66) Reply-to: Al, It was just in the most recent issue of the BOX that I noticed the BB Trivia Quiz, so you have only my word as a good Conservative that my answers to the first issue's questions are given as of today without researching anything but that space between my ears. 1. Ringo Starr, George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney (and I still don't own a Beatles album.) 2. ? ....Really blank on this one. 3. "It's Howdy Doody time." 4. They melt in your mouth, not in your hand. 5. Wonder Bread 6. Cassius (Marcellus, for extra credit) Clay 7. "....when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent." 8. Denver's name in the Dobie Gillis show was Maynard T. Krebbs (sp? on the Krebbs part). 9. "Y, because we like you." 10. Rien de tout. 11. "A little dab'l do ya" ("Use more only if you dare. But watch out, the girls'l all pursue ya; they love to get their fingers in your hair." - for more extra credit) 12. over 30 13. who wrote the book of love. 14. "Absolutely nothing" (which is essentially the translation for my answer to #10) 15. "Gone to young girls, every one." 16. the American way. 17. Joe Willie Namath (Broadway Joe) 18. "....'cause I eats my spinach." 19. Mary Martin 20. Plastics 21. Richard (Milhouse, again for extra credit) Nixon ---Big John (in Oregon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Y2K Questions and Answers, Continued: (This continues a series of Y2K info forwarded to us by John Northover, based on U.S. Navy advisories to its personnel early in 1999.) While this info has been researched primarily to benefit Navy personnel in preparation and planning for their personal and family needs, much of what we are excerpting for this and future Sandbox issues relates directly to the civilian population as well. Q5: Will I Be Able to Place Local and Long-distance Calls in the Normal Way After Jan 1, 2000? A5: Yes, According to U.S. West's Year 2000 Initiative Executive Director in An Interview with the Glenwood Post Jan 4, 1999. U.S. West Is a Telephone Company That Provides Long-distance Service to Customers in 14 Western States. Executive Director William White Explained That Most Telephone Switches, Which Relay Long-distance Calls to Their Proper Destination, Are Not Date-Dependent. "Most Switches Don't Care What Day it Is," White Explained, When It Comes to Completing Calls. "If You Can't Program a Date into It, It's Likely to Be Very Date Insensitive." White Said Regional Telephone Companies Have Collaborated to Ensure the Switched Network Works Smoothly Through the Date Change. E. Electric Power Supply Systems: Q6. Will the Electrical Systems Be Y2K Ready in Time? A6. Based on Recent Analysis, on Average, the Electric Industry Is Close to Its Y2K Readiness Targets. According to a Report Prepared for The Department Of Energy by the North American Electrical Reliability Council, "Nearly All Electrical Systems Necessary to Operate into the Year 2000 Will Have Been Tested, Remediated, And Declared Y2K Ready by June 30, 1999." Q7. Some Reports Predict That There Will Be Widespread Power Outages Anticipated at the Year 2000 Mark. Is this True? A7. While We Can't Be Certain There Won't Be Some Minor Power Disruptions, Industry Experts Do Not Predict Widespread Outages. Speculation That Power Distribution Systems Will Experience Widespread Failures Are Not Based on Facts or Rational Analysis Of Information from the Industry. Continuity of Service Is a Historical Hallmark of the Nation's Utility Industry. Electrical Industry Efforts Are On-target to Maintain That Same Quality of Service Through the Millennium. F. Water Utilities: Q8. Will the Water Utility Companies Be Y2K Compliant by 2000? A8. Industry Experts Offer a Range of Answers to this Question. Some Experts Predict That Some Water Suppliers May Be Temporarily Unable to meet Customer Demand. However, Water Utilities and Government Agencies Have Comprehensive Y2K-compliance Programs under Way and Are Spending Large Sums of Money to Prepare Their Computer Systems to Become Y2K-compliant or Y2K-ready. Most Experts Believe Water Treatment and Distribution Should Not Be Greatly Affected by the Y2K Problem. TO BE CONTINUED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grist For Your Mull: Not sure what you want to talk about? Well, then, here are some ideas still outstanding, just begging for your input. Note: when responding to another item or person, it would be helpful if you would describe or quote very briefly the gist of that to which you are responding. 1. Where did you go on you honeymoon(s)? Wanna go there again? Why? Why not? 2. Anything you want to say about the Sonics? The Seahawks prospects? 3. Essay question if anybody wants to take it: Why does it seeem like everyone is acting like the teacher is out of the room? 4. Any comments on recent headlines? Such as: A. BONN, Germany (Feb. 21) -- Finance officials from the world's richest nations met in Bonn [recently] to try to find ways to prevent economic crises like the ones that have swept across Asia, Russia and Brazil. B. The Independent Counsel Law: "End it, Don't Mend It," says Susan Low Bloch, columnist for Intellectual C. Taxes Are Taking More Time Than Ever By CURT ANDERSON .(c) The Associated Press WASHINGTON -- It takes more than 22 hours for a taxpayer who itemizes deductions and has some investment income to finish this year's required Internal Revenue Service forms, the tax agency estimates. That's three hours longer than last year. D. Report: Tyson Throws TV at Guards; Early Release in Doubt .(c) The Associated Press E: Albright Critical of Serbs at Talks Allies Divided Over Approach to Take ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's all for this issue of The Sandbox, folks. Join others already waiting in line to speak their piece! Say what you are itching to say today and send it right away to: Stay happy and remember: "If anything you have to say is worth saying at all, it's well worth saying here!" See you next time! — Al Parker, Collector of Your Thoughts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -32- ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø End of JAN and FEB, 1999 ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø AUG thru DEC, 1998 ~ MAR thru DEC, 1999