Click THE SANDBOX number to go to that issue. Use your browser's back button to return here. THE SANDBOX Archive ~ 2000 (Part 3 of 5) SEP, 2000 ~ #79, #80, #81, #82, #83, #84, #85, #86, #87, #88, #89, #90, #91, #92 ******************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #79 ~ September 3, 2000 "The best things in life are not things." - Art Buchwald Look who's talking today: Michael West Rivers (68WB), Patty Stordahl (72), Shirley Collings (66), Vernon Blanchette (64), John Allen (66), Dick Epler (52) Subj: Re: A Sandbox Note From: (Michael West Rivers) Just a small question, WHERE, is Shippenville, USA? Any where near the Simpson's home town Springville USA? :o) Sounds like an "neat" place though. :o)...-Michael West Rivers :o) (68WB) Answer: About five miles from Clarion. Yes, Shippenville USA is a "neat" place, both from the standpoint of nature in an environmental sense, with beautiful rivers and woods, and the nature of people, too; people who flash their lights to relinquish their right of way so you can get in and out of traffic easily, where if there are two lines waiting to buy stamps at the post office, folks at the head of one line will relinquish to a person in the other line if he or she has been waiting longer, where if you sneeze on the street, a local doctor is likely to walk up and write you a prescription at no charge, even if you are not one of his patients; stuff like that. You can smile freely as you pass folks on the sidewalk whether you know them or not, without fear of being shot. Wish you could all come up here for the spectacular fall colors celebration we'll be having here in just a few weeks. A supremely beautiful time of year in Shippenville, USA and the surrounding environs! ~ ~ ~ Subj: Sandbox Note From: (John M. Allen) Al, I assume that since you didn't mention it, you have not lost any submissions in your latest move as you did when you moved back East. Is Shippenville in a state? Answer: No, John, I don't believe any submissions were lost in this most recent move as did happen concurrently with my last move do to a computer crash. Some may feel their submissions have been lost, however, since quite a backlog of Sandbox submissions has developed due to a high level of interest and participation in this forum by so many of our fellow alumni. I hope to be able to find the time to put more issues out more frequently in order to keep up with the demand. I certainly do appreciate everyone's enthusiasm and want to make every effort to assure that all contributions are published in a fresh and timely sequence. Shippenville is not a state, but if it were, it would be a very good state to be in. ~ ~ ~ Subj: Re: A Sandbox Note From: DZIGNRITE@aol.cfom (Patty Stordahl 72) To: SendBOX Where is Shippenville? -Patty Stordahl 72 Answer: In Clarion County, USA ~ ~ ~ Subj: Re: A Sandbox Note From: (Shirley Collings Haskins, '66) To: What an inspirational message! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Al. Best of luck in your new home. :) Shirley Collings Haskins, '66 Thanks Shirley! I certainly am enjoying life out here. Also I find myself supremely busy handling various events, all of them with positive outcomes, I am sure. ~ ~ ~ Subj: Re: A Sandbox Note From: (Vernon Blanchette, '64) To: where is Shippenville? Answer: Shippenville is 5 miles from Clarion, The County Seat of Clarion County in Western Pennsylvania, kinda midway between Pittsburgh and Erie. Maybe not quite midway but somewhere in between. If you follow Interstate 80 to exit 8 in Pennsylvania, you'll be getting very close to me. Pennsylvania: Where much of what our nation is today began and where much of it is still the same! ~ ~ ~ Subj: The Politics behind Richland's Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) From: (Dick Epler, '52) I have to believe that Jim Moran (87), writing in SANDBOX #75, realizes by now that I did NOT say that the FFTF was shut down by the present Administration. I clearly stated that I thought it was shut down in 1991. Actually, the FFTF's last operating day was March 19, 1992, and yes, I was there and signed the commemorative log in the control room. I suspect Jim is responding to my statement that "Unofficially it [the reactor] was shut down for two reasons: 1) Washington State doesn't want anything to do with nuclear stuff; and 2) the present Administration wants to build a new reactor for producing Tritium and medical isotopes in Tennessee (wonder why Tennessee)?" What I should have said is that the reactor was not *restarted* because of [those] two reasons. That would have made my statement correct. You see, technically, the FFTF is not shutdown, it's on standby, and the Clinton Administration had the option of restarting it in 1993 and maybe for a few years after that. At this point, however, the reactor probably can't be restarted since much of the talent is gone. I suspect it's finally time for the sodium to be drained and the facility dismantled. Nevertheless, Jim is quite correct when he says that the shutdown of the FFTF was many years in the making. Indeed, even before the reactor went critical for the first time on February 9, 1980, its future was in doubt. The FFTF is a test reactor and was built for the express purpose of testing materials for the LMFBR (Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor) that was to be built at Clinch River, Tennessee. In those days, liquid metal breeder reactors (LMR) were the solution to the shortage of fissile materials like U-235. Well, anyway, shortly after the Three-Mile Island nuclear incident (March 28, 1979) President Carter stopped construction of the LMFBR, and challenged the FFTF to find another mission or be shut down as well. No problem. As a research test reactor, the FFTF was without peer in the world. Indeed, at different times, the reactor was actually a revenue producer for DOE as it was able to produce very useful research under contract for LMB's belonging to both France and Japan. And for the United States, the FFTF demonstrated viable capabilities in four critical areas: 1) Medical Isotopes that were in increasingly short supply; 2) the transmutation of Hanford's long-lived waste isotopes, including I-129 and Tc-99; 3) the transmutation of Americium and Neptunium into Pu-238 and Pu-239 for use in thermoelectric power generators for the NASA's space program, and 4) the production of Tritium for the DOD. Oh yes, one more thing. FFTF was built with a power option that could deliver, I believe, a little more than 100 MW of electricity to the grid. Jim is also correct when he alludes to President Bush's Energy Secretary, Admiral James D. Watkins, who after touring the FFTF on August 29, 1989, made the comment that the FFTF is the "crown jewel" of DOE's reactors – and then, just a few months later, in early 1990, announcing that the FFTF would be shut down at the beginning of FY91. For political reasons, however, the decision was delayed a year to FY92. Understand, now, the FFTF was the nation's newest, largest and safest R&D reactor. Indeed, it was the ONLY DOE reactor that met all modern criteria for nuclear safety and environmental protection. Its operation had already been subject to a complete EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) just like commercial reactors licensed by the NRC. Moreover, at least four FFTF missions had been identified, all critical to the Nation's medical, waste-cleanup, space, and defense programs. So how was the DOE going to meet these critical needs? Their choice was to transfer existing FFTF programs to the tiny, aging, EBR-II (Experimental Breeder Reactor-II) at INEL in Idaho, with the possibility of building a new reactor in Tennessee at a later time. The point was that FFTF HAD to be shut down, and EBR-II designated inadequate, before Congress would consider funding a new reactor. For most of us at FFTF, it seemed the only way to reconcile such an overtly political decision was to conclude that if the FFTF were located in Idaho or Tennessee (two states that are much more tolerant to nuclear research), then the FFTF would be alive and well for many years into the future. I should probably mention that in February 1991, the Washington State congressional delegation introduced a bill in Congress to permit private industry to support FFTF operations, but of course it went no-where and really didn't fool anyone. Over the years, both DOE and NRC had quite enough of Washington's environmental lawyers and really needed to get out of Washington as quickly as possible. Maybe the worst thing Jimmy Carter did, as President, was to create the DOE in a way that politicized the nation's energy policy for all succeeding Presidents. The DOE really has no power to do or suggest anything useful. Anyone who has had to deal with the DOE knows the problem. In effect, the President is the one and only Energy Czar and the DOE secretary is just the whipping boy. No doubt, Admiral Watkins found that out soon enough. It must have been hard for him. As an aside, President Reagan was the first to try to abolish the DOE recognizing that it had no useful function, but was prevented by the Democratically controlled congress. The Democrats were concerned that doing so would help bring the budget into balance. The budgets Reagan submitted to Congress were always balanced, and the possibility that Reagan's success could be even greater was anathema to the Democratic Party. So they simply put the money for DOE (along with a great many other things) back into the budget. Currently, the direct cost to taxpayers for DOE will be $16.8 billion for FY2000. In defense of DOE-RL, they treated the Reduction Of Force (ROF) of the mid-90s the same way they did the one that resulted from a shutdown of N-Reactor. No competent employee was forced out of a job. In the '95 ROF, most transferred to the 200 Areas for waste cleanup; some, like myself, took early retirement; and some transferred to other DOE sites like Savanna River. A few accepted a voluntary-ROF that provided them with educational opportunities to learn new skills. Richland has always tried to take care of their own. Before leaving this subject, I should probably say that I'm not unhappy that the LMRs didn't succeed commercially. Their failure, in the face of the nation's increasing energy shortage, has provided the impetus for the private development of a much more satisfying energy source: fuel cells. Check it out. It's a technology that's been waiting in the wings for a long time now and is just about ready to go commercial big time. Unlike Wind and Photovoltaic's, DOE has let private industry develop fuel cells with little interference, and that's been a very good thing for the nation. - Dick Epler (52) - 79 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #80 ~ September 9, 2000 Great American Conversations With the Alumni of Richland High School, AKA Columbia High School Richland, Washington "I'm proof against that word failure, I've seen behind it. The only failure a man ought to fear is failure in cleaving to the purpose he sees to be best." - George Elliot Look Who's Talking Today: Mary (Ray) Henslee (61) Bob Carlson (aka "Mike Clowes") '54, Jack Grouell '61 Subj: Don't Mess With Texas From: Mary (Ray) Henslee (61) Paul Ratsch (58), it is my guess that you have never been to Texas or you would know that we Texans enjoy a very low cost of living. It is probably one of the lowest in the nation. More people here enjoy above average living conditions than in Washington or California, especially California. While even the affluent are living in less than adequate homes in California, people in Texas are paying the same price to live in upper-class neighborhoods where the houses range from 3000 to 4000 square feet in size. The cost of living in Washington State is much higher than here also. Blue-collar workers can afford to live very nicely here and they do not pay more than their fair share of the taxes, as you seem to think. We do not have a state income tax that drains the poor and middle class of their wages. One is only taxed if they own property and it is based on the appraised value of the property. The rich pay the most by virtue of the fact that they live in higher priced homes. Texas probably has the best highway system in this country. We also have excellent schools that are not falling down and endangering our children as Vice President Gore tried to portray in his speech at the Democratic National Convention. If Governor Bush had been from another state, I am sure that he would have picked a school in that state to zero in on. In my opinion that segment of his speech was a subtle way to discredit Bush and Texas without being accused of taking a direct shot. A Bond has already been passed to renovate or rebuild the school in question. We pay far less for gasoline and license plates than most places, leaving more money in our pocket to afford the better things in life. I would suggest that you or anyone else that is under such a misconception check out on the web. This site will give you all of the information that you need to compare the cost of living in any town or state. It will compare what your wages need to be to achieve the same standard of living anywhere in this country. You will probably end up wishing that were so lucky. I think that the stock market is the pulse of this nation right now because it encompasses a vast number of people from every ethnic, age, and economic group as it never has before. If Bush starts leading in the polls, the stock market will rally because fear of big government's attacks on big business will diminish. I don't think that this country is as well off right now as this administration would have us believe. Many companies are still downsizing and it takes two salaries and longer hours for a family to make ends meet. The high cost of groceries makes it near impossible to plan a healthy diet for most people. Health Insurance is out of reach for most people and under Gore that cost would go up after he wages his attack against HMO's. I think that this administration underestimates the intelligence of the American people or relies on those that don't bother to become informed. To say that we need to spend taxpayer dollars so that the elderly can buy their prescription medicine is ludicrous. Supplemental insurance to Medicare costs next to nothing for the elderly. The elderly are the only segment of our society right now that can enjoy adequate health care at very little cost. My mother pays $30 a month for the top Humana supplemental policy and she only pays a small CO-payment for all of her medication and doctor visits. With Secure Horizons there is no premium to pay because the cost is taken out of one's Medicare payment. There are many other insurance programs available too numerous to mention. When my mother had a stroke she received topnotch care in one of the best hospitals in town under her present HMO, with no out of pocket expenses or forms to fill out. There are insurance companies that do try to rip-off the elderly and before the family took over her affairs she was paying $300 a month for a policy that was not an HMO. Without HMO's the elderly would need to rely solely on the taxpayers because Medicare supplemental insurance would be too costly for many to afford. Why aren't the elderly being informed that affordable Medicare supplemental insurance is available to them instead of being led to believe that the government's help is their only option? What good is it for the elderly to have government paid prescriptions if their Medicare is not adequate enough to pay for their medical procedures? It would make more sense to me to provide the elderly who cannot afford supplemental insurance with some sort of tax credit to help pay for their insurance premium. This would not only ensure them the prescriptions that they need, but other health care as well. The Estate Tax is a criminal tax that needs to be abolished and to say abolishment would only serve to benefit the rich is ludicrous. Due to 401K's and other available investments, the percentage of estates subject to the tax will balloon in the future. It is feasible for almost everyone today down to the lowest paid people to leave at least a million dollar estate and probably more because many are starting to plan for retirement earlier in life than ever before. Realistically it is not the person leaving an estate that is affected by this tax, it is their heirs. A person's heirs may be small children who still need to be raised and educated; a spouse with little earning capacity; a handicapped family member; heirs who wish to continue a family business; or just love ones who deserve to reap the rewards of what is left from a person's lifetime of hard work. Use winning the lottery as an example. The government would take a large portion of your winnings right up front and then when you die they will take half of what is left. In the end the government manages to get most of it. The situation is no different with your 401K, IRA, or other assets that have already been taxed to the hilt before they ever become part of your estate. George Bush has stated that he is for repealing the estate tax. If he were in office right now, the estate tax repeal bill would not have been vetoed. The estate tax was originally instituted to pay off World War I debts. After the debts were paid, it was never taken off the books. It is high time that the American people challenge its continued legitimacy. If a candidate has good common sense and character, things will fall into place and issues will be addressed to our satisfaction. If a candidate is for the people, he or she should be for all of the people. For Gore to say that he is not for big people, but only for the common people, is to say that the common people risk alienation from the populace if they strive to rise through the ranks. I don't think Robin Hood economics will keep our economy thriving. Hopefully both candidates will run a campaign over the next few months that will give us the insight that we need to make the right choice. I challenge anyone to come up with a place with a lower cost of living and a better salsa and basketball team than Texas. Perhaps Shippenville? Mary (Ray) Henslee (61) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Day's Pay From: Jack Grouell '61 Late in WW II when the Allies had managed to gain almost complete air superiority in the skies over Europe, the United States eliminated camouflage paint an almost all combat aircraft to save weight and reduce drag. Wing, Group, and Squadron markings became extremely colorful on the natural aluminum finish. In the book "The Mighty Eighth" (Roger A. Freeman LOC 72-76476) Illustrator John B. Rabbets presents several pages of drawings showing these brilliantly colored airplanes. Of particular interest are the B-17's of the 94th Bomb Group with bright yellow vertical and horizontal tails and wing tips, red cowls, and a red chevron on the starboard wing. A visit to the 94th Bomb Group web page ( also lists that a B-17 named "Days Pay" served in that outfit. The artist must have done some research to have come up with that data. - Jack Grouell '61 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Those Conventions From: Bob Carlson (aka "Mike Clowes") '54 (Robert Carlson) Well, are you all as thrilled as I am? Weren't those conventions suspenseful? Ho hum. Guess most of you young folk don't remember when listening to or watching a political convention used to be fun. There was suspense, there were people who had something to say. Not just the same speech delivered differently. When was the last time there was a good "floor fight?" No, I don't mean when Dan Rather or John Chancellor got thrown out. I mean a good, honest floor fight over credentials or a plank in the party's platform. There was something in those that the analysts could maybe tell who might win the nomination. The first year I ever really listened to what was going on was 1948. The Republicans were fighting over Taft or Dewey, with a little Stassen thrown in. It really was interesting to hear which delegates might cave in and give the nod to one or the other. (In reality, Stassen never stood a chance.) In the end the fellow Alice Roosevelt Longworth described as the fellow on top of the wedding cake won. The issue wasn't in too much doubt in the Democrat's camp; except that the Dixiecrats (southern republicans disguised as democrats) walked out over the issue of "States Rights" (read segregation). The fun came when the talking heads tried to predict who Truman's running mate would be. And to top it all off, there was the Progressive Party. They were as much fun as a Pat Buchanan labor rally. The former Vice President (whom J. Edgar Hover said was a direct pipeline to Moscow), Henry Wallace was the nominee, some fellow from Idaho was his running mate. Then came the campaign. Dewey and his cohort, Earl Warren, then Governor of California, meandered about the country in a leisurely fashion, not really saying or doing much. Truman stumped the country from the back of a train, speaking at every whistle stop and water tank along the way. He didn't brag about his own virtues, but instead railed against the 89th Congress for doing nothing. It was a Republican controlled group and they really did nothing. Even 1952 was fun. Would the Republicans nominate Taft or would they "like Ike?" And what about the Dem's? Truman wasn't going to run again, so the nomination was really up for grabs. The big issue during this campaign was Korea. Ike said he would go and put a stop to the fighting if he were elected. Everybody else in the Republican Party came down on Harry for firing MacArthur, so guess who won? Well, Stevenson wasn't that glamorous a candidate, too cerebral. So, what do we get now, packaged pap from both parties, and since Jessie "The Body" Ventura said he wasn't interested the whole campaign becomes a crashing bore. Wait a minute, that sounds like both major candidates. And did they ever whip the country into a frenzy. Could Chicago, 1964, be to blame? Probably scared the stuffing out of both parties. Can't have that sort of thing, bad for the image and all that. So what did they come up with, two hours (more or less) of prime time gunk. Is it so surprising that reruns of "Gilligan's Island" on Nick-at-Night had higher ratings. And you wonder why there is voter apathy. I fully expect to hear from Dick Epler, '52, about this. But he lived through those "fun" years also. We may not have agreed on the choice of candidates, but I think we both had fun listening (on radio in '48) and watching (TV in '52). But since Lyndon and Barry slugged it out, conventions and campaigns have become more boring. Maybe this is all retribution for General LeMay's comment about bombing someone back to the stone age. My advice: Sit back, relax and "Just Vote No" on most tax measures. - Bob Carlson (aka "Mike Clowes") '54 ~ ~ ~ That concludes this issue, folks. Please remember to include your class year and former name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. To join in the ongoing conversations here, send your comments to: or simply hit the reply button and start talking to us! -Al Parker, Your Sandbox Moderator - 80 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #81 ~ September 9, 2000 "The free expression of opinion, as experience has taught us, is the safety-valve of passion. The noise of the rushing stream, when it escapes, alarms the timid but it is the sign that we are safe." -Gladstone The SANDBOX is an ongoing forum participated in by the alumni of Richland High School, (AKA) Columbia High School, Richland Washington. Look Who's Talking Today! Steve Carson `58, Paul W. Ratsch `58, Jenny Smart Page `87, Kelly Weil Austin `81, Jack Grouell '61, Barbara Seslar `60 Barbra Williamson AKA Jeanie Walsh `63 Ann Minor '70 ~ ~ ~ Let The Conversations Begin! Subj: Re: Brad Wear From: Paul W. Ratsch [58] (Referring to comments by Brad Wear in an earlier Sandbox) ANOTHER TEXAS BUSINESS MAN STUMPING FOR BUSH!!!!!!!!! ~ ~ ~ Subj: Laws, Skills and Living Standards From: Steve Carson 58 For Paul - I just returned from two weeks in East Africa with my Dad and Brother. Now there is a place where living standards are at the first Maslow level of sustenance. Paul, I don't have time to find the actual statistics but The top 10% of taxpayers (the evil rich) pay 90% of the income taxes. My issue with the democrats, coming straight out of Mr. Gore's mouth, is that he wants everyone to be able to pursue their dreams but if you succeed in achieving your dreams and the income to match you instantly become the evil rich. And... the term "working families" confuses me. Does the 60 hours a week I spend shepherding my company along not count as working? I don't think your living standards depend on laws, Paul, I suspect that your skills are what support you. Be Well! ~ ~ ~ Subj: Harry Potter And Another Choice From: Jenny Smart Page (87) Although I have not read the "Harry Potter" series, I am reluctant to introduce it to my young reader for a variety of reasons. First, I am not comfortable with the wizards/witches, etc. storyline that is promoted. I agree that this single series of books is not going to turn the next generation into a bunch of witchcraft spell-spinners. But, I think it's also more than that --- its one more chink in the pole of standards of our society, making what used to be viewed as "abnormal" as "normal". Secondly, I've heard these books (among others) described as "junk-food reading"; meaning that although it may be an exciting story, there's not any real challenge to it. And, I would assume, that any 700+ page book that a kid can read in a matter of a couple of days confirms that. For those of you looking for an alternative that does not involve a topic offensive to some basic Christian beliefs, I do have a suggestion. Point your kids (and yourself) to the "Left Behind" series by Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye. It's a series of six books (I think), for kids, and a series of seven in the adult series (but I know many young teens and pre-teens who have read the adult versions. The difference between the series is the age of the main characters). The books are about the Second Coming of Christ and the seven year tribulation period between the Rapture of the Church and Christ's actual coming. Excellent stories, so good in fact a movie is being made from the first book this summer (due out next year maybe?). Good guys, bad guys, lots of action, a little romance (but nothing even close to being graphically inappropriate for young kids), some violence that may make some squeamish. Although these books are a quick read, they can certainly make you stop and look at your life, and think about which side of eternity you might be on if this were to happen today. -Jenny Smart Page (87) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Harry Potter From: Kelly Weil Austin (81) RE: Harry Potter 8/23's sandstorm has probably beaten this subject to death, but I'll put in my two cents worth. I have not personally read these books, but if I were to place my judgment on any book, it would be beneficial for me to read it first, right? I can thank people like J.R. Tolkien, Walt Disney, Lewis Carroll, and many other authors of children's literature and movies for helping to nurture my imagination in my childhood. I loved books and movies like "The Lord of the Rings", "Mary Poppins", "Bed Knobs and Broomsticks", "Star Wars" and many others of magical content. They haven't corrupted my mind or turned me to the "dark side". Plus, these characters used their magic for good, not evil. Most of the stories I've read were always good against evil, with good always winning out! I could site many a biblical reference (too many to list here) that pertained to magic. Many of our greatest prophets, Moses and Daniel to name a few, used magical powers with the help of our Lord to perform miracles and wonders. It is the Spirit whom they called upon to make a point that made a difference. Jesus cautions us not to call upon the name of anyone but Him. Many of the magicians, mediums of Pharaoh's and Nebukednezzar's (sp.) courts didn't recognize God's power or assistance in interpreting dreams and performing their magic. In actuality, if they didn't side with God, they sided with Satan and all he stands for. This is the argument that many people have a problem with in comparing modern literature to what the Bible says about magic. God cares about the heart, not outward appearances. Get to the heart of any matter before you place judgment upon it! Thanks for letting me vent my opinion. -Kelly Weil Austin (81) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Re: Days Pay and The SANDBOX Issue 76 From: Jack Grouell '61 (Jack Grouell) Al, In the latest Sandstorm, Maren posted the ULL for a Web page that has quite a bit of information on "Days Pay" and a nice picture of the mural. -Bob Carlson, aka Mike Clowes (54) also posted essentially the same information about uncamouflaged airplanes late in WW2 that I originally sent to the Sandbox. I plan on doing two things: I'll send the mural ULL to the 94th Bomb Group site and I'll draft a short post to the Sandstorm explaining what I have found about the markings on the mural accurately reflecting the 94th Bomb Group and finding a B-17 named "Days Pay" on the roster of 94th Bomb group aircraft. Hope this is OK. And keep up the great job you are doing facilitating the exchange of ideas and information on all subjects - it is a gift to all of us and we are very fortunate to have you and Maren taking this on! Day's pay web page is at: - Jack Grouell '61 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Well said! From: Barbara Seslar (1960) (Brackenbush) Re: When Did Being a Parent Change, and Why? (Patty Stordahl 1972) Well said. I believe one of the worst influences we have today is the television programming (even some of the children's programming). I have a hard time allowing my grandchildren to watch any of it. And I can't find a movie to go see. I do enjoy checking movies out of the library -- they are from earlier days, before we even needed to impose a rating. Someone stated "the media owned by the conservatives..." That is the first time I ever heard that! Please explain further. :-) - Barbara Seslar (1960) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Government By The People Is Still Alive And Well in Simi Valley From: Barbra Williamson AKA Jeanie Walsh (63) Reply-to: Normally I don't reply to any conversations that take place in the SANDBOX but Anna Durbin's(69) comments about partisan politics and government "not really by the people" struck a sour cord with this elected official. Just one question? When was the last time you contributed to a "local" campaign? When was the last time you walked a precinct for a candidate (any candidate) you truly believed in? Or the last time you donated $100 for a local, grassroots city council member? I represent a city of 110,000 residents. We are the safest city in the United States. We are graffiti free. To run for re-election I need to raise approximately $60,000. For that, I will mail three mail pieces, (printing, 4 color is about $15,000) postage will run about $10,000. Signs run about $2,000, etc. My salary for being an elected official is about $1,100, which I have to pay taxes on. I travel about 800 miles a month and I attend such functions as the Disabled American Veterans, Boys & Girls Club Annual Auction, YMCA, and oh, I pay my own way. I figure when all is said and done, I go in the hole. The other eight hours of the day, I am a Vice President of a local bank, so the political thing is really a volunteer job to help make peoples lives in our city just a little bit better (especially senior citizens who live BELOW the poverty level because their Social Security check just can't quite make it and now HUD wants to take away their section 8) I am in the local phone book so people can call, day or night (and they do) so I can be of service to them, after all, that is what I was elected to do. I am not complaining, mind you, I just get a little ticked when silly comments are made. Yes, I realize you were pointing at Congress, but it all begins at the "grassroots" level. As the old saying goes, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem" Just some food for thought. Barbra Williamson AKA Jeanie Walsh(63) Council Member City of Simi Valley ~ ~ ~ Subj: Horatio Alger From: Ann Minor '70 Reply-to: (Ann) After contributing to the "draw a peace sign an every brick" moment on every brick moment at Col-Hi, and yes, I admit it (and would do it again) "walking on the bomb" in the foyer, I now live on an Indian reservation and consider myself a recovering liberal. War is still evil- but some are more evil than others. I cannot imagine willingly sending my twin boys off to one willingly...but as far as Horatio goes, like I said, I live on the rez and now support termination. People who are just given boots can rarely seem to find the straps. Don't think I could bring myself to vote for a Bush, but Gore is so smarmy I could only vote for him if he swore to wear a bag over his head for his whole term...BMW, Mike Franco, your father is still spoken of with great fondness in my father's household, and Al Parker, thank you for hosting. -Ann Minor '70 ~ ~ ~ That concludes this issue, folks. Please remember to include your class year and former name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. To join in the ongoing conversations here, send your comments to: or simply hit the reply button and start conversing with us! - Al Parker (53) Your Sandbox Host - 81 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #82 ~ September 12, 2000 "There are important cases in which the difference between half a heart and a whole heart makes just the difference between signal defeat and a splendid victory." -A. H. K. Boyd Look who's talking today~ Norma (Loescher) Boswell (53 Ann Minor '70, Steve Carson (58), Gene Trosper (85), Dick Epler (52) Bob Carlson (aka "Mike Clowes") '54 Let the conversations begin! Subj: Re: TV Sitcom: "99352" From: Norma (Loescher) Boswell (53) (Norma Boswell) Our moderator Al Parker asked an interesting question. Would we like to see 99352 expressed as a sitcom or a drama? Who would be the characters? What would be the plot? Is there a theme? I lean toward a sitcom. "A little bit of sugar helps the medicine go down." People will listen to almost any opinion if it makes them laugh. A good writer could present history in humorous terms ranging from gentle to sharp-edged. The characters could be people like ourselves and our parents, living through the 40's. If the series received good ratings, the timeline could move into later years, perhaps up to the present. Two possible themes could be persistence and resilience. - Norma (Loescher) Boswell (53) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Bismuth-213: A Query About Cancer Therapies From: - Ann Minor '70 Reply-to: OK, attach Bismuth-213 (re: issue # 75) to pt's own cancer antibody works for me, but in the case of leukemia, are the "bad" (cancerous) white blood cells different enough from the healthy ones that the antibodies attach to only the bad ones? What about the stem cells or whichever in the marrow that are producing the "bad" ones? I imagine the point of the letter was pro-nuclear rather than what's new in oncology, but I really am interested. The new therapies really rock, and will, I truly believe, make chemo obsolete in our (hopefully) lifetimes. Anyone know more about the use of radioactive isotopes in cancer tagging therapies? Thanks. - Ann Minor '70 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Foreign Policy From: Steve Carson (58) Re: The SANDBOX #78 For Marc Franco. I appreciated your response and believe that we are in agreement. The elements I would look for in our foreign policy would be an acknowledgment that countries we are dealing with have their own culture and values and that we respect them. (Human Rights should always be in our consciousness and we a proponent of them) I like the Bush acknowledgment that we have been essentially ignoring our South American neighbors and that his administration will address that. As to foreign policy in trade matters I believe that a mirror policy would serve us well and put the onus on our trading partner to set the bar. Another question is how we could go about managing our monetary foreign aid so that it gets to the programs intended and not into the pockets of the government officials. Be well, Steve Carson (58) ~ ~ ~ Subj: If McCain Had Been Gore's Running Mate From: Steve Carson (58) Re: The SANDBOX #78 Mr. Eckert: The problem with your scenario is that if McCain was named to the Democrat ticket he would be booted out of the Republican party, loose his seniority and his Chairmanship. Given Gore's actual pick will we now hear of the Radical Religious Left? Steve Carson (58) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Libertarians Becoming More Representative of The Populace Re: The SANDBOX #78 From: Gene Trosper (85) Bob Carlson wrote: "...the reason that libertarians are not represented in national office is not their respectability, but their intelligence. They are too smart for the voters. I don't mean to say that they are smarter than the average voter, they just appear to be. Does this explain Jesse Ventura? Who knows." Ah! The "Geek Factor"! being a Libertarian, I know full well the impression that some people have of us: Intelligent and overly rational. It's no secret that many Libertarians are professors, computer scientists, engineers, philosophers, etc. Attending a Libertarian Convention can sometimes seem like a convening of the "intellectually supercharged." I think a lot of this stems from the early years of the party when a majority of it's members were devotees of Ayn Rand and her Objectivist philosophy. A philosophy which praises reason and success. Over the years however, we have seen more "average Joe's" filter in to the Libertarian Party. In fact, at our recent national convention in Anaheim, CA, I would say that the average Joe easily outnumbered the "Old Guard." We finally have become much more representative of the populace. Many of us can wait for our shot at representation in national office because we would rather slowly and methodically build our base of support from the bottom up. If we have no solid foundation, we will surely crumble, just as the Reform Party has already done. As for Jesse Ventura being a libertarian....not on your life! He may agree with libertarians on some issues, but he takes a decidedly unlibertarian stand on many other issues. He is more of a poulist than libertarian. And while I am at it, I may as well remind everyone that Lyndon LaRouche IS NOT a Libertarian! I have no idea how that rumor started, but it is finally coming to an end. - Gene Trosper `85 ~ ~ ~ Subj: The Surplus, Social Security, and Taxes August 31, 2000 From: Dick Epler (52) This year's election rhetoric is going to be mostly about "spending the surplus." So maybe the first thing we need to know is that there is NO Budget surplus -- yet. If there were a surplus, then we would actually be spending less money than we take in, and the public debt, which is an accumulation of deficits, would be getting smaller, right? Well, it's not! We were supposed to have a small surplus in FY99. Didn't happen, instead, FY99 wound up a $130 billion deeper in the hole. In another month (9/30/00) we'll know the results for FY2000. The debt varies from month to month and has been lower in some months than the previous, but on a yearly basis, the debt since 1969 has always been higher than the year before. An Internet site that provides an up to date accounting of the public debt down to the penny is . There are other sites, based on the same official information that provide a more graphic portrayal of the Government's income and expenses that produce this debt, currently at $5.67 trillion. So how, you might ask, can both political parties rationally argue that we have surpluses when the debt is increasing? The short answer is that they can't - at least not yet. The long answer, that I won't get into, has to do with various economic projections, which may or may not come to pass. In truth, what the politicians call a "surpluses" is only a future projection and therefore not reliable. Worse, the mentality of Government's everywhere is never to end a fiscal year with a surplus. People who have been involved in Hanford's budgeting process know this all too well. At the end of each fiscal year, there is generally a rush by each department to finish with a small overrun. It's a tried and true way you get your department's allocation increased for the next year. To his credit, President Carter tried to institute zero-base budgeting, but of course it didn't help a lot. When it comes to spending money, Government is very creative. Whatever the projected surplus is now, it WILL change, especially AFTER the election and in a negative direction. We can depend on it. After all, the people projecting surpluses (the CBO and the OMB) are the same as those who, just a few years ago, were projecting deficits to the end of time. What we really have here is an accounting problem. Any corporate CEO or CFO that used our government's accounting rules would be put in jail. Social Security (SS) is an excellent example. It's a pay-as-you-go plan, also known as a pyramid scheme because it's dependent on always having significantly more contributors at the bottom than recipients at the top. But current demographics suggest just the opposite, which means that Social Security, rather than having a surplus, is actually running a deficit in actuarial terms, as there are NO reserves (trust fund) to pay future claims. All claims are paid from current receipts. It's always been that way. No private insurance company would be allowed to do that. But that's not even the worst part. The worst part is that even if the surplus were real, Government will never have the will to setup individual SS accounts that are "untouchable" by Government. Both parties seem to agree on this. Every year the SS "surplus" is spent in its entirety by Government on other programs. In all previous years, to even suggest investing that money in separate SS accounts would mean the Government would have to either cut existing programs or raise taxes. Apparently, that will be true in the future, whether there is a surplus or not, as neither party really believes in privatizing SS. In truth, however, having the Government "save" money by investing in the markets is a bad idea (big, BIG, source of mischief there). So the best the Treasury can ever do is to buy back debt, but the last time we had a surplus in 1969, the money was simply carried over to the following year to cover proposed increases in spending. This year, a real tax reduction has been proposed as an alternate to increased spending. And that's a large part of what the current political rhetoric is all about. Currently, the accountants tell us that Federal taxes are at 20.1% of GDP, the highest since 1945, but most people aren't aware of it. That's because almost 50% of the people don't pay any *Income* tax. But even if they don't pay Income Tax, they're paying a full 15.3% in SS (FICA) taxes on all earned income. But they don't think of it as a tax because they're under the illusion that the money is being saved in a separate account for their retirement. It's been a useful illusion. I should mention that only half of the 15.3% (7.15%) is visible on the pay stub. Employers are forced to hide the other half, so this is another useful illusion. Another major illusion is that corporations pay taxes. Not true. The consumer pays corporate income taxes at the register just like "state sales taxes." The only difference is that corporate income taxes are paid in the form of increased prices so they're not as visible as sales taxes. Calling for increased corporate taxes is like calling for a tax increase on yourself. In truth, consumers pay ALL taxes whatever you call them and it's a good deal larger than 20.1% of GDP. The real tax questions, then, are whether you believe Government can spend your money better than you, and if so, how much should government allow you to keep (implying that the money really doesn't belong to you). For what it's worth, Alan Greenspan thinks individual spending is best economically. Regardless, the SS problem remains. The problem is not that SS will run out of money. The problem is that SS doesn't have any money. Never has! Contrary to popular belief, Social Security taxes are not deposited into Social Security trust funds. They flow each day into thousands of depository accounts maintained by the government with various financial institutions across the country. Along with many other forms of revenues, these SS taxes become part of the government's operating cash pool, more commonly referred to as the U.S. Treasury. In truth, once these taxes are received, they become indistinguishable from other monies the government collects. Regarding SS specifically, the best government can do is to estimate when it will be necessary to increase taxes when unfunded SS obligations become due. To fix SS, the existing system has to be significantly changed. Doing that has been called the third-rail of politics, which is a subway train metaphor implying that touching it will kill you. Credit George Bush with a plan ALL politicians know has a chance of succeeding. Maybe Government can't save the "surplus," but individuals can. For the first time in the history of SS, individuals would actually have personal accounts the Government can't touch. Lieberman and other Democrats know it's the only reasonable option, but that doesn't mean they won't try to kill it. Democrats simply can't afford to have the Republicans taking credit for something so intelligent. At this point, Marc Franco (66) might suggest that I'm only proving his point that there's little difference in the two parties. Of course, he's right in many ways, but I would argue that in one very fundamental way, the difference is huge. It has to do with exactly how Government plans to impact our lives in both the short and long terms. The approaches of the two men and their parties really are significantly different. Maybe the tax plans of Bush and Gore are the single best examples to illustrate the difference. It's been said that Bush's plan is very simple, but is hard for the public to grasp, while Gore's plan is complicated but is very easy to grasp. So why is that? The explanation isn't that hard, but I've yet to hear anyone actually say it. In essence, simple plans like Bush's aren't dependent on the media or anyone else for understanding. Media interpretation can be checked too easily so they just don't say anything about Bush's plan. It's something we can do for ourselves. On the other hand, complicated tax plans allow the author (Gore) to utter cutesy 5-second sound bites that can go unchallenged. In other words, complicated plans are essentially a license to lie with impunity. Regardless of what you may actually think, you have to believe that further complicating the tax code is another big source of mischief. Nevertheless, a few independent accountants have attempted to analyze Gore's tax plan. His apologists use selected details as debating material on the Sunday talk shows without ever mentioning the accountant's conclusion. Occasionally, however, a host like Tim Russert, spoils everything. On Sunday TV, Tim had the audacity to display the following conclusion: "Gore's Tax Plan is not really a tax cut, but is simply a collection of Government programs to be administrated by the IRS." That's as honest a statement as you'll see in this campaign. Another is that Gore's tax programs can be better described as the "FY2000 Full Employment Act for Tax Lawyers and Accountants" (anonymous), as those are the people who benefit a good deal more than the taxpayers. But that's not why I personally don't like Gore's plan. My big objection is that, like most Government programs, Gore's plan distorts the free economy by wasting valuable resources on contrived problems created for the purpose of buying votes. In addition, large centralized programs always impose significant overhead to become major impediments to getting things done in a time useful to improving the situation of those needing it. Again, the real beneficiaries of such programs (bureaucrats, lawyers, accountants – big government) are precisely those who don't need it. On the other hand, history consistently teaches that the best solutions are those that are made closest to the source of the problem, i.e., on the local or individual level. Similar arguments can be made regarding other issues such as education and medical. In each case, the Democrats would expand Federal Government to administer large programs that generally make problems worse. The Republicans, in contrast, use Government to encourage solutions closer to the source, often down to the individual level. Here are some of the consequences: For Democrats, Government money always goes to the *providers* of a particular benefit; for Republicans, the money goes to *individuals* who then decide among competing options to achieve satisfactory solutions. For Democrats, giant bureaucracies and industries are created to take advantage of new Government money; for Republicans, small highly mobile companies are created to encourage people to consider alternate, more satisfying, solutions than the single Government recommendation. For Democrats, people's unrealistic expectations often lead to bitterness and class warfare as they worry that someone else is getting away with more than they are, and so feel angry about not getting their fair share; for Republicans, people feel empowered to decide their own fate, to enjoy success and to have great feelings of self-accomplishment. For Democrats, a bureaucracy is created that takes on a life of its own to where it can never be gotten rid of even after the original problem is gone; for Republicans, getting individuals involved in their own success is self-correcting and essentially immediate. For Democrats, the original problems never get solved, they just get more expensive; for Republicans, once the initial problems are solved the efforts are redirected to solving new problems resulting in consistent progress. To my way of thinking, those differences are significant enough to use as a rational basis for our vote. Voting on the basis of "image" is something else entirely. - Dick Epler (52) Subj: Not a Clinton Lover/Apologist From: Bob Carlson (aka "Mike Clowes") '54 (Robert Carlson) I see I have now been singled out as a "Clinton Lover/Apologist." Sorry, but I am neither. I'm just a tax payer who's pissed off over the money spent to prove that Clinton was a liar. The 100 million Ken Starr wasted would have been a nice boost to Medicare/Medicaid or Social Security. And now the new guy wants to spend even more rehashing the same old stuff. How many times to you want to flog the dead horse? You don't have to spend a hundred mil to prove a politician is a liar. That is a given. All you have to do is use your eyes. If the politicians lips are moving, he's lying. Let's face it, "Slick Willie" (in the British slang connotation of the word) was to the voters the lessor of two evils. And that seems to be the way of politics, at least on the Presidential level for the past several elections going back to Roosevelt. I will admit that I did not favor Kennedy over Nixon, and in retrospect I thought that if Lodge were the candidate, the Republicans might have won. At the time I felt the nation could best be served by someone who had the experience, not some rich kid who was running because "Daddy" had a dream. But that is hindsight, which at times is as nearly myopic as foresight, and "Bootleg" Joe's kid won. I guess what I miss is Harry Truman. Not every one agreed with his position on a given issue, but at least we knew where he stood. Even his musical tastes were well known; although endless variations on "The Missouri Waltz" tend to get boring. Just don't pick on his daughter's singing ability. I begin to think that Bore and Gush operate on the philosophy of "take any issue and I'll agree with you on it." Let's face it, they're both politicians. And in this light, think of it this way. Clinton is a liar, he has been impeached by the House and found not guilty by the Senate. The race is over, you lost, forget about it, and get on with better things. Or are you still shocked that Jackie married the Greek? Bob Carlson (aka "Mike Clowes") '54 ~ ~ ~ That concludes this issue, folks. Please remember to include your class year and former name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. To join in the ongoing conversations here, send your comments to: or simply hit the reply button and start conversing with us! - Al Parker (53) Your SANDBOX host - 82 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #83 ~ September 14, 2000 "Those who have finished by making all others think with them, have usually been those who began by daring to think for themselves." - Colton Hear Who's Talking Today~ Mary (Ray) Henslee (61), Steve Carson (58), Patty Stordahl (72), Ron Richards (63) Chuck Monasmith (65), Linda McKnight (65) Ladies and Gentleman, Start Your Engines! Subj: Medicare Reform From: Mary Ray Henslee (61) The more that I learn about the prescription drug plans set forth by the candidates, the more I wonder about the future of this country. Of the two proposals, I think that Bush's plan makes the most sense and is flexible enough to streamline and get passed. Gore seems to think that insurance companies cannot effectively handle the issue and that the government with all of its wisdom and compassion is the be all, end all that can. Hmm! Why is it then that in 1982 the Federal Government recognized that Medicare was not comprehensive enough coverage for most people so it began contracting with health care organizations to offer more benefits at little or no additional cost to Medicare recipients? Historically these organizations have been known as Medicare HMO's. Today they are sometimes called Medicare Plus Choice organizations. I decided to find out more details about the Medicare HMO plan that PacifiCare has to offer called Secure Horizons, which I mentioned in my last entry in Issue 80. After I found out just how this plan was tied to Medicare, I decided that it would be prudent for the government to strive for a similar arrangement with other companies. Such a plan would incur no extra cost for the government over and above what they are already paying out for Medicare claims. The plan works thusly: Medicare has a formula that they use to determine how much to pay Secure Horizons for each Medicare recipient participating in their plan. The formula is based on the amount that Medicare pays out in claims in a particular region divided by the number of Medicare recipients in that particular region. The result of this equation is the premium that the Health Care Financing Administration, which is the agency that administers Medicare, pays Secure Horizons to totally take over a person's medical claims including prescription drugs. Medicare is then out of the mix except for paying the premiums. No more or less is taken out of the Medicare recipient's social security check for Medicare and there are no out-of-pocket premiums due. The only difference that Medicare recipients notice is better coverage. A person has the option of dropping their Secure Horizons coverage at anytime and resuming their Medicare coverage. Secure Horizons is offered in 15 states now, including Texas. The only requirement for Secure Horizons' coverage is entitlement to Medicare Part A and enrollment in Part B. A person cannot be refused coverage for health reasons. Secure Horizons pays 100% of all hospital stays with no limits. There is a $6.00 co-payment for prescription drugs with no limitation on generic drugs and a $1500 limit each year on brand-name formulary drugs. Doctor visits require a $6.00 co-payment. The coverage for running tests is 100%. Nursing home care is paid for 100 days and home health care is completely covered. Durable equipment such as wheel chairs, etc., is completely covered. This plan and most Medicare supplemental plans cover some vision, dental, and hearing services, while Medicare does not. This coverage is far more extensive than Medicare's coverage and certainly adequate enough coverage for those who cannot afford a Medicare supplemental insurance premium. My daughter is a Director at a retirement village where many residents are enrolled in Secure Horizons and are very satisfied with their coverage. The hidden costs for handling something as major as what the candidates are proposing is never mentioned, such as added paperwork and more man-hours for government employees. Gore's plan would require the government to function like an insurance company. Individual claims would have to be monitored so that they don't exceed the limitations set forth or include brand-name drugs that could be replaced with generic drugs. A plan such as Secure Horizons would not generate extra clerical work for the government, but rather serve to cut down on paperwork and man-hours. A Medicare supplemental insurance plan to cover prescription drugs would also prevent extra clerical work for the government. Having the government pay for prescription drugs instead of an insurance company would end up a bureaucratic nightmare and the cost would be so astronomical that the FICA deduction would surely rise in the future, especially after baby boomers hit the scene. Many doctors refuse to be Medicare assigned doctors because they are forced to charge less and wait longer for payments. The pharmaceutical companies may take the same position after a while. This is one issue that should be handled in a bipartisan manner when it reaches congress. Bungling this one will effect the elderly, taxpayers, and future Medicare essence, everyone. For a candidate to propose something that will never become reality in order to win a select group's vote, is especially sad when that group is the elderly who may not realize that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't true. There are many people under 65 who must decide between medication and other necessities because they do not have health insurance. I think that before the government gives tax credits for childcare and college tuition, they should give a tax credit for health insurance to those with an income below $25,000. I think that the Earned Income Credit should be abolished because I am sure that many get away with fraudulently claiming the credit at the taxpayers expense. The money utilized for this credit would be better spent subsidizing health insurance premiums for the family's children rather than given in the way of a check that can be used for a bottle of booze or anything desired without any accountability. I survived without a childcare credit. I survived without a tax credit for my children's college tuition. I may not survive without health insurance. Making it possible for everyone to have health insurance should come first because our good health is more important than anything else is. Let's hope that the Medicare issue is handled prudently so that the wealth can be spread around and those under 65 can also enjoy good health. - Mary Ray Henslee (61) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Media Ownership and Test Scores From: Steve Carson (58) For Anna Durbin (69): I agree with much of what you write. Exceptions: "The Media is owned by Conservatives" If that were true then the press would be supporting the conservative view. Education: Testing is necessary and yes Tests at Col Hi did focus me and lock in the information taught. Our good teachers inspired and you wanted to show well on tests. ~ ~ ~ Subj: Where is Pat Paulson When You Need Him? From: Patty Stordahl (72) The older I get the less wool one can pull over my eyes. I am of a sound mind to believe nothing I hear from a candidate and research backgrounds. I and my voting household are so sick of all the deterioration of the Democrat & Republican parties that we have decided to vote under a protest vote. Big money elects the puppets in the higher offices and for any American who believes their vote other than a protest is less than savvy in my eyes. With the computer age well into everyone's reach we no longer need an electoral vote. We could all mark our ballots right from home and our own little PC's. Then the popular vote would mean something. We just may get the one we really want. Not just the lesser of the two richest evils. Join me in registering a protest vote. Whether it does much good or not at least the more protest votes there are the more the two major parties will have to take a serious look at the voting public. Every one thinks there is only Bush & Gore. Hey where is Pat Paulson when you need him. I vote common sense and Liberty for the country. Can we handle the no government freebies and handouts that overtax the middle class? I for one am so tired of free this and free that to all less fortunate. IF there were less programs, there would be more pride in the American lifestyle. If I could sit on my butt and have the tax payers foot my bills, that may be a life style I would get used to, but not totally like. Free handouts breeds laziness. As a single mother of 4 for 14 years, I always found work. Medical bills were my responsibility as well as school lunches and clothing. Handouts are for lazy people and indifferent adult children who have older parents and will not provide for the folks in their old age. My rearing has never left an option We take care of our own, If each family took care of their own there would be no need for the government to use my tax dollars to pay for abortions, to pay for medicaid, to supliment the homeless or drug users. I say vote for Brown or Nader as a serious protest. Change the vision of the Democratic & Republican parties and bring some control back to the people. I want my gun, my life and my old age investing to be my decision only. Kick the government out of homes, churches, schools, and out of my paycheck. Charity begins at home not with Uncle Sam stealing 38% of my wages. By the way there are more brand new Toyota's & Honda's and Lexus's in our Seattle suplimented housing project parking spaces than in my entire town. Humm I wonder how I can get a section 8 so I can have a new car??? - Patty Stordahl (72) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Fuel Cells From: Ron Richards (63) I couldn't believe my eyes - a positive statement (regarding fuel cells) from Dick Epler with which I could agree. Now I ask Dick to recognize the possibilities for advancing the commercialization of fuel cells through the construction of several fuel cell distributed power facilities in the Tri-Cities as a condition of Snake River Dam removal. At the same time one should not sell short the possibilities for doing the same with solar power. Shell Oil Company is the largest producer of solar panels in the world today. Maybe there is a message here. AstroPower has more demand for its solar panels than it can meet. Maybe there is also a message here. And the examples go on. The combination of fuel cell and solar panel technologies will be an important part of the development of the hydrogen cycle. The economic development gurus in the Tri-Cities should not let this opportunity pass. It is not too late for Hanford to become a major player in this game. Mitigation for any negative impacts from Snake River Dam removal is just the ticket to jump start this effort. To read about a few of the interesting developments with these technologies (and perhaps to discover some good investments, although perhaps not as good now as a while ago), one should check out the Yahoo news reports for FCEL, APWR, ENER, and BLDP. It's an interesting world out there beyond the constraints of atomic energy, the internal combustion engine, and hydro power! - Ron Richards (63) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Re: The SANDBOX Issue 79 For Dick Epler - Thanks for the history lesson. - Steve Carson (58) ( ~ ~ ~ Subj: Words to Harry Potter Critics From: Chuck Monasmith (65) Dear Jenny Smart Page (87) Unlike most of the persons stating opinions about the Harry Potter books, I have read all four. The books are fabulous tools for teaching kids right from wrong, good from evil, how to make value judgments and how to stand the courage of their convictions. Book Two, Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets was especially good for teaching kids one very specific lesson. How can you teach examples of hatred, prejudice and bigotry without offending at least one oppressed group? It's easy. You show kids how the bad guys in the story display bigotry towards the muggles and the mudbloods. How can any race or group of persons who has been the victim of bigotry be offended when the lessons are taught and passions rallied against bigotry when the oppressed are the muggles and the mudbloods? Harry, Ron and Hermione set an example for all our kids (and some of us adults too) on how best to respond in the face of bigotry. Jenny, Please let your young reader experience the Harry Potter series, better yet, you read it aloud to him. Censorship of the unknown is the very worst kind of ignorance. Teach your young reader to be enlightened and to make judgments based on experience and fact, not on conjecture. I realize my letter has been pretty hard on Jenny. It just happened her letter was the one that pushed my button against censorship. - Chuck Monasmith (65) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Harry Potter FROM: Linda McKnight (65) LMckn21142 Before anyone should voice an opinion about the Harry Potter books, pro or con, I think those people should read the books. While witches and wizards sound pretty terrible, it seems we all grew up with the Wicked Witch, the Good Witch and the Wizard of Oz. How are these books any different? Are there really some parents out there whose children were forbidden from reading Alice in Wonderland or the Wizard of Oz? Didn't good triumph over evil? ~ ~ ~ That concludes this issue, folks. Please remember to include your class year and MAIDEN name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. To join in the ongoing conversations here, send your comments to: Enjoy visiting THE SANDBOX archives at: - Al Parker (53) Your SANDBOX host -83- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #84 ~ September 14, 2000 "A loving heart is the truest wisdom." - Dickens Hear Who's Talking Today~ Chuck Monasmith (65), Marc Franco (66), Dick Epler (52), Paul Ratsch (58), Steve Carson (58), Let The Conversations Begin! Subj: Texas - Smexus From: Chuck Monasmith (65) Mary Lee Henslee Wrote about the cost of living differences between Richland and Texas. Well, Mary, I went to file:// This site can also be reached through the USA Today home page. This site has a salary calculator. Plug in any two cities and presto, you get the salary difference you would need to have the same life style. If I earned $100,000 in Richland, (I wish) I'd have to earn $103,000 to live in Dallas. And I don't have to put up with Texans! P.S. Maren, Welcome back!! ~ ~ ~ Subj: Assorted comments - including a reply to Mary Henslee From: Marc Franco (66) Reply-to: Well, I am back from three weeks vacation, and have seen that nobody noticed I was gone. It's always nice to be needed! I've read through the Sandboxes that I've missed, and although there were numerous very interesting comments by a variety of people, I've already missed the boat on those, and will confine myself to the present. Except that I do have one question for people: It is old news now that Dick Cheney voted against abortion, even if the mother's life is in danger. My question is, if anybody, especially women, resents that. I have no quarrel at all with people who are against abortion, as long as I don't have to agree with it, but it strikes me as demeaning for a woman to be told that her own life is worthless, and that of her family, as long as she carries the child that might kill her. But, of course, I am not a woman, and may be reading this wrong. I know this is old news, as I said, but I didn't have a chance earlier to ask this. To the present, I thought Mary Henslee in #80 had some really nice comments. To paraphrase, she said that she didn't think the country was as well off economically as the administration was telling us, and also that Gore's comments might lead to a schism in our society. The comments about the economy of the country were interesting, because I have read that there are actually quite a few people who have not participated in the stock market surge that many other people have benefited from. The actual rise in stocks has been limited to only a few, and many stocks have done little or nothing. So there really has been great wealth generated, but only for a few people. Many others, if not most, have not seen any real benefit. Downsizing, another of her comments, has affected many people, but on the other hand, it would not be fair to ignore that unemployment has been at 4% for a while now. There will always be dislocations in any economy. But her comments were well- founded. Many people have benefited in this economy, but many have not. Mary also made a comment which had not occurred to me before- not exactly something new- about Al Gore saying he represents the common people, not the "big" people. This basically would imply alienation of one segment of the population from another, since if a common person rises in the ranks, then presumably he would then be a "big" person, and would no longer be represented by Al Gore. I think few people would deny that such alienation already exists, but it is true that Gore could probably express himself so as to not propagate such alienation. It was a very interesting comment. I would also like to express my disappointment in Clinton's attempt to develop an ABM system. There has been no evidence that this would ever work; it is hideously expensive; it would surely begin a new arms race (our foes in the international arena probably have little interest in seeing America attempt to become invulnerable); and even our own government admits it is a violation of the ABM treaty currently in force with Russia. I wonder how we would react if Russia broke a treaty with us. I am aware that Clinton finally decided not to go ahead with it, leaving it to the next administration to decide if it wants it (Bush, for some reason, calls that bad leadership- much better, apparently, to force a new administration, which may not want the ABM, to spend the money anyhow. even if it doesn't work.) But I am still very disappointed that Clinton even considered this. - Marc Franco (66) ~ ~ ~ From: Dick Epler (52) First Subject: Bob Carlson's "Not a Clinton Lover/Apologist" Comments in Issue 82B I hate to be critical of anything Bob writes because he's really a neat guy (we share a lot of history and like a lot of the same music). Regarding Clinton, however, it seems that Bob and I are continually repeating ourselves and I really hate that. But maybe I've made some progress. At least Bob isn't saying that the Clinton impeachment is all about sex anymore. But it wasn't all about lying either. The central impeachment issue was whether Bill Clinton, as President of the United States, is above the law? And if so, what other law is the President free to ignore? Understand now, this is the Commander In Chief of the greatest military force in the world (not as great as a few years ago, but still substantial). For such a leader to believe s(he) is above the law is something that should generate a lot of concern. In the impeachment proceedings, the Senate refused to answer these questions. David Shippers, the House lawyer, recently wrote a book about the Senate's sellout. And thus the book is appropriately named "Sell Out: The Inside Story of President Clinton's Impeachment." It answers a lot of questions that were only speculation previously. Maybe these Constitutional questions will be answered once Clinton is out of office, but maybe not right away if Hillary gets elected. The impeachment was also not just about Clinton's personal life. His pattern throughout most of his life has been very consistent. Indeed, my guess is that Clinton's success and behavior in public life led him to believe he could get away with just about anything in his private life as well. In that sense Clinton's behavior IS directly related to his official position as President. We often make the observation that "power corrupts" but that's not the case here. The Clintons were already pretty corrupt when Bill came into office which was what most of the early investigations were all about. So the REALLY big question is whether our Constitution is still effective in preventing corruptible people from gaining excessive power to manipulate the lives and fortunes of the populace. That was a big concern for the framer's. They believed a division of power between the three branches would counterbalance this destructive tendency, but in those days, they couldn't know about the "fourth branch of government" - the media - whose interests are independent of the Constitution. The media is primarily interested in "alliances" as Richard Hatch of "Survivor" fame advocates. The Republican's problem is that they're outside the alliance. A recent poll revealed that ninety-three percent of the media vote Democratic ... no big surprise there. Maybe the United States is destined to go the way of every other great power. I hope not. But make no mistake: It's been our Constitution that has held us together this long. Without it, and respect for the applicable law, history teaches we cannot long survive. ~~~ Second Subject: A Summary This will be my last contribution to the SANDBOX before the election. To date I've used a lot of words to encourage readers to ignore the message of the media by providing some foundation for making a rational selection between the two candidates. The media (and Bob) likes to tell us that political conventions are boring and are a waste of time to broadcast (but they televised more of the Democrat's convention than the Republican's). They tell us that there's really no difference between the two candidates since the Republicans promise the same things as the Democrats and therefore have to be lying ... just like the Democrats (no dispute there). But I disagree ... in part ... If the media doesn't like the conventions it's because they're not a big player in that format. The media currently prefers events with play-by-play and color commentators much like a football game, where the outcome goes to the "team" that provides the most spectacular plays on a given day. But I would suggest that voting for the leader of the most powerful nation on earth should not be dependent on contrived theatrics. Though both conventions were carefully scripted the content was important primarily for evaluating the message consistency of the two candidates. Consistency is indicative of a candidate with a moral rudder who will most likely be honest with the American people and faithful to our Constitution in accomplishing goals. Which leads me to the central thesis of almost everything I have written to date: the WAY something is done is often as important as WHAT is done. Both candidates may promise similar things but that doesn't mean there's no difference. That's because the methods used by the two candidates to accomplish their goals are key. Bush's goals are more likely to be achieved with a greater participation by individuals resulting in more satisfying solutions with less government intrusion. Gore's goals, like Clinton's, will be achieved through centralized bureaucracies backed by the threat of guns (the police and other enforcement agencies ... think Waco). Generally corrupt leaders like to force solutions that benefit the few at the expense of the many, which, according to the experts, is much easier to achieve if the populace are disarmed in advance. All this naturally results in a larger government with a greater confiscation of the nation's wealth. As voters, we only have to ask ourselves two questions regarding the problems of the world and our nation: Do we want government, and the media, to enforce the "one single 'best' solution" for our problems? Or do we want to be an active and independent part of each solution as our Constitution encouraged? I caution against concentrating too much power in the Presidential office, for such power can only further enable an already corrupt leader. Also bear in mind that a vote for "image" is a vote for media. Look beyond the image for substance - and media ratings be damned! Your vote is important. Vote wisely! - Dick Epler (52) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Questions and Answers About Texas From: Paul Ratsch [58] Re: The SANDBOX Issue 80 [Reply to Mary Henslee] Can you take out a second mortgage on your home in TEXAS?...NO How can you save and or invest money for your retirement if you don't make any? Most people have to work until they drop in TEXAS. Reason: No assets or cash flow to retire on. Texas is a slave labor state and you know it, admit it. Why do so many Texans come to the state of Washington to work? Answer: Better standard of living. We certainly wouldn't come to your state to work, the way Texans treat outsiders. Don't tell me about Texas, I have been there.... - Paul Ratsch [58] ~ ~ ~ Subj: Re: The SANDBOX Issue 81 From: Steve Carson (58) Now Barb Seslar and I have both asked for facts about the comment..."The conservative controlled (owned)? media. I don't recall who made the original comment but I believe it to be disinformation. For Ann Minor, serving in public office at the local level is tough and I congratulate you. - Steve Carson (58) ~ ~ ~ That concludes this issue, folks. Please remember to include your class year and maiden name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. To join in the ongoing conversations here, send your comments to: or simply hit the reply button and talk to us! We are the Alumni of Richland High School, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 1999. Visit the Sandbox Archives at: - Al Parker (53) Your SANDBOX Host - 84 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #85 ~ September 16, 2000 "If any man seeks greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." - Horace Mann Hear who's talking today~ Anna Durbin '69, Jerry Swain '54), Bob Carlson (aka Mike Clowes) '54, Ann Minor '70, Lloyd Swain '66 Steve Carson '58, Jim Moran '86. Let the conversations begin! Subj: The High Cost of Elections Keeps Good People Out of Politics From: Anna Durbin '69 [Referring to the article, "Government By The People Is Still Alive And Well in Simi Valley" by Barbara Williamson AKA Jeanie Walsh (63) in SB81] Dear Barbara aka Jeanie: I did not mean to insult you or any other local official, and I am very sorry if I hurt your feelings. You sound like the kind of person I would spend my time working for. I am just very disgusted with Senate and national races and how much they cost. I still vote. But all the money that is spent on these mindless sound bites drives me crazy. I would never run for office because of all the money it costs. I think it is terrible you have to go in the hole to be a public servant. And I hate getting the letters from losing candidates who have to raise money to make up their losses. It scares a lot of good people out of politics. I was referring to national government and not to local. I thought I put in how the grass roots is the only place you can have input. In my district, we elected a new school board that stopped deferring maintenance and did a study of what was needed, bit the bullet and started fixing the dangerous stuff. They are taking a lot of heat for the bond issue and higher taxes, but I will leaflet my precinct again for them. And I am proud that my daughter who went off to college and turns eighteen two weeks before the national election registered to vote and applied for an absentee ballot before she went. In one election, she agreed to make calls on election day to remind people to vote, while we were working the precinct, and we got a majority of the school board by about 30 votes. I think she made thirty calls. She didn't reach them all, but she had a big part in it. I do give my money to local candidates. We elected a new congressman last time by 85 votes. We walked the precincts. My family put up a campaign volunteer from out of town in our spare room for a month. But huge money is coming in to the campaign from out of state this time. I don't have an extra thousand to put up with college tuition, but I will put up another campaign worker and walk the precincts. The point I was trying to make is that elections cost way too much. People should be able to make a living and be public servants and be paid for it. They should not have to send out a letter two weeks after they are elected asking for money to be reelected and then spend a huge amount of their time calling people for money and going to fundraisers so they can pay media bills. Why do we have so many millionaires in Congress? They are the only people who can afford it. And they forget what the lives of the people you work to help are like. (If they ever knew.) Apathy is our greatest enemy. When our country is controlled by 20% who are narrow, special interest voters, we may stop being a democracy because so few people vote. - Anna Durbin '69 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Flying uncamouflaged and "Don't Mess With Texas" From: Jerry Swain (54) Reply-to: To: Note to David Henderson (60): As a pilot who flew a load of fuel in an uncamouflaged KC-135 to within visual range of Hanoi to help out Lt. Col. Robby Risner in his crippled F-105 so he could get back to Korat, Thailand, I can relate to a pilot who would fly a colorful B-17 deep into Germany with a load of bombs in a formation of B-17s. The effectiveness of the formations of B-17s in defending against German fighters was well known during the German bombing campaigns. In Viet Nam, Lt. Col. Risner and I had seven F-105s on our wing as we pumped fuel into his battle damaged F-105 at 24,000 feet on our way back to Korat. Strength in numbers...! Note to Mary (Ray) Henslee (61): Right on Texan! Every point in your well written Sandbox letter should be forwarded to the Gore camp telling them not to mess with Texas (or the USA). -Jerry Swain (54) Another WASHINGTON business advocate for Bush! ~ ~ ~ Subj: Budget Surpluses and Deficits From: Bob Carlson (aka Mike Clowes) '54 Once again Dick Epler, '52, has given us an erudite commentary on the financial situation of the nation. And, for once I agree with him. I just think he could have used fewer words to say what one man's surplus is another man's deficit. It just depends on which side of the political fence you are sitting For those of you who would rather straddle that fence, I'm afraid all you get is chaffing in places you don't want to tell your children about. Or perhaps the Mugwump Party has reappeared. It seems that neither major political party has grasped a basic economic premise that income should exceed expenditures in order to maintain a certain amount of financial growth. It has been stated more than once that if a business were run the same way government is, it would go out of business in a short while. What the pundits forget is that government has the power to print the money it spends, and business does not. This is not to say that this is the reason Johnson's "Great Society" failed. Guns and butter don't mix, especially if the "guns" part is the most unpopular armed conflict this nation entered. And the rest of it was beginning to sound like a "socialist utopia," which is also frightening to most Americans. No matter what many say, the basic American ethic is "I got mine and you don't get any (unless I get a good tax break)!" A president went out of his way to clarify how we should help one another, and even other nations. But, we as a people, don't really want to. Not that this a bad thing, it's just too self centered. The nation has tried to institute different ideals for the betterment of all citizens. The failure of these schemes has not been in the idea, but in the bureaucracy that was established to make the program function. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and countless other good intentions would possibly function much more efficiently if the bureaucracies that run them had a positive rather than a negative function. Did you ever wonder why you can't get simple tasks taken care of by these people? Their rules don't permit it. And, unfortunately, they are the ones who make the rules, even if other rules prohibit such actions. This applies to all governmental functions from the lowest level upward. Well, that's my opinion, and I'm entitled to it. Bob Carlson (aka Mike Clowes) '54 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Termination, Potter, Medicare, the Rapture From: Ann Minor '70 Reply-to: (Ann) Termination: Oh s--t, put my foot in it again, in it? By "termination" I did NOT mean terminating all tribal members (although I think there may be a few who wish to terminate me)! Termination is a political term that refers to ending a tribe's status with the US government and therefore ending their eligibility for entitlements. There are at times a significant number of tribal members around here who support the concept. The thinking is that handouts enforce dependency and destroy initiative. It is seen by some tribal members as a way to continue the domination of tribes by the white culture in that it tends to foster a continual state of dependency. I apologize for any misunderstanding, although it is still true that as David Allen Coe said (speaking of Texans)! "My long hair just can't cover up my red neck..." Harry Potter: read em, loved em. Not advocating necessarily placing them on school required reading lists, although I certainly wouldn't object to it. I do most fervently object to anyone else telling me what I must or must not read, or allow my children to read It is first amendment, folks. If one is looking for Christian writing, by the way I would strongly recommend The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis...oops there is that W word again. Now tell me. will anyone out there tell me that C.S. wasn't a Christian? The Rapture: Liked the book? You might love the movie! And while reading and to a lesser extent movie watching I am fairly liberal about with my kids, I sure am not going to let them watch it for a few more years. Medicare: I have worked in hospitals too long to have any illusions about the adequacy of Medicare. I have worked in discharge planning and in Utilization Review within the last year, and it is frightening. Even with a "good" supplement (and by the way there is only one supplement available in Eastern Washington at this time. (And it isn't good) it is expected that a person will come in for a knee replacement and be out the door in three days. Sometimes yes, but if not some are faced with private pay at $800 per Day, exclusive of medications. Speaking of medications, I take several. One of them costs $400 per month, for arthritis. I was on a gall bladder med that was over $800 per month. many of the new cholesterol drugs can cost that much, as can new antihypertensives and antiarrythmics. I suggest anyone who thinks prescriptions are not a problem for fixed income seniors spend a few hours at their local pharmacy, and ask seniors about the costs of their medications. And hello! what on earth is the point of a tax break if you don't make enough to pay taxes??? Governors race: how bout it, WA State residents? Who do you support, and why? Take care all, am hoping for many earnest responses - Ann Minor '70 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Opening Scene, Sitcom: "99352" From: Lloyd Swain "66" Hey.. I really like the idea of a "99352" Sitcom.... How about the beginning where the lead male is working in some large canyon building.. not knowing of course what he is doing... all of this to some great big band music theme.. The whistle blows... and he punches the time clock and heads right out into a "termination wind"..... oh great... he can't find the bus.... because there is too much dust... Cut to mom frantically pulling brown sheets of the clothesline... ones of course that have not blown away.... the kids of course are playing in all of this... they are brown now too... Dad finally makes it home.. wife cooking... kids washed up and come down to dinner,... in the small prefab dining room... they say grace and blow the dust off the table... Dan sneezes.. they all laugh and dig in... How about that for an intro? Lloyd Swain "66" (achoo!!!) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Re: The SANDBOX Issue 82B From: Steve Carson '58 Dick Epler, WELL SAID!! ~ ~ ~ Subj: If This Were a Perfect World From: Jim Moran '86 (James Moran) In reply to Patty Stordahl comment about how charity begins at home.... you know if we all lived in the perfect world, this would be great!! But the truth of the matter is we all do not have a wealthy uncle or aunt, or a large family to support us in times of troubles. Without getting in to details, my family, when I was very young, experienced a situation where we were finically destroyed in the early 1970's. My family just moved to the great city of Richland, where we had no support network. The only agency which helped us was the government. I'm I proud of this? Hell no, but I know there are people just like me who need this type of help today, like my family needed help then. Are there people who are abusing the system? Unfortunate yes, but does this mean you destroy the system because of a few bad people? No. However, if you take that mentality, then let's destroy all corrupt corporations who lie to their customers about their defective products, or the CEO who receives a million dollar retirement, then runs for a national public office. In short, I see the need of the greater good outweighing the greedy few. In the perfect world, we would not need any government assistance (or government for that matter ), but this IS NOT THE PERFECT WORLD. Also, it always amazed how anybody who lives in the Tri-Cities could ever say with a straight face that they live a self sufficient life without government assistance. Uh, HELLO, the economy of this area is tied directly to FEDERAL FUNDING... You know, big bad government, aka, TAX MONEY. All tied to the big DOE (which I have heard is expected to increase). So, when it comes to pushing up to the federal pork barrel, the people of Hanford and the Tri-Cities have received their far share. - Jim Moran 86 ~ ~ ~ That concludes this issue, folks. Please remember to include your class year and maiden name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. To join in the ongoing conversations here, send your comments to: or simply hit the reply button and talk to us! We are the Alumni of Richland High School, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 1999. Visit the Sandbox Archives at: - Al Parker (53) Your SANDBOX Host - 85 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #86 ~ September 17, 2000 "They who disbelieve in virtue because man has never been found perfect, might as reasonably deny the sun because it is not always noon." - Hare Hear who's talking today: Mina Jo Gerry Payson (68) Dave Doran `72 Lloyd Swain "66", Brad Wear 71, Barbara Seslar (60), Steve Carson, 58 Let the conversations begin! Subj: The Bad Guy Gets It In The End by Mina Jo Gerry Payson (68) I haven't logged in to the Sandbox for quite a while, but I do want to put my two cents worth in about Harry Potter. I have read the first three books of the series, borrowed from an adult friend, and am waiting for her family to get through book four. Of course, it is the choice of parents what their children read. I have always been very liberal as far as that is concerned. I did make it a point to read along with my children when they were younger. My daughter was enamored with Sweet Valley High and the Baby-sitters Club series. I read those until I couldn't take it any more. One mother asked my opinion of the Sweet Valley series because she felt that her daughter was too young to be reading such "mature" material. My reply was that there was nothing I objected to for my fifth grader and the "bad" characters always lost in the end. We always made a habit of reading before bed for about 20 to 30 minutes. We read a range from Beezus and Ramona stories to classics like Treasure Island. My children and I always discussed what they were reading at home or at school. That carries through to today when we recommend books to each other and enjoy the discussions that ensue from reading common books. I don't think it matters what your children read as long as reading is encouraged and they see their parents reading for pleasure at home. So what does this all have to do with Harry Potter? The bad guy gets it in the end! - Mina Jo Gerry Payson (68) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Re: The SANDBOX Issue 84 From: Dave Doran `72 As a new subscriber to the Sandbox I suppose I should just observe for a bit but I can't help but comment on a few of the views in Issue 84. I'm not a Clinton apologist but, really, he was corrupt when he took office? I may have missed some breaking news but didn't Ken Starr fritter away $100 million or so and come up with a big nothing save for the sex thing? Of course it was stupid to lie about it but certainly no worse than some of the stupid and illegal things Presidents have been doing forever. The Contras, Watergate, Irangate and Reagan's own Star Wars all best Clinton on my stupid list. And the last time I looked there were many more than two candidates for Presidential office although I agree that with our present system they have a collective fat chance. I enjoyed the comments on the stock market because, of course, hindsight is always perfect. A great many stocks have done well and anyone with a few hundred dollars to save could have picked up double digit returns in any one of a number of mutual funds. The economy has been genuinely good for anyone who works, saves or borrows unless they were stuck in a menial job or put their savings in a bank account. My biggest peeve is reserved for that traffic cop of the almighty dollar, Alan Greenspan. I can't believe that anyone as myopic as a single man should wield the power that he does. He wants to slow the economy to prevent 'inflation' and, like anyone who is single-minded, he does it without regard as to the larger consequences like people losing their jobs and not being able to buy homes and of course he is wealthy enough to be largely unaffected. Our economy has an unemployment factor built into it thanks to Mr. Greenspan who believes that, if too many people have jobs, then employers will lose their leverage to fire at will and the competition for workers will raise their payroll costs. How about a 'rising tide lifting all the boats' theory straight from Ron Reagan himself except some boats must be left in the mud so one can tell that theirs has risen. -Dave Doran `72 ~ ~ ~ Subj: If It Were Not For Us... Re: The SANDBOX Issue 82B From: Lloyd Swain "66" Lswain6680 WOW>. where is Pat Paulson when we need him?..... I don't know about the rest of you..... but I am going out to vote... and hope to hell I get it right this time...... I love all your editorials.. some are just too long to read....mainly because my short attention span and the fact that I don't get here much... But really... We all need to hold our elected officials to task... when we are not too busy working.. taking care of a family....and doing yardwork.... and helping this robust economy grow... and we are the ones you know.....that make all of this work..... We're the Boomers... and if it weren't for us ... well ... it would be a lot different... - Lloyd Swain "66" ~ ~ ~ Subj: Doing Great In Texas From: Brad Wear 71 To Paul Ratsch 58: Paul, I don't know what decade you were in Texas, but you need to come into the 21st century. Yes, you can have a second mortgage on your home in Texas. Years ago they were not allowed, primarily due to the "Homestead Act" that reduced the tax valuation of your property. Home equity loans are a common albeit risky practice for several years now. Take a look at any salary rating matrix and Texas is up towards the top. Primarily due to the "High Tech" industries that are located in Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio. The salary levels would be even higher if we didn't have the Illegal Alien issue to deal with. Contrary to popular belief we live in modern homes, have 401K's IRA's, and corporate retirement accounts. Most companies even have stock purchase plans. Texas and Washington are really closely tied in their economies and their industries. I have met countless people here who have lived in Washington, even Richland to be specific, that work on some of the nuclear facilities. Seems like no one can get the running of these facilities right, (Commanche Peak, South Texas Project here), Hanford up there. There seems to be a heavy cross pollination of workers from Texas and Washington. It's also quite common in the aircraft industry. Big B has plants here, and partners with several of the other local big manufactures. Quite a few Washington Stater's have matriculated down here when the industry slowed up there, and Texans have gone up there when it slowed here. Amazing how that works. Most of the local work slow downs occur when the unions get involved and force a closure of one plant or the other. Texas welcomes most outsiders, just look at the list of fastest growing cities. Texas has three of the top four. If we're such a bad place to live why are so many people coming here? To Chuck Monasmith 65: Richland Vs Dallas Chuck, I lived in Dallas for several years and would rather die a day sooner than live IN Dallas. The taxes are excessive, they have one of the worst education systems in the state. Perpetuated by the Texas Education Association (TEA) the state education union, the local board, half of which can't or won't speak in full sentences. They've had four Superintendents in the last five years. One resigned after a long tenure, one sent to prison for embezzlement, one fired after eight mos., and two interim's that would not take the job due to the board. Salary $260K, nice chunk of change. The boards first question, as well as the local communities, when they announce a candidate is "What Color is he?" I find that interesting, What should it matter? Dallas is one of the last bastions of Democratic dominance in Texas. They are also the highest Taxed, highest enrollment in Welfare, lowest scores on the TAAS tests, second highest school enrollment where English is a second language. Now flip that to the city where my youngest son goes to school. Plano, when I moved here 22 years ago it was a sleepy little town of 37,000. This years census puts it at 385,000. They have the highest scores in the state on SAT, TAAS, ACT, the most scholarships awarded, (nation wide), and the most graduates that receive IB or AP certificates. We've also voted some of the biggest bond issues dedicated to Information Technology and High Tech infrastructure in the schools. All schools are networked with fiber optics, pentium III's and the latest software. My son had CNC training in 8th grade. In 4th grade he had his own PC at his desk that was state of the art, and it's only gotten better. Local control is the reason. We would be even better if Ann Richards (Ma' Richards) hadn't passed the "Robin Hood" amendment. Take funds from the wealthiest school districts and give to the poor. The concept is fine, but when the TEA fights accountability and poor schools pay the brother of the superintendent or some other relative millions for the same job over and over again "what's wrong with this picture?" I'd move back to Richland, it's still home, in a heartbeat, if there were jobs there that could meet the income I'm earning now. Will I move back some time? You bet, I love it there. But for now I like it here in TEXAS. Ya'll come down, ya hear. - Brad Wear 71 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Comments about Issue 84 From: Barbara Seslar (60) Re: Dick Epler (52) comments re: Bob Carlson's "Not a Clinton Lover/Apologist" Comments in Issue 82B I appreciate your well-thought out comments. Thank you for expressing them. - Barbara Seslar (60) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Re: The SANDBOX Issue 84 From: Steve Carson For Paul Ratsch (58) Paul, when we first started talking in the Sandbox it was about your low opinion of Texas. Then I thought it was because your union people had been painting an unfair picture of the state because of the "Right to Work" issue. Today I am not sure what is under your saddle but Texas is a cool state. Are some of the people a little "proud" yes and that would be their loss. Relax a little Paul. There are good people and less good people everywhere. Let's focus on the issues that will impact us and take the time to become fully informed. I can't wait to have a couple of beers with you and hope it is soon. - Steve Carson 58 ~ ~ ~ That concludes this issue, folks. Please remember to include your class year and maiden name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. To join in the ongoing conversations here, send your comments to: or simply hit the reply button and talk to us! We are the Alumni of Richland High School, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 1999. Visit the Sandbox Archives at: - Al Parker (53) Your SANDBOX Host -86- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #87 ~ September 18, 2000 "Measure not life by the hopes and enjoyments of this world, but by the preparation it makes for another; looking forward to what you shall be rather than backward to what you have been." -Tieck Let's hear who's talking today~ Mary Ray Henslee (61), Paul Ratsch [58] Bob Carlson (Mike Clowes) '54, Janie O'Neal (65), Gene Trosper (84wb) Let The Conversations begin! Subj: More Rhetoric Comments From: Mary Ray Henslee (61) Sorry guys, but I feel compelled to come to my defense and the defense of other Texas transplants against less than accurate statements. Chuck Monasmith (65), I think that it is only fair to compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges. When you compare Dallas, our highest cost-of-living city, to Seattle, which is probably Washington's highest cost-of-living city, the figures are a little more credible. If you make $100,000 in Dallas, you would have to make $132,580 in Seattle to own and $110,476 to rent. Richland is probably not the best example because I am going to guess that most of the homes are probably the original homes built by Hanford compared to much finer homes in Dallas. You are also comparing a small town to a large Metropolitan area. Paul Ratsch (58), Texas fought Home Equity Loans (second mortgages) for sometime because of the pitfalls. These loans make it far too easy for people to overextend themselves and lose their homes. You will need to update your Texas bashing checklist because the Banks won out and Texas is now allowed to offer Home Equity Loans, which has been the case for quite a while now. As for your other comments, I will leave those for someone else to comment on because you lost me somewhere between slave labor and the dismal retirement we can expect. Texas is no different from most places. There are good people and bad people everywhere. Texas has always been famous for its friendliness. If your opinions of Texas are based on your political views, just remember that Governor Bush has not run Texas for its entire history and like many elected officials has inherited some problems from his predecessors. I do think Bush is very much for fairness and is not afraid to speak up against injustices. He was not afraid to speak up against the outrageous fees that Attorney's were receiving from the tobacco settlements. He is not afraid to take the most sensible approach to the Prescription Drug issue at the risk of appearing to have a less effective plan than Gore because Gore is pledging more government money. I read an article where someone suggested that Bush concentrate on education and forget about prescription drugs because Gore plans to spend the most so he will be seen as wanting to do the most for the elderly. Maybe Bush goes shopping with his wife more often so he knows that you can get the same product for less if you know where to shop. Bush just needs to really concentrate on spelling out how his plan will not only offer prescription drugs, but more extensive coverage in other areas of health care as well and why it is possible for his plan to be more cost effective without shortchanging the elderly. Study the issues and vote wisely for your sake and that of your family. = Mary Ray Henslee (61) = ~ ~ ~ Subj: Much Ado About Nothing From: Bob Carlson (Mike Clowes) '54 As a former "forced" resident of the state of Texas, I must agree with most of the derogatory remarks about that place made both here and in "The Sandstorm." The only thing I found "cheap" about the place were the price of gas, and the politicians. I remember a story about "Landslide" Lyndon that made the rounds shortly after he was elected to Congress. One of the campaign workers came across a small boy sitting on the sidewalk crying his heart out. "What's wrong, son?" asked the worker. "My father did not come to see me yesterday day," sobbed the little boy. "But your father is dead," answered the worker. "I know," the little boy replied, "but he came and voted for Mr. Johnson." Mary Ray Henslee speaks of Medicare and Medicaid, and she very politely reminds us that there is "no free lunch." Even such programs as Medicare cost money, and the primary burden is on the tax payer. And believe or not, even the "nicest" HMO is in business to make a profit. On conservatives controlling the media, they don't. On the other hand, the ownership of movie and television studios, and radio and television stations lie in the hands of persons of a fiscally conservative nature. Some refer to them as "bottom liners" (or is it feeders). To a certain degree, they may be politically conservative. So as a very broad statement, the media is owned by conservatives. My erudite colleague, Mr. Richard Epler, RHS '52, has again succinctly stated a case for being involved in politics, even if both candidates make watching grass grow more exciting. And now that Mr. Gush has firmly planted his foot in his mouth, can it be too much longer before Mr. Bore does likewise. And, Dick, I guess what I meant to say is that most Libertarians are too smart to get involved in campaigning for national offices (which as we all know cost too much money). But then I am reminded of a philosophy prevalent in Chicago during the reign of Mayor Richard the First: "Come early and vote often for the candidate of our choice." And for those of you who are wont to condemn books on the word of an "expert," please, please, take the time to find out two things. 1.) What is the agenda of this "expert" 2.) Read the book before making up your mind. I, personally, don't read Stephen King, Judith Kranz and some other authors, basically because of the genre in which they write, but I do not tell others they should not read these books. I may look askance at them, but that's as far as I will go. Besides there are better authors out there. And that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. = Bob Carlson (Mike Clowes) '54 = ~ ~ ~ Subject: Harry Potter From: Janie O'Neal (65) (Janie Janssen) O.K. Here's my two cents. I also read the Harry Potter books with my grandson. And also I found them every fascinating, it was a very good opportunity to talk to him about allot of issues. Although there are allot of things about Harry Potter I personally do not agree with, it has become a very useful tool. It has helped show my grandson not to take everything at face value, to look beneath the first message. I find this topic concerning to me because of a resent survey I was involved in through our church. We went to down town Portland, set up an area to look like a television crew and did interviews with teenagers while taping them. The first question we asked was who they thought Jesus was. The answers we got nearly broke my heart. One girl said, "Well, I think he was someone's grandfather who did really nice things and everyone just got carried away after he died." Another question: "Do you believe in God?" Two girls dressed all in black responded to this question, "Of course we believe in God but we're on the other side." When asked if they weren't afraid of the devil they said, "No we made a pack and when we get to hell we'll be his helpers." One boy responded, "Yes, and I used to go to church but when my parents got a divorce we stopped going." Then he broke down crying. Then we ran into the Good Witch, who only cast good spells on people, unless they weren't nice to her. I have worked al lot with kids over the past 35 yrs, ranging in age nursery through high school and the thing that bothers me is they are the most confused group of children I've ever seen. When we were growing up, right was right and wrong was wrong. We knew exactly where our boundaries were and we knew when we crossed over them. Few children of today have those guidelines, there are too many gray areas. Harry Potter is not a worry to me. It's what you do with it. Is there such a thing as a good witch? Is witchcraft something we want our children experimenting with? I say No! And I'm sure almost everyone agrees with me. I strongly feel the only hope for our future generation is that every grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, mom and dad commit to handing down some of the good old Christian morals and values we all grew up with. And take those kids to church. Let them get involved, make relationship that enrich there lives. I've seen to many kids on the streets aimlessly wondering around trying to make since out of life. Well, I'll climb down off my soap box now, but if you could have seen some the things I've seen over the years concerning children, it would break your heart. = Janie O'Neal (65) = ~ ~ ~ Subj: If Bush and Cheney Get In From: Paul Ratsch [58] How Much Are You Willing to Pay for Gas, oil, or Natural Gas! If Bush & Cheney Get In, you Will Really Get Hammered. These Guys Are Ex. Big Oil Executives. Cheney Was the CEO for Halliburton, One of the Biggest Slave Labor Companies In the Country, don't Believe Me, Ck. It Out. = Paul Ratsch [58] = ~ ~ ~ Subj: Reply to Jim Moran From: Gene Trosper (84wb) Reply-to: Jim Moran writes: >In short, I see the need of the greater good outweighing the greedy few. In the perfect world, we would not need any >government assistance (or government for that matter ), but this IS NOT THE PERFECT WORLD. You are exactly right...this is NOT a perfect world. Outcomes in life are NOT guaranteed. It's a sad, but very hard truth. This is an excellent reason why we should try to limit the size of government and it's constant attempt at creating an equitable society. What exactly is the "greater good"? Does the need of one person automatically assign an obligation upon others? Do you have the right to force your neighbors to contribute to your cause, (hunger, poverty, environmentalism), simply because you think it is just? Is it any more legitimate for a group of people to undertake the cause for you and force everyone to "donate"? You speak of weighing the greater good versus the "greedy few". Does resistance or reluctance to government funding make one greedy? I don't think so. Those you want to brand as greedy come from all walks of life...some rich, some poor. Some black, some white. People on fixed or low incomes are hit just as hard (if not harder) through increased taxation. Is it fair to force a widow to pay more in taxes because a vocal group of people demand government funding for their own pet project or cause? I use the word "force" quite often in this response simply because it's the truth. The government doesn't ask every citizen each year kindly if they would like to pay some income taxes...neither do they suggest you pay taxes. They FORCE you to pay taxes. If you don't pay, they threaten you. If you ignore their threats, they freeze your assets and seize your property. If you resist the seizure of your home, they will come to arrest you. Further resistance will be dealt with physical harm or death. Kind and compassionate government? I will let you decide. If someone wants to throw the word "greedy" around, let's first look to those who constantly call for government funding of their pet projects and causes. It's much more greedy to use the armed might of our government to force people to pay more in taxes to satisfy the desires of "do-gooder" individuals and organizations. I pay my taxes...simply because I don't want my home ripped from under me and my daughter to suffer from the "compassion" of others. Neither do I wish to die because of it. I sincerely believe many, many other people pay not because of patriotism, fair play or benevolence. They do so to simply escape the further wrath of Uncle Sam. It's not fun to have a significant portion of your hard-earned income extracted from your wallet every April 15. I'm not anti-government. I'm pro-government. But I do believe our government MUST be limited much more than it is now. = Gene Trosper (84wb) = ~ ~ ~ That concludes this issue, folks. Please remember to include your class year and maiden name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. To join in the ongoing conversations here, send your comments to: or simply hit the reply button and talk to us! We are the Alumni of Richland High School, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 1999. Visit the Sandbox Archives at: - Al Parker (53) Your SANDBOX Host -87- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #88 ~ September 19, 2000 "Fly no opinion becase it is new, but strictly search, and after careful view, reject it if false, embrace it if ‘tis true. --Lucretius. Let's hear who's talking today~ Mary Ray Henslee (61), Steve Carson (58) Bob Carlson (Mike Clowes) '54, Jenny (Smart) Page 87 Let the conversations begin! Medicare Reform From: Mary Ray Henslee (61) Moderator's Question: Which Medicare Plan Would You Prefer? I have been doing a lot of sounding off lately about the Prescription Drug issue and it just occurred to me that some of you may have missed the article in your local newspaper detailing Gore and plans or perhaps it never appeared in your newspaper. It is always better to make informed choices so I am taking this opportunity to share the two plans with you. According to the newspaper, Bush's plan essentially builds on the expansion of managed care in Medicare that was required by the balanced budget act of 1997. It is modeled after the health plan that is now offered to federal workers whereby people are allowed to choose from a select group of insurance plans. Gore's plan solely relies on government funding without any relief from insurance companies. Compare and come to your own conclusions. HOW PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLANS COMPARE OUTLINE Bush: Elderly would have the option of using a subsidy paid by Medicare to purchase a private insurance plan containing a prescription drug benefit. Each private plan would determine extent of coverage. Gore: Elderly would have the option of enrolling in a Medicare prescription drug program similar to the Part B program that covers doctors' bills. Medicare would pay half of prescription drug costs, up to $5,000 annually. ELIGIBILITY Elderly with income at or below 135 percent of the federal poverty level ($11,300 for individuals, $15,200 for a couple): Bush: Free premiums for Medicare coverage, including prescription drugs. Gore: Free premiums and cost-sharing for Medicare coverage, including prescription drugs. Elderly with income above 135 percent of the federal poverty level: Bush: Subsidy covers drugs for those with incomes of up to 175 percent of the poverty level ($14,600 for individuals, $19,700 per couple). Subsidy declines as income rises toward the 175 percent mark. All seniors with income above 175 percent of poverty receive a 25 percent subsidy for drug coverage. Gore: Subsidy covers drugs for elderly with incomes between 135 percent and 150 percent of poverty level. Subsidy declines as income rises from the 135 percent level to 150 percent. CASTASTROPHIC COVERAGE Bush: Medicare covers out-of-pocket medical costs exceeding $6,000. Gore: Medicare covers out-of-pocket prescription drug costs exceeding $4,000. EFFECTIVE DATE (IF PASSED BY CONGRESS) Bush: 2001 Gore: Begins 2002, fully implemented 2008. - Mary Ray Henslee (61) ~ ~ ~ Subj: The Plane Truth About Camouflage From: Bob Carlson (Mike Clowes) '54 bobsown1@hotmail For Jerry Swain '54 Good to hear from a fellow classmate. I think more for financial reasons, rather than tactical, paint was removed from most Army Air Force planes during WWII. Some bean counter in the Pentagon probably figured out that they could save a whopping $1.98 on the cost of each B-17. As for your situation at 24000 near Hanoi, I don't think a camouflage paint job would have helped much, unless it was radar suppressing. The Navy, on the other hand, took the gaudy yellow paint off the wings of their planes right around the time of Pearl Harbour, and painted the planes in varying shades of blue. Someone, much smarter than either of us, thought more of the pilot's psychological well being; and said that a camoflage paint job would make the pilot think he was invisible. But, as I recall, the Air Force kept the unpainted aluminium scheme until into the Vietnam fracas, when the "BUFF's" got black paint, and some of the other's when back to the olive drab. The black was to reduce visibility from the ground during night raids (also used in WWII). I haven't figured out why the o.d. paint on a fighter plane. Unless it was to foil "Charlie's" spy satellite photo's while they were parked at Tan Son Nuit or Da Nang. At any rate, your in-flight refueling was probably much more exciting than the fellow racing down the runway in a '35 Ford pickup trying to keep up with a Curtis Jenny (Smart) Page while the guy in the bed was pumping madly on a hand pump to get fuel from a 55 gallon drum to the airplane. In either event, my hat's off to you for doing the job you did. Well, that's my opinion and I'm welcome to it. = Bob Carlson (Mike Clowes) '54 = ~ ~ ~ Subj: Harry Potter From: Jenny (Smart) Page (87) Reply-to: I'm a few days behind in reading the entries, so forgive me for not responding immediately to Chuck Monasmith, and the others who commented on my original statements. And, Chuck, just to let you know, I didn't think you were being too hard on me. Actually, all you did was set me firmer in my beliefs on Harry Potter (read: you pushed my buttons too). It has been stated that without having read the Harry Potter books, that one is not in a position to comment on them. Following that train of thought, that means that because I don't listen to Marilyn Manson and Enimen (sp?), I can't call their music garbage and hateful; and because I've never had an abortion, I'm not qualified to say that its the murder of an unborn child; and because I've never smoked dope or shot something into my veins, I'm not able to say that drugs are a bad thing to do; and because I've never had skin cancer, I'm not capable of knowing that laying out in the Tri-City summer sun is harmful??? Sorry, folks, that logic doesn't float with me. I believe I am able to look at a synopsis of a book, or movie, or whatever, and listen to what others have to say about it, and make a judgment about how it fits with my moral standards. We live in a different world today than we did from even when I was a kid. Things are not interpreted the way they used to be, and what once was safe and fun now is not. As an example, how many of you walked to school every day? Or stayed out hanging on a street corner after the football game? Or rode your bike across town to a friend's house, and then went to some field in the neighborhood to burn up ants with a magnifying glass, being told only to be home when the streetlights came on? I friends all did...and now today, I don't know a single parent who would let their kids do the things we did. And you know why? Because its a different world we're living in --- even right here in the middle of no-where-southeast-Washington. There's too many wackos out there, and they're all masquerading as "okay-people". So, here's how I see it with Harry Potter. Just as I wouldn't tolerate my kids smoking a joint or a cigarette (after all, they are gateway drugs), or taking a nip from the grandfather's beer (if he were to drink), or for my daughter to be dressed like a whore when she leaves the house (all in the name of "fashion" and the "latest craze"), I won't tolerate my kids reading something that I think is offensive on many different levels. Like I said in my original statement, I don't think Harry Potter books alone are going to turn every kid to witchcraft. But, it may very easily be the first stepfor some -- but not my kids. Again, let me give a shameless plug for an alternative, for those of you who may be looking for something different, and yet still a quick read for you and your kids. Go read the Left Behind series by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins (they're in the Richland Public Library, at the books stores, and even at Costco for less than $8 a book). Good versus evil (as in Christ vs. the anti-christ); lessons about lying and deceit, making payment for past wrong actions....all those supposed lessons that are to be learned from Harry Potter. Except this time, it truly is the good guys who win. Am I telling you that YOU can't read the Harry Potter books? No. Go ahead. And, like the bumper sticker I saw the other day says, "If you're living your life like there is no God, you'd better hope you're right." Standing firm with my original opinion, Jenny (Smart) Page Class of '87 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Unemployment Factor Misread From: Steve Carson (58) For Dave Doran (72) Dave I think you misread the unemployment factor in Greenspan's equation. Today unemployment hovers around 4%, which really means that everyone who wants a job has one, and businesses, like mine, can't find employees to sustain our growth. For the most part companies are now having to offer higher salaries, not because the job is worth more or more productity will occur, but because not having a person in a critical position will strangle the company and cause long term damage to companies and their employees. So, Greenspan looks at these factors 1.)increased wages without increased productivity, and 2.) insufficient staffing to sustain growth and draws his conclusions. I now have to spend 40% of my time recruiting and just today participated in a "job fair" with 50 other employers. The quality of those still in the available labor pool consist of the poorly educated and most have job records of multiple jobs of short duration and not good prospects. No one wants anyone to be without work that wants a job. Many companies have had to hire unqualified people and then run a school to try to bring them up to speed. The education system is failing the people and must be fixed if we are not to become a 3rd world company. For Paul Ratsch: Paul, you are beginning to be funny. Is this a stand up routine? Slave Labor? Give me a break. = Be well! Steve Carson (58) = ~ ~ ~ That concludes this issue, folks. Please remember to include your class year and (nee) name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. To join in the ongoing conversations here, send your comments to: or simply hit the reply button and talk to us! We are the Alumni of Richland Highschool, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 2000. Visit the Sandbox Archives at: - Al Parker (53) Your SANDBOX Host -88- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #89 ~ September 23, 2000 "It is right to be contented with what we have, never with what we are." - Mackintosh Let's hear who's talking today~ Jim Blakely (67) - Brad Wear '71 Paul Ratsch (58) - Chuck Monasmith '65 Dave Doran (72) - Anna Durbin '69 Linda McKnight (65) Let our conversations begin! Subj: History Question From: Jim Blakely (67) Q: If you owned a model Mark IV FM, which product would you have? a. A recreational vehicle made by General Motors? b. Sony's not yet released top-of-the line DVD player? c. Cambridge Audio's best table-model radio? d. None of the above? (See answer at the end of this issue of The SANDBOX.) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Weighing the Cost of Paint From: Brad Wear '71 To Bob Carlson, '54 Bob, I think you're right about no paint being a financial matter on the B-17's as well as the B-29's. It had more to do with the added weight of the paint, and the "wear and tear" on the engines. I think it was the 5,000th ship off the line that was signed by all the factory workers. Just that amount of paint forced that particular aircraft to run it's engines at a higher rate and thus added more to the maintenance aspect. The planes in the different theaters also had different paint schemes. Not knowing what the final destination was of the ship that rolled off the line it was probably easier to have them painted when they reached their final base. My aunt and grandmother were both "Rosie the riveters" in the Seattle Boeing plant during WWII. They had some interesting stories. American Airlines, (another fine Texas company) saves millions of dollars a year over their competition with the striped paint scheme versus the full body paint job. The weight factor is incredible. I don't know how many gallons of paint go on a plane, but I bet it's a significant amount. Just consider the weight of each gallon and the total probably equates to several fully loaded passengers. You know what they calculate for a fully loaded combat Marine was 250 lbs. I would have had to carry an extra 100 lbs to meet that mark when I was in the Corps. - Brad Wear '71 ~ ~ ~ Subj: For Steve Carson From: Paul Ratsch (58) OK, Steve- (slave labor) = not a livable wage. I agree on the schools. If we don't motivate the children to learn & pay attention in class, our future is slim and none.... - Paul Ratsch (58) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Sticking to Beliefs and Censorship From: Chuck Monasmith ' 65 (Chuck Monasmith) To Jenny Smart Page I am so very glad you are going to stick by your original opinion. I will forever support your right to do so and will consider you as someone to respect for sticking to your beliefs in the face of criticism. Good for you. Now, let me make sure I understand your position. You would prefer to have your kids read a book where David sends a subordinate into a no-win battle just so he can keep slipping it to the subordinates wife, rather than a fantasy about children in a magical land? Do you also boycott Peter Pan? Alice in Wonderland? Did the tooth fairy never visit your children? I best be careful or your intolerance will make me cynical. Censorship is a blatant ignorance. Hide censorship behind Christianity and it's abhorrent. - Chuck Monasmith '65 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Manipulating Levels of Employment and Judging a Book By Its Content From: Dave Doran (72) I love this Sandbox thingy! To Steve Carson: I own two businesses and it's true that it is hard to find 'good' and qualified people. I meant no particular moral weight to the statement about our institutionalized unemployment factor, only that one exists. I can't agree that anyone who wants a job can have one or at least a fitting and interesting and living-wage one but that may have more to do with the part of the country they live in and their level of training. Alan Greenspan uses or tries to manipulate the level of unemployment and my only remark is that he is not smart enough to be left alone with so much power! To Jenny Page: With all due respect to your beloved opinion I see reading a book as more analogous to taking a trip or journey where, if one doesn't start at the beginning and continue through to the end, the entire experience may not be valid. And I hate to say it but it is the height of arrogance to condemn a book or a journey that one has not even tried to experience. Sorry, but having read the Bible all the way through I find it to be full of the magic and mystical and egotism and goodness and ignorance that one might expect of such an antique and eclectic document. Some of the lessons contained therein are for the good of man and just as many that reflect the fear and loathing of the unknown so that one has to read with an open mind to discern the differences. Just like any good book. You have to read it though, there is no substitute. Dave Doran (72) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Re: The SANDBOX Issue 88 From: Anna Durbin '69 Dear Sandbox: I think people are believing too much of what they see on TV, and guess what, it isn't all true. Nobody without a job who wants one? 4% unemployment rate? I don't think so. They came up with that unemployment rate by adding the military in. They didn't do that before Reagan. Next, tell me there is no prejudice in this country. What are the unemployment rates in African American communities? It isn't 4%. And if you believe people don't want to work, you are just wrong. I have a client who was a letter carrier who injured her leg while delivering mail. Instead of accommodating her as the Americans with Disabilities Act requires by finding useful work that she could do, the USPS sent her to the Cripple Crew. They work from 8:30 PM to 5:30 PM at work that is the equivalent of a white room with nothing to do. She had to be away from her teenaged daughter and son at night. (Dad the drug addict has not been in the picture for years.) Guess who got pregnant? Her 16 year old daughter. When my client put what she had been told was trash in her pocket, they arrested her and charged her with two federal felonies of mail theft and mail obstruction. I represented her in a federal trial where she was found not guilty. Would the postal service reinstate her? No. And they took away her unemployment and her medical insurance. What job could she find? Minimum wage cashier at a drug store - no benefits. Support two teenagers on that? Sure. Jenny would not let her kids hang out after a football game or be kids? Neither does my sister , because she watches the evening news which features nothing except what horrible things have happened today. Guess what? Those events are pretty much exceptions to the rules. My kids go places with their friends and I trust them. They are careful about unusual happenings, but they are not confined in a cage. I try to help them think for themselves instead of presuming that anyone who they don't know or who has different skin or a different life style is automatically evil. They have gone to integrated summer camps where they have learned that there are rotten white kids and rotten black kids. And there are great white kids and great black kids. They have learned what to look for in the qualities of their friends and they are not afraid of the world or naive and rebellious because we have overprotected them. Everybody makes their own choices which is what makes this country full of different people. I just wanted to let you know some other choices that have been made. Drugs - the great demon of our country if you listen to the politicians and the news. We have over two million people in prison in this country - I believe a majority from nonviolent drug offenses. Many of them were (1) working hard at making a living at what was available where they lived and would have been called energetic entrepreneurs if they were selling tobacco or (2) self medicating their depression at their lack of a decent future. It's okay if it's prescribed by a doctor or if it is alcohol. We did not learn or forgot rapidly from Prohibition that making things illegal causes violence when people are willing to pay for the product. Many more people die in this country from alcohol related incidents than drug related incidents every year. But we don't want to think about that. And what happens when we lock up so many people for drugs? A lot of them have children. A lot of them have aging parents who need them. What happens to those innocents? We just don't seem to care too much. So, my rant for the day. I shouldn't read The Sandbox after work. - Anna Durbin '69 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Until Your Children Are Safely Grown From: Linda McKnight (65) To: Jenny Smart (87) I hope you have eyes in the back of your head and are able to stay up night and day for the rest of your days until your children are safely grown and moved away from your house because you do not have any idea what your children will be reading or doing when they are not in your presence. It is human nature for children to rebel against what their parents believe or don't believe, because that is the way they reach their own conclusions, and become people. What will you do, Jenny, if your kid does read a Harry Potter book or smokes a joint, or pierces an ear, or gets a tattoo?? Will you love them any less? I have been through about everything I ever cared to while my kids were growing up and they and I have lived to see them become over 21. (The adult part we are still working on.) They have had their share of rebellions but the one that caused me the worst grief was just recently. It was when my son came home and said, "I registered to vote today. I registered Republican." I replied, "OH, MY GOD...PLEASE DON'T TELL YOUR GRANDFATHER. IT WILL PUT HIM IN HIS GRAVE!" Best wishes to you, Jenny, and lighten up on yourself and your kids. Life is really pretty wonderful wherever you may be. God bless. - Linda McKnight ~ ~ ~ Subj: History Question Answer From: Jim Blakely (67) The question was: Q: If you owned a model Mark IV FM, which product would you have? a. A recreational vehicle made by General Motors? b. Sony's not yet released top-of-the line DVD player? c. Cambridge Audio's best table-model radio? d. None of the above? The answer is: d. None of the above You would own the atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki in 1945. The bomb was designated the Mark IV FM on its blueprints. (Source: THE NEW YORK TIMES) ~ ~ ~ That concludes this issue of The SANDBOX folks. Please include your class year and (nee) name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. It's easy to join us in the ongoing conversations here. Just send your comments to: or simply hit the reply button and talk to us! We are the Alumni of Richland High School, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 2000. Visit the Sandbox Archives at: - Al Parker (53) Your SANDBOX Host -89- *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #90 ~ September 24, 2000 "Great opportunities come to all, but many do not know they have met them. --The only preparation to take advantage of them is simple fidelity to what each day brings." - A. E. Dunning Today's Articles: Read and Evaluate By Jinnie (Eckert) Stephens `58 Ban Parking Lots at Taverns and Pubs? By Jim Moran `86 Harry Potter and God By Patricia de la Bretonne `65 Can It Get Any Worse? By Mary Ray Henslee `61 Not Enough Evidence By Bob Carlson (Mike Clowes) `54 Judicial Choice By Ron Richards `63 ~-~-~-~-~ Are you ready? Filled your cup or glass? OK then, sit back, relax, and let's hear who's talking today! Subj: Read and Evaluate From: Jinnie (Eckert) Stephens `58 WOW!! [re #89] Good issue. Sorry, Jenny Smart Page. I can't say it any better than Chuck Monasmith (65) and Dave Doran (72). Hope you decide to read and reevaluate your opinion of the Harry Potter books. ~ ~ ~ Subj: Ban Parking Lots at Taverns and Pubs? From: Jim Moran '86 In response to Anna Durbin's issues of drugs and alcohol in our society. [In #89] She makes many good points, which I agree with. And I would like to add this one point about alcohol and how our society is so willing to accept it as the drug of choice. If we as a society, really want to limit the number of people who are killed by drunk drivers, then why do we, as a society, allow parking lots at taverns or pubs? - Jim Moran '86 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Harry Potter and God From: Patricia de la Bretonne '65 Hi. I have read the first 2 Harry Potter books and thoroughly enjoyed them. Much more fun and less gory and scary than Grimm's Fairy Tales and a lot of the classics were to me as a kid. But basically it seems to me it's the same battle between good and evil and good wins! Blaming God for a bias is reprehensible. - Patricia de la Bretonne '65 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Can It Get Any Worse? From: Mary Ray Henslee (61) Gore's relentless grandiose pledges may just get him elected if enough American people are blinded by their own greed. Make $120,000 a year and you don't want to give up buying that Mercedes to send your kid to college, Gore will see to it that you are not deprived. You will be given a tax deduction for your kid's tuition of up to $10,000 a year, which equates to a $3,100 savings in your tax bracket. That should help finance that Harvard education you have been planning for your kid or hey, send the kid to one of those universities that other people send their kids to and it will hardly cost you anything. I sent my son to A&M University and the cost was about $2,000 a year, excluding food and housing. You do the math. Now, me a commoner should help to send a big person's kid to college? Nobody helped me! I made too much to qualify for a Grant and too little to really be able to afford the expense. Now people who make much more than I do are being promised a tax break that is equivalent to a Grant. When did the table get turned? I think that Gore needs to define big people because if I made $120,000 a year, I would feel like a big person. Simple arithmetic says that lower income people would save much less by virtue of the fact that they are in a lower tax bracket. Does this mean that Gore is more for the big people than the common people? How big is big? I am so confused. I am really disappointed that Bush is validating Gore's pledges by throwing his hat into the ring on this particular issue. However, it is understandable given Gore's generous pledges and the American people's readiness to jump on the highest bidder's band wagon. What's an opponent going to do? The system is already set up with Grants and Loans to assist the most needy. I do not think that College should be an entitlement and I do not think that the cost should be subsidized for everyone at the taxpayers expense. I heard about Gore's college tuition tax break on the news last night and just couldn't resist commenting. It seems that anything of importance is only a blip on the radar screen, but anything insignificant that can be sensationalized in any way is in our face day and night. Vetoing the Estate Tax Repeal Bill and Marriage Penalty Repeal Bill was swept under the rug before the dust settled. Gore soliciting a $100,000 contribution as a quid pro quo for a presidential veto was just a whisper on the news and I found nothing in our liberal newspaper. How Bush's debate videotape made its way to the Gore camp was not questioned for very long. Say an expletive when nobody is supposedly listening and you will never hear the end of it. Like Gore and Clinton didn't use a few choice words to describe the press during the Monica scandal? I am having nightmares about rats due to that darn subliminal message that keeps flashing across my TV screen day and night. It can't get any worse, or can it? Mary Ray Henslee (61) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Not Enough Evidence From: Bob Carlson (Mike Clowes) '54 Reply-to: (Robert Carlson) Well, boys and girls, it's official: There just ain't enough evidence against the Clinton's to justify continuing the investigation. Now, maybe we can get on with more mundane matters. It seems that this year, the general election ballot in the State of Oregon will have even more measures to vote on than in years past. Most of them are bolloxed up tax measures that do not do what the proponents want them to. It just behooves us voters to read the fine print, so that our "no" vote does not turn out to be a "yes" vote. Oh, they get mighty slick sometimes. This is not what worries me the most. We have an organization in this state known as the Oregon Citizen's Alliance. The leaders of this group seem to be obsessed with the idea that unless we allow the OCA to protect us, we will be overrun by vicious, gun wielding homosexuals, or something of that nature. Their current proposition is to make it illegal for schools to advocate or promote in any way the homosexual lifestyle (whatever that may be). I guess I must have been living all this time with my head in the sand like an ostrich. I wasn't aware that the public school system was doing any promotion of homosexuality. Now, don't get me wrong and claim that I am a defender of homosexuals. I don't personally care for their lifestyle, but they are human and citizens, and should basically have the same rights as the rest of us. What goes on behind closed doors is their business and not mine. However, in order to have an informed citizenry, one should have a little knowledge about a lot of things. I think it is confusing enough to try to figure out the normal ebb and flow of life without throwing a ballot measure like this one before me. One of the corollaries of "Murphy's Law" is that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." If the school system is not now advocating or promoting homosexual lifestyles, why must there be a law against it? Or is there something that we're not being told? In previous campaigns for "anti gay" measures, the OCA informed the people that "the gay and lesbian community had an agenda to take over the world." Geez, and all along I thought it was the "evil empire" of those dirty, rotten commies that wanted to take over the world. As a parent I worried about my sons' sexual orientation. I didn't express my worries to them or to my wife. I figured that if something went askew, that was life. The kid was still my son, and that was that. Now I have threatened to cut them out of the will for various misdeeds, like forgetting birthdays and the like, but never for their choices in life. Am I, then, an enlightened parent? I doubt it, and I'm sure the boys will tell you I am not. So, what do we do with people who claim to "know what is best for everyone"? I think a "no" vote is best indicated here. Most of the citizens had hoped to have seen the last of this group a few years ago, but they're sort of like bad pennies, you just can't get rid of them. I just wish they would Teletubbie is the gay one. Well, that's my opinion, and I'm entitled to it. stick to keeping us informed as to just which - Bob Carlson (Mike Clowes) '54 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Judicial Choice From: Ron Richards (63) In the November general election, all good Richland Bombers living in Washington State will have an excellent choice for Washington State Supreme Court Justice, Position 2. Her name is Susan J. Owens. I knew Susan well both professionally when I was an attorney in Clallam County, and politically when I was a Democratic Clallam County Commissioner (and responsible for Susan's District Court budget). Her long tenure as a District Court Judge in the very conservative town of Forks, Washington, speaks well of her reasonableness. Her resume, which can be found at, or by doing a Yahoo search for Susan J. Owens, follows. Ron Richards ('63) "A Judge for Justice" Judicial Experience Judicial Leadership Judicial Common Sense Committee to Elect, Susan J. Owens For Supreme Court Karen Unger, Chair 332 East 5th St. Port Angeles WA. 98362 360-452-7688 Jennifer Zaccardo P.O. Box 366 Beaver WA. 98305 360-374-2275 Resume of Judge Susan J. Owens P.O. Box 1933 Forks, WA 98331 Ph: 360-374-9095 Fax: 360-374-9895 Email: Education: 1971: Bachelor of Arts, Duke University, North Carolina. 1975: Juris Doctor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC Three time graduate, National Judicial College, University of Nevada, Reno, NV. 1984: Special Court Jurisdiction 1990: Alcohol, Drugs, and the Courts 1998: Tribal Court Jurisdiction Professional Associations: Washington State Bar; admitted 1976 Oregon State Bar; admitted 1975 (inactive status) Federal Bar; Western District of Washington; admitted 1976 Makah Tribal Bar; admitted 1978 Quileute Tribal Bar; admitted 1983 Employment History: 1981 - present: Judge, District Court II, Clallam County, Washington 1994 - present: Chief Judge, Lower Elwha Tribal Court 1987 - 1992: Chief Judge, Quileute Tribal Court 1978 - 1987: Private Practice, Clallam County 1987 - present: Limited Private Practice, Clallam County 1976 - 1978: Staff Attorney & Acting Director Olympic/Evergreen Legal Services, Port Angeles, WA. Professional Activities: District & Municipal Court Judges Association: 2000 President- Elect, 1999 Vice President, 1998 Secretary-Treasurer, 1992-1996 Board of Governors. Rural Courts Committee: Co-Chair; 1991 - 1993 Diversity Committee: 1992 - 1994 Education Committee: 1992 - 1993 Conference Committee: 1995 - 1996 Long Range Planning Chair: 2000 - 2001 Board of Judicial Administration: Justice 2001: Present: Jurisdiction & Portability Working Committee. Northwest Tribal Judges Association: Present: National Trainer on Domestic Violence. Contributor Domestic Violence Bench book for Tribal Judges. National College of District Attorneys: 1999: Presenter, at annual Domestic Violence Conference, invited for October 2000. Office of Administrator For The Courts: 1998 - Present: VAWA Instructor, Rural & Tribal Court Judges. Washington State Bar Association: 1995 - 1999: Special District Investigator. 1978 - 1980: Civil Rights Committee. ABA National Conference of State Trial Judges: Community Activities: Soroptomist International of the Olympic Rainforest: 1991 - Present: Charter Member Forks Chamber of Commerce: 1995 - 1998: President & Past President Forks Congregational Church: Past Moderator Quillayute Valley School District: 1993 - Present: Instructor, Judges In The Classroom. West End Youth League Softball Coach ~ ~ ~ That concludes this issue of The SANDBOX folks. Please include your class year and (nee) name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. It's easy to join us in the ongoing conversations here. Just send your comments to: or simply hit your reply button and talk to us! We are the Alumni of Richland High School, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 2000. Visit the Sandbox Archives at: Do everything you can to make for yourself and those around you, a very good day! - Al Parker (53) Your SANDBOX Host - 90 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #91 ~ September 27, 2000 "Territory is but the body of a nation. --The people who inhabit its hills and valleys are its soul, its spirit, its life." --Garfield. Today's Features: Votes No on Banning Tavern Parking Lots By Larry Stone (71) Points To Ponder By Mary Ray Henslee (61) (Re: The future of Medicare and relevant health plans). Wake Up America! By Patty Stordahl `72 The OCA: Like Bad Pennies By Bob Carlson, aka Mike Clowes (54) Reading Comprehension 101 By Tony Sharpe '63 Missing My Point About Harry Potter By Jenny Smart Page '87 Sharing Concerns By Steve Carson '58 Are you ready? Filled your cup or glass, or golden goblet? Great! Now you can just sit back, relax and hear who's talking today! Subj: Votes No on Banning Tavern Parking Lots From: Larry Stone (71) Re: Jim Moran (86) and his anti parking lot scheme Not everyone who goes into an establishment, which serves alcohol goes there to drink alcohol. I often go in for lunch or dinner because many of these places serve excellent food at reasonable prices. And if you think banning parking lots will solve the problem, you are so far off course it isn't funny. Do you really believe everyone will leave their vehicle at home? That they won't park in the nearest parking lot and just walk the few extra feet? With that kind of thinking, you must be a politician. - Larry Stone (71) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Points To Ponder re Medicare & Senior Health Insurance Availability From: Mary Ray Henslee (61) I am still into researching the Prescription Drug issue because its possible negative impact on the Medicare system concerns me very much and because I don't want to pass on any misleading information in this forum. The more that I learn, the more that I find myself spotting misleading information being reported on radio talk shows, TV newscasts, and in the newspaper. This is unfortunate because the average person under 65 years old is not versed enough on the intricacies of Medicare to be able to recognize misleading information when it is being disseminated to them. Now that I know why 1/3 of the elderly are without insurance, I cannot help but question why this has been the case throughout this Administration. The following are some points to ponder that occurred to me: POINTS TO PONDER First Point to Ponder: I talked to a person at Humana, where my mother is enrolled, and found out some pertinent information. I was informed that my mother is no longer being charged any premiums because of her place of residency, but that this is not the case in all Texas cities. I was told that demographics determine the availability and cost of a Medicare HMO because of government funding. People who live in rural areas are left out of the loop right now due to the formula that the government uses to determine their payments to the HMO's. Given this information, I have to question why the government has not tried to pay the HMO's enough to include every region of every state. Especially, in view of the fact that Gore is now pledging much more than this would have cost. If every Medicare recipient in this country lived in a region that offered Medicare HMO's right now, everyone would only be paying a small co-payment for their prescription drugs and little or nothing for medical procedures. Keep in mind that Gore's plan will only pay for half the cost of a prescription drug and it does not increase any other Medicare coverage. This did not have to end up being a campaign issue and the present system does not have to be changed, just expanded. Second Point to Ponder: Gore defends his plan by telling us that HMO's are pulling out of the Medicare system. This is a disingenuous statement. It may be true that some are pulling out, but he doesn't bother to clarify his statement by telling us why. In my opinion, half-truths are worse than lies. If they are pulling out, it is because the government is not negotiating effectively with the HMO's. It stands to reason that a company cannot continue a partnership with a person or entity that is threatening and unreasonable. A company cannot offer a product at a low cost without having stringent cost-effective policies in place. To expect any different, is to expect something for nothing. HMO's have to make a profit in order to continue with this partnership. The government must pay the HMO's enough for the HMO's to be able to continue supplementing Medicare at little or no out-of-pocket cost to Medicare recipients. The HMO's are not perfect, but they beat relying on Medicare alone. Third Point to Ponder: Another tactic that Gore uses to promote his plan is to exploit people who have been denied insurance coverage or lost their insurance coverage due to health problems. This may be true if they are enrolled in a standard supplemental policy that is meant for everyone because these policies do not give special compensations to Medicare recipients. Once again Gore fails to finish his sentence. He fails to mention that you can't be denied insurance coverage or lose your insurance coverage due to health problems under a government funded Medicare HMO. Ask yourself how 2/3 of an ailing segment of our population would be able to get insurance if this were not the case? You have to be on your toes when listening to Gore sometimes. Fourth Point to Ponder: This point is the most troubling to me and why I continue my crusade. If Gore were to get elected and manage to implement his plan, it would be so costly that there would be nothing left in the budget to pay HMO's to stay in the system and continue to cover the 2/3 that are now covered. If Medicare HMO's go by the wayside, the elderly who now enjoy supplemental coverage at a low cost will be faced with paying $200 to $300 a month if they want to supplement their Medicare coverage. This would mean that their once adequate income would become less than adequate. They will find themselves in a catch-22 situation because if they don't choose to carry supplemental insurance, than they will be faced with higher medical bills due to Medicare's inadequate coverage. In essence, 2/3 would lose a lot of ground for 1/3 to gain a little ground. Almost all Medicare recipients pay into Part B and for Part C to be successful, I'm sure that the same would have to be true. Right now 2/3 of the elderly have no reason to pay into Part C. Do we really think that the government is going to financially support added Medicare coverage and the HMO's simultaneously? I do not foresee continued contracting with HMO's if Gore's plan is implemented. Why would Gore want to implement a plan that would take away far more than it gives? Why a plan that would leave far more people with inadequate coverage than is the case today? Why not expand upon a plan that is already in place and working for 2/3 of the elderly? After reading some newspaper cyberspace forums, I found that some elderly people have already figured out that their HMO's may become history. One woman wrote that she was satisfied with her insurance coverage and feared that her coverage might be jeopardized by Gore's plan. Although some may see the handwriting on the wall, there are probably many who may be in for a rude awakening. I am yet to hear anyone ask Gore if he plans to continue funding Medicare HMO's. I hope that Bush asks this question during the debates. To: Ann Minor (70), I can understand your frustration at not having an adequate supplemental policy available in your area. I have always assumed that Medicare HMO's were available everywhere and I am dismayed to find out that this is not the case. When I wrote my Don't Mess With Texas entry, details of the candidate's plans had not been published in the newspaper yet and I suggested a tax credit be given to help pay insurance premiums, which is basically a welfare check given at tax time. However, if the government has not negotiated with an HMO for coverage in your area, a tax credit would obviously serve no purpose. A tax deduction is totally different and just as you say, it would serve no purpose under any circumstances because a tax deduction doesn't benefit those in a low tax bracket very much and if someone doesn't make enough to pay taxes, obviously there is no benefit at all. I think that it is Bush's hope to bring the elderly that have been left out of the loop for demographic reasons, or for whatever reason, into the loop, in which case you might see a good plan implemented in your area. He is planning to subsidize premiums if necessary, not with a tax credit, but by payments made by Medicare directly to select plans. These are the facts as I interpret them. Someone please correct me if I have misinterpreted anything. -Mary Ray Henslee (61) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Wake Up America! From: Patty Stordahl `72 Regarding Bush or Gore. America Wake up. Why vote for the lesser of two evils. Vote for conviction and protest. We need a change and a real wake up call to the singular yet two headed monster going by the name of Demorepublicates. Vote for any one like Nadar or Brown but my God do not vote for fear. Stand up and finally have your voice heard. If enough of us do this, all parties will have to listen. Lets shake up the government who has stolen our country through amendments to our constitution. Flat tax, communities running their schools, government out of our homes and off our backs. Tax hike- who can afford it? Do I make over 120,000.00? No. Do you? Any less and Bush & Gore will screw us to the walls. WAKE UP! - Patty Stordahl `72 ~ ~ ~ Subj: The OCA: Like Bad Pennies From: Bob Carlson (Mike Clowes) '54 Reply-to: (Robert Carlson) [Moderator's Note: In Issue #90 of The SANDBOX, two lines toward the end of Carlson's piece, "Not Enough Evidence," were inadvertently transposed. We regret any confusion that may have caused to our ever vigilant readers. The following reprint shows those lines as they should have appeared preceded by sufficient text excerpted from the original article to keep everything in context. -ap] ...We have an organization in this state known as the Oregon Citizen's Alliance. The leaders of this group seem to be obsessed with the idea that unless we allow the OCA to protect us, we will be overrun by vicious, gun wielding homosexuals, or something of that nature. Their current proposition is to make it illegal for schools to advocate or promote in any way the homosexual lifestyle (whatever that may be). I guess I must have been living all this time with my head in the sand like an ostrich. I wasn't aware that the public school system was doing any promotion of homosexuality. Now, don't get me wrong and claim that I am a defender of homosexuals. I don't personally care for their lifestyle, but they are human and citizens, and should basically have the same rights as the rest of us. What goes on behind closed doors is their business and not mine. However, in order to have an informed citizenry, one should have a little knowledge about a lot of things. I think it is confusing enough to try to figure out the normal ebb and flow of life without throwing a ballot measure like this one before me. One of the corollaries of "Murphy's Law" is that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." If the school system is not now advocating or promoting homosexual lifestyles, why must there be a law against it? Or is there something that we're not being told? In previous campaigns for "anti gay" measures, the OCA informed the people that "the gay and lesbian community had an agenda to take over the world." Geez, and all along I thought it was the "evil empire" of those dirty, rotten commies that wanted to take over the world. . . . So, what do we do with people who claim to "know what is best for everyone"? I think a "no" vote is best indicated here. Most of the citizens had hoped to have seen the last of this group a few years ago, but they're sort of like bad pennies, you just can't get rid of them. I just wish they would stick to keeping us informed as to just which Teletubbie is the gay one. Well, that's my opinion, and I'm entitled to it. - Bob Carlson (aka Mike Clowes) '54 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Reading Comprehension 101 From: Tony Sharpe '63 To: Chuck Monasmith '65 Chuck, I am really surprised that someone who clearly knows Biblical content, would distort the story of David just to make an editorial point. I have scanned past issues of THE SANDBOX re: Jenny Smart Page's alternative reading suggestions to the Harry Potter series, and could not find any mention of the Bible. She did suggest a series of books that are fictional, and were inspired by the last book of the Bible. The most widely published, widely read, widely quoted, and probably widely misunderstood book in the history of this planet is not a fantasy, it is historical, and tells the truth. To set the record straight, the story of David is the story of a young man who became a great King, and then abused his power and authority to have an adulterous relationship with his soldier's wife. When she became pregnant, he ultimately covered up his deed by sending that soldier to his death. As a result of his actions, the remainder of David's life was truly less than fulfilling. If you really like fantasy, may I suggest the Book of Jonah. It's the story of an ornery little man that gets swallowed by a big fish, and then regurgitated on shore just in time to deliver the greatest sermon of his life. It is fun reading, and the point of the story is much easier to grasp, or is it? - Tony Sharpe '63 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Missing My Point About Harry Potter From: Jenny (Smart) Page (87) Reply-to: I think many of you may have missed my point regarding ol' Harry Potter. First, let's remember that this all came about from a fellow in the "daily Spudnut report" newsletter who asked for opinions, pro AND con, about the Harry Potter books. He wanted to know what others thought about the series, and if they hadn't read them, why not. Unfortunately, the con opinions weren't allowed in that forum. I simply was wishing to let him know that not everybody thinks the series is okay, and that there are alternatives with similar attributes (good vs. evil, quick easy read, action, adventure, kid oriented, long book to give kids a "sense of accomplishment"). And somehow, this has become a "witch hunt", if you'll pardon the expression :) Second, so many of you are accusing me of wanting to "censor" this book. I never made any mention (ever)! of censoring this book. I have never stated that YOU or YOUR kids (or grandkids, or your cat for that matter) cannot read Harry Potter books. Quite the contrary! In my last statement, I clearly stated that you are welcome to read the book if you want to! I am too firm of a believer in our constitution to EVER want ANY book to be banned! That is the glory of living in our free society! You can read what YOU want, and I will read what I want. And we can argue over who's reading the best book. But when my opinion is asked (and I do have many strong opinions), I will state what I think. (But constitutional rights is getting off on another subject....) Third, as for the personal attacks on my ability to raise my kids --- back off, folks, and don't be telling me what to do and not to do. I have high standards for my kids, and I expect them to reach those expectations. How can I expect my kids to know right from wrong when they are 15 or 18 or 21 (or whatever), if I don't lay the ground work for that now, when they're 7, 4 and 2? I can't. Its my primary duty as a person at this stage of life to be teaching my kids what our beliefs (spiritual, moral, ethical, etc.) are in our family. And this includes not worshipping any thing other than the Lord God. How can I expect a 16 year old to understand that piercing a nipple and tongue is not something thought highly of in our house, if I don't start teaching that now, ten years before the subject ever comes up? How can I expect an 18 year old to not cheat on his biology exam, if I don't teach him now that I expect him to follow the rules of "Battleship"? How often have we all been told, "you are what you eat" and "garbage in, garbage out"? This goes not just for junk food and data processing, folks. It can be applied to many different aspects of our lives -- including our spiritual lives. Why would I want to expose my kids, or myself, to something whose whole foundation is against what we believe in? I don't! And therefore, we don't read Harry Potter in our house! I don't need to read the book to understand that Harry Potter casts spells to defeat the "bad guy wizard/gobblin/spirit". The fact that Harry Potter is a wizard-wanna-be-student, even if he is supposed to be a "good guy," doesn't make it any less offensive to me. Does Harry Potter use his wits and ingenuity to help his "cause"? Undoubtedly. I believe you when you say that it is an exciting read of a book, filled with action, suspense, and enticing characters. I do give it credit for those aspects. For my kids, though, I choose to have a better role model than someone who calls on a magical spirit to help him out of a jam. Now, I know some of you are laughing at me right now, thinking "Ha Ha, what a foolish young mother. What does she know? She can't control her kids' lives like that! She can't say that her kids are never going to smoke a joint or skip class or whatever...She can't control who her kids worship! What is she thinking? Ha Ha Ha. How idealistic!" And to that, I say this: You're right. I don't know what the outcome of my kids will be in 10 or 15 years. But if I just throw up my hands now, and say what will be will be, then I never should have had kids in the first place. I can't control everything that happens in their lives. I know that. But, I'm going to try my best to steer them down the right course of life, and to provide them with the tools they will need to successfully deal with the temptations of life when they do come around. And by doing what I am now for my kids, I believe that when they are 15 (or 9) and someone says, "Hey have a puff of this" or "Let's play with my sister's Ouija board," or whatever, my kid will be able to say, "No. I don't think that's a good idea." And then walk away, knowing the right choice has been made. Still standing firm in my decision not to read Harry (but you can if you want), -Jenny Smart Page (87) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Sharing Concerns From: Steve Carson 58 For Anna Durbin: Sorry to hear the story of your Postal Worker [Issue 89] and probably should have qualified my comments about the unemployed, and was only responding from my point of view as an employer. I also share your deep concern about the role of drugs in our society but would stop short of calling a drug dealer an entrepreneur. The mandatory sentencing law must be revisited or serious consideration given to legalizing drugs. - Steve Carson 58 ~ ~ ~ That concludes this issue of The SANDBOX folks. Please include your class year and maiden name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. It's easy to join us in the ongoing conversations here. Just send your comments to: or simply hit your reply button and talk to us! We are the Alumni of Richland High School, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 2000. Visit the Sandbox Archives at: Be faithful to your day! - Al Parker (53) Your SANDBOX host - 91 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #92 ~ September 30, 2000 "The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom." - H. W. Beecher - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Today's Subjects and Contributors: Guiding Your Own Children Patty de la Bretonne '65 Critical Thinking Jim Moran `86 Harry Potter and Parental Rights Jill Walser `81 Down With the OCA Missy Keeney Baker `59 INTOLERANCE Vickie Andersen Simmons '67 Medicare and Harry Potter Bob Carlson, aka Mike Clowes (54) Directions: 1. Fill a glass or cup with your favorite beverage. 2. Drink your fill of what these people have to say. 3. Consider what you might like to add. 4. Hit the reply button and talk to us! ~~~ Subj: Guiding Your Own Children From: Patty de la Bretonne '65 Dear Jenny Smart Page, I definitely support your desire to guide your children down the path you believe is right. [re SB91] - Patty de la Bretonne '65 P.S. Your phrase, "calling on a magical spirit to help him out in a jam," does sound a lot like what many so called Christians do all the time and feel they have a right to, doesn't it? ~~~ Subj: Critical Thinking From: Jim Moran `86 [Re comments made in SB91] Oh, god! Yes, how stupid of me.... I forget, many of you live or lived in Eastern Washington, where such thing as critical thinking is a rare thing. No, I was not making a statement which backed banning parking lots from taverns or pubs. But, I was making an observation about our society. However, there are stiff laws on the books which make very important statements about drinking and driving. Just like in Washington State (at least when I lived there), it was illegal to have an open container of alcohol. Now, wait, just because I have an opened bottle of hard alcohol in the glove box of my vehicle doesn't mean I was drinking and driving. No. But, the people of Washington State are making a point on this subject of drinking and diving Yes, you are correct, it would not be a great law. But, nowhere did I encourage anybody to call their state rep., state senator, or governor on this subject. Rather, I was thinking outside the box. (AKA thinking critical) about this subject. The point was we (as a society) do not really want to control (very tightly) alcohol, for the government makes a ton of money from the sale of it. Remember, Prohibition was repealed in the depth of the Depression. Why? Because the government needed funds and needed them quickly. The government still makes a ton of money from the sale of alcohol. I know most Americans would not give up their gas sucking cars, but that's another subject which I think is outside the box... Critically thinking, Jim Moran `86 ~~~ Subj: Harry Potter and Parental Rights To: Jenny Smart Page `87 From: Jill Walser `81 Hello, I don't have time to write such eloquent essays, but I wanted to commend you for standing up for your beliefs. It's rather incredible how others transpose their fears onto others with differing opinions, regardless of the content of the actual opinions. I.E., I don't like censorship, so I'm going to read that you are advocating censorship whether you did or not.... It's ridiculous. You are the mom, you have a right to expose your children to whatever you choose as long as its not illegal or immoral. Similarly, as mom, you have the right to withhold from them (and advocate that they utilize self control due to the family's moral values) the things you view as immoral or illegal. Period. My son loves Harry Potter, he's read them all at least 40 times. He also reads an incredible variety of other books. We have about a half hour commute to and from the school he attends. As a 4 year old, he read the book Newf at least 150 times. Its about a dog rescuing a cat, very cute. And no... he doesn't go about rescuing cats from starvation in the Newfoundland wilderness... I've read the Potter books all once, to see for myself if I felt the material appropriate, and as such, I think they are fine for children capable of discerning a fantasy story from reality. They are exciting and fun to read. My son is able to realize that wizardry is someone's idea of fun, not a vocational decision. Frankly, I think he equally relates to a lady who makes her living writing stories as with a skinny English kid who bails himself out of trouble in rather inventive ways... His reading Harry Potter doesn't change the constant conversations and deeds we engage in exemplifying morality, conscience and respect. Anyway, I for one am glad you are taking your job as mom so seriously. I'm always glad to hear that children are being parented instead of ignored, neglected or abused. More power to you. As for our "idyllic" childhoods, where we ran around playing kick the can until we couldn't see the can for the darkness... We grew up with Wesley Allen Dodd roaming the streets on his bike. We grew up with toxic chemicals seeping into our swimming holes. We weren't any safer, just blissfully ignorant. Regards, Jill Walser `81 ~~~ Subj: Down With the OCA From: Missy Keeney Baker (59) To Bob Carlson, aka Mike Clowes (54) I wasn't aware that homosexuality was being "taught" in our public schools!! How can that be?? Actually, I wish someone would explain in a scientific and "rational" manner how one would teach someone to be homosexual! No one ever taught me to be heterosexual!! My sister, Patricia Keeney (63), from Forest Grove, Oregon has long been an activist in PFFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). I know they have had to work tirelessly and diligently against the kind of hate legislation that the OCA and like minded groups are always proposing. I say "Down with the OCA, down I say!!!" Oh, by the way, it's Tinky Winky. He's purple and the one with the purse! Oh, and my daughter just reminded me that he also has a triangle on his head which is supposed to be the symbol of gayness or something. It's sooo obvious!! - Missy Keeney Baker (59) ~~~ Subj: INTOLERANCE From: Vickie Andersen Simmons '67 Re: the Harry Potter Debate Hat's off to Jenny Smart Page (87)! I couldn't agree more with her beliefs on raising children. I have raised mine in the same fashion. I believe kids need guidelines. When they are off on their own, they will have had a good groundwork laid for them to make their own decisions. I have 2 sets of twins. The first set (girls) graduated in 1999. One is at UAA on full scholarship in engineering. Her twin sister chose to join Youth With A Mission and go to Eastern Europe for 7 months. She went to help spread the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but also to ease the suffering (and there's a lot of it) in places that have been bombed or have had such poverty. She went to feed, show love and compassion. Raising her the way we did - morally and with strict guidelines as to what was acceptable in our home, etc., did not make her a 'scared little wallflower.' Quite the opposite! Thanks to Tony Sharpe (63) for clarifying the story of David. One item he left out was that David and Bathsheba lost their first child as a result of their sin. As to the subject of my little 'rant' - Tolerance. It amazes me how many people who would call me intolerant are even less tolerant of my point of view and my RIGHT to it. I don't tell my children 'no' to something from a point of hate for that particular thing. I tell them "no," because I love them and know the consequences of going down that particular path. Those who would call me intolerant are equally so. Vickie Andersen Simmons '67 ~~~ Subj: Medicare and Harry Potter From: Bob Carlson (Mike Clowes) '54 Reply-to Medicare and Harry Potter- Now, there's a pair to draw to. First off, with regards to Medicare coverage. Fortunately or unfortunately, it is not the president or any presidential wannabe who determines who qualifies and who does not. It is a "governmental gnome" who nobody knows that set this policy. And it will take more than a campaign promise (which along with a $1.60 will get you a cup of coffee) to change the policy. Even a congressional change to the Medicare/Medicade laws will probably not suffice. Remember what "Daddy" Dawald taught in civics: "Presidents do not make laws, they only propose them to Congress." The simple fact is that no matter what Bore or Gush propose to the electorate, it is not a fact of life, law or anything else. It is a campaign promise and nothing more. You could think of campaign promises as "termination winds"; if you don't like the way it's blowing, you can quit. Mary Ray Henslee (61) has every right to worry about this issue, as she is slowly getting to the age where she will have to worry about it. Unfortunately, Mary, no matter who you select as your candidate it won't make that much difference. Previous contenders for the "throne" have vowed to change or eliminate the program; and it never happened. Even changing the "gnome" who set the policy doesn't help. Perhaps changing the governmental mind set from negative to positive would. Unfortunately too many of our "civil serpents" take the negative view and thoroughly resent anyone wanting to upset their particular rice bowl. The idea seems to be that the only way they can hold their position is to deny service to many, but take care of a few and claim "budget limitations" or other bureaucratic nonsense as to why they cannot. Now, on to Harry Potter. I, too will defend to the death, Jenny Smart Page's freedom to read, write and raise her children in what ever manner she pleases. And, if she thinks Harry Potter is the devil incarnate, that is her right. But, perhaps Jenny was subjected to forces beyond her ken while growing up. Those of us who went through childhood before there was television really had to rely on imagination to get a perspective on the world around us. Sure, we believed that you'd best not tug on Superman's cape or try to look under the Lone Ranger's mask. And, yes we knew what these characters looked like through comic books and Saturday Afternoon Serials (at the Village Theater). I guess, Jenny, the point we are all trying to make is "Don't close your mind." Well, that's my opinion, and I'm welcome to it. Bob Carlson (Mike Clowes) '54 ~~~ That concludes this issue of The SANDBOX folks. Please include your class year and (nee) name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. It's easy to join us in the ongoing conversations here. Just send your comments to: or simply hit your reply button and talk to us! We are the Alumni of Richland High School, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 2000. Visit the Sandbox Archives at: Be faithful to your day! - Al Parker (53) Your SANDBOX host - 92 - ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø End of SEP, 2000 ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø JUN thru AUG, 2000 ~ OCT, 2000