Click THE SANDBOX number to go to that issue. Use your browser's back button to return here. THE SANDBOX Archive ~ 2000 (Part 4 of 5) OCT, 2000 ~ #93, #94, #95, #96, #97, #98, #99, #100, #101 *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #93 ~ October 7, 2000 "Life is the childhood of our immortality." - Goethe Contents: Sharing Viewpoints Anna Durbin '69 The man who does not read Chuck Monasmith '65 Your Children Will Be Grateful Janie O'Neal Janssen '65 What Were These Guys Thinking??? Jenny (Smart) Page (87) History Revision and Mobility Steve Carson (58) Presenting Homosexuality as an OK Lifestyle Steve Carson (58) Check out "McCain Reform Now" Andrew Eckert `54 Letter To The Media Mary Ray Henslee (61) If a Picture is Worth A Thousand Words John Northover `59 ------------------------------------------------------ Subj: Sharing Viewpoints From: Anna Durbin '69 Dear Sandboxers, I would just like to say that I thought our dialogue was all about tolerance and sharing our viewpoints with others. I would never presume to tell anyone else how to raise their children, and if anything I ranted out here sounded that I was, I am sorry. I was sharing my approach, which so far (gulp), seems to have worked with the children that have been entrusted to me for the short time before they are off on their own. I think we basically want the same things for our children; among others that they are protected from evil, they get good educations and learn to think, and they find a happy life that contributes to the welfare of humanity. Unfortunately, not everyone has that, but we try for it in our own muddled way, doing the best we can, just as our moms and dads did the best they could. So, let's keep being welcome to our own opinions and sharing them. This will become an unhappy country if we ever all start forcing each other to be exactly alike or believe the same things. It didn't start that way, and it wasn't designed to work that way. I think it has been very good for me to learn how other people live and think. A lot of people are not as blessed as we Bombers were. I think we should keep working really hard not to take personal offense at anything anyone says, but to keep our robust sharing of views. I try to be nonviolent, but I would certainly verbally fight for anyone's right to disagree with me, even if I'm right and everyone else is wrong, or vice versa. (That was tongue-in-cheek, okay?) I learn from disagreements, and I always have something more to learn. - Anna Durbin '69 ~~~ Subj: The man who does not read From: Chuck Monasmith '65 Re: The discussion of Jenny Smart Page and Harry Potter. Well, Jenny, it seems we have started a lot of people thinking and speaking. I hope you agree that is a good thing. Your (and others) decision to not allow your children to read Harry Potter is the topic for this missive. My mother instilled in me a respect for reading. "Reading increases knowledge." "Ignorance is the absence of knowledge." "Now, go read some more." My own quote here would be "There is no bad knowledge." Your decision to prohibit books that your children's schoolmates are reading and discussing sends two distinct messages to your children. One, their mother thinks their comprehension level is below that of their schoolmates. Worst of all, their mother is teaching them that ignorance is a solution. You should be ashamed of your decision. I do respect your taking responsibility for the development of the minds of your children. However, your action is an insult to me and to my mother and to all the other free thinking individuals in the world. "The man who does not read is no better than then the man who cannot read" Mark Twain. - Chuck Monasmith '65 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Your Children Will Be Grateful To Jenny Smart Page, >From Janie O'Neal Janssen '65 I really have to write and tell you how much I admire you and what you stand for. You've taken quite a bit of heat here in the Sandbox and you've lived up to your name: one pretty smart lady the way I see it. It's not easy taking the road less traveled but it's going to pay off in the end. Not only will your children be grateful when they grow up, but your grandchildren and their children. Hang in there. -Janie O'Neal Janssen '65 ~ ~ ~ Subj: What Were These Guys Thinking??? From: Jenny (Smart) Page (87) Reply-to: After the Harry Potter-less children were snuggled safely in their beds, I sat down to watch the summer Olympics the other night, just as I have for the last couple of weeks, hoping to catch the men's 4x100 rely final. Fortunately, I made it in time. Off they went, sprinting so easily (at least to my untrained eye) to a gold medal. Hurray for the USA! We did it again! But wait, what is that guy doing now? Is he really behaving that way on international TV? What is he thinking?? Oh, no... now they all are acting up. I can't believe they're "wearing" the American flag wrapped around their heads like that!! Oh, how I hope they stop doing that before the medal ceremony.....oh no, they're still being comes the National Anthem...I sure hope they stop....yikes, they're still not showing any respect....What on earth are these four guys thinking? Don't they know they're making fools of themselves and of our country??? It's jerks like these guys that give Americans such a bad reputation as idiots with the rest of the world! They ought to be kicked off the team, and banned from ever representing our country again in any sort of international sporting event like the Olympics. I don't care how fast they run, they don't deserve to wear the "USA" uniform when they can't even show a smidgen of respect for our flag and our National Anthem. I hope someday they grow up and look back at the video footage of that ceremony and realize what fools they have been. - Jenny (Smart) Page (87) ~ ~ ~ Subj: History Revision and Mobility From: Steve Carson (58) For Jim Moran (86) Interesting history revision re the repeal of prohibition. Have never heard that the reason for the repeal was taxes. Don't know that it wasn't but have never heard that interpretation. Perhaps some of our senior classmates will chime in on this. Secondly, The American people will give up their gas guzzling cars when there is an alternative. Gas guzzlers are not the issue, mobility is. - Steve Carson (58) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Presenting Homosexuality as an OK Lifestyle From: Steve Carson (58) For Missy Keeney Baker (59) The "teaching" of homosexuality is represented by the system presenting it at as an OK lifestyle and in the mainstream of our culture. It isn't. I lost a son to AIDS and can attest to the misery he experienced in his "alternative" lifestyle. Having the schools "validate" (see encourage) this lifestyle will cause experimentation and many will be harmed. The aggressive promotion of the lifestyle by activist groups is their right and it is our (my) right to work against the normalization of homosexuality in our schools. - Steve Carson (58) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Letter To The Media From: Mary Ray Henslee (61) Give us a break mainstream media! We didn't all just get off the Jerry Springer show. We do not want you to undermine our moral principles and insult our intelligence. We resent your attempt to manipulate our perception of the facts to suit your own agenda. We know when your news is biased. We know when you are distorting the facts for a more sensational effect. You are losing your credibility, which is the cornerstone of your profession. You try very hard to convince us that the absurd is normal, but we aren't buying it. We want the facts. We want to hear both sides of a story. We are not interested in your side. Diane Sawyer, shame on you! What has happened to investigative reporting? Why was Winifred Skinner (the can lady) newsworthy enough to win a spot on Good Morning America? This after ABC spikes an interview with a witness to another possible Watergate. I do not consider this woman the face of outrage. I consider you an outrage for having her on your show. Did you bother to find out how many cans one would have to pick up in order to make several hundred dollars? How do you feel about portraying the city of Des Moines, Iowa as a city with a litter problem? Did you bother to find out why this woman picks up cans to pay for her prescription drugs when she lives in a large metropolitan area where Medicare HMO's are available at little or no cost? Certainly for less than she is supposedly paying out-of-pocket for prescription drugs. She claims to be an ex-auto worker, which equates to an ex-union worker. Hello! Doesn't the Union take care of their workers with retirement benefits, including insurance? Winifred Skinner joked about people telling her to get a life while she was picking up cans. Get real! I think that this woman just got off the Springer show before she showed up at Gore's campaign speech. As a voter I would like to know if she was wittingly or unwittingly exploited? I would like to know how much of what she said was fact and how much was fiction? What do you the media do to answer my questions? You tell me with your actions that exploiting people for personal gain is acceptable and should not be questioned. ABC, CBS, and NBC you now have a chance to redeem yourself by doing some respectable investigative reporting on Tapegate. This possible Watergate revisited begs for responsible reporting. The American people would like to know whodunit before the election you know. Is it all a lot of tomfoolery or is a calculating devious mind at work that should not be in the White House? What's with the Gap? Monica with her Gap dress and McKinnon with his Gap pants. Is the Gap where the discriminating go to buy their incriminating clothes? Inquiring minds want to know. - Mary Ray Henslee (61) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Check out "McCain Reform Now" From: Andrew Eckert `54 Click here: McCainReformNow: Main If you believe as I feel, that we the people have been outmaneuvered once again by the rich and powerful- (Those who at Caucasus pick those who will best serve their own personal needs and wants), then please consider fighting back. The people in state after state voted for John McCain over the bought and paid for Bush. In our own state of Washington the actual vote by the people was 44% for McCain, 22% for Bush, & 20% for Gore, In New York State the figures were the same and though not having the rest in front of me I can attest to reading that many were much the same. I'll be writing in John McCain's name on my Ballot. In watching these other two debate? It became clear that regardless of who might win the white house, I doubt that anything will change and all these empty promises will be just that. Can anyone really believe that Campaign finance laws will be enacted by either party; that any of their pontificating on what they would do for us, would in fact ever be mentioned the day after election day? I urge any of you who share my despair with the status quo to write in John McCain's name and to pass this letter on to a few friends on your mailing lists. I wonder just how much of an impact we, the ignored, could have on this election. - Andrew Eckert (54) ~ ~ ~ Subj: If a Picture is Worth A Thousand Words From: John Northover `59 If a picture is a thousand words ... here is my political commentary. John '59 ~ ~ ~ That concludes this issue of The SANDBOX folks. Please include your class year and (nee) name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. It's easy to join us in the ongoing conversations here. Just send your comments to: or simply hit your reply button and talk to us! We are the Alumni of Richland High School, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 2000. Visit the Sandbox Archives at: Be faithful to your day! - Al Parker (53) Your SANDBOX host - 93 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #94 ~ October 9, 2000 "Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land; so the little minutes humble as they may be, make the mighty ages of eternity." - Fletcher Carney Contents: Why Worry? Mary Ray Henslee `61 Let's Focus On The Person, Not The Lifestyle Lynn-Marie Hatcher `68 It's Time To Open The Doors Linda Merrill Hendley `64 It's Against God's Law Jimmie A. Shipman Class `51 Just Because There's A Book There Doesn't Mean I Have To Read It Peggy (Roesch) Wallan `71 She Need Not Be Ashamed Staci Campbell `86 Showing Respect "for which it stands." Linda Reining Pitchford `64 ------------------------------------------------------- Subj: Why Worry? From: Mary Ray Henslee (61) To: Bob Carlson (54) An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. To think that Gore's stand against HMO's will not adversely effect the present Medicare system is foolhardy. The road is already being paved. This administration is already neglecting to properly fund the HMO's, which is causing HMO's to pull out of the system. If you don't think that this is cause for concern, I think that it would behoove you to get a hold of a Medicare booklet and find out just what your out-of-pocket expenses will be if you do not have a Medicare HMO to supplement your Medicare. Why worry? Although many of the candidate's pledges will never be passed by Congress, they do speak volumes about how a candidate thinks, their character, and what direction they are going to take once they get into office. Otherwise, there would be no real reason for campaigning and certainly no reason for us to bother wasting our time listening to them. Granted, figures are to be scoffed at, and in Gore's case laughed at, because his are so excessive. We may be able to ignore Gore's outrageous pledges, but can we ignore his outlandish lying while he is trying to make his pledges believable? The most frightening thing about Gore's lies is that we don't always know when he is lying because we aren't always privy to the facts. We have to rely on those in the know to point out to us that Gore couldn't have done this or that because he wasn't even in Congress yet or no way this or that could be true because of this or that. I would rather have a President who fumbles his words from time to time than a President who speaks clearly when he lies to me. We are finding out more and more that Gore is a chameleon who will say and do anything to get votes and campaign money. Right now he is only lying for votes, but what happens when he compromises the Nation's security by lying to world leaders? Why worry? Even if I agreed with Gore on the issues, I would have to say that his psychology is worrisome. He lies far too much and is patronizing us in the process. His feelings of grandeur are evident and should be reason for concern. During the debate, Gore told us how Winifred Skinner, the lady who picks up cans to pay for her prescription drugs, drove to the debate in her "Winnebago" (Hello?) and how Kaela has to stand up in the back of her classroom every day (Hello?) because she has no desk. I didn't end up feeling sorry for Winifred and Kaela, I ended up feeling sorry for Gore. His comments were so far over the edge that they could almost be interpreted as a cry for help. If I had to choose between Clinton and Gore, I would rather have eight more years of Clinton than Gore because at least Clinton has charisma and intelligence to compensate for any moral shortcomings. To quote a quote: Two kinds of men generally best succeed in political life; men of no principle, but of great talent; and men of no talent, but of great principle. Gore does not fit into either category. The polls say more about the American people than they do about the candidates and they are not painting a very pretty picture right now. Why worry? - Mary Ray Henslee (61) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Let's Focus On The Person, Not The Lifestyle From: Lynn-Marie Hatcher (68) (Lynn-Marie Foote, RN) Re: Steve Carson; Presenting Homosexuality as an OK Lifestyle [See Sandbox Issue 93] Dear Steve, First, I must express my condolences to you on the loss of your son. I, too, have lost a son (albeit in infancy), and know there is no comparable pain. Secondly, I must take exception to your implication that AIDS is a male, homosexual disease. The fastest growing population of AIDS patients are heterosexual females. Third, I am surprised that, as the father of a homosexual son, you are not aware that there is strong scientific evidence to the fact that the configuration of the brain of a gay person is actually (really and truly)! different from that of a straight person. That is to say, being gay is not something one is taught -- it is the way one is born. Therefore, what reasonable, moral choice do we have except to accept a gay son or daughter as he/she is? I am dreadfully sorry that your son (and many, many other gay people) experience misery due to their alternative lifestyle --- even if they never are stricken with AIDS. It seems to me that the path to lessening that misery (besides finding a cure for AIDS) is to develop more acceptance and tolerance. Let's focus on the person, not on who his/her sexual preferences. After all, sexual activity is SUCH a small part of who we are! Respectfully, Lynn-Marie Hatcher (68) ~ ~ ~ Subj: It's Time To Open The Doors From: Linda Merrill Hendley ('64) For Steve Carson Re: Presenting Homosexuality as an OK Lifestyle [See Sandbox Issue 93] I have never written to the Sandbox and probably never will again, but it's hard to read this and NOT respond--sorry it turned out so long. Steve Carson, I am saddened to learn that you have lost a son to aids. I am sure his suffering from a disease was quite different from the suffering he must have experienced with society's rejection of his lifestyle. I would like to respond to your sentiments that "validating alternative lifestyles in the classroom can cause experimentation and many will be harmed." First of all, experimentation among teenagers is expected. And many are harmed from experimentation. To NOT openly discuss areas teenagers might want to explore just makes the idea more enticing. Teenagers need to understand the options and consequences of their actions. As a high school teacher, I have never seen alternative lifestyles "aggressively promoted" in the classroom. However, I have seen a huge effort made to teach tolerance and the appreciation of diversity. Our school is richer for the newfound respect our students have for each other and their varied religions, skin colors, languages, cultures, AND lifestyles. That doesn't mean that they embrace all that they are exposed to. It does mean that they have knowledge and hopefully can make THEIR OWN decisions about what is right for them. Too many of our teenagers resort to suicide when they don't find acceptance from their peers. Many teenagers commit suicide because they are gay and have been convinced by others that they are not acceptable. The classroom is the perfect place to let people know that they are important and what they give back to society is important. How sad it is that your son wasn't living in a community that helped him to make wise (and safe)! Decisions about life choices. How sad that he had to suffer. Somehow, I think that his suffering could have been avoided if he thought he was valued as a person and that his health and safety was important. I am confident that future generations will suffer less from needless rejection and the diversity of mankind will be tolerated in a more compassionate manner because teachers are teaching about tolerance and diversity. Homosexuality IS OK as a lifestyle. It IS in the mainstream of our culture. It has been for centuries. It's time to open the doors, get rid of the closets! We would all be so much richer for it. - Linda Merrill Hendley (64) ~ ~ ~ Subj: It's Against God's Law From: Jimmie A. Shipman Class "51" For Steve Carson (58) Re: Presenting Homosexuality as an OK Lifestyle [See Sandbox Issue 93] I usually just read the Articles in the Sandbox but this one especially, caught my attention. Why do we put up with these aggressive promotions of that lifestyle? Homosexuality is against God's Law, and most State Laws!! I commend you Steve for speaking out. God Bless. Now go and have a good day. - Jimmie A. Shipman Class "51" ~ ~ ~ Subj: Just Because There's A Book There Doesn't Mean I Have To Read It From: Peggy (Roesch) Wallan '71 Reply-to: RE: The Harry Potter Stuff Just because there's a book there, I don't have to read it. There are so many GOOD books to read, I have to be discerning about what I spend my time on, and I'm not going to waste my valuable time on mediocre stuff or stuff that represents values I can't live with (such as, for me, sorcery, pornography, murder, etc.). If I had children, I would model that value for them, just as Jenny is doing. (You go, girl!) I do have students, over 800 of 'em, and instead of teaching values about books, I teach values about music. When asked about my listening tastes, I freely offer my opinion and describe the decision-making process I make before I buy a CD; that process includes whether or not I wish to contribute my money to the lifestyle or reputation or whatever of the artist (so I don't buy Kathleen Battle or Luciano Pavarotti or The Rolling Stones or The Sex Pistols). It's the same with books. Either way, if it's not contributing to the betterment of my mind, I don't waste my time with it, EVEN IF EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING IT. Where were you people when your parents challenged your "But everyone else is doing it, Mom!" whining? If you want to read Harry Potter, please give me a better reason than "everyone else is doing it and I'll look stupid if I don't copy them." Do some serious soul-searching and study your values, like Jenny and others here (you go, girl!!!); THEN read or don't read the book depending on your values. And then stop berating others for making a decision that's different from yours. Please? Curmudgeons live, Peggy Roesch Wallan '71, Spanaway, WA ~ ~ ~ Subj: She Need Not Be Ashamed From: Staci Campbell (86) For: Chuck Monasmith Re: The man who does not read. So far I have been sitting back and just reading what everyone has to say..and keeping my 2 cents to myself regarding the Harry Potter books...But I feel that Chuck Monasmith's comment to Jenny Smart about how she should be ashamed of her decision and that she was insulting your mother and every other free thinker in this world was waay out of line. I feel as though you may be taking this whole debate way too seriously. This has gone from the pros and cons of reading a particular book to attacking a person's character about her decisions that she makes with her own children. I was personally under the impression that The Sandbox was a forum set up for healthy debates. Not personal attacks. - Staci Campbell (86) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Showing Respect "for which it stands." From: Linda Reining Pitchford (64) To Jenny Smart Page (87) regarding her comments on the Olympics and the "respect" shown by the four athletes: I, too, would like to know why they cannot stand on the podium and show the respect for the flag and all it stands for! I would also like to know why they DO NOT know the words to "THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER"!!!!!!!!! If nothing else, they should be taught it as part of their training, so if they are fortunate enough to "win gold," they can at least stand up there and sing the "National Anthem"!!!!!!!!! I can understand being excited and happy about winning, BUT that is not an excuse to be a SMARTA_ _!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for letting me "vent." -Linda Reining Pitchford (64) Bakersfield, CA ~ ~ ~ Note: Some of you have been including your current locale in your entries. See Linda Reining Pitchford's example, above. Feel free to do so also, if you like. I think it adds interest to the ongoing discussions here, to see how we have spread around the world. It's interesting as well, to see how many still thrive in our hometown! -ap That concludes this issue of The SANDBOX folks. Please include your class year and (nee) name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. It's easy to join us in the ongoing conversations here. Just send your comments to: or simply hit your reply button and talk to us! We are the Alumni of Richland High School, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 2000. Visit the Sandbox Archives at: Be faithful to your day! - Al Parker (53) Your SANDBOX host - 94 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #95 ~ October 22, 2000 Subj: YOU DECIDE! From: Paul W. Ratsch (58) The State of Texas, under the leadership of Governor George W. Bush, is ranked 50th in spending for teachers salaries, 49th in spending on the environment,48th in per capita in funding for public health, 47th in delivery of social services, 42nd in child support collections, 41st in per capital spending on public education, 5th in percentage of population of people living in poverty, 1st in water & air pollution, 1st in % of poor working parents without insurance, 1st in %of children without health insurance, 1st in executions (avg.1 every 2 wks. for Bush's first 5 years). Just think of what he could do for the country if he were president. Paul W. Ratsch (58) Subj: You Don't Have To Get Run Over By A Train To Know You Shouldn't Lay On The Tracks From: Jenny (Smart) Page ('87) Reply-to: Perhaps Chuck, and probably a few others, are finally realizing at least part of my Harry Potter point...the fact that it is being discussed. I agree, it is a good thing that is being discussed. And I hope in stating my point of view, that perhaps Harry Potter isn't the best role model for all children, that other's will be willing to stand up to their kids, and society, and also say, "Hey, you know what. There's just something that doesn't sit right with me about this subject. Maybe my kids ought not to be reading this. I think I'll look into it some more before I shell out another $15 for the next book." And they will look deeper into the decision, instead just blindly following the path of what is the current fad. Chuck, I'm glad your mother instilled in you a love of reading. My father did the same for me. (My mother, God rest her soul, was dyslexic, and was never a big reader. But she instilled many other fine characteristics into my life, such as speaking what I believe in, and baking a mean oatmeal chocolate chip cookie). And please note again, that I have never, in any of my statements, ever professed a need to ban or censor or prohibit the reading of these books by the general public. I do not let my child read Harry Potter, just like I don't let her listen to Marilyn Manson or any of the other hate-filled garbage bands they call music these days. I do not let my child read Harry Potter, for a similar reason that I have not provided her with a room full of Barbie paraphernalia, nor do I let her dress like Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera. And, my sons do not have posters of Dennis Rodman, the Undertaker or Steve Austin on their bedroom wall. They are not the type of role models I wish my children to be following. As for the messages you think I am sending to my daughter, I am not the least bit ashamed by my decisions, as you state I should be. My daughter and I have talked about this, on numerous occasions. She understands that the characters in the books do things that are not appropriate in the beliefs of our family. She is a strong child, and I have seen her speak her mind to friends as to why she can or can not do something, and why. Neither she nor I are ignorant, Chuck. To the contrary, I would have to believe that we are informed enough to make a decision that this is inappropriate for our family. By following your logic, that I am unable to make a decision regarding this book without reading it and base my decision by only reading reviews, listening to others, and reading things such as our ongoing debate; then: -- one could also not know that doing drugs is bad, unless one smokes dope and shoots up; -- one could also not know that drinking and driving is hazardous, unless one does so and experiences an accident or arrest; -- one could also not know that putting a hand on a hot stove is going to hurt, unless one does so; -- one could not know that music by various junk bands today is in poor taste, promoting violence and disrespect, without personally purchasing and listening to the songs; -- one could not know that slapping a baby around and throwing it against the wall is harmful, unless one does so; -- one could not decide to travel to Europe, without having done so! I think its clear that people (including me) are able to stop, look and listen to what others are saying regarding a certain subject, be it personal behavior or personal travel, and make a decision based on the information collected. It is done all the time. We read movie reviews by critics. We listen to the evening news. We talk to friends, neighbors, coworkers and family members. We read trade journals, newspapers, brochures and advertisements. We research things at the library, and on the Internet. I don't have to have been arrested for drunk driving to know that I need to teach my kids that it's wrong to drink and drive. I don't have to be a world traveler to know that this isn't the best time to be visiting Yugoslavia. A prime example that is very much in the limelight today is our presidential election. I don't have to have personally met Al Gore, to know that he lies, often and repeatedly, and when its not even necessary. I am not one who parents in a manner to win a popularity contest. I am the parent. They are the children. I am the one with the adult experience. They, again, are the children. And, being a parent first, and friend second, sometimes means that I make decisions that my kids don't agree with or fully understand (however, Harry Potter does not fall within either of those categories, as my daughter does understand why we're not reading the books, and she also agrees that it's something that isn't right for our family). I've never made any mention of something that can be misconstrued as my desire to limit others access to these books. Which also means that I've never made an attempt to insult you (or anyone's mother) in regard to your ability to think freely. I applaud those who are able to think for themselves, and not just blindly follow like lemmings over the waterfall. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to do that. They follow along with what everyone else is doing or saying, without any regard to the after effect. It's the "if it feels good, do it" attitude. They think the majority must be right, or it wouldn't be the majority! And sometimes nothing can be further from the truth. As a side note, I wish to publicly thank all those who have sent me personal e-mail in support of my stance on the Harry Potter books, and sticking by my principles in general. It just confirms that I'm not a "wacko" thinking this way; and like so many topics, I'm part of the "silent majority" --- I just happen to be the one who chose not to be silent. Sign me, "A parent who isn't always voted #1 Mom of the Year, but loved and respected anyways," Jenny (Smart) Page ('87) Subj: Personal Attacks Are Out Of Line From: Karen Schildknecht Mateo '67 Richland WA To Chuck Monasmith: Re: Harry Potter Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you the one who said that reading these books would open a child's mind to fair play, help them understand diversity, and tolerance? (I'm not quoting, but it's close.) So, did you read those books? Because you went way too far this time. I can see not understanding the fact that someone would raise their children a little different than you raised yours, or even how you were raised. I can even understand you thinking that your way might have been better. But stop right there. Jenny Smart has every right to keep things from her children, if she doesn't feel they would benefit from them. You, however, do not have a right to attack her personally for her style of child raising. It is simply none of your business, and way beyond the scope of the Sandbox. It's okay to disagree with what someone believes, but it's not okay to attack them for their beliefs. Isn't that why people come here, to America? For freedom of speech, freedom of expression? To attack that in the defense these books makes no sense whatsoever. At first I enjoyed the banter, but you took it too far when you attacked Jenny's ability to parent, since I'm assuming you do not personally know her. If she was not feeding them, or not clothing them, or if she left them alone, she might be a bad mother. You attacked her (and that's exactly what you did) because she felt it her duty as a mother to keep certain elements from her children, such as witchcraft and sorcery. That's her right as a mother to determine what is good fro her kids. So, please, for all of us who have been reading the Sandbox, consider this the end of the Harry Potter discussion. I feel you owe Jenny an apology for such a personal attack to her character. Jenny, raise your children as you wish, and remember, it doesn't take books to instill an imagination. To Steve Carlson (65) Re: Alternative lifestyles Please accept my condolences on the death of your son. But, instead of believing that teaching about these lifestyles in school would promote homosexuality, I would rather believe it could promote understanding and compassion for anyone who has been born into this lifestyle. If you really saw the pain it brought you son, wouldn't you hope that those who treated and judged him so harshly would learn to be more open and understanding of the next gay man or lesbian they encounter? I sure would. Karen Schildknecht Mateo '67 Richland WA Subj: Choices, Body Slams and Winnebagos From: Pam Jewett-Bullock (nee Pyle '69) Stafford, Virginia I have so enjoyed the recent debates among my fellow RHS alumni concerning a variety of issues, particularly the Medicare/Social Security proposals, Harry Potter, and teaching tolerance. Enjoyed it, that is, until I read the couple of relative personal "body slams" delivered in these last two issues. I'd like to thank Stacy Campbell (86) for her quick comeback to Chuck Monasmith's (sorry, Chuck, I've forgotten your class year) ill-advised personal admonition to Jenny Smart (87) concerning her parenting. The fact that I disagree with Jenny's approach to teaching her children about making good personal choices via imposition of parental control over the particular reading materials we've been discussing is irrelevant. There is NO shame in Jenny's obvious love and concern for those children. On the contrary, and as one who has preceded Jenny in life experiences in Bomberville and Parenthood, I'd like Jenny to know that I am ALWAYS grateful to witness or read about parents who are fully immersed in and taking seriously the tremendous responsibility for rearing their children. Chuck, I wish you'd apologize. As ones who have gone before Jenny, I think the best we can do for her is to applaud and encourage her to continue to express that love in the best way she can. Challenge her on the issues and her opinions, if you will, but please don't introduce further the notion that she is to be ashamed for trying to steer her children in non-violent ways. The world is full of parents who are making LOTS more frightening choices with their children! Thanks, also, to Lynn Hatcher (68) for reminding Steve Shipman (51) and the rest of us that homosexuality is NOT a lifestyle "choice"; rather, it is an innate physiological feature and function of the individual, as much as is skin and eye color. (Although I suppose one might argue that it is possible for one to choose to TRY to live or act like a homosexual might, just as a man might choose to dress like a woman or vice-versa; but one CANNOT choose to BE homosexual. It's like pregnancy: Either you are or you are not. Period.) And, as for "God's Law," Steve, the God of my understanding is in no way exclusionary, but in every way unconditionally loving to each each and every creature in existence. So unconditionally loving, in fact, that God gifted us with freewill to choose how we would interpret God and respond to God. As I further understand, God issued ten laws, the first two of which God considered the "be-all, end-all" rules by which mankind should measure itself: "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, thy soul, and thy mind" and "Love thy neighbor as thyself." Beyond those ten laws, all other interpretations and rules are the products of the human heart, mind and hand, whether between the covers of the book known as the Holy Bible or elsewhere. In my opinion, teaching tolerance is exactly what we ought to be doing in our homes and our schools. Tolerance, manners, common courtesies, respect for our differences, and value of individual gifts--these are all lessons I hope our children will learn, but fear they are more and more missing today, just as many seem to be missing right along with some of the other most basic skills we were taught. (Evidence: the recent display of how to win WITHOUT grace and respect for both the competition and the nation which they represented in the recent Olympics.) Happily, there are all sorts and conditions of men and women who were once societally, essentially, and literally hidden locked in closets, attics, institutions, or placed within fences, because they were somehow different, and are today welcomed, celebrated and accepted more readily as the full members of creation they are and always have been. These include persons of race and color, those with mental or physical conditions such as Mongoloidism, deafness, alcoholism, depression, physical retardation. I say "accepted more readily" because, by all accounts and appearances, we still have a whole lot more work to do on our abilities, as societies and as individuals, in terms of accepting and celebrating differences. Question: If we HAD BEEN more effective in our teaching tolerance and acceptance, would we still face the realities of such tragedies as the one at Columbine High School in Colorado last year? Finally, I'd like to say that I just wish somebody could effectively explain to me exactly what it is that our two presidential candidates are proposing to do with Medicare/Social Security and how they plan to PAY for it. ("SHOW-me-the-MONEY!") I confess. I don't get it. And, I must say, I wonder how many aluminum cans Winnifred Skinner had to pick up in order to pay for her Winnebago and the gas it guzzled between Iowa and Kentucky. More importantly, did Vice-president Gore think I wouldn't ASK that question? And, relative to education tax credits, I'd like Governor Bush to explain to me what good the tax credits/vouchers are going to do when the schools RAISE the tuition--and they WILL raise it--to effectively offset the value of the credit/voucher which is supposed to help me/my child? (The last question is, for us, purely rhetorical at this point, since our son just graduated after seven years of private high school/college education--for which we will all be paying for about ten MORE years.) I look forward to reading the continuing entries of my fellow alumni on these subject matters. Pam Jewett-Bullock (nee Pyle '69) Stafford, Virginia - 95 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #96 ~ October 23, 2000 "You can't have everything. Where would you put it?" - Steven Wright Contents: Stranger Than Fiction Mary Ray Henslee (61) Not Revising History Jim Moran '86 Loved and Accepted Carol (Carson) Renaud (60) Apropos of nothing Bob Carlson (Mike Clowes) '54 Tolerance and the Homosexual Issue Robert W. Epler (80WB) Kind Words and Comments Steve Carson (58) ------------------------------------------------- Subj: Stranger Than Fiction From: Mary Ray Henslee (61) When, during an interview, Gore stated that Tipper was a Psychology major and that he was her biggest project, no truer words have ever came out of his mouth. His behavior is becoming increasingly puzzling, especially since it is reminiscent of behavior he was criticized for during past campaigns. I think that it is becoming more apparent everyday just why Clinton picked Gore for his running mate. Just like the repeat offenders who fill our prisons and the child who never listens, Gore continues his pattern of unacceptable behavior no matter how many times he is admonished by the press and his own inner-circle. Why??? He brought Winifred Skinner (the can lady) to the October 3, debate knowing that her multimillionaire son had already talked to the press and set the record straight. Why??? Why bring her in any case??? >From reports coming out, we are finding out that Gore's sighs and facial contortions were not spontaneous, but planned. They are strategic sighs and facial contortions also used in past debates to distract and discredit his opponent. Why would anyone deliberately do something while they are running for the President of the United States that could be construed as immature and stupid, unless they are immature and stupid? The Wall Street Journal's website has an editorial about Gore's sighs and facial contortions during past debates with Bill Bradley and others. Click on Opinion for some interesting editorials that tell it like it is. >From reports coming out, we are finding out that Gore's lying and exaggerating reach back to his campaigning days during the 80's. Memos have been posted on that were written by his campaign managers to him during past campaigns advising him to stop lying because he was going to be caught, yet he continues to this day. Why??? Clinton's lies to cover up his transgressions were understandable. It is understandable for a politician or anyone to legitimately misquote a mundane fact or figure. Exaggerated pledges are to be expected during a campaign. Bizarre, inexplicable and unwarranted lies such as Gore's are unprecedented and unfathomable. His do or say anything to get elected attitude shows a profound disrespect for the American people and for the office for which he is running. We are being conditioned by the biased media and the Gore campaign to question Bush's intelligence. Hello? Now we can add Projection to Gore's psychological profile. I don't know about anyone else in this forum, but Gore scares the living daylights out of me. And, what scares me even more is that the polls indicate that half of the voters plan to vote for this man. How many lies does this man have to tell and how bizarre does his behavior have to get to sway these voters. Some voters may not be taking Gores's lies seriously, but our allies and adversaries will. Ten years ago this man would never have gotten as far as he has. Go figure? I have never gotten into politics very much before, but this is one election where we have a candidate that would be so bad for this country that it is hard not to speak out and it is becoming increasingly harder and harder to understand staunch Gore supporters. This election is a very good example of why people who blindly embrace party propaganda rather than consider the candidate's character and platform should not vote. In my opinion, not voting is an honorable choice for people who don't care about politics enough to stay informed. This election is too close and too crucial to vote haphazardly. If you haven't already, I urge you to educate yourself on the individual candidate's positions, record, and value system. When you are armed with the facts, then go to the polls in November and vote your conscience. My thoughts for the day for what they are worth. October 9, 2000 Mary Ray Henslee (61) ~~~ Subj: Not Revising History From: Jim Moran '86 Reply to Steve Carson. No, I am not revising history, but it is common knowable that government revenue was one (amongst many) reason which helped in the repealing of the 18th amendment. I site the following from Encarta; "In the U.S., a major shift in public opinion occurred during the early years of the Great Depression, when opponents could argue persuasively that Prohibition deprived people of jobs and governments of revenue and generally contributed to economic stagnation...." -"Prohibition," Microsoft(R) Encarta(R) 98 Encyclopedia. (c) 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. I could sight many other sources but I haven't the time. Also, if the issue is mobility then, how do so many other industrialized nations become "mobile" with so much less energy? The alternative is mass transit. Always thinking critical. - Jim Moran '86 ~~~ Subj: Loved and Accepted From: Carol (Carson) Renaud (60) To: Linda Merrill Hendley (64) Linda - I must respond to your response to my Brother, Steve Carson. His son, Chuck, absolutely was loved and accepted by the entire family. Don't believe for one moment that Steve or Chuck's siblings or any other member of the extended family ever shut him out. Just because "they" say there is a part of the brain that makes a person gay doesn't mean it should be brought into the mainstream and accepted as normal. I loved my nephew and was very sad that we lost him to AIDS. I know that there is a growing population of heterosexual females getting AIDS. However, male or female, gay or straight, I believe the majority of AIDS cases are BEHAVIORALLY caused. God help the innocent (health care workers, babies born with AIDS, etc.) who contract the disease through no fault of their own. Gay? Fine - that's your chosen lifestyle. But, please for the sake of us all, protect yourself and your partners. - Carol (Carson) Renaud (60) - ~~~ Subj: Apropos of nothing From: Bob Carlson (Mike Clowes) '54 Apropos of nothing- Which is my sentiment regarding a certain website we were directed to in the last issue. It is like the campaign, boring and lacking wit and humor. With regard to the antigay measure here in Oregon, one of the major ideas of the proponents of this measure is that "certain" teachers in the public schools are "promoting" AIDS awareness as a part of their courses on sex education (a dirty word in and of itself). It would seem that AIDS awareness is blatant promotion of homosexuality because "they" started this epidemic. O.K. And typhoid was started by some woman named Mary, right? It is this kind of thinking that I have been railing against in these pages. The closed mind is a wondrous thing to behold. It will accept no truths other than its own. That's is why we live on a flat earth, supported in space by four giant elephants. What holds the elephants up is not to be contemplated by the mere mind of man. We can no longer afford to be an insular society. We haven't been able to be one since Teddy's Great White Fleet sailed around the world way back when. We cannot afford to shut out ANY member of our species (Homo Sapiens). This, of course, will mean the demise of homo erectus (but hasn't that already happened)? Wouldn't it be better to run this planet headlong into the asteroid than to kill each other off, individually, by acts of uncaring malice? Well, that's my opinion, and I'm welcome to it. -Bob Carlson (Mike Clowes) '54 - ~~~ Subj: Tolerance and the Homosexual Issue From: Robert W. Epler (80WB) I have read the recent Sandbox submissions concerning homosexuality and feel compelled to add my two cents worth. Whether it's worth two cents is a matter of opinion of course. There has been an overwhelming move by the media and schools to promote homosexuality as being no different from race or having blond hair. That acting out as a homosexual is no different from having brown skin. It's something you are born with and so naturally should be met with tolerance and respect. Some feel it should even be celebrated as an example of human diversity. In this endeavor, the media and schools have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. But is this a good thing? There are unquestionably good and intelligent people on both sides of the debate. We have read both sides in this forum. But I ask, more to the point, is tolerance toward destructive sexual behavior a good thing? Whoah! Did I just call homosexual behavior destructive? I argue that it is most decidedly so. As are many other sexual behaviors, including heterosexual promiscuity, sex with children and many more. Let me ask this as well: Are adults that are legitimately attracted to children born that way? And if so, should it also be tolerated? Understand that I am only equating the two issues to make a point. Many folks out there are attracted sexually to more than their spouse. Would it be good for society to act on this attraction because most of us are born with these desires? After all, it's natural. Therefore, isn't it just another example of our celebrated diversity? My point is, plainly, that we need to channel our God given sexuality in a positive and healthy direction. And this is where the schools come into play. Lately, there has been a move in health classes across America to display homosexuality as something that should not be discouraged. While, at the same time, health statistics plainly show that homosexual behavior and sex outside marriage is bad for society in the form of disease, mortality, abortions, unwanted pregnancies, and the breakup of families. I don't know how anyone can use the latest health statistics to argue anything else. So we must ask ourselves, why are our health educators not teaching against something that contributes to bad health, increases mortality, and spreads disease and death? Yes, there are exceptions, but it's a little like playing Russian roulette. But back to my question, why not simply teach that some behaviors are bad for your health and well being? Do you think part of the answer may lie in religion and the Bible in particular? Many out there want to say it is a religious issue because the Bible condemns such behavior. They want to turn it into a holy war or something. It is wrong to argue on such grounds because most Americans don't believe the Bible to be the infallible word of God. If you question this, take a look at the creation-evolution debate and take note of where most people stand. But common ground can be found in the science and health issue. But even then, some argue that our scientists simply need to find the cures for the diseases and social ills resulting from such behavior. All we need is the cure from the results of sin (destructive behavior). But for those who believe there is a cure to be found, other than in Jesus Christ, I only advise that while you're waiting, we agree to start teaching against behaviors that may quite possibly lead our children into physical and mental destruction; whether it be of a homosexual or heterosexual nature. And lest I be misunderstood, I am not arguing in favor of hating and hurting folks who make bad choices. Lord knows I've made plenty. I believe such people need to be loved and helped toward making positive choices. And that is what tolerance is all about. I'm grateful to my parents, Dick(52) and Lynn(52), and the fine schools in Richland in the 60's and 70's for helping me to make positive and healthy choices throughout my adult life. Robert W. Epler ('80WB) ~~~ Subj: Kind Words and Comments From: Steve Carson (58) For Lynn-Marie Hatcher (68), Linda Merrill Hendley (64) and Jimmie A. Shipman (51) Thank you all for your comments and kind words. There is good thinking in your comments and I am still against the schools being involved in the promotion of homosexuality as a lifestyle. Steve Carson (58) Chicago, IL ~~~ Thanks for your contributions, everyone. Many more to come. If you've sent an entry recently and haven't seen it in The SANDBOX yet, please be patient. Your voice will soon be heard! - Al Parker (53) - Shippenville, PA Your Sandbox Host THE SANDBOX is Animal Cruelty Free. Definitely not tested on animals! - 96 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #97 ~ October 27, 2000 "Our best thoughts come from others." - Emerson Contents: One Parent's View Peggy Lewis Johnson '62 Bean Counters Bob (Mike Clowes) Carlson '54 Debunking the Bunk Jerry Lewis ('73) It Would Be Nice Mary Collins Burbage (63) Hate is Not a Family Value Missy Keeney Baker (59) ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Subj: One Parent's View From: Peggy Lewis Johnson '62 (Peggy Johnson) Regarding homosexuality: The real issue is about parents of homosexuals. Parents' duty is to rear children and teach them compassion, tolerance, respect for others; to nurture a child to build self-esteem, and support a child in developing his or her natural talent and intellect. When my first born daughter was born there was a mother's awareness that my new baby daughter was intriguingly different. As I watched her grow I curiously observed her development and sensed and knew like only mothers - or fathers - might know that there was something special and unique about this child. To make a longer story shorter I'll bypass those early school years when her choices in simple things pushed my intuition beyond and into intellectual thoughts and I began to understand what might be a fact about her sexuality. As a high school student she struggled inside with who she was - like others her age -- and then shared those truths with me as a young adult. Here's how it went: (and this is a short version) "Mom, I have something I want to talk to you about" "Sure, honey, what is it?" (I knew by her approach that this was one of those mother-daughter talks that come from deep within - with a need to know that trust is there, love is there, acceptance and flesh and blood - to die for - devotion is there) She said: "This is hard to tell you, you might not like it" I said: "You might be surprised how deep my love is for you and what you can share with me, honey." She started to cry and blurted out "I'm gay" I held her in my arms and said: "Oh sweetheart, and you are the kindest, most compassionate person I know --- and you are the best of friend to all your friends, and you are honest, and you have such a good mind, and such a good sense of humor, and you are responsible and such a good reader, and student, and such a great niece, and cousin and granddaughter, you use your mind for good cause and you always are growing, you are so beautiful and wise beyond your years, you are so patient and kind ------and you are gay ---- and from what I know being gay will have it's challenges. Will you have difficulty? Maybe less than some heterosexuals in relationships. Will you be scrutinized -- maybe less than some who are of a different faith, or someone who has a learning disability or an extremely high IQ -- or a cause they are willing to die for. Will you have problems in your love life? Probably not more than those heterosexuals who are in the divorce statistics. Will you be happy? Some of the time. Will you be sad? Some of the time. Will you struggle? Some of the time ------- Challenged? - Yes, I hope, as challenge makes us strong. Frustrated? Yes, as frustration makes us agitated to act. All this you will be and more.........not because you are gay, but because all human beings have challenges, are happy sometimes and sad sometimes, etc. Your challenges will be your own -- as are mine. I love you so deeply. You are a child from my womb -- my child--- my flesh and blood -- if you are gay then my soul is a bit gay as I shared a part of who I am to create you - If you are gay then my spirit and being is a bit gay as I gave you a part of myself. If you are gay, then my physical body created you from my being and, though I am not gay, a part of my genetic being was where you came from. And will I grow old and love you every moment of my life and be proud of you every moment of my life - and be comfortable and delighted in your presence --------------- As sure as I hold you in my arms and am thankful for you and know the world is a better place because you exist --- of course --- but not in spite of who you are --- but because of who you are — every molecule in your body, every voice in your spirit, every thought in your mind -- I love you, God gave you to me as a gift and a treasure. It's OK now, so quit crying and lets go have some fun. After that she shared with me more than I wanted to know -- like a parent of any child of any sexual orientation -- about her sexual life. A few months later we agreed, laughing, that if I didn't tell her all my sexual adventures as a single parent, (not that great of a story), that she wouldn't have to tell me hers. She is a bright - and beautiful woman. She is well educated and an engineer moving into management and growing in her career. Her coworkers love working with her - some might know of her sexual preference and some might not. Anymore than their sexual preference is of great interest to her. Greater than anything about her is her compassion, her kindness, good mind, her integrity and responsible, caring nature. If I ever thought I would be described by my friends or those who knew me as I have described my daughter I would be greatly humbled. One parent's view. Peggy Lewis Johnson '62 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Bean Counters From: Bob (Mike Clowes) Carlson '54 (Robert Carlson) Mary Ray Henslee (61), in issue #94, is of the opinion that I favor Bore's Medicare Plan over that of Gush. Far from it. What I was trying to point out, is that no matter who gets elected, and no matter which plan possibly gets enacted, the people who need Medicare will not benefit. Why? Bean Counters. If the "gummint" runs the show, then the bean counters will come up with more regulations and paper work to slow down or even nullify the program. For every dollar of treatment, either the patient or the doctor may have to spend up to five dollars in filling out forms. Remember, this is the government and it cannot survive, even in the computer age, without forms of some sort. The form to fill out forms is still out there. If the private sector (insurance companies) run the show, as soon as the bean counters figure out that it is a money loosing proposition, they will drop it like a hot potato. Just recently the state of Oregon's health plan was dropped by yet another insurance company as it was (to the provider(?)) not cost effective. Neither the government nor the insurance companies care about your health and well being. The government will offer lip service, and do its best to obfuscate the process. If there is no profit in it, the insurance companies will want nothing to do with it. As a retired military person, I have suffered through the maze of paper work and "need to justify" of a mediocre health care program. "What?" you say. "You don't get the best medical care? I thought the military took care of their own?" Does the phrase "Not on your Nelly" strike a familiar note? Now, if I were living in the close vicinity of a major military medical facility, I just might get less expensive treatment. But I live on "the economy" (as we used to call it), and have to find a doctor and a medical facility that will accept the medical program I have. And that will run out next May, and then I get to face the loveliness of Medicare. At least what I have now is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, not much, but not quite as painful. I'm afraid, Mary, that neither candidate does me any good, except to be the target of bad humor. Well, that's my opinion, and I'm entitled to it. - Bob (Mike Clowes) Carlson '54 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Debunking the Bunk From: Jerry Lewis ('73) Someone sent in a link to an image of a bumper sticker that he thought was pretty eloquent. I checked it out and I didn't think it was all that informative and was actually kind of offensive. I believe it was implying that Gore is a liar by highlighting the first 3 letters of Lieberman's name in a mock Gore/Lieberman bumper sticker, but it really is only eloquent to someone who's an opponent and not really interested in discourse. Right now, I'm listening to a report by students centered on the accuracy of media reports in general and specifically centering on an incident where Gore gave a speech at their high school where he ended up being blasted as claiming to uncover the Love Canal problem. They played back the actual speech where he didn't make such a claim, but did that make any difference? No. It got me to thinking about Dan Quayle and how once the media tags these guys, there's almost no return. Doesn't matter whether they're liberal or conservative. I just happened to receive a notice from the Urban Legend web site, my hands-down favorite location for debunking (or confirming) rumors, stories, warnings. There are two links relevant to the Gore discussion and one to the Harry Potter brouhaha. The most substantial Gore one is a list of supposed lies Gore told and then an analysis of each one. The first third of the web page is the supposed lies and the supposed truths as circulating in e-mails. Scroll down through that to find each one addressed with the actual facts. It's at: Another one about a rumor that strings were pulled to shorten his tour in Vietnam: So if you're a Gore (Clinton?) hater and aren't interested in facts, you can skip reading them. If you're willing to have an open mind and are actually interested in substantiated research into the claims rather than unsubstantiated innuendo, check them out. Also, regarding Harry Potter books, I've refrained from entering the fray. It's my opinion that they are pretty harmless, and are in a long tradition of fantasy books for kids. Many of us read similar books as kids and didn't turn out to believe the fantasies or devote our lives to them. I just read the last one, and had a more critical eye turned on it due to the discussions here and I just don't see it as likely to be harmful to the young readers. It's really pretty clean and the good guy ends up coming out ahead after surmounting challenges. That said, if Jenny Smart has the right to choose what her children read and if she doesn't want her kids to read an innocuous adventure story, that's her prerogative. I probably wouldn't agree with her limited reading list, but c'est la vie. Lastly there's a small bit on the Urban Legends site about Harry Potter and supposed links to Satanism: Jerry Lewis ('73) * ** ~ ~ ~ Subj: It Would Be Nice From: Mary CollinsvBurbage (63) Olympia WA (Mary Collins Burbage) I am very glad that the Sandbox is "animal cruelty" free. I think it would be nice if it could become "human cruelty" free also. - Mary Collins Burbage (63) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Hate is Not a Family Value From: Missy Keeney Baker (59) To Steve Carson (58) I was extremely saddened to learn you had lost a son to AIDS and wish you healing in that loss. I have agonized since your response to my entry in the SANDBOX about the OCA. How could I compassionately and intelligently respond?? Well,....... To Lynn-Marie Hatcher (68) and Linda Merrill Hendley (64) Thank you for doing just that. I couldn't have said it better myself. I had a wonderful tape by a group called the "Flirtations", a great a cappella gay men's vocal group, and one of the song verses went something like this...(it was a song for a child at bedtime) "You can be anybody that you want to be. You can love whomever you will, You can travel any country where your heart leads and know I will love you still, You can live by yourself, you can gather friends around, You can choose one special one..And the only measure of your words and your deeds Will be the love you leave behind when you're gone." Much of the pain and anguish that I observe in the gay community is caused by parents and families who are unable to love and support their gay and lesbian children. I can't recommend highly enough the PFLAG (Parent, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) organization and the work they do help folks deal with this issue in a tolerant and loving manner. The sun is shining and the leaves are turning here in Richland, Washington. Tell your children you love them. I'm going to!! - Missy Keeney (59) ~ ~ ~ From: Peggy Lewis Johnson (62): A friend shared this with me. I want to share it with you. Infinity I am sprinkled with light Like a line I go on forever A monster of a place Unexplored My beautiful lights Help you find your way Lurking above you All the time My children have names Of ancient gods My brightest son Gives you light I am the universe Rachel Weiner Spring 1997 (8 yrs old) ~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Thanks for your contributions, everyone. Many more to come. If you've sent an entry recently and haven't seen it in The SANDBOX yet, please be patient. Your voice will soon be heard! Al Parker (53) Your Sandbox Host - 97 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #98 ~ October 28, 2000 "One man's word is no man's word. We should quietly hear both sides." -Goethe Contents: Ballot measures and other fun stuff Bob (Mike Clowes) Carlson '54 Because You Read It, Does Not Mean Its True! Andrew Eckert (54) Harry Spells Danger Janie O'Neal Janssen (65) The 50's and Richland Rich Henderson '62 Missed The Substance Irene de la Bretonne Hays (1961) OK, I'll Offer My Two Bits: Bob Rector '62 ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Subj: Ballot measures and other fun stuff From: Bob (Mike Clowes) Carlson '54 Just recieved Volume 1 of the Oregon Voter's Pamphlet in the mail today, with the promise of Volume 2 to follow in a few days. This one is a joy to behold, 26 separate ballot measures, taking 368 pages to explain each measure and why the voter should vote either for or against each measure. Several have been proposed by our own anti-tax/anit-government gadfly, Bill Sizemore. Mr. Sizemore, several years ago, in the wake of what happened in California, succeeded in getting a property tax reduction measure on the ballot. It passed. Funny thing, it didn't really reduce property taxes, as the appriasals on which such taxes are based went up. Since then, he has in each election year proposed further tax cuts, and reductions in government. He even ran for governor one year and failed miserably at that task. His current proposals have to do with deductions for federal income tax paid (which really doesn't help anyone except those who itemize); and further simplifying the process by which initiative measures can be put on the ballot. The latter stems from his frustration in getting some of his ideas turned into ballot measures basically because no one wanted to sign his petitions. There is a measure, supported earnestly by both "Piggy" (Portland General Electric) and PP&L which would in effect repeal a measure voted in by an overwhelming majority in 1978 which does not allow the power companies to make the users pay for costs incurred in closing or maintaining closed plants. One measure that I might be induced to vote for is one that says that if the legislature mandates educational programs, the legislature had best come up with the funding, and not leave it to the school districts. Legislatures and Congresses like to do things like that: Mandate a program and then not fund it and wonder why it isn't working. Previously in these pages, I reported on the current biggoted ballot measure. Now, to make it perfectly clear to those who don't really understand, let me cite the text of the measure: "Be it enacted by the people of the State of Oreon: "Section 1. ORS 336.067 is amended to read (new section): "(e) Sexual Orientation as it relates to homosexuality and bisexuality is a divisive subject matter not necessary to the instruction of students in public schools. Nothwithstanding any other law or rule, the instruction of behaviors relating to homosexuality and bisexuality shall not be presented in a public school in a manner which encourages, promotes or sanctions such behaviors. "Section 2. ORS 659.166 is amended to read (new section): "(1) Any public elementary or secondary school determined by the Superintendent of Public Instruction or any community college determined by the Commissioner for Community College Services to be in nocompliance with the provisions of ORS 336.067 (e) or ORS 659.150 and this section shall be subject to appropriate sanctions, which may include withholding of all or part of state funding, as established by rule of the State Board of Education." By way of explanation, the Legislative Committee defined "public school" as any public elementary schools, public secondary schools, community colleges, state colleges and state universitlies, and all state and local institutions that provide educations for patients or inmates. Yes, The Bible, and quite possibly sacred writings of other religions tell us that homosexuality is not acceptable behavior. Unfortunately, homosexuality has been with "man" for quite sometime and it has not been restricted to any race, creed or religious preferrence. It is not something that can be legislated or prayed away. It is a fact of life. The son of a fellow Bomber passed away because of AIDS, and left his father bitter over the lad's lifestyle. I wonder how many other Bombers and/or their children have died because of AIDS, or may be HIV positive. No, I am not asking for names or for anyone to come out of the closet, or even be outed in these pages. And remember that AIDS doesn't strike the gay community alone. Needle sharers, and those with indiscriminate mating habits also need be aware. If our children and grandchildren are to be given some measure of protection against life's visisitudes, they must be given the education and knowledge necessary to avoid them, all of them. If the discussion on protection against AIDS or any other STD promotes homosexuality or bisexuality, something is wrong somewhere. Or maybe we should revert back the the V.D. films our fathers or brothers told us about when they were in the Armed Forces. If that don't scare kids away from sex of any nature, I don't know what will. Well, that's my opinion, and I'm welcome to it. Bob (Mike Clowes) Carlson '54 ~ ~ ~ Subj: Because You Read It, Does Not Mean Its True! From: Andrew Eckert (54) Let me cite an example of the press corps' ability to spin on important policy. This involves Vice President Gore's best-selling book, Earth in the Balance. Soon after the book was published in 1992, Gore was selected to be Bill Clinton's running mate, and the RNC began portraying the book as an example of crackpot environmentalism. From then until now, party spokesmen have pulled stray quotes from the book, trying to demonstrate Gore's "extremism." A long-standing favorite is a quote concerning the future of the internal combustion engine. "[I]t ought to be possible," Gore writes in the book, "to accomplish the strategic goal of completely eliminating the internalcombustion engine over, say, a twenty-five year period." In context, it is abundantly clear that Gore is talking about replacing the IC engine with cleaner technology. But apparently that wouldn't sound silly enough, so GOP spinners have long pretended Gore wants to get rid of cars. In June of 1999, for example, RNC chairman Jim Nicholson—author of the farm chores hoax—published a full-page open letter to Gore in major newspapers, asking Gore to explain "why you want to eliminate the automobile as we know it." This followed press releases in which Nicholson explicitly accused Gore of trying to "do away with the internal combustion engine, the automobile." One might think it the work of a serious press corps to clarify groaning nonsense like that. And this story is especially intriguing because of a ittle-noticed fact. On January 5, 1998, both the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times presented page-one, lead stories from the Detroit Auto Show, reporting that world car companies now agree that internal combustion is on the way out. Rebecca Blumenstein, page one, Wall Street Journal: [Auto makers from Tokyo to Stuttgart to Detroit have reached a surprising new consensus on an idea deemed heretical not long ago. A fundamental shift in engine technology is needed. "We need to press very hard to increase fuel economy and lower emissions" of carbon dioxide, says John F. Smith, Jr., chairman of General Motors.This then would be the world, salvation from the Oil Barrons of the world ... Is there not an Oil company baring the name "Bush" in Bahrain? Is not Cheney a former CEO of a very large oil CO? Did they not hand $20 Million dollars Soft Money to the Champaign? Sure hope everyone is doing there homework on our future. The election is only days away, Who can we blame if WE elect the wrong person for the wrong reasons. But do vote. Your future is at stake. Information for this article was found on " " Andrew Eckert (54) ~ ~ ~ Subj: Harry Spells Danger From: Janie O'Neal Janssen (65) Well, I know we've probably talked the Harry Potter subject to death, but while reading the Philadelphia Trumpet I came across this article and though I would share part of it with you. The article was Titled Harry Spells Danger. The part I found very interesting was as follows: According to a report in the September edition of Youthworks, many teenage boys are rejecting Christianity and the church for witchcraft. Moreover, there is an even greater response from young women seeking female "empowerment." Droves of girls are showing an unprecedented interest in witchcraft, with dozens every month wanting to join covens to learn about casting spells in order to pass school exams, find boyfriends and become wealthy. One organization, the Pagan Federation (a UK-based group which represents druids, shamans, witches and high priestesses) acknowledges that scores of curious youngsters are now contacting its main office, with upwards of 100 telephone calls per month. The Federation has just appointed its first youth officer in response to the growing number of queries from children. Interesting!! I don't know if I mentioned when I sent in my comment about reading Harry Potter with my grandson last year, that the reason we were reading it was because it was required reading in his 5th grade class? After reading this article I wish that I would have voiced my opinion to the school instead of just pointing out issues to my grandson. - Janie O'Neal Janssen (65) ~ ~ ~ Subj: The 50's and Richland From: Rich Henderson '62 Noticed recent alumni comments about growing up in Richland during the decade of the 50's. There was an excellent book published about the decade of the 50's. David Halberstam authored the book titled: "THE FIFTIES", by Villard Books, (New York), in 1993. This single volume book is about 700+ pages, (with 46 chapters), detailing the many facets of the decade. The book may now be out of print. MY COMMENTS: Some historians have, more recently, suggested that this decade was the spawning ground for the future "counter-culture generation" of the 60's and beyond. They continue, ...that the "baby-boomer generation" did not accept all of these values, that they rejected it! I am inclined to agree with the premise that some of the values did adversely influence the generational mindset. That these were seen as superficial, shallow, materialist, and lacking in compassion and understanding. No, I am not bad-mouthing the decade. It was a time of increasing national stability, .... growth, .... improvements, and communication. This was offset by increased international instability and tensions, i.e., The Cold War. Still, the 50's, (and Richland), was an excellent time and place to be both a kid and grow up in. -Rich Henderson Class of '62 ~~~ Subj: Missed The Substance From: Irene de la Bretonne Hays (1961) Jenny Smart: I missed the substance of your objection to Harry Potter. Would you mind restating it as concisely and specifically as possible? Thanks. Irene de la Bretonne Hays (1961) Golden, Colorado ~~~ Subj: OK, I'll Offer My Two Bits: (a) homosexuality & (b) Harry Potter From: Bob Rector '62 (Robert Rector) Just a note to thank the editors etc. This "page" offers entertaining reading and sometimes even a cogent thought or two. Best of all, it keeps my aging mind in gear. Thanks. Now, my very personal opinion on two much discussed topics: (a) On Homosexuality: People are People and Life is Life. Wish folks would worry more about overpopulation or consumption of fossil fuels. (b) On Harry Potter Books: We all hAve fears. Some people have dreadful fears, and some itty bitty fears. Some even have imagined or senseless fears. I too have fears.....but reading Harry Potter is not one of them. When confronted by a scarecrow, & a little girl in pigtails, even the Wizard of Oz was afraid. Later, Bob Rector '62 ~~~ Thanks for your contributions, everyone. Many more to come. If you've sent an entry recently and haven't seen it in The SANDBOX yet, please be patient. Your voice will soon be heard! Al Parker (53) Your Sandbox Host - 98 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #99 ~ October 29, 2000 "Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together." -Goethe Contents: Phony Environmentalists Brad Wear, '71 Parenting and Censors Chuck Monasmith (65) Because We Have The Freedom Linda McKnight (65) Harry Potter For President Linda McKnight (65) Intelligent, Eloquent, Loving. Dave Doran (72) Wow, Some SANDBOX! Anna Durbin,'69 God Doesn't Make Junk Linda Reining Pitchford (64) Can We Ask That Question In The SANDBOX? Tedd Cadd (66) ----------------------------------------------- Subj: Phony Environmentalists From: Brad Wear, '71, Richardson, TX. I recently returned from a week long hunting trip to Washington State. I hunted both birds and deer on the Eastern side of the mountains. What absolutely amazed me was the fire damage in the South central part of the state, particularly around the Bickleton area. They sustained 11 fires this summer 5 lightening strikes, and 6 man made fires. The devastation is beyond comprehension. The sad fact is that the state bureaucrats who are pulled and pushed by the environmentalists are refusing to reseed the burned areas and want a "natural return of the land." I had the opportunity to meet several of the local "PETA, and soil conservationist's" advocates in the area while I was in Bickleton. None of these so called environmentalists had even been into the burn area, other than to drive down the roads that crisscross the area. The fires in several areas were so hot they burned the root structure of the trees that at one time populated the area. There is nothing, and I mean nothing to anchor the soil in the area. Dirt in some areas was over ankle deep. Where is this going during the first heavy rain? This is the watershed of the Columbia River. The canyons I was in are less than six miles from the Columbia. Tons of silt and top soil will flood into the river and cause massive natural pollution. The fact that the local state employees of the soil conservation district have not even ventured into these burn areas to formulate a plan is criminal. Aerial reseeding or better yet pre germinated grass matting is essential at this time. I think it would be interesting to see what "clean water" candidates are even aware of the potential time bomb that is ticking away in the that specific area. The lone PETA activist was so uninformed it was amazing. There is no food in the burned off area, yet the deer are still "yarding up" in their old territories. We saw in excess of 50 deer milling around in these burned areas and judging by the established game trails they are not leaving the region. When they do it will force them onto tracts of land that will support maybe in a good year half the deer population that will inhabit it. When I posed the question of: If the land will support 10 deer, and 11 deer live on it, how many will die of starvation? The usual answer is arrived at by simple math of only 1. Error, all will die. Unlike humans where one noble person might step forward and sacrifice their life for the good of the group. Deer will eat until nothing is left and then starve to death. The PETA person could not or would not grasp this concept. By and large I think these people are well meaning, but they need to walk the land, observe the conditions, and look at the impact of their "perfect world" edicts. To: Paul Ratsch,'58 Paul, I don't know what percentage of the oil refined for America is processed in Texas, specifically the Houston area, but I bet it would be significant. I bet that you would be the loudest whiner if they cut back any production and drove your fuel costs through the roof. You can't have it both ways. You want the fuel, you get the pollution. It's also interesting to note that neither candidate is slamming California for their pollution. I was in San Jose, CA three weeks ago and they deemed it a good day. You couldn't see the mountains. But that's OK, it's a key state for both, and they don't want to offend anyone. Starting teacher pay in Texas $30K, better than Police or firemen, but that's OK, they're not a political issue. Water pollution in Texas, some of the worst water I've ever seen. There are only three rivers I would swim in, Comal, Guadeloupe, and Brazos. The others are full of natural pollution, soil run off. There are only Two, yes TWO, natural lakes in Texas. Everything else is man made, dam a creek form a lake. The only problem is they usually are only an average depth of 4 ft. Combine that with 100 plus days of 100 plus degree heat and you've got polluted water. Look at Toledo Bend Lake, 90 miles long 20 miles wide, average depth 4 ft. with a water temperature of 86 degrees. Quality? No, but what are you going to do about it? Breach the dams? Yeah, right. - Brad Wear,'71, ~~~ Subj: Parenting and Censors From: Chuck Monasmith (65) A reply to Jenny (Smart) Page Must I be responsible for the perception others take of my words? Yes, I must. Unfortunately for me, you and others have perceived that my words about your willingness to censor books was a personal attack on your parenting skills. That was not my intent. It was my intent to be critical of your opinion that censorship is a justified action. I apologize to you for the heat of my rhetoric and my passion for allowing uncensored reading causing you offense. My apology is sincere, I hope that you will accept it. If it is at all possible, I'd like to try and get the discussion back on track. Let's leave out parenting skills, drug use, irresponsible social behavior etc. The topic is censorship. History has many examples where censorship of reading materials has been negative. Beginning with the Catholic Church censoring the books of Copernicus, teaching the earth was not the center of the universe and on and on. Where has censoring reading material been of benefit to any society? Chuck Monasmith (65) ~~~ Subj: Because We Have The Freedom From: Linda McKnight (65) An excerpt from The Sunday Oregonian October 22, 2000. Questions and answers to J. K. Rowling, author of The Harry Potter series. ON CENSORSHIP: "I really hate censorship. I find it objectionable. I personally think that they're very mistaken. I think these are very moral books and I think it's a very shortsighted thing. Shortsighted in the sense that if you try hard to portray goodness without showing that the reverse is evil and without showing how great it is to resist that..well, that's always been my feeling about literature. "You find magic, witchcraft, and wizardry in all sorts of classic children's books. Where do you start? Are you going to start with 'The Wizard of Oz?' These people are trying to protect children from their own imagination." Also, I was too old for Barbies, I was baby-sitting when girls were playing with Barbies. What is wrong with Barbie????? Oh yes, I guess it is because she is anorexic. But, the new Barbie isn't that way. I am sorry, but I truly feel sorry for Jenny Smart's children. To grow to old age and never play with a Barbie and have such an opinionated mother.....Wonder which one of her kids will become Hari Krishna, or form their own even more revolting band than Marilyn Manson. How many people out there have even heard Marilyn Manson's music? To put that in the same context as sweet, little poor abused child, Harry Potter. Oh well, that is the part that is so great about the United States of America. We can say and do just about anything we want to because we have the freedom to do so. EVERYBODY GET OUT AND VOTE. IT IS OUR RIGHT. - Linda McKnight (65) ~~~ Subj: Harry Potter For President From: Linda McKnight (65) Thank you so much, Al Parker, for this place where we can sound off. I had an additional thing to add, from the newspaper. Another excerpt from The Sunday Oregonian of October 22, 2000. (Commentary section) ENDORSEMENT OF THE WEEK "If I had to pick, I'd pick Bush, and not necessarily by default; I know I don't support what the other team is about." - Marilyn Manson, rock singer and minister of the Church of Satan (New York Post) Could it be that George W. Bush is the antichrist? Isn't it great that we have such freedom in this country? Be sure to cast your ballot for your candidate..... HARRY POTTER FOR PRESIDENT (Linda McKnight - 65 - with tongue in cheek.) ~~~ Subj: Wow, Some SANDBOX! Re: The SANDBOX Issue 97 From: Anna Durbin, 69 Wow, Some SANDBOX! If we could all be parents like Peggy Johnson, this world would be a better place. I hope I can tell my children the same things when they turn out differently from whatever dreams I may have entertained for them. If you need any extra daughters and want to adopt, I am ready. Thanks for sharing your mother-love with us. I was so proud when my daughter told me that one of her now ex-friends at school commented to her, "Why are you hanging out with X? Her parents are lesbians, you know," and my daughter's response was: "So what?" I hope the day comes when people can be comfortable enough with their own sexuality that they will not have to fear and hate gay people. Although I have been married to the same man for over 24 years now, I can truly say that my life has been enriched by every gay and lesbian friend I have. Our three daughters blessedly feel the same way. This world will be a better place when all of us can stop hating and fearing "the other." When you get down to it, that hate and fear come from our own feelings of fear about ourselves. And thanks to the other Sandboxers for the amazing poem and for the Urban Legend Cites. It's great to learn things this way. - Anna Durbin, 69 ~~~ Subj: Intelligent, Eloquent, Loving. From: Dave Doran (72) Re: Peggy Lewis Johnson's thoughts on gayness, That was the most intelligent, eloquent, loving and thoughtful piece I've ever read on the 'difficulty' some find with homosexuality. [SB Issue 97] Your simple piece debunks a thousand years of 'God's Law' nonsense and 'Lifestyle Choice' idiocy. Where the science of homosexuality still finds stubbornness, your heartfelt response cannot ever be refuted. Very good indeed! - Dave Doran (72) ~~~ Subj: God Doesn't Make Junk From: Linda Reining Pitchford (64) Bakersfield, CA re: alternative lifestyles "God doesn't make junk." I believe that, and I also believe He will not condemn a homosexual to eternal damnation. Now before "feathers get ruffled," I am not saying homosexual's are junk. I just mean that He created all of us! And I do not believe that they "choose" their lifestyle. Why would they choose a lifestyle that brings them pain, shame, ridicule, and sometimes, the loss of their family's love????? As for teaching tolerance of their lifestyle in schools-----if it helps, WHY NOT? If you are worried that by teaching it, it will make others become "that way," it won't. I have no medical evidence to prove this, but I believe something happens during puberty and things just go "haywire." Linda Reining Pitchford (64) ~~~ Subj: Can We Ask That Question In The SANDBOX? From: Tedd Cadd (66) Since so many things are out of bounds for The Alumni Sandstorm, I wonder what is out of bounds for THE SANDBOX? One of the problems I have in contributing to the AS is that some of my memories of Richland are not exactly happy ones and certainly go against the "growing up in a time and place where we were safe" things I read there. No doubt some, even most, were safe. But not all of us. I've often wondered if there were others who know how dangerous Richland was in the 50s and beyond. Is the Sandbox a place to ask that question? - Tedd Cadd (66) The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life. Proverbs 15:4 Reply to Ted: I think it would be OK to ask that question here. Let's keep a few things in mind in the meantime: As far as topics, and opinions about them are concerned, I have no desire to "censor" any of the voices heard in The SANDBOX, not wanting to inhibit honest feelings here. I don't recommend coarse language because more than likely it will diminish, rather than enhance, the value of what one wishes to say. I do encourage contributors to be courteous and respectful of their fellow alumni in this forum as they deal with the issues at hand. I look to this forum to be self-correcting when necessary, by responses from other members encouraging folks to be courteous when such reminders are needed. Another thing to keep in mind is this: The SANDBOX is designed primarily for original input from Richland Bomber Alumni, so there isn't room for long quotes from outside sources, but you can cite web sites if you wish, to illustrate your points. Letters from Richland Bomber Families and "Bomber Boosters" are also welcome here. One other thought: As moderator of this forum, I will avoid publishing any material that could in any way be considered by any party to be libelous or slanderous. Any negative opinions of past teachers, etc., specifically named, would be an example of that. Did you remember to set your clocks back and change the batteries in your smoke, radon and carbon monoxide detectors? Build yourself a beautiful day! - Al Parker (53) Your Sandbox Host - 99 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #100 ~ October 30, 2000 Contents: Choices/Body Slams/Pre-Fab Folding Chairs Jimmie A. Shipman Class of "51" Enough of Anti-Gay Venom Patricia Keeney (63) Give Our Schools A Break Mike Franco (1970) We Can Learn From What We Read Anna Durbin '69 --------------------------------------------------- Subj: Choices/Body Slams/Pre-Fab Folding Chairs From: Jimmie A. Shipman Class of "51" Richland, Washington Does any one have any old pre-fab folding chairs that they would like to part with? To Pam Jewett-Bullock (nee Plye'69) 1: It is Jimmie A. (Not Steve) Shipman. 2: The thanks that you gave to Lynn Hatcher (68) was for her Snippet "Let's Focus On The Person, Not The Lifestyle" was addressed to Steve Carson (58) not to Steve Shipman (51) as stated by you. It was in the Sandbox #94 issue, However I do take credit for "It's Against God's Law" as Jimmie A. Shipman (51), in Sandbox #94 issue. 3: Homosexuality is a lifestyle of choice, it has nothing to do with skin or eye color or any of the other rhetoric that you went on and on about. 4. God's Words on homosexual relationships can be located in the following Bible verses: (Lev 18:22), "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." (Lev 20:13), "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." (Rom 1:18_32), "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, {19} since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. {20} For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities__his eternal power and divine nature__have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. {21} For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. {22} Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools {23} and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. {24} Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. {25} They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator__who is forever praised. Amen. {26} Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. {27} In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. {28} Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. {29} They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, {30} slanderers, God_haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; {31} they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. {32} Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them." (1 Cor 6:9_11), "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders {10} nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. {11} And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." (1 Tim 1:8_11), "We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. {9} We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, {10} for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers__and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine {11} that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me." 5. Again, let me say that homosexuality is and will be always against God's Law, as stated in the Scriptures of the Holy Bible. 6. God expects us to love not only him, but also our neighbors as well. I, as a Christian, do love homosexual people, It's the sin of homosexualtity that I deplore. We have an extended family member who by choice is a homosexual and we love her. God Bless Now go and have a good day. Regards: Jimmie A. Shipman (51) ~~~ Subj: Enough of Anti-Gay Venom From: Patricia Keeney (63) Forest Grove, Oregon For years I have been in the middle of heated political debate here in Oregon in defense of my gay son and others in the widely disdained and misunderstood gay community. In April of this year, a mother in Vermont wrote to her local paper and said so many of things I have wanted to say. I could not have said it any better... so I will reproduce it here.... I've had enough of your anti-gay venom by Sharon Underwood For the Valley News (White River Junction, VT/Hanover, NH) As the mother of a gay son, I've seen firsthand how cruel and misguided people can be. Many letters have been sent to the Valley News concerning the homosexual menace in Vermont. I am the mother of a gay son and I've taken enough from you good people. I'm tired of your foolish rhetoric about the "homosexual agenda" and your allegations that accepting homosexuality is the same thing as advocating sex with children. You are cruel and ignorant. You have been robbing me of the joys of motherhood ever since my children were tiny. My firstborn son started suffering at the hands of the moral little thugs from your moral, upright families from the time he was in the first grade. He was physically and verbally abused from first grade straight through high school because he was perceived to be gay. He never professed to be gay or had any association with anything gay, but he had the misfortune not to walk or have gestures like the other boys. He was called "fag" incessantly, starting when he was six. In high school, while your children were doing what kids that age should be doing, mine labored over a suicide note, drafting and redrafting it to be sure his family knew how much he loved them. My sobbing 17-year-old tore the heart out of me as he choked out that he just couldn't bear to continue living any longer, that he didn't want to be gay and that he couldn't face a life with no dignity. You have the audacity to talk about protecting families and children from the homosexual menace, while you yourselves tear apart families and drive children to despair. I don't know why my son is gay, but I do know that God didn't put him, and millions like him, on this Earth to give you someone to abuse. God gave you brains so that you could think, and it's about time you started doing that. No Choice At the core of all your misguided beliefs is the belief that this could never happen to you, that there is some kind of subculture out there that people have chosen to join. The fact is that if it can happen to my family, it can happen to yours, and you won't get to choose. Whether it is genetic or whether something occurs during a critical time of fetal development, I don't know. I can only tell you with an absolute certainty that it is inborn. If you want to tout your morality, you'd best come up with something more substantive than your heterosexuality. You did nothing to earn it; it was given to you. If you disagree, I would be interested in hearing your story, because my own heterosexuality was a blessing I received with no effort whatsoever on my part. It is so woven into the very soul of me that nothing could ever change it. For those of you who reduce sexual orientation to a simple choice, a character issue, a bad habit or something that can be changed by a 10-step program, I'm puzzled. Are you saying that your own sexual orientation is nothing more than something you have chosen, that you could change it at will? If that's not the case, then why would you suggest that someone else can? A popular theme in your letters is that Vermont has been infiltrated by outsiders. Both sides of my family have lived in Vermont for generations. I am heart and soul a Vermonter, so I'll thank you to stop saying that you are speaking for "true Vermonters." Principles? You invoke the memory of the brave people who have fought on the battlefield for this great country, saying that they didn't give their lives so that the "homosexual agenda" could tear down the principles they died defending. My 83-year-old father fought in some of the most horrific battles of World War II, was wounded and awarded the Purple Heart. He shakes his head in sadness at the life his grandson has had to live. He says he fought alongside homosexuals in those battles, they did their part and bothered no one. One of his best friends in the service was gay, and he never knew it until the end, and when he did find out, it mattered not at all. That wasn't the measure of the man. You religious folk just can't bear the thought that as my son emerges from the hell that was his childhood he might like to find a lifelong companion and have a measure of happiness. It offends your sensibilities that he should request the right to visit that companion in the hospital, to make medical decisions for him or to benefit from tax laws governing inheritance. How dare he? you say. These outrageous requests would threaten the very existence of your family, would undermine the sanctity of marriage. You use religion to abdicate your responsibility to be thinking human beings. There are vast numbers of religious people who find your attitudes repugnant. God is not for the privileged majority, and God knows my son has committed no sin. The deep-thinking author of a letter to the April 12 Valley News who lectures about homosexual sin and tells us about "those of us who have been blessed with the benefits of a religious upbringing" asks: "What ever happened to the idea of be better human beings than we are?" Indeed sir, what ever happened to that? Postscript from Patricia Keeney... Vermont became the first state to approve civil unions for gays and lesbians. May it be the first of many to offer the same privileges and freedoms the rest of us enjoy. Bomber parents of gay children, if you want more information and want to learn how to support our wonderful children, contact your local Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). If you don't know how to find a local chapter, email me and I will help you. - Patricia Keeney (63) ~~~ Subj: Give Our Schools A Break From: Mike Franco (1970) Kent, Washington I must respond to comments regarding homosexuality and our tolerance or lack of it in our lives, schools, etc. In particular a submittal stated..."schools and media promoting homosexuality as no different than race or blond hair. We should channel our God given sexuality in a positive and healthy direction....this is where the schools come into play..." PLEEEEEEEEEZ give our schools a break! Let's not burden our teachers with any more of the policing, feeding, child raising, morals promoting that we currently bury them under. Many of my closest pals are teachers and the last thing they desire is to get into the morals business. I must ask another question though. I am very active in my daughter's jr high school, spend a lot of time there and also read two daily newspapers (big city "lib" papers) and have not encountered any "promoting " of homosexuality. In papers we certainly see different attitudes and morals, but I cannot say I have ever seen any promotion and NEVER any in the schools. I spend days each month on several committees and other activities and have no idea what this "promotion" is all about. I find it alarming that to make a point an individual will simply make a statement ("schools do this, or that") and then goes on to condemn the entire education system. I will defend our public schools here in Kent as doing a great job and dealing well with the issues of the day. I too remember our Richland childhood days fondly. But if you equate those times with the challenges of teaching and parenting today you don't understand the changing times. The good old days are just that...old and in the past. On this very emotional and moral issue there is more than one road to follow in leading and educating our children. Decisions are not easy and there is no one right way to deal with issues and people.....but do NOT blame institutions (schools, newspapers, TV) outside the family. The only reason these institutions may have more influence than parents is because some of us did not or do not meet issues head on. It's OK for us to disagree on the issue of homosexuality awareness. It's a tough one. It is also well worth our time and consideration. Just remember, it involves a lot of people and how they are treated. That, (treatment of others), is ALWAYS worth the effort. Mike Franco (1970) ~~~ Subj: We Can Learn From What We Read From: Anna Durbin '69 I just want to thank Bob Rector ('62) for his concise wisdom and Bob (Mike Clowes) Carlson '54 for his info and wisdom on ballot issues [Issue 98] (my two concise takes: ignorance is not bliss, really, and fear of the different or unknown causes hatred). I loved the no mandates without funding idea. If we are talking about banning the apparently evil Harry Potter, does that mean we want to ban Grimm's Fairy tales, especially because they really dump on stepmothers, and anything Walt Disney as well since he anthropomorhises animals, not to mention the Sorcerer's Apprentice? I think the Amish go really far trying to protect their children from the current culture, and there was a big arrest among some young Amish adults not too long ago for drug dealing. I go for learning from other cultures and believing that searching for truth shall make us free, myself. I still think we learn something from what we read. And if Christians are good role models and really do practice loving their fellow humans, their children will not turn to Satanism, which is very different from Wicca, but will follow the good of the religion as Jesus taught it. For example, he did not let people stone the adulteress, but suggested that he who is without sin should cast the first stone. I think that message, instead of the message that allows people to think it is okay to beat homosexuals to death because they are an evil abomination according to the Bible, is Christianity as I learned it. I don't think God made people who are evil abominations and I think the song from South Pacific is very true. Remember the one about how "Children must be carefully taught..." And I can't thank Andrew Eckert (54) enough for doing research for me to send to the members of my family who repeat the propaganda they read. Amazing how intelligent people from the same family can have such diametrically opposed ideas to mine. But we enjoy mixing it up by email much as the Sandboxers do. I must confess that an older brother did recently call me a communist, however. And I thought they were all dead. And Editor, do you think it would be possible to refer people back to earlier editions if they miss some beginning of discussion so we don't have to start it all over again? Or are we not set up with some indexing ability? And no, I am not suggesting to stick you with the task. You already do enough work already. Any retired net wizards (oops, did not mean to espouse Satanism) (Yes, it has taken over our language) who could help you? And Happy Halloween. I really enjoy Trick or Treaters, myself. And please, I am trying to be lighthearted, not to insult anyone. - Anna Durbin '69 Note: Generally, extensive quotations are avoided in The SANDBOX in order to leave more room for the original thoughts and comments of Bomber Alumni. Exceptions have been made in this issue for purposes of parity.-ap ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That concludes this issue of THE SANDBOX folks. Please include your class year and maiden name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. You may also include your current locale if you wish. It's easy to join us in the ongoing conversations here. Just send your comments to:! We are the Alumni of Richland High School, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 2000. Visit the THE SANDBOX website. Al Parker (53) Shippenville, PA Your SANDBOX Host ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 100 - *************************************** *************************************** ******************************************** THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #101 ~ October 31, 2000 "Forbear to judge, for we are sinners all." - Shakespeare Contents: Censorship & Barb Jenny (Smart) Page RHS '87 DIVERSITY vs. DEVIANCY John Allen (Class of '66) If It Could Be, It Would Be Mary Ray Henslee (61) Checking Things Out Jerry Lewis (73) ---------------------------------------- Subj: Censorship & Barbie From: Jenny (Smart) Page RHS '87 Once again, let me state this as clearly as possible: I have never, in past, present or any future comments regarding Harry Potter, advocated censoring these books. We're all adults (I think) here, so I hope its not necessary for me to quote some dictionary as to the definition of "censor." Read this out loud, if that's what it takes for this to sink in: Read this book if you want to! I'm not saying you can not or should not! Let me state this again, as clearly as possible: It's not appropriate for MY FAMILY. I prefer to make other choices for OUR reading material. Period. Chuck, I am as against censoring materials as apparently you are. Maybe even more so. As a side note, Chuck, I was really starting to hope that you would take a more active role in raising my kids. You see, we made our first trip to the orthodontist last week, and well, we could use a secondary insurance to help cover is open enrollment season for most plans isn't it? :) (See, I'm trying to lighten the mood here, folks...) For Linda McKnight, regarding why my daughter doesn't have a Barbie: This again comes down to the "appropriate role model" thing. It has nothing to do with Barbie looking anorexic, or even her being materialistic and having to own a gazillion outfits. What turned me off to Barbie was when they started selling the doll in sexy lingerie a few years ago -- we're talking see-through teddy, with the feather trimmed robe and high heeled slippers, etc. Barbie looked like something out of a Frederick's of Hollywood catalog. Sexy lingerie is fine for adults. But its not something I want my (then) preschool aged daughter playing with. There are alternative dress-up dolls, and they don't come with thong underwear. Simple as that. It's not appropriate for our family. We chose something different. Maybe I ought to submit my Christmas shopping list for approval....oh, sorry, I probably can't say "Christmas" without being ridiculed..."Winter Gift Exchange Opportunity Day" shopping list, how's that? Jenny (Smart) Page RHS '87 ~~~ Subj: DIVERSITY vs. DEVIANCY From: John Allen (Class of '66) For many years now, the words "deviancy" and "deviant" have taken on a universally negative connotation rather than the true definition which describes something "different from the norm." If one applies the word "deviant" or "deviancy" to describe homosexuals or homosexuality, there is not a thing in the world wrong or inaccurate about that use. Undeniably, homosexual behavior deviates from the obvious and NORMAL biological purpose of sexuality in all species, and therefore, from a strictly functional standpoint, qualifies as "deviant." Further, since only about 3-5% of the population is homosexual, from the standpoint of its prevalence within the human species in particular, homosexuality also qualifies as "deviant." As a rule, however, most people do not want to be described as decidedly different than the norm and I suspect the homosexual community itself has decided that "deviant" is a negative use of the language in regard to their behavior, whereas "gay" is seen as a positive, if exceptionally "oblique" and heavily veiled, use of the language. By way of kowtowing to the whimsy of various minority groups who strive to redefine themselves in what they perceive to be more favorable language, the language becomes bastardized a little bit more every year. For instance, it used to be perfectly acceptable, even amongst the black population of this country, to be described as "Negro" or "Colored" (probably the most accurate way to describe any race other than Caucasian). Around 1968 (when Martin Luther King was assassinated), those terms became very UNacceptable and the term "black" became the almost dictated terminology. In recent years, if one wants to be truly politically correct, the term African American must be used. All this reminds me a great deal of teenage girls who decide to change their names from, let's say, Sharon, to "Shari" with an "i" (and preferably a heart over the "i") as if what they are called and how it is spelled will somehow by itself make them more popular. My personal favorite bastardization within the last 12 months is the growing use of the word "issue," to the near extinction of the word "problem." Who started THAT very trendy trend? Some lawyer, no doubt!! But I digress; this article was prompted by a recent comment from another SANDBOX contributor. The comment was that her life had been enriched by every gay and lesbian friend she has had. When I read things like this, I have to wonder if it is the friend as a whole who has done the enriching, or only the gay or lesbian nature of the friend which has done the enriching. If it is the latter, I would like to see an explanation of SPECIFICALLY how the gay or lesbian nature of a person, taken apart from their whole personality, is so enriching. If, on the other hand, it is the friend in his or her entirety who does the enriching, then why pigeonhole that friend by describing him or her solely by sexual preference. Why not describe the friend as "the florist," "the astro physicist" or maybe just "the gal with the red Chevy?" Perhaps, as I suspect, the original "enrichment" comment was simply a knee jerk, politically correct thing to say so as to be SEEN AS politically correct in a society which, increasingly, values image much more than substance. My personal attitude toward homosexuality was best described by Dennis Miller about three years ago during one of his HBO Special "rants" when he said, "I don't want you to think I'm homophobic or anything, but the thought of having sex with a MAN is so repugnant to me, I sometimes marvel that you WOMEN can do it." Look, I don't go out of my way to make life miserable or even difficult for homosexuals, but as a practicing hetero man, I don't understand homosexuality any better than I understand women, and I don't think it unreasonable or uncaring to say that I never will. Further, I don't see the need to "enrich" my life by wasting time trying to do something that is effectively impossible. ---John Allen (Class of '66) ~~~ Subj: If It Could Be, It Would Be From: Mary Ray Henslee (61) A man writes a book and says he wants to do away with the internal combustion engine and this is what we should base our vote on? Don't we all want a perfect world? If it could be, it would be. In the meantime we had better vote for someone who wants to keep what we do have running and someone who is concerned about our national security. While Gore is daydreaming about 25 years down the road, he is not dealing with the here and now. We are continuing to depend on foreign sources that could cut us off in the blink of an eye. If Gore really wanted to help preserve our environment for future generations, he would be promoting zero population growth, but that wouldn't be politically correct. Pollution begins in the home, in our bedrooms. Overpopulation is the real culprit. We have only in recent years had ozone days in San Antonio due to the population boom, not due to industry because we have none here. When I lived in Houston during the early sixties, pollution was not an issue because the population was under control. The oil refineries were there just as they are today and the swamps were giving off polluting gases just as they are today. And, hey, the tanks that we drove were not environmentally friendly by any stretch of the imagination. Our skies are overcrowded with Airlines because more people are flying than ever before, but you don't hear environmentalists saying down with planes. They are probably contributing more to the depletion of the ozone layer than anything that is going on down on the ground. More people, more industries needed to make the goods that more people require. Gore is not going to put an alternative automobile on the road any quicker than it is feasible or he would have already done so. Since we rely on mostly foreign oil, I don't think that we are being motivated to keep gasoline engines for our own economy. We just have not come up with any viable replacement. Cars are running cleaner than they ever have before, but more people, more cars. It wasn't too long ago that we were told aerosol cans were the biggest culprit to the ozone layer. I don't think scientists have all the answers right now and I sure don't think Al Gore does. Al Gore does not have the corner on wanting to live in a clean environment, we all do. He just has a corner on impressing extremists who want to have their cause validated by someone with their same extremist views. All of our politicians breathe the same air as we do and so do their children. I don't think that any one of them will stand in the way of progress toward a cleaner environment within reason. This administration has not functioned with reason and has now created an oil shortage and higher prices. Cutting consumption is only a temporary fix to our shortage because as the population grows, so grows the need for more cutbacks. This is something San Antonians know only too well as we watch our lawns die because of a water shortage due to our overpopulation and lack of planning. If this country does not develop its own source of energy immediately, we are going to be in serious trouble economically and strategically. Are you going to think Gore is a rational thinking man when you can't drive your car because you have used up your rations? Are you going to think Gore is a rational thinking man when the economy crashes and you no longer have a job? Are you going to think Gore is a rational thinking man when the trucks can't roll to get food to the grocery stores? Are you going to think Gore is a rational thinking man when our fighter planes can't protect us because they have no fuel? Are you going to think Gore is a rational thinking man when we are no longer a world power because we have not had the foresight to develop our own energy sources? What difference does it make if the gasoline we use to fuel our cars and planes is refined on our own soil or on another country's soil? The outcome is the same....the pollutants are all going into the same atmosphere, depleting the same ozone layer. Hello? One pound of learning requires ten pounds of common sense to apply it (Persian Proverb). I think the most important qualities to look for in any elected official are integrity and common sense. Mary Ray Henslee (61) ~~~ Subj: Checking Things Out Re: The SANDBOX Issue 98 From: Jerry Lewis (73) The Harry Potter dialog continues... I am very skeptical of the report quoted by Janie O'Neal Janssen. Although the wording is different, the tale is similar to a satiric piece from, which as far as I can tell doesn't print anything that is not made up. I did go to the Philadelphia Trumpet web site, but wasn't able to view the article to see if there were any references or descriptions of how this information was gathered. Judging from the available material, I don't think The Trumpet is exactly an unbiased news source. Before 'trumpeting' such a story around, I'd like to see some back up to the allegations. The advent of easy distribution via the web and e-mail of opinion and fiction masquerading as fact has made me more cautious about blindly accepting any uncorroborated material in general. If you're interested in the Urban Legends site's take on the situation, check out It mainly is pointing out that any rumor that quotes the story from is not correct, and doesn't have any other references. So in the spirit of skepticism, I'd like to see some more research. In the way of an inquiry, I did a search for the Pagan Federation (PF), mentioned in Janie's post. The site did come up, and indeed, they did just hire a 'youth officer' to "deal with inquiries from under 18 year olds that are not allowed to join..." In the extended article it mentions thousands of letters from a teenage magazine article that mentioned the PF. No word of Harry Potter. I looked at the other headlines and links and no mention of anything remotely sounding like it would have anything to do with Harry Potter. Not conclusive, but something to keep in mind during the investigation. I also searched the New York Times (only two weeks) and the Seattle Times, but didn't come up with anything relevant to this discussion. (scanning the first page or so of titles). All for now ... Jerry Lewis (73) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That concludes this issue of THE SANDBOX folks. Please include your class year and maiden name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. You may also include your current locale if you wish. It's easy to join us in the ongoing conversations here. Just send your comments to:! We are the Alumni of Richland High School, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 2000. Visit the THE SANDBOX website. Al Parker (53) Shippenville, PA Your SANDBOX Host ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 101 - ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø End of OCT, 2000 ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø SEP, 2000 ~ NOV and DEC, 2000