**************************************************************** Additional Text on Global Warming - 4/27/08 **************************************************************** SANDBOX stuff is NOT edited. This is copy/paste only. -Maren **************************************************************** **************************************************************** 2 Bombers sent stuff on Global Warming Marilyn De Vine ('52) Ray Wells ('54) **************************************************************** **************************************************************** >>From: Marilyn De Vine ('52) I just found this site [http://THE.SANDBOX.tripod.com], thanks to Maren's note in the Alumni Sandstorm. Many thanks to those who have contributed thoughtful items about Global Warming. Based on scientific articles I've read, I have long thought it was more a sun-related, cyclical thing than a "we did it". I have neither read the book nor seen the movie presented by Al Gore. Most likely the local Library has a copy I can borrow. I, like most people, am for greening and reduction of pollutants, when we can…but out of respect for the Earth and quality of life for ALL its inhabitants…not because I think it will change Nature. There is a pressing need to recycle and I can't believe my own kids "don't bother". On the other hand, I saw, recently, that a land-fill is being used to power a whole industrial complex. (Don't remember the details, but it was very interesting. I think it was S.C. Johnson & Co.) Did any of you see it? We know there are energy sources out there that we haven't begun to tap. Unfortunately, the "politicos" try to keep us in the dark, so to speak. -Marilyn De Vine ('52) **************************************************************** **************************************************************** >>From: Ray Wells ('54) Re: Global Warming for the Sandbox (climate change conference) If you wanted a real climatology expert -- well here he is!!! Excerpt from the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change on March 4 in New York: "Dr. William Gray of Colorado State University has also been in the climatology field for more than 50 years. Much of this was of an observational research, field research, a point Gray emphasized. He emphasizes that too much of climate research work today is dominated by the use of huge computer models with little apparent use of actual field data. Energy policy should never be determined by such questionable means. Dr. Gray informed us that he and many colleagues familiar with climate field data have never been contacted by computer modelers." Also from the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change on March 4 in New York: John Stossel's luncheon talk was entertaining. He said that the media's non-support of the realists was not so much because there were "evil", but because they were dumb. He also noted the media's large and common hatred for free market capitalism, defying all logic. Socialism failed around the world during the 20th century, killed tens of millions and creating deprivation, destitution, and enslavement for hundreds of millions more. This forces one to ask whether the media has any analytical skills with which to produce the news. Seven figure salaries among the news anchors apparently haven't purchased much wisdom. More on this conference that really tumbles the global warming house of cards. Please paste this into your browser to get more on the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change: http://www.businessandmedia.org/printer/2008/20080304113132.aspx An excerpt from this web site: Gray criticized NASA scientist and global warming alarmist James Hansen, calling him “the most egregious abuser of data. -Ray Wells ('54) ****************************************************************