The SANDBOX - Petty Gripes and Cat Fights - Issue Number One 10/12/98 Where The Never-Ending Richland Bomber Spirit Expresses Itself! The SANDBOX TABLE OF INGREDIENTS: PART 1: The SANDBOX Beckons YOU! (Welcome to THE SANDBOX - The Why, the What and the Who For.) PART 2: Eager Anticipation Expressed (Or Not). (Bombers' Comments prior to the Inaugural Appearance SANDBOX #1) PART 3: SHORT DIALOGUES AND FEATURED SANDBOX ORATORS PART 4: SO WHAT DO YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PART 1: the SANDBOX Beckons YOU (Welcome to THE SANDBOX - The Why, the What and the Who For.) To introduce you to This, The Very First Edition of the SANDBOX, let's hear how The SANDBOX Idea originated and why it was proposed. Our first speaker today is Bomber Bob Mattson (64), (Applause.) Go ahead Bob. "Mr. Sandbox, I want to express my gratitude to you who carry the standard for the freespeech and sucker punches alumni who are waiting in the wings. My thoughts in offering this format was to ease any hardship or harassment of our friends, Maren and Gary, for keeping the Sandstorm as a walk down memory lane, or was that George Washington way? Maren found that some of my rambling IM's had some insights to the focus problem of a censorship of input from 800+ readers of the sandstorm. So, the Sandbox." "Were we blind sided by science? Can we find honor and peace in the wearing of civilian clothes and our parents did? What about that study giving clams Prozac to insure their happiness? The trap has been set, sit back and wait." "Al, I have been a shop steward for the teamsters for 16 years and I know how it feels to be put in the middle of things, and not have the resources to accommodate everyone's wants and desires, so everyone's off the hook but you, friend. So, with that out of the way, why did they think it necessary to drop the second A bomb so soon after the first one? Is that where the ol' one-two punch originated?" ---Bob ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PART 2: Eager Anticipation Expressed (Or Not). Bomber comments prior to the Inaugural Appearance of SANDBOX #1 From: Don Ehinger, Class of 54 & 55 (Donald M Ehinger) Al, I think your Sandbox idea is a great one and look forward to some healthy and lively discussion of some of the controversial current events. I kind of prefer the Bill Maher/Politically Incorrect approach. It helps keep things in perspective and not too personal. I appreciate that this is going to require some time on your part, and would like to thankyou for taking the initiative and sharing your time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Norma (Loescher) Boswell You have surely whetted the interest of certain Bombers! I will await the first SANDBOX eagerly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: John Northover ('59) Al, Thanks for taking on a rather large task. I would like to be on the list just to watch the sand and fur fly ... maybe we will have a 'CATFIGHT'!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Patty de la Bretonne, (‘65), wrote: I take issue with the idea that the sandbox is "petty gripes and catfights." I do not feel that concerns for health and welfare, emotional and physical are petty. Some people responded in what might be perceived as petty ways, but any of my personal concerns raised regarding such issues as censorship were raised in a very serious and concerned manner. Do not assume people bring up what could be termed "political issues" just for the sake of a good argument, or catfight'! I am concerned with justice, and equal rights and free speech under the law. These are not issues I raise or respond to lightly, as I really usually do everything I can to avoid conflict--I don't do it well. But in some cases I feel I must speak up. Thank you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Richard Anderson, wrote: I NEED on this list! Have any issues gone out yet? If so resend to me if possible. Golly! This seems a bit imperious; how about "pretty, PRETTY!, please"? Ciao! Rick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John Bradley (65), wrote: DO NOT NEED TO HEAR ABOUT POLITICAL PROBLEMS HERE, HAVE ENOUGH OF THEM IN THE DAILY LIFE IN THE DC AREA. THANKS FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Councilmember Barbara Williamson) says: Yaaaaah for the "SandBox"......!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PART 3: SHORT DIALOGUES AND FEATURED SANDBOX ORATORS On 10/8/98 11:06:17 AM PST, Gary Twedt, writes: "Not interested in any more downers in this lifetime, The Sandbox is a great idea. Hope all the flaming liberals and intellectuals enjoy each other." On 10/8/98 11:06:17 AM PST, Al Parker, Responds to Gary: Thanks for your valuable contribution to The SANDBOX, Gary. I am not interested in any more "downers" in my lifetime, either. As the designated "Sandman," I hope not only to give all the "flaming liberals and intellectuals" and Gary Twedt a convenient place to "vent," and share concerns. I am dedicated also to keeping the whole process from becoming a "downer" by throwing a little sand of my own from time to time in order to keep this vehicle as entertaining as possible and funnier than anything you will ever see on CNN. The Sandman Sez: If we can't learn to laugh at ourselves, who will ever want to cry with us? On 10/9/98 7:50:38 AM PST Gary Replies: Right-on Al, I like your perspective ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ speech...speech...speeech...speech...speech...speech... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FEATURED SANDBOX SPEAKERS OF THE DAY: Speaker #1 JOHN NORTHOVER Excerpted from John's letter to: Bob DeGraw (66) Bob, Great comments ... in particular the reference to the symbols of death and destruction' that have been made by yourself and others in this dynamic virtual real chain letter. The words: 'symbols of death and destruction' struck a cord [f=sharp??] .. what ever, those words started me thinking ... symbol, an image that represents some real [or imaginary] thing or a convenient concept that is recognized as the real thing. It is much easier to carry around a symbol. Symbols are easier to understand. They are tied to images in our mind. I think those symbols really represent POWER!! We humans understand power. In order to survive in this world we need POWER. We need the ability to be free from other influence(s) that would deter us from seeking our own view and choice of life in this world. We want to do what we want to do ... We want freedom. We want peace. We have the strength to impose DEATH and DESTRUCTION on anyone, anywhere in the world. As do others on us. It is a choice. We chose freedom, which we have and we are still working on peace. Others chose to enslave. Our world is filled with opposites. Life - Death, Peace - War, Freedom - Enslavement, ... in our present world unfortunately we need both. Someday we will not. Having the power to chose to use the ultimate act: DEATH and DESTRUCTION ... or use the threat of DEATH and DESTRUCTION and have the ability to deliver that concept to someone or some other entity, they will listen. They will be hesitant in trying to bend us to their ways. We have canned 'DEATH and DESTRUCTION'. That is power in a can and that symbol is a bomb or a mushroom cloud [I wonder if mushrooms like our choice of symbols]. We had used it as a vehicle to end a world war. I am not going to get into whether it was 'right' or 'wrong' ... that choice has been made by most of us, as evidenced in the responses in the Sandstorm. There has not been another world war since. There have been 'police actions' one which is still on going [Korea] and the other a great second place finish in the Far East War Games [Viet Nam] name a few. We are moving toward a more peaceful world. We use those symbols for the rest of the world to note. Those symbols are so much more than 'death and destruction'. They are symbols of a strong nation. They let the world know that we mean business. They let the world know that we have the resolve to go our way. Without them we would be speaking... what language??? Look on the other side of the that a symbol of 'POWER' or 'DEATH AND DESTRUCTION' that you see? No, when we look on the other side of the coin we see PEACE and FREEDOM!!!!! It all depends upon whether you see your martini glass, half full or half empty. It depends upon whether or not there is one olive or two. Just remember that the cost of freedom is death in a can. Yours in perpetual amazement, John (59) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FEATURED SPEAKER #2 Irene de la Bretonne Hays ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notice the comment by Billie Finch Gregg speaking of girls' basketball: "Dumb that we couldn't cross the center line. What do you think?" This is a parallel kind of question to the one I asked about the bomb/mushroom cloud, but it is even LESS related to Bomber memories than the bomb/mushroom cloud logo or Japanese internment/racism. The sexist rules for basketball existed everywhere; they were not unique to Richland. The logo/mascot for RHS was/is unique to Richland. The memories of fear and loathing of Japanese that resulted in the internment and racist revision of history were/are embedded in the unique Richland experience. (I do think we have completed our discussion -- for now -- of those two topics and we did quite well; the sky did not fall. And of course, I am not objecting to Millie's question; it is a perfectly reasonable question -- rife with politics and wild disagreement.) So Maren, you have chosen to be a censor and your ability to do it well is based on your personal political filters or depth of sensitivity to political issues--or lack of it. I suppose you could include/exclude comments based on your own intuition of the intent of the comment, but that is also a pretty shaky position. Memories and history itself tell us that won't work--unless you are a true psychic. And, yes, what I have just said could be called a "political" comment--and a particularly American one at that! -Irene de la Bretonne Hays ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PART 4: SO WHAT DO YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT? Did any of the comments in this issue of The SANDBOX strike a cord, or discord with you? Do you want to talk back? Do you have something to add? What we talk about here, Fellow Bombers, is entirely up to you. In the SANDBOX, you may argue passionately, satirically, or hysterically on almost any subject without interruption unless you go way beyond 200 words, say something a little too prurient, or rudely curse. You can admonish, cajole, or joke. You can try to poke holes in someone else's views, if you wish. Whether hilarious or serious, IF WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY IS WORTH SAYING ANYWHERE, I T'S WELL WORTH SAYING HERE! Is something really bugging you today? Did something funny happen at work you'd like to share? Tell us about it. Does it trouble you that the kids in your neighborhood might come knocking on your door October 31 wearing little blue dresses, dark wigs,berets, and bearing cigars? Tell us why that bothers you. Tell us in 200 words or less if you can, or with up to 400 words if you must. And oh, yes, what do you think about giving Prozac to clams? Did we really need to drop that second atomic bomb on Japan? The SANDBOX is HERE for YOU, so tell us what YOU think! is YOUR ADDRESS for SPEAKING OUT! How often The SANDBOX comes to a screen near YOU Depends ENTIRELY ON How OFTEN I hear from YOU. So Step Right Up, Partner. YOU are in the SANDBOX next! -Al Parker (53) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ speak out... speak out... speak out... speak out... spout off!... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -01-