THE SANDBOX ~ Issue #46 ~ September 5, 1999
     Dedicated to a Diversity of Opinion, Ideas
                And What's Happening Today

                Club 40 Event Reminder and
                Update Included (Sep 10 -11)
                       Shilo Inn, Richland

                       The SANDBOX is
                  Published as Frequently
             as YOUR Participation Permits.


Herodotus wrote "Very few things happen at the right
        time and the rest do not happen at all."

              -Sent in by Jim Russell (58)-


Here's what we're  talking about today:

1:  WARNING: Is Your Toilet Paper Y2K compliant?
     Received from: Maren Smyth (64)
     With additional repartee

2:  The Bomber Logo as a Symbol Of Peace?
     Were We Playing God?
     (An Online Conversation between
                  Norma Loescher Boswell (53)
                                   Al Parker (53)

3:   What About Tax Cuts?            Marc Franco (66)

4.   Devastated Area...?
                 Cecily Riccobuono-McClanahan (77)

5:   Conservative Jokes              John Allen (66)

6:   Thou Art...            Norma Loescher Boswell (53)
      Express Your Anger Shakespeare Style

7:   Senior Trees and Senior Citizens    Ken Staley

8:  Twas the Night Before Y2K    Ruth Rawlins Hill (56)

9:  Hey!  What's this about Hanford Becoming
       Portland's Garbage Site?
                  Em Dow (a.k.a. Marilyn DeVine)    (52)


11.  CLUB 40 EVENT UPDATE (Sep 10 - 11)


WARNING: Is Your Toilet Paper Y2K Compliant?
From: (vegas68)
(You all know who she is!)

Please take time out of your busy lives to check your
toilet paper stockpile. Make sure it's Y2K compliant!!!
Word has it, if it isn't, come Jan 1, 2000, it will roll
back to 1900, then turn into a Sears Catalog!!!!!


[O.K., Maren- Thanks for the tip.  But the question
 everyone still is asking is this...  To be Y2K compliant,
 must the paper role over the front, or over the back?

Also, I have just learned that in order to be Y2K
 compliant, all toilet seats must be left in the upright
 position throughout the next millennium or terrible
 things will happen somewhere down the line.


                                - AP -


Dateline: 08/07/99

 Museum Store Pulls A-Bomb Earrings
 The Associated Press

Souvenir earrings with tiny silver replicas of the
atomic  bombs dropped on Japan will no longer
be sold at the National Atomic Museum.

Friday's decision to pull the earrings comes on
 the 54th  anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima.
The earrings _ shaped like ``Little Boy,'' which was
 dropped on  Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945, and ``Fat
 Man,'' which was dropped on Nagasaki on Aug. 9,
 1945 _ had drawn protests from Gensuikyo, an
 anti-nuclear group in Japan.

 ``The foundation (that operates the museum) just
 decided since it's a sensitive day and there's so much
 concern, it just wasn't  worth the bad feelings,''
 museum director Jim Walther said Friday.  Museum
 store manager Tony Sparks said the earrings were the
 most  popular jewelry item sold in the store. He said
 the earrings were sold out Friday morning. Walther
 said there are no plans to restock the earrings,
 although customer orders received before Friday's
 decision will still be filled.

Gensuikyo spokeswoman Naomi Kishimoto said
 Thursday: ``It's not the sort of thing you should be
 hanging from your ears or using to decorate your
 desk.'' She called the museum's earring sales

The Japanese group had learned of the earrings on the
 museum's Web site, which also was revised to remove
 mention of the earrings.

Other items in the museum store include desk
 ornaments  commemorating the bombing runs and
 diagrams of the bombs.   Walther said the museum
 doesn't advocate war or the use of  nuclear weapons
 and that the items are simply souvenirs of museum

[Moderator's Note: I sent the following comments out
to several other Bombers to see if a conversation might
develop about the National Atomic Museum decision.]

To:       Several Bomber Alumni
From:   Al Parker (53)

Hi, Fellow Bombers-

The above article, regarding what amounts to
 banning the sale of ear rings depicting the bomb that
 ended World War 2, left the following thoughts
 "dangling" in my mind.

Perhaps a new item should be added to the alphabet
 houses ornament list! Now who could possibly object
 to hanging a peace symbol like that on a Christmas
 tree?   Yes, there is some tongue in cheek here but...
 I can understand how that symbol must be offensive to
 our Japanese friends today.   It is ironic,
 however, that many of these same descendants of
 Japanese citizens who lived during World War II,
 would themselves not even have been born had we not
 dropped that bomb, rather than going in with a massive
 "fight to the last man" land invasion.

We did what nations do when they need to  win a war
 and reestablish peace.  We used the most powerful
 weapon  at our disposal to end that war in the quickest
 way we possibly could.
So, to me, "That Bomb" and the city that built it have
 always seemed to me as symbolic of ending a war, not
 starting  or prolonging one.  "That Bomb," then, seems
 kind of  like a symbol of peace to me; the peace that
 followed  the war that was ended by that bomb.  The
 true shame that remains, though,  is the fact that the
 nature of  man has not  yet changed in such a way as to
 bring all  wars to an  end, or to keep more wars from
 happening.  Wars will only end, some will say, when
 we each trust God entirely to keep our enemies at bay.
 In looking around the world, it doesn't seem like we,
 as a people, as a nation, as a world, have yet reached
 that level of trust in God, regardless of how any of us
 might want to define (or redefine) that God.


Now back to the alphabet theme:

It would also be cool to have ear rings, tie clips and
lapel pins depicting the alphabet houses we lived in,
"in those days."  (In addition to the series of ornaments
already in the works.)  It would be great fun to wear
these at Club 40 and other Class Reunion events.
Maybe some benefactor would like to fund a massive
"minting" of such a project.   Then the jewelry could be
 sold to benefit worthy Bomber causes through reunions,
 local Bomber events, on the Internet, at Homecoming
 Events, special Richland summer events, local fairs,
 The Senior Center Gift Shop and at the Science Center.
 Possibly a concise written history with each house
 depicted would interest tourists as well.

And the *beat goes on....
(*The Richland Bomber pulse, that is.)

                        - Al Parker (53) -

Norma Loescher Boswell (53) responds:

From: Norma Loescher Boswell (53)

Subj:   Our Mascot The Bomb

At the impressionable age of eight I moved to Richland
 with my family. We had air raid drills when a siren
 wailed of impending doom, and children sheltered
 beneath school desks. Booming squadrons of bombers
 split the sky.   Saturday newsreels at the Village
 Theater showed bombs smashing London,  British
 children crouched in air raid shelters. When planes
 thundered over Richland, I thought of the children. I
 shivered, and my scalp prickled.

I knew the difference between allies and enemies. I
 knew those raucous bombers in Richland skies were on
 OUR side. But there was always a gut feeling that
 what happened to kids and buildings overseas could
 happen to me and my home, and I couldn't stop it. I
 was intimidated by the sound of planes overhead. In
 nightmares I huddled with the children who heard the
 bitter rain of bombs.

When I got to Col-Hi, the war was over and we had
 won. The bomb was praised proudly in our community
 as the instrument of victory. At pep assemblies and
 games our mascot was The Bomb, placed with
 ceremony on court or field by the cheerleaders. The
 Bomb was more powerful than any other symbol in our
 league. Before I graduated, I wore a green bomb over
 my heart on a gold Pep Club sweater. I was a
 confirmed Bomber. The squeamishness of my
 childhood  was all but gone.

Then I read HIROSHIMA. Thus began the waking
 nightmares where my heart raced and my head
 exploded with savage images. The bomb that had
 ended the war felt briefly, nightmarishly like it was
 ending me. It developed a dual personality, both sweet
 and sinister, like the cross of Christ--only this time WE
 played God.

The bomb comes heavily freighted with memories.
 Would I buy it as earrings or jewelry? Yes. When
 would I wear it? When I want to set my feelings free.
 When I'm ready to laugh and cheer. When I'm ready to

             ~ Norma Boswell Loescher (53) ~

P.S. I'd wear the alphabet houses anytime! Pray we find
 a benefactor!


Subj:    Tax Cuts
            Marc Franco (66)

Although I definitely have liberal tendencies, I do try to
 be  centrist and moderate where the political parties
 are concerned, because I am extremely aware of the
 flaws that can be found in both parties, as well as
 virtues that can be found in both parties, and therefore,
 it makes little sense- to me- to really advocate one
 party over the other. However, sometimes I feel
 despair over the activities of one party over the other. I
 recently have felt this despair because of the
 tremendous support that the Republican party gives to
 the NRA, in exchange for the NRA's donations of
 course, thwarting the desires of 70 % of the
 population. However, this time I feel actual anger
 because of what's going on now in (the other)
 Washington. The Republicans are attempting to push
 through a massive tax cut bill which would almost
 completely wipe out the budget surplus for the
 foreseeable future. The excuse given is that, if there is a
 budget surplus, then taxes must be too high. Of course,
 Republican attempts to initiate tax cuts began well
 before the budget surpluses appeared.   Perhaps some
 of the strong conservative Republicans on this board
 can explain this to me.

    1. The economy is already so strong that the Fed is
 threatening increased interest rates. Tax cuts in a
 strong economy can do nothing but put money into
 people's pockets, when the money is already there.
 (We already have a strong economy, remember. If we
 had a recession, that would be different.) Increased
 money supply, plus an already overheating economy,
 has ALWAYS spelled inflation- always, always,
 always. Any sign of renewed inflation will surely be
 met with higher interest rates. Higher interest
 rates can often lead to recession. How are we
 supposed to avoid this under the Republican plan?

    2. Both sides, Republicans and Democrats, have
 always fudged on their figures when it suited their
 purposes. In this case, Republicans simply assume the
 good times will roll for the next ten or fifteen years, so
 let's cut taxes now. If the good times do not roll for ten
 or fifteen more years, then- gee whiz, since the massive
 tax cuts are already in place, then I guess we're
 screwed. I think most of us are aware that, up until
 right now, any budgetary surpluses were illusionary,
 and we were even close, only because money was
 stolen from Social Security. Both sides did this, and
 both sides are guilty. If any normal corporation CEO
 ever tried that with his company, he would go to jail.
 But it seems extremely irresponsible of the
 Republicans, now that we have the first genuine
 surplus in thirty years, that they already want massive
 tax cuts, even before seeing if the cuts are justified or
 not. Of course, they have been trying this for six or
 seven years now.

    3. What the heck is wrong with paying off some of
 the debt? Many people seem to have forgotten that this
 country still owes one heck of a lot of money. Why do
 Republicans object to paying off some of that debt? Do
 they plan to begin payments when we have our next
 recession? The $800 billion give back basically wipes
 out most of the projected surplus for the next ten

4.     If this is such a good thing, why are the
 Republicans arranging it so that most of it only kicks in
 in five or six years? By that time, we will all have
 forgotten whose fault it is, when the country really
 starts needing the money. Why will we need the money
 more in five or six, or in ten years?  Because that's
 when the baby boomers start to retire. The
 Republicans want most of the effects of this tax cut to
 come only later, when they won't be blamed for the
 fact that all the money is gone, but they want the glory
 now for giving tax cuts.

    5. Has anybody noticed that there has been no
 national demand for tax relief? Most people are on
 record for wanting the debt paid down. The
 Republicans have publicly stated that this tax cut bill
 shows the differences between Republicans and
 Democrats. This is correct. This tax cut bill is an
 atrocity, and nobody wants it except the wealthy
 Republicans who will benefit from it. Obviously, we all
 can stand to save a little money in taxes. And there
 ARE some good points in this tax bill- erasing the
 marriage penalty, eliminating the inheritance taxes, and
 so on. But this tax cut bill will save the wealthy a heck
 of lot more money than it will save the middle
 class or poor, and anybody who thinks differently
 should read  some history.  Obviously, since the
 wealthy HAVE more money, they will always benefit
 more to a certain extent than will the other classes. But
 sometimes it is just a travesty, and this tax bill is one of
 those cases.

    6. This tax bill is simply riddled with loopholes for
 special interests. For example, 80 % of business
 lunches are now tax- deductible, instead of the prior
 50%. The National Restaurant Assn. had lobbied for
 that for years but only for companies earning $5
 million or less a year. The Republicans chose to apply
 it to everybody. Maybe they just shouldn't tax
 companies at all. That would REALLY help the
 business climate in America. Of course, the
 rest of us will have to pay the difference. The
 Democrats have often, and rightly so, been criticized
 for pandering to their special interests in some of their
 budgetary bills. I look forward to hearing what some
 of the arch conservatives say about THIS bill.

                           - Marc (66) -


Subj:   Devastated Area....
From: Cecily Riccobuono-McClanahan (77)

I have so much fun reading the daily entries. [referring
 in particular to Alumni Sandstorm] So many things
 that I had forgotten.  Some things that only a
 true Richlander would know: green cans on the porch,
 doors behind the sinks, prefabs, A & B frames.  Some
 things almost makes Richland seem like a "Stepford"
 kind of place.  My father, Phil Riccobuono, retired
 from Hanford several years ago, but I remember so
 well the green cans that would mysteriously show up
 on the porch.  I would ask my mother what they were
 for, and she would always respond with the same,
 "Just something for your father".  I also remember the
 badge he had to wear.

Behind it were all those weird looking squares.  Some
were different colors.  For years, I never really knew
exactly what my father's job was.  Later I learned that
he was a Radiation Monitor, and I still really couldn't
tell you what he did.  I know he got a lot of vacation
time!!  Marjo Vinther talked about when Mr. McCluskey
got injured, and was taken to that "special"
place.  He and my father were very good friends, and
my father was one of the monitors called to come
"clean up".  I remember him telling me how eerie it
was being in there.  He said that everyone was in
special gear that looked like something astronauts
would wear, and, in the middle of the room, was poor
Mr. McCluskey, lying on a special bed.  He was
conscious, but not speaking.  I remember mostly the
media blowing the whole thing way out of proportion.
Martha Brighton's dad was the acting Dr, and I
remember being at their house, and he was getting
calls from all the major networks to do interviews.
CBS wanted to fly over the devastated area.  My
family got calls from relatives back east to see if we
were ok.  I don't know if anyone recalls the article that
PEOPLE magazine did on the story.  One when it
happened, then one when Mr. McCluskey died about
10 years after.  He did die of cancer, not natural
causes, as some have thought.

On a happier subject.  It's almost Fair time, and I'm
 hoping to hear from more 77 alumni. It's my
 understanding that Michael will be doing two shows.
 Can anyone confirm this for me?  Anyway, hope to see
 ALL Bomber alumni there, and if all goes well, a class
 of 77 get-together after the show, or the next day!!!!!

        - Cecily Riccobuono McClanahan (77) -


Subj:   More Conservative Humor
From:   John M. ALLEN (66)

For those of you who haven't seen these yet,
(even you libs) you should get a chuckle out
of them.



  10.  "Read My Lips - No New Interns"

    9.  "Reward Me For Putting Up With Bill's Crap For
 So Long"

    8.  "Isn't It Time You Were Disappointed By A
 Different Clinton?"

    7.  "Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You,
         Ask How You Can Illegally Contribute To My

    6.  "Vote For Me Or My Husband Will Nail Your

    5.  "You Give Me A Vote, I'll Get Vernon Jordan To
 Give You A Job"

    4.  "Still Not Indicted As Of 1999!"

    3.  "From Perjury To Albany"

    2.  "Building A Bridge To The 21st Century, And
 Pushing My Husband Off It"

     And the NUMBER ONE Hillary Clinton Campaign
 Slogan ...

    1.  "Oh Lord, Please Don't Make Me Go Back To


Subj:   Hey, What's This About Portland Sending
            Their Garbage to Hanford?!!!
From:   Em Dow (a.k.a. Marilyn DeVine) class of '52

Hi---this is Em Dow (a.k.a. Marilyn DeVine) class of
 '52.  I didn't have time to read the WHOLE THING,
 but I  did find a few names I recognize!

    Hey---what's this about Portland sending their
 "garbage" to Hanford?!! I thought they "they" were
 trying to clean the place up...?  Oh well. "They" must
 have gotten big bucks  for taking it!

    I was going to respond to a couple to questions/
 remarks but can't remember what they were. DUH!!!
 Oh, that's right: the memory is the 2nd thing to go...

    Once in a while I get down to the Tri-Cities. Would
 say just Richland, but brother Terry lives in
 Kennewick. About the only thing I remember about
 Kennewick is going to that cool night-spot. If I
 thought about it long enough I'd probably even
 remember the name! Oh well...   Of my 5 kids and
 (almost)13 grandis,  2 of the kids and 4 (5 next
 month) grandis live in Richland and soon I'll have
 grandis attending Col. Hi. Yeah, I know they
 changed the name, but I can ignore that, can't I? My
 kids live on Cottonwood---just 6 or 7 blocks from
 where we lived in the 50's and 60's.

    Special thanks to Luana (Ivers) Portch for telling me
 about this site. And to Marilyn (Baird) for getting back
 to it when I "lost" it!

    More later. Regards, Em


Subj :   Senior Trees vs. Senior Citizens
From:   Ken Staley

I see in the news that the old locust trees in Howard
 Amon Park are 'diseased' and need to be removed.
 Many of those trees are more than 60 years old.  Pity.

I understand that the 'locust bore worm' has destroyed
 many of the old trees.  I've seen pictures of the 'rotted
 and eaten' branches from those old trees, and
 understand that the city does not want to be held liable
 should one of those stately old souls collapse during
 any sort of event.

 Of course, and purely by coincidence I'm sure, the city
 also wants the land that most of those old trees sit on
 for a new senior center!

                               - Ken -


Subj:    Thou Art
From:    Norma Loescher Boswell (53)

Despite my feelings about civility, there are times when
 one must "vent."

Why not do it Shakespeare style?

To construct a Shakespearean insult, combine one
 word from each of the three columns below, and
 preface it with "Thou":

       Column 1              Column 2                 Column 3
       --------              --------                 --------
       artless               base-court               apple-john
       bawdy                 bat-fowling              baggage
       beslubbering          beef-witted              barnacle
       bootless              beetle-headed            bladder
       churlish              boil-brained             boar-pig
       cockered              clapper-clawed           bugbear
       clouted               clay-brained             bum-bailey
       craven                common-kissing   canker-blossom
       currish               crook-pated              clack-dish
       dankish               dismal-dreaming          clotpole
       dissembling           dizzy-eyed               coxcomb
       droning               doghearted               codpiece
       errant                dread-bolted             death-token
       fawning               earth-vexing             dewberry
       fobbing               elf-skinned              flap-dragon
       froward               fat-kidneyed             flax-wench
       frothy                fen-sucked               flirt-gill
       gleeking              lap-mouthed              foot-licker
       goatish               fly-bitten               fustilarian
       gorbellied            folly-fallen             giglet
       impertinent           fool-born                gudgeon
       infectious            full-gorged              haggard
       jarring               guts-griping             harpy
       loggerheaded          half-faced               hedge-pig
       lumpish               hasty-witted             horn-beast
       mammering             hedge-born      hugger-mugger
       mangled               hell-hated               joithead
       mewling               idle-headed              lewdster
       paunchy               ill-breeding             lout
       pribbling             ill-nurtured             maggot-pie
       puking                knotty-pated             malt-worm
       puny                  milk-livered             mammet
       qualling              motley-minded            measle
       rank                  onion-eyed               minnow
       reeky                 plume-plucked            miscreant
       roguish               pottle-deep              moldwarp
       ruttish               pox-marked            mumble-news
       saucy                 reeling-ripe             nut-hook
       spleeny               rough-hewn               pigeon-egg
       spongy                rude-growing             pignut
       surly                 rump-fed                 puttock
       tottering             shard-borne              pumpion
       unmuzzled             sheep-biting             ratsbane
       vain                  spur-galled                   scut
       venomed               swag-bellied             skainsmate
       villainous            tardy-gaited             strumpet
       warped                tickle-brained           varlet
       wayward               toad-spotted             vassal
       weedy                 unchin-snouted           whey-face
       yeasty                weather-bitten           wagtail

               - Norma Loescher Boswell (53) -


Subj:     Twas the Night Before Y2K
              Ruth Rawlins Hill (56)

       Twas The Night Before Y2K

       'Twas the night before Y2K,
       And all through the nation
       We awaited The Bug,
       The Millennium sensation.

       The chips were replaced
       In computers with care,
       In hopes that ol' Bugsy
       Wouldn't stop there.

       While some folks could think
       They were snug in their beds
       Others had visions
       Of dread in their heads.

       And Ma with her PC,
       And I with my Mac
       Had just logged on the Net
       And kicked back with a snack.

       When over the server,
       There arose such a clatter
       I called Mister Gates
       To see what was the matter.

       But he was away,
       So I flew like a flash
       Off to my bank
       To withdraw all my cash.

       When what with my wandering eyes
       Should I see?
       My good old Mac
       Looked sick to me.

       The hack of all hackers
       Was looking so smug,
       I knew that it must be
       The Y2K Bug!

       His image downloaded
       In no time at all,
       He whistled and shouted,
       Let all systems fall!

       Go Intel!  Go Gateway!
       Now HP!  Big Blue!
       Everything Compaq,
       And Pentium too!

       All processors big,
       All processors small,
       Crash away!  Crash away!
       Crash away all!

       All the controls
       That planes need for their flights
       All microwaves, trains
       And all traffic lights.

       As I drew in my breath
       And was turning around,
       Out through the modem,
       He came with a bound.

       He was covered with fur,
       And slung on his back
       Was a sackful of virus,
       Set for attack.

       His eyes-how they twinkled!
       His dimples-how merry!
       As midnight approached, though
       Things soon became scary.

       He had a broad little face
       And a round little belly,
       And his sack filled with virus
       Quivered like jelly.

       He was chubby and plump,
       Perpetually grinning,
       And I laughed when I saw him
       Though my hard drive stopped spinning.

       A wink of his eye,
       And a twist of his head,
       Soon gave me to know
       A new feeling of dread.

       He spoke not a word,
       But went straight to his work,
       He changed all the clocks,
       Then turned with a jerk.

       With a twitch of his nose,
       And a quick little wink,
       All things electronic
       Soon went on the blink.

       He zoomed from my system,
       To the next folks on line,
       He caused such a disruption,
       Could this be a sign?

       Then I heard him exclaim,
       With a loud, hearty shout,
       Happy Y2K to you all,
       This is a helluva night!



At you can find:

These free apps to test your hardware for Y2K compliancy:

      Y2K Test
      BugFix Year 2000 Solution
      Cloktest 2000
      OnMark 2000 BIOS Test and Fix
      Ontrack Y2K Advisor
      Y2K RTC Diagnostic
      More Y2K Downloads



Russia works to avoid nuke misfire on Y2K
Banks may limit emergency credit ahead of Y2K
Government on guard for possible Y2K violence


Subj:   Club 40 Events - Sept 10 - 11
           Norma Loescher Boswell (53)

Here's the updated agenda for this weekend's Club
 40 events.

Friday registration begins at 5 p.m. The home football
 game for those who wish to attend is Col-Hi vs. Pasco.
 The Sock Hop/food (hamburgers, hot dogs, sodas,
 etc.) commences about 7:30  and continues all evening.
 Dress theme is (men) levis, white T-shirts & loafers
 (and women) pleated, plaid skirts or poodle skirts,
 pony tails & saddle shoes with bobby socks. The 49'ers
 set up the theme, and it may be fun for you to follow,
 but it's okay to come casual/contemporary. Suit

6 p.m. Social Hour (no-host bar)
7 p.m. Dinner
8 p.m. Program
9 p.m. Dance with Live Band (20 piece, I hear!)
Dress for Saturday ranges anywhere between casual
 and slightly dressy. Once again, suit yourself!
 Richlanders tend to do their own thing.

*** due to the passing of some time since the last
SANDBOX, issue #45, was published, some items
in this issue may be a bit past date.  Don't let that
happen to your milk!  (Apologies for that.)
Remember- the frequency of publication depends
largely on your own vested interest in sending stuff in!

 So--- Get it off your chest... Talk to us!

                  Send your stuff to:

 Wishing the very best for you  and those
                       you care about,

     For Today-
             For Tomorrow-
                   And for all of your morrows to Come!