THE SANDBOX Great American Conversations With The Alumni of RHS Issue 117 ~ December 10, 2000 "The margin is narrow, but the responsibility is clear." ~ John F. Kennedy ~ "A new poll showed that if the election was held today, people would be confused because it is normally held in November." ~ Kevin Nealon ~ A Reply re: Lawyers and Democrats Jim Vache '64 If They Want Gore So Bad Bob Mattson (64) Electrical Supplies: Bill Didway (66) Science: The Reality of Fact Bill Didway (66) Watership Downs Linda Reining Pitchford (64) Irregularities in the Y2K Presidential Election Dick Epler (52 --------------------------------------------- Subj: A Reply re Lawyers and Democrats From: Jim Vache '64 Ah, where shall I start regarding "An Insulting Comparison"? I have read the author's fulminations before and wondered what it would be like to be on the receiving end. Now I know. Not pleasant. I shall try to avoid ad hominem attacks, which seem to be the major thrust of the author's wit. I find such attacks distasteful and illogical. It is interesting, however, that the email address is a cite to Robert Frost's famous poem, an essentially optimistic, humanistic paean by the poet who composed another famous poem in honor of that famous liberal JFK. And the email suffix address is "cheerful". hmmm I will start with the reference to the Bard. I assume that he is referring to Jack Cady's line in Henry VI, part II, Act III, scene 2 line 86: "The first thing we'll do, lets kill all the lawyers." Apparently that sentiment is shared by the author, I will assume in a hyperbolic sense. Now, what is interesting is the context. Jack Cady is the leader of a mob bent on destroying the kingdom and creating anarchy. So, those who really agree with this sentiment in the sense that Shakespeare meant it might want to reflect on the irony. The Bard is saying that if you want to destroy the rule of law, start with the lawyers. (Which, of course is precisely what all revolutionaries do.) Prescient indeed: Shakespeare told us something that John Locke proved in his Second Treatise on Government, "Where law ends, tyranny begins." I would like to think that the author of "Insulting Comparison" had caught the meaning of my contribution from another part of the Bard's work: "A plague on both your houses," Romeo and Juliet Act II. Scene 5, line 96, but I suppose that would require the author to recognize that my point was that both sides are playing unwholesome games with the law. But since the democrats/liberals are the only bad people in our current situation, that would not do. The whole question of the role of lawyers in our culture is an important one. It doesn't seem to me that it helps much to propose killing them all. I suspect that the author will be ready next time to trot out the "The Japanese have many fewer lawyers" and "we are suffering from a litigation explosion" and "the trial lawyers have ruined this country" myths. I hope so. I like to debate those issues. My only condition would be that the author be prepared to support his opinions with facts. Like: "the law has become significantly less a means toward justice and much more a mental obstacle course." That, my Bomber friends is an empirical claim. Where is the data? For example, the author might want to examine the decline in the numbers of lawyers serving in state legislatures over the last generation. They (we) aren't writing the laws any more. The author might want to examine the growth in "popular" law making in the last 15 years, a process that completely bypasses the "legal" system or at least reduces the role of lawyers in law making significantly. and so on. Now, about the author's actual response to my comments? My point was that to suggest that the democrats/liberals are the ones who are abusing the legal process and who always do that, as opposed to the noble motives and actions of the Republicans, is just wrong historically. Our author responds to that by objecting to my linkage of the Democratic Party with its past. (Well, that is not exactly what he did. He objects to my supposed linking of Al Gore to the past, which, of course I did not do!) What pray tell, does that have to do with my suggestion? Exactly nothing. It is like saying that the Republicans are bound to perdition because Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew were Republicans. BTW, is it ok for me to mention Spiro in the same breath as Eisenhower, Taft, TR, Cal Coolidge, Lincoln, etc.? Or has he been drummed out of the GOP? Oh, darn it, I forgot about the first Sen McCarthy, too. So, as near as I can tell, that is the response of the author to my comments about the misreading of legal history that is so common among the Rs today. I wonder if the author would care to actually comment on what I wrote? If so, I would request that he establish that I am a " liberal Sandbox contributor". Does he have a way to tell that a person is a liberal? How does he know that I am not a Trotskyite, or a Progressive or Luddite, or a moderate or a Daoist, or a Maoist or a...well, you get the idea. The last response is this: To suggest that it is lawyers who are soley or primarily responsible for the careful parsing of language is again fallacious. I have no respect for the performance of President Clinton during that sorry episode in our history. But, if I remember right, and I am sure that I do, Col. North, a Marine, and President Reagan both anaged to abuse and misuse the language in a similar manner. And, should we forget that while RMN was a lawyer, many of minions who lied o the courts and to Congress were not? Come to think of it LBJ was not a lawyer either, and he had more than his share of problems with truth telling. Respect for the Constitution and the Rule of Law? The greatest Republican of them all suspended the writ of habeus corpus. I end with yet another literature quote. At the heart of the attack in he Sandbox is a claim that the lawyers/democrats/liberals have ruined this country. Robert Bolt speaks to this issue in his immortal play, A Man for All Seasons: (the story of the death of Thomas More): "More: ...The law, Roper, the law. I know what's legal, not what's right. And I'll stick to what's legal. Roper: Then you set man's law above God's! More: No, far below; but let me draw your attention to a fact -I'm not God. The currents and eddies of right and wrong, which you find such plain sailing, I can't navigate. I'm no voyager. But in the thickets of the law, oh, there I'm a forester. Roper: ...You'd give the Devil the benefit of law? More: Yes. What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil? Roper: I'd cut down every law in England to do that! More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you - where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? The country's planted thick with laws from coast to coast -man's laws, not God's - and if you cut them down -and you're just the man to do it - d'you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake. -- regards, Jim Vache '64 ~~~~ Subj: Electrical Supplies: From: Bill Didway (66) It amazes me that California has such a shortage of electricity now. Before deregulating the people were told that electrical prices would go down. Last thing I read prices have doubled in just the last few months. Energy use is up power production down. To make deregulation work there needs to be an abundance of producers and electricity. A couple of reasons there is a problem is that now is the time to bring down facilities for repair and maintenance. Just between the warm weather and the cold weather but it is colder sooner, power transmission lines have failed for unknown reason, power plants have had unexpected problems, companies shut down at a time when revenues would be less and they would not loose as much money. Usage has gone steadly up as more companies open up, more homes are built, and California wants to put people in electric cars. At least when the utilities were regulated they knew when each would be bringing their units down and work together to rotate the shutdowns to keep the power available. Now in Washington there is the push to deregulate, maybe we already have. In Bellingham a paper/pulp mill is shutting down as electric prices have doubled and they are losing money. It's closing down is causing a company in Burlington to worry that it may have to shutdown for a while also. The domino effect and it could start spreading. Gee I am glad the Clinton/Gore administration had a energy plan in place. Just think what would have happened to us if the hadn't. ~~~~ Subj: If They Want Gore So Bad From: Bob Mattson (64) ~ If they want Gore so bad, why didn't they impeach Clinton? How is this election going to play out next time, will we still be able to vote? ~~~~ Subj: Science: The Reality of Fact From: Bill Didway (66) ~ As I recall being told science is based on fact. If you live long enough you sometimes can see scientific fact changed by new discoveries, thus making the previous fact non-fact. In fact, fact becomes factless. In the '70's we were headed to another ice age. In the '90's we are headed to another greenhouse. Sure makes one comtemplate the facts. ~~~~ Subj: Watership Downs Linda Reining Pitchford (64) ~ Bakersfield, CA Yes, I have read the book and I also saw the "cartoon" that was made of the book. I think the movie came out in the late 80's, early 90's. I read the book in the 80's and I think I still have it. what did you think of the book? it got my "blood" boiling and made me cry in quite a few places. don't think the "cartoon" did the book justice; am not sure how well it did in the theaters, as I saw it on "cable". ~~~~~~~~ Subj: Irregularities in the Y2K Presidential Election From: Dick Epler (52) ~ Mt. Vernon, Oregon December 6, 2000 Most agree that this election is very different from any in modern times. It seems we're treated to a strange new phenomenon every few days. The first anomaly widely reported was the bad call the networks made in calling Florida for Gore even before the polls had closed. Even though I abhor the practice, it's hard for me to fault the networks, given that their prediction techniques had previously worked so well. After all, most of the major polls also got it wrong. Even before that happened, however, a few polls indicated a large and unexplained shift to Gore in the final weekend prior to the election. Couple this with the readiness of the Gore camp to begin challenging the Florida election the very day of the election, and we have to suspect something interesting going on behind the scenes. A month after the election, here's what many believe happened. You can decide if any of this sounds reasonable. Several months ago, the Democrats recognized that, in spite of unprecedented National peace and prosperity, they were in danger of losing the White House. Here's the problem: 1) the nation is still fairly conservative; 2) their candidate, Al Gore, wasn't particularly inspiring and was prone to making dumb mistakes; and 3) their internal polls told them that many in the Democrat base just couldn't bring themselves to vote for Gore. The only good thing was that the polls also indicated such voters wouldn't be voting for Bush either (their choice would be "none of the above"). Most of this was widely reported at the time. At that point they decided to convert the old "Clinton War Room" from defusing bimbo eruptions (basically character assassinations) to the development of strategies for "winning" the election. Computers were used to analyze voter demographics and to perform statistical and probability analyses on the data to indicate where the election would be close enough to influence. Based on the results, a number of pre/post-election strategies were developed to utilize the extensive Clinton spin machinery (basically aggressive lying) for use by the media. Of course, support of the media was assumed. The cornerstone of all spin was to proclaim early and often the need to adhere to "the will of the people" AKA "every vote should count." Two comments: First, NO politician anywhere in history ever really wants to see "the will of the people" decide anything, especially elections. It's the same with polls. No politician, or media person, would pay a nickel to find out what people really think. There are many reasons for taking a poll but that isn't one of them. Most of the time people hire a pollster to see how well people are buying their message and/or to find out what they still need to work on. Nevertheless, "the will of the people" is a nice phrase that many still believe is unique to America and of course, it resonates so well with the media. In truth, however, the framers of our Constitution knew all too well the nature of politicians and so wrote the Constitution to encourage "fairness" in all competitive endeavors. And so, "fairness" is the BEST we can hope for in any election. At least that's what we counsel the third-world nations. Second, deliberate election fraud has been made much easier in modern times since federal voting laws have be changed to make it so easy for people to register, while doing nothing to simplify the purging of the registration lists of those who have moved or expired. This is a big advantage in the big cities. For example, Philadelphia, in the current election, had a population a little less than 1.3 million, where one million were registered as voters. The actual Philly turnout was 70%, mostly because several black precincts had 100% turnout with 99% voting for Gore! Interesting. And then in California and much of the Southwest (think New Mexico), there were many illegal aliens from Mexico who voted overwhelmingly for Gore. Rather than Gore winning the popular vote by 300,000, many believe he actually LOST by over 200,000 to Bush, as the estimate of fictitious votes across the country is estimated to be in the range of 500,000 to 1,000,000. Deliberate fraud, however, was not part of the early strategy sessions. Initially, the Democrat's strategy was simply to make the election as close as possible with legitimate voters. Essentially, that involved a message that ignored the traditional Democratic base (the intelligencia) to focus on three demographic groups, the young, the old, and the great mass of the "don't know and don't care" crowd produced by our public education system (Bomberville excepted). Generally speaking, most of these people, especially in urban areas, are dependent on government support through welfare and social services, i.e., they're made-to-order Democrat victims. Their distinguishing characteristic, however, is their inability to discern the difference between lies and the truth, especially when the lies are fairly aggressive (think Clinton wagging his finger at the camera while saying "I did not have sex with that woman"). As such, they are very susceptible to emotion-based political spin. On the down side they really don't like voting that much. So another key strategy was to target them with strong emotional reasons to vote *against* Bush, and then to make it as easy as possible for them to "correctly" mark their ballots. Even so, as Election Day approached, it looked like Bush was still going to win. And so the word went down to all democratically controlled precincts to get a little creative. Actually, manufacturing additional votes in most black and Hispanic precincts isn't that hard as there are so few Republicans that even if mischief is detected it won't be reported. This explains a number of election day anomalies: it explains why most of the polls were wrong; it explains the large, previously unexplained weekend shift to Gore; it explains Gore getting the popular vote; it explains the large number of intelligent Democrats refusing to make ANY presidential choice; and finally, it explains why Republicans won the Electoral College, which, like the House of Representatives, is a "Constitutional check and balance" device that occasionally helps rural (Republican) voters. Much of this was anticipated by the Gore team and was therefore factored into a post-election strategy. Basically that involved the development of a series of "vote mining" techniques to be used as needed. The first technique was based on the statistical probability that manual recounts will be more productive in high democrat populations (precincts and counties) than in low democrat populations. In Florida, for example, the counties of Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, and Broward are highly democratic where Gore won by substantial margins. Normally that would make them ineligible for recount. That is, the recognized purpose of recounts is to contest close votes. So a different basis for the recount had to be manufactured. Anticipating this, on Election Day, the Democrats hired a Texas telemarketing firm to call Democratic voters to suggest they may have voted for Pat Buchanan because of a poorly designed ballot. Then an army of Democrat lawyers, political operatives and union members were sent to Florida to aid the demands for a recount. It worked. Here's how that particular vote mining technique worked: suppose the known error rate of the machines 4% and that the county is 70% Democratic. If the population of the county is 200,000, then a manual recount should result in a 3200 vote differential for Gore. Of course, if the county were evenly split, it would be a wash, as both candidates would get an equal number of votes thereby offsetting each other. Generally speaking, voter demographics suggest that manual recounts should produce additional Democrat votes in any county with large urban populations. Rural populations generally favor the Republicans. Three comments: First, all counting methods are susceptible to error, of which there are two kinds: random and systematic (biased). The key difference is that random errors tend to add to zero; errors of bias produce differences one way or the other. Manual vote counting produces errors of bias according to the prejudices of the counters, but in Florida, the more important effect was to distort the result of the larger population (state or county) by selectively choosing a smaller population (precinct). Machine counting, on the other hand, produces random errors with no net gain for either party (the errors cancel). Obviously, when mining for votes, manual vote counting of selective precincts is a requirement. Second, to ensure deadlines can be met if the machines break, most states have a provision for manual recounts. And finally, the purpose of vote certification deadlines is to minimize the potential for mischief. Given enough time most political operatives will be able to achieve a desired result, if only for a brief time. Unfortunately for the Democrats the initial manual vote count in Florida wasn't producing anywhere close to the number of votes expected. Worse, absentee ballots heavily favored Bush. Enter the strategy of mining for votes in the large stack of "undervote" and "overvote" ballots that were rejected by the machines and by most manual recount procedures as well. From the beginning, this was recognized to be a stretch. As Judge Burton, from Palm Beach, said: "It's impossible to discern voter intent from these ballots." In spite of that, Democrats decided to invent a case for divining the intent of these voters based on dimpled and/or pregnant chads. But again, they didn't want to discern the intent of ALL the voters. The scheme is dependent on counting only those in heavily Democratic precincts. And then of course, some way must be found to neutralize the large absentee military vote. It's important to point out that the overvote stack, where voters voted for two or more presidential candidates is small (essentially a collection of voter mistakes). On the other hand, the undervote stack, where the voter's choice was "none of the above," was huge. Obviously the ONLY place the required votes could come from was this large undervote stack. But they needed more time, which they got from the Florida Supreme Court who essentially usurped the authority of the legislature to change existing law by extending the vote certification deadline and by requiring that the Democrat's vote-mining efforts be included in the final count. That decision has been vacated by the Federal Supreme Court at this writing. Interestingly, only Broward County initially agreed to discern voter intent of the undervote stack by correlating the selection of local candidates with a "divined" choice for President (the God dimple)! And that produced the largest percentage net gain for Gore (470 votes). Yes, this method has promise. So the Gore legal team went to court in an attempt to force other counties to count the undervote using methods adopted by Broward County. But they lost in Judge Saul's circuit court. Enter the Democrat's third vote-mining strategy to throw out ALL (or at least Bush's large absentee vote) from Seminole and Martin counties on a minor technicality. This from the party that that says it wants to "count all the votes." What have we learned here? If Clinton paved the way by showing Democrats how to get away with aggressive lying, Gore has shown how an election can be made close enough to manipulate after the election on several levels. Interestingly enough, neither of these methods are open to Republicans. That's because both are heavily dependent on emotionally based class distinctions aimed at women, blacks, and Hispanics, all artificially created victims of a prosperous society. One of our fellow Bombers, Jim Vache (64), a Constitutional Law Professor at Willamette University College of Law, recently wrote the SandBOX to disparage the confusion between the political and legal arguments currently being fostered on the nation's courts. I couldn't agree more. I submit that this sad state of affairs has accelerated in the last few years and is primarily a product of Clinton's legacy. However, with all due respect to a fellow Bomber, Jim's conclusion that "… we have to resort to law (courts???) because our normative agreements that form our republic are fading," is wrong. I would respectively suggest that the "deeper problem" is that many of our courts have become so politicized that law no longer matters. The Florida Supreme Court decision was based ONLY on political arguments, as there was NO case law, and NO record (complaints and irregularities) for a law interpretation. This is certainly NOT what Justice Marshall (Marbury v. Madison) intended in establishing the doctrine of judicial review. The Federal Supreme Court agreed. And then, of course, we have David Boies lying before the court about dimpled ballots being counted in Illinois (NOT!). Clinton would be proud! -- Dick Epler (52) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That concludes this issue of THE SANDBOX folks. Please include your class year and maiden name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. You may also include your current locale if you wish. It's easy to join us in the ongoing conversations here. Just send your comments to:! We are the Alumni of Richland High School, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 2000. Visit the THE SANDBOX website. Al Parker (53) Shippenville, PA Your SANDBOX Host ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 117 -