The SANDBOX Great American Conversations With The Alumni of RHS Issue 118 ~ December 25, 2000 Dateline: December 25 Subj: Only 365 Shopping Days Left, unless... From: Sandra Genoway (Jeneaue-Spruksts) ('62) Edmonds, WA Hey! There's only 365 shopping days left until Christmas; that is, unless you happen to be an "Old Calendar" Eastern Orthodox Christian. They go by the Julian Calendar for all of their Holy Feast Days, so Christmas 2000 on the Julian Calendar (Dec. 25) is January 7, 2001 on the Gregorian (modern) Calendar, created by the Roman Pope Gregory in the 1500's. Since the Eastern Orthodox Church was a separate entity from the Roman Catholic Church by then, they decided not to follow this new calendar, but to stick to the calendar (Julian) that was in use at the time of Christ. Some more modernist EOC's have, however, changed to following the modern calendar. January 7 is the true Russian Christmas, which was not allowed to be openly celebrated in the Soviet Union during the communist regime, for some 70 years. It was, however, celebrated in secret by those devout Christians in underground churches. The Moscow Patriarchate State Russian Orthodox Church was allowed to have Christmas (for show) on January 7, and other than that, the Soviets or Red Party members only celebrated New Years on January 1 (Gregorian-modern calendar). Now, have I thoroughly confused you? Julian Calendar Christmas is still observed in parts of England and the U.S. Appalachia as "Old Christmas." If you have never had occasion to have a Russian Christmas and share this delightful Holiday with Russians (Russian-Americans, new Russian immigrants), you do not know what you are missing! First, you go to Church on Christmas Eve (January 6) Vigil in the evening, starting at about 6:00 p.m., which is the traditional Russian all- night vigil service, and nowadays lasts about two hours. The church is all decorated and aglow with cathedral chandelier dimmed and large and small candles glowing; there are natural, undecorated Christmas trees (yes, more than one), and evergreen boughs and flowers decorate the walls, door archways, and pertinent Holy Day Icons. The priests and bishop have on their "finest" white, red or gold brocade robes, trimmed in Europa embroidery and braid; their miters twinkling with "jewels." Of course, the parishioners are wearing their finest clothing. The women are in furs, if they have any; the men in their best suits and coats. Of course, there are the younger- styled and also the less "fancy" dressers there, too, and all are welcomed! If you are a lover of fine music, this is where you will hear some; Russian choirs have been renowned throughout history for their beautiful singing and style of music. Even Tchaikovsky wrote liturgical music; Rimsky-Korsakov used parts of the Pascha liturgy in his "Russian Easter," including bells. We are not talking "liturgical chants" here; this is full-scale notes, similar to Western sacred music, but with different sounds, rhythm and tones that cannot be described by me. On Christmas Day, you go back to church for the Christmas-Day Liturgy ("mass"), after which you get together with loved ones and friends in the church hall for the break-Nativity Fast dinner feast, after six weeks of eating only vegetables, fruits, bread and a little wine and oil (only on Sundays and Feast Days), as a period of preparation to greet the Newborn Holy Christ Child. It is also a very good health benefit, as the body and soul are purged during this time of prayer and fasting in spiritual contemplation of Christ's Nativity, and looking forward to His Return. At home, the Christmas tree is set up and decorated on Christmas Eve day (January 6). After going to church on Christmas Eve, the family comes home and eats "kutya," the traditional meal made of cooked cereal with raisins, honey and cinnamon. The table is spread with straw (representation, from the manger) and an Icon of the Nativity scene is placed in the center of the table. According to tradition, wild beasts harm no one on this night, in honor of the Christ Child's Birth. Russians love to party! A Russian Christmas lasts twelve (12) days, during which time people go from home to home in celebration of the season, with their own family on the first day, and starting with the second day, going to their friends' houses to parties and get-togethers. Each day of the twelve, gifts are exchanged with family and friends, starting with the humblest gift on the first day and ending with the most extravagant gift on the twelfth day. Children go from house to house carrying a huge star and singing Christmas carols (Russian carols, called kolyadki, are always spiritual in commemoration of Christ's Birth). At the parties, the vodka flows like water, as well as other "spirits", too, and Russians always serve foods like beluga or salmon caviar, roast goose, duckling, turkey, pheasant, ham, beef, venison, pike and sturgeon fish, and pirogi, which are large pies made with beef or chicken, potatoes, onions, celery, cabbage, rice, sauerkraut, mushrooms, carrots, peas (several or more of any of these ingredients) made in a three-sided baking pan, with one "door" side to get the pie out. Other foods included are Russian pastries (similar to French pastries), torte cakes, honey cakes, rum babas (cakes soaked in rum syrup), krendel cakes, khvorost, or "birch bark" (a deep-fried cookie strip that is twisted and after frying, is dipped in confectioner's sugar), Russian tea cookies, baklava, Russian cream (like ice cream, or like a "charlotte"), and of course, kisel, which is similar to our "smoothies", made with fruit and milk or cream. If you are on a diet, better stay away, because you will be sorely tempted to break it! \ During this time of celebration, no fasting is allowed, except for on the Eve of Theophany, the twelfth night. During the twelve days of celebrations, the clergy come around to the parishioners' homes to bless them with Holy Water, and to join in the festivities. It is the Russian Orthodox Christian tradition that you cannot turn anyone away from your home, especially during these Holy Days, since you may be entertaining Angels, Saints, or even Christ, Himself, unawares. The twelve days of Christmas culminate in the Feast of Theophany; or, Epiphany in the Western world. The eve of Theophany ("Twelfth Night") is a strict fast day when you eat nothing until the first star appears in the heavens that night (pray for a clear night). In Russia, and in Russian communities elsewhere in the world, on the Feast Day, itself, after the Liturgy, the clergy and parishioners proceed to rivers and lakes for the "blessing of the waters". In this procession, banners with icons are carried and censors leave clouds of incense smoke billowing to the heavens. Cannons roar and bells peal as a huge cross is lowered into the holes cut in the ice of the frozen rivers and lakes. After the water is blessed, this Holy Water is then bottled and kept throughout the year until the following Feast Day and is partaken of on an empty stomach, as needed, for spiritual and medicinal purposes. During this blessings of the waters ritual, for spiritual purposes, some people jump into the icy water; in a thousand years' time in Russia there has never been a case of someone getting ill or dying at that time, since the water is infused with the Power of the Holy Spirit and is, itself, Holy. These blessed rivers and lakes are called "Jordans" on that day. The processions are going to the "Jordan", and they commemorate the baptism of Christ Jesus when He went down to the Jordan River and was baptized by St. John, the Baptist, at which time the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) was Manifested, which is why the Feast is called Theophany; that is, the Manifestation of God. It is also a commemoration of the visit of the Magi and the slaughter of the 14,000 infants by Herod's soldiers. It is the culmination of the Christmas season, and in the very early church, was Christmas Day, before a separate Christmas Day was created. The day after Theophany (January 20), the Christmas tree is taken down. So, now, maybe that explains why, on some houses, you see Christmas lights and decorations for many more days after the traditional American Christmas/New Years' Day celebration is over. You may have seen a different kind of "Santa Claus" decoration, too. In addition to the traditional, spiritual Christmas, the Russians also have "Grandfather Frost" who is a white- bearded old man dressed in a long velvet-type robe and coat trimmed in fur and wearing a fur hat. He is accompanied by the "Snow Maiden" who is a beautiful teenage girl lavishly dressed in a decorated and trimmed brocade robe and with a kokoshnik (or huge tiara) on her head, with silver, gold, pearls and jewels embedded in its design. Together, they go about, bringing presents for good little boys and girls, and switches for naughty ones. This Russian Christmas myth is not to be confused with "Father Christmas" of Western European lore, nor with St. Nicholas, who really did exist and became the Patron Saint of many Eastern and Western Christians, and who also is remembered in Holland as "Sinter Klaas" who brings good children presents and naughty children lumps of coal in their shoes on December 6. St. Nicholas was later commercialized into "Santa Claus", after the popularity of the Christmas poem, "T'was The Night Before Christmas", became a holiday tradition. Now you have learned something more of what some other people in America (and in Old Russia, a place in the heart) observe as their Christmas Holiday, and what traditions are celebrated and remembered from year to year. Merry Christmas ("M I P", and Joyeaux Noel) from Sandra Genoway and George Spruksts in Edmonds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That concludes this issue of THE SANDBOX folks. Please include your class year and maiden name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. You may also include your current locale if you wish. It's easy to join us in the ongoing conversations here. Just send your comments to:! We are the Alumni of Richland High School, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 2000. Visit the THE SANDBOX website. Al Parker (53) Shippenville, PA Your SANDBOX Host ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~118~