THE SANDBOX ~ Issue 122 ~ February 3, 2001 "Energy is equal to desire and purpose." ~ Sheryl Adams ~ Subjects and Contributors: Conspicuous Consumption Bob (Mike Clowes) Carlson '54 Tri-Cities: A Safe Place To Live? Sonny Parker Class of 81 Richland: An Important Part of History; Keeping the Discussion on a "Higher" Plane Jim Anderson WB 72 Energy: Safer Nuclear Hybrids, Windmills, Gas and Coal Fired Super Heaters Vernon Holt (Booster '47) Energy & Environment: Part II Fuel Efficient Hybrid Cars Bob Rector '62 ------------------------------ Subj: Conspicuous consumption From: Bob (Mike Clowes) Carlson '54: (Robert Carlson) Bob Carlson made the following observations while driving home from Christmas last December It occurred to me on the way home Christmas night (from number three son's house, to keep the record straight), that during this time of year quite a few people are given to festive displays of the season. And not only individuals, but also some public entities. Not too long ago, the Eugene, Oregon, Fire Department was admonished by some zealous person about "seasonal secular displays." It would seem that the Eugene F.D., had committed the heinous crime of erecting a Christmas Tree in the downtown fire station. Apparently this was in violation of separation of church and state clause in the Constitution. Nothing, to my knowledge, was said about the display on the grounds of the county fairgrounds, which were not only "seasonal secular displays" but also electrically lit. In case you are really interested, the light strings were arranged to represent trees and a star. There are many people in the fair city of Eugene who have jumped on the "tear the Snake River dams down" campaign. It should also be noted, that some of these people have decorated the exteriors of their homes with "gaudy" light displays. These are some of the same people who have taken the Fire Department to task for erecting a Christmas Tree on city property. And therein lies the rub. What with the poor, pitiful Californians being forced to operate their laptops by candlelight, and not being able to recharge the batteries on their cell 'phones; why are the citizens of the state of Oregon using "precious" electricity for "seasonal secular displays?" And why are these selfsame citizens joining the march to eliminate sources of electrical energy for the sake of a fish or two? To be honest, I don't have an answer to that one. Our illustrious governor (and staunch anti-damist) has remained somewhat silent as of late, except for a call to have the increasing power rates investigated and/or regulated, particularly by Californians who have just recently deregulated power rates. In other news too sick to describe, the OCA have announced they will submit yet another "anti gay" resolution for the people to favour. I guess being told "no" four times just doesn't register on their minds. We can only hope the citizenry will see this one for what it is, and will resounding sent it down in flames. The OCA is getting to be as much fun as vote counts in Florida. Speaking of which, Norma Loescher Boswell forwarded to me a quasi legal interpretation of what transpired in Florida courtesy of "The Supremes." My only response was that even though Yogi Berra made the call to Algore and said "It's over." The Supremes have ruled that "fat ladies are not allowed to sing in Florida." Which means, Yogi not withstanding, it ain't over but yet it is. I just wonder if the actual ballot re-count will ever be announced once it has been completed. Makes one wish for the good old days of crooked politicians and shady deals contrived in smoke filled back rooms. At least they were honest about their thievery. That's my opinion, and I'm entitled to it. --Bob (Mike Clowes) Carlson '54 ~~~~ Subj: Tri-Cities; A Safe Place To Live? From: Sonny Parker Class of 81 I'm sorry to hear about all the possible Power plant- related cancer, diseases, etc. (RE: Jenny, class of 80.) I lived in Tri-Cities for 4 years, and got out as soon as possible (graduation). Call me paranoid, but I looked at a map, and noticed the Hanford area is upstream of town. Great planning! The list of my friends, relatives, and acquaintances that have had cancer, hysterectomies, etc., keeps getting longer. I don't think it's a coincidence for that many people are sick (or dead ). I'll always fondly remember my days at RHS, and I'd really like to spend time around my family, but I won't expose myself to that environment. Always sending my best wishes to the kids of TC, for they have no choice but live there. Exposure to contaminates will be something they have no choice in...until they get old enough to move away. My apologies to those faithful that love the Basin, (including my dad). Maybe I'm imagining all this, (after all...the government says it's safe, right)? They wouldn't lie to us would they? --Sonny Parker Class of 81 "The Turbine Surgeon" ~~~~ Subj: Richland, An Important Part of History and Keeping the Discussion on a "Higher" Plane. From: Jim Anderson WB 72 I've followed the "Bomber" saga recently with great interest, and have really enjoyed all the give and take. I would like to comment on the "anti-PC" sentiment being bandied about. The recent reference to the "Made in America, Tested in Japan" T-shirt raises a couple of issues, with the writer's "Hey, they started it, we just finished it!" stance. The people who started it were not the people who were obliterated by the bomb. Like in most wars, the leaders and the citizens are worlds apart, and regular Japanese folk going about their business, doing the washing, taking care of their babies, and cleaning their houses can hardly be painted with the same brush as military leaders. Embracing and understanding the construction of the bomb as an important part of Richland history is one thing, but making a joke out of misfortune of so many citizens is altogether another. I'd also like to note my objections to the use of "PC" as a way to dismiss objections and opposing viewpoints. My beliefs, like most people's, are based on a lifetime of experience, and do not come from some list that someone handed me with the "PC Beliefs" heading. Calling someone PC is just a way to marginalize and dismiss their beliefs. Here's to keeping the discussion on a higher "plane" (so to speak)! --Jim Anderson WB 72 ~~~ Subj: Energy: Safer Nuclear Hybrids, Windmills, Gas and Coal Fired Super Heaters From: Vernon Holt (Booster '47) Mendham, NJ Although not a Richland graduate, I was there from 1950 to 1953 as a 20 year-old idealist thinking future explosive (bad pun or good double-entendre?) electrical energy needs will be provided by nuclear energy, and became much enamored with the area, before two years as an unhappy Korean War draftee. Reading the Sandstorm for several months brought back so many good memories, and I have enjoyed immensely getting caught up on the remarkable graduates from the past 50 years and their many comments about Hanford, Bombers, the Columbia Basin News and the Tri-City Herald that stirred up a big controversy when I was therein suggesting the old simple 1910 Magruder Reader should be replaced with better kindergarten and first grade readers! Was that the forerunner of "revisionists" that some have commented on? On the one hand I believe historical truth is very important and "will set us free" to avoid some of the mistakes, but on the other hand it is often a good idea to change with the times and dress up images a bit, even if just to make Seattleites more comfortable. I am still optimistic about safer hybrid nuclear power plants with gas or even coal fired superheaters for the top 10% of the energy needed to get much higher overall power plant efficiencies with lower maintenance costs (assuming the spent fuel elements are not processed). But I am even more enthused about wind mills to generate electricity, though potential is less than 20% of what is needed. Many hundreds are being built in the "wind tunnel" of the Great Plains, my home state of South Dakota. From the Gulf Coast of Texas to northern Canada a 20 to 30 mph wind blows from the South all summer day and night and the other direction all winter long bringing "northerners" and much snow. The short spring and short fall are indeed nice, but the steady strong breeze the rest of the year wears you down. It wore me down in my first 20 years. --Vernon Holt, Mendham, NJ ~~~~~ Subj: Energy & Environment: Part II Fuel Efficient Hybrid Cars From: Bob Rector '62 ~ Fun stuff about the "New" Hybrid Cars. (both gas & elec. powered) *info. via business associate and Tri-Cities Wine Lover, Dr. Bill Jandeska, Chairman, General Motor's Power Train Group. First of all, several of us have expressed hope (even trust) in the electric car and the "zero emissions" mandate from (democratic) congress. Dr. Jandeska and Detroit have been waiting to see how the experiment has gone in California: The Experiment: California tried to legislate electric cars into existence with a mandate that 4% of vehicles sold in CA. would be "0" emission vehicle sales. With that mandate, l3 electric vehicle manufacturers set up sales in California last year. However, the l3 manufacturers sold only 1,277 electric vehicles in all of California and the program has been a dismal failure. It seems that people just do not want them. (they have no power or distance) As we speak, Detroit is waiting to see if the California legislature will back down and allow Hybrid Cars to be sold in lieu of "Zero emission automobiles." I promised to outline the four types of Hybrid cars which make up the New Wave or Green Wave in automobiles. However, I have been upstaged by Time Magazine so will not waste the time: (will summarize Time Magazine, and Bill Jandeska's personal experience with these cars) Choice #1, ON THE MARKET TODAY, but you have to wait some for delivery is the Toyota Prius. (about $19,000) details: Dec.11, 2000 issue of Time, page 95 *comment from Bill Jandeska: "It's a very nice car." "We really like it." Choice #2 in the Time article is the Honda Insight ($19,000) and ON THE Market TODAY. also page 94, of the Time article. *comment from Bill Jandeska: "It's a piece of unprintable verbiage." So, there you have it. If you wish to purchase a hybrid today we have a recommendation for the Toyota, but a strong concern about the Honda. "What you want to do," says Bill, is to go down and order next years full size hybrid truck from GM. It is the Silverado. It has crew cab with "french doors." (Both side doors open from the middle area) which gives a wide access to the cab. Bill says it "drives like a Cadillac" and several personal friends of his have already ordered one for their retirement vehicle. Hybrid vehicles improve mileage approx. 17% with their electric motor assist. *the battery charges when you are going downhill and when you hit the brakes. *an onboard computer decides when to pull power from the gasoline engine and when to use the electric power. **BEST thing is that your hybrid truck (or car) has a 110 power outlet! You can go camping and plug in your electric chain saw, or TV, or coffee pot. Contractors no longer need generators or regular power supply, cause they can drive most tools from the 110 on the truck! Just cool. The Silverado sounds like a serious option to me. --Bob Rector '62 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That concludes this issue of THE SANDBOX folks. Please include your class year and maiden name, (if applicable), in all correspondence and subscription requests. You may also include your current locale if you wish. It's easy to join us in the ongoing conversations here. Just send your comments to:! We are the Alumni of Richland High School, Richland Washington, AKA Columbia High School, representing classes from 1942 through 2000. Visit the THE SANDBOX website. Al Parker (53) Shippenville, PA Your SANDBOX Host ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~122~